New Otome game titles are on PSVITA. How do you feel about this?

I regret nothingggg

As a console, I'm using one my uncle bought and frankly he is the one using it now. I'm waiting for a few releases later this year.
It's a cool console, frankly a bit too gimicky and a few of the games the other people play on it seem to either not use the touch screens well or just seem obtuse with it (that first person shooter I forget the name of was so terrible) - it still feels like the best use of Vita is Visual Novels.
I have only tried the original release console though, never even held the slim version. If I actually get one just for myself I may go for slim, I dunno.

Was the console worth buying though?
I don't see anything in the V release of Diabolik Lovers outside that cute marriage omake extra story that actually added to the gameplay. The menus are cute but frankly I'd rather have a PC release of DiaLovers and all the other games. Nothing from Vita so far made my jaw drop. Then again it's like the first few games made for it, here's to hoping for little animations like in Bloody Call weapon tattoos.
Ah they have yet to implement that feature at the back of the vita into their games much is it? I assume thingsq would be so at the moment hence why I'm waiting until a few more titles have been released and perhaps the developere have by then, make use of the new vita features w

What I heard is that Vita has WAY better graphic quality over PSP and that the OLED has bette graphic quality than the slim version, hence the bulkiness,,,

After hearing that many otome games being ported to PS VITA i feel deeply heartbroken :gokiko_shobon: because you need to save up lots of money to buy console and the game. oh yeah about the region thing too. welp i think this is it take it or lave it :(
I suppose I'd consider Vita over 3DS on my next console-to-buy since there's no region lock imposed to the consoles so insatead of buying another console, I could just opt to buy another memory card :') but yeah you're right: take it or leave
What I heard is that Vita has WAY better graphic quality over PSP and that the OLED has bette graphic quality than the slim version, hence the bulkiness,,,
This statement is false. If you take a screenshot in Vita, it's the same quality as taking a screenshot in the PSP.
The only wining feature in VITA (in visual novel) is the size screen = Larger CGS
But meh~, it can't win against PC+Tablet combination. Remote the computer to the tablet and you have a personalized console player.
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This statement is false. If you take a screenshot in Vita, it's the same quality as taking a screenshot in the PSP.
The only wining feature in VITA (in visual novel) is the size screen = Larger CGS
But meh~, it can't win against PC+Tablet combination. Remote the computer to the tablet and you have a personalized console player.

Eh is that right? Normally I would have imagine bigger screen = an upgrade in graphic quality too but it seems not to be the case huh?

afdhdjslshdh I DIDN'T KNOW THIS PCTab COMBINATION IS POSSIBLE *^* Is it any sort of tablet or is it only reserved to non-apple tablets?
Eh is that right? Normally I would have imagine bigger screen = an upgrade in graphic quality too but it seems not to be the case huh?

afdhdjslshdh I DIDN'T KNOW THIS PCTab COMBINATION IS POSSIBLE *^* Is it any sort of tablet or is it only reserved to non-apple tablets?

Actually there is a different is in the image and sound resolution. The quality is higher than before:nekopara_surprised:
afdhdjslshdh I DIDN'T KNOW THIS PCTab COMBINATION IS POSSIBLE *^* Is it any sort of tablet or is it only reserved to non-apple tablets?
With android tablets, anything is possible.

Actually there is a different is in the image and sound resolution. The quality is higher than before:nekopara_surprised:
There's a difference between resolution, and quality.
To be fair here are comparisons. (right click open image in new tab for larger picture)

Original Screenshots. Not Resized or whatsoever:

Upon closer inspection (same zoom):


Super zoomed:


It's unfair to compare Zuisoroku because it's already in a small resolution. Nonetheless, the compression only affected the colors. In SSL however, there's too much artifact.
Both have disadvantages and advantages.

PSVITA has space advantage and memory that's why it is capable of larger resolution games and game makers don't need to super compress audio and image due to the space.
But let's not forget that only minor things were improved in PSVITA.
I already mentioned I have no problems with buying games but the fact that we're tolerating SONY to do an awful job only makes me loose interest in consoles.

PC wins
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With android tablets, anything is possible.

There's a difference between resolution, and quality.
To be fair here are comparisons. (right click open image in new tab for larger picture)

Original Screenshots. Not Resized or whatsoever:

Upon closer inspection (same zoom):


Super zoomed:


It's unfair to compare Zuisoroku because it's already in a small resolution. Nonetheless, the compression only affected the colors. In SSL however, there's too much artifact.
Both have disadvantages and advantages.

PSVITA has space advantage and memory that's why it is capable of larger resolution games and game makers don't need to super compress audio and image due to the space.
But let's not forget that only minor things were improved in PSVITA.
I already mentioned I have no problems with buying games but the fact that we're tolerating SONY to do an awful job only makes me loose interest in consoles.

PC wins

urgh! a-android huh? ; 3 ; whattodowithalltheremainingcredits
Ah thank you so very much in taking your precious time to make this uwu so it's one or the other eh?

PC indeed wins; but wouldn't it depend on the graphic card too perhaps?
urgh! a-android huh? ; 3 ; whattodowithalltheremainingcredits
Ah thank you so very much in taking your precious time to make this uwu so it's one or the other eh?

PC indeed wins; but wouldn't it depend on the graphic card too perhaps?
Nah, PC graphic card is only effective with 3D rendering.
With Visual novel, it doesn't make much of a difference because it's flat and doesn't require complicated calculations to render.

For Graphic card brands: AMD wins in terms of colors, NVIDIA wins in terms of performance/rendering.
For monitors: Go with IPS monitors for colors that won't strain the eyes.
Gaming monitors with 60 refresh rate or more can affect a bit.
Flowing Sakura petals in monitors with fast refresh rate and a decent ram and graphic card.
Nah, PC graphic card is only effective with 3D rendering.
With Visual novel, it doesn't make much of a difference because it's flat and doesn't require complicated calculations to render.

For Graphic card brands: AMD wins in terms of colors, NVIDIA wins in terms of performance/rendering.
For monitors: Go with IPS monitors for colors that won't strain the eyes.
Gaming monitors with 60 refresh rate or more can affect a bit.
Flowing Sakura petals in monitors with fast refresh rate and a decent ram and graphic card.

*looks at sakimichi in a new light* I didn't know you were knowledgable about this too *^*
May I know what's your preferred combination of hardware specs? unless this counts towards going off-topic?
*sigh* all of which I can't do anything since it's not as if I could change any of my macbook hardware T^T
*looks at sakimichi in a new light* I didn't know you were knowledgable about this too *^*
May I know what's your preferred combination of hardware specs? unless this counts towards going off-topic?
*sigh* all of which I can't do anything since it's not as if I could change any of my macbook hardware T^T

Hahaha this will be the last then...
I'm a computer major after all but my school doesn't offer anything about macs.
We're so sponsored by Windows so you could say I have less knowledge about upgrading macs.
But macbooks are known to have smooth performance and better monitor colors because graphic wise they are superior as well as handling of program processes. It means you really don't need to upgrade anything at all (unless you use intensive graphic editing programs)...that makes me jelly~
It all boils down to profit. At this point, I believe its a bad move, seeing that the PSVita crowd is not that big as PSP's. And at the moment, there's nothing attractive in the PSVita (in terms of games). Most that matter are multi-port, and the PSVita exclusives (Maybe they're great, but I'm just sayin') don't have that big of an impact for me to buy another console.
Once they (Otoge Corporations) notice the error of their ways, port these games back.

But that's only if PSV sales are still pathetic and games (overall) bland.
The new otome game titles on PS Vita are mainly by OTOMATE and I personally quite like their games (mainly because of the cast and/art).
However, even I have a PSV myself now, the price of the games does not allow me to buy them just because I want to try it for the cast and art (which is what I do for the PSP and PC games)
This actually puts my off buying the games rather than encouraging me to invest more into the games

I hope that system can be jailbraked soon so I can try out more games before I buy them for good
Hahaha this will be the last then...
I'm a computer major after all but my school doesn't offer anything about macs.
We're so sponsored by Windows so you could say I have less knowledge about upgrading macs.
But macbooks are known to have smooth performance and better monitor colors because graphic wise they are superior as well as handling of program processes. It means you really don't need to upgrade anything at all (unless you use intensive graphic editing programs)...that makes me jelly~

I am jelly with your hardware knowledge uwu
Hmm, shall I continue any further questions in your profile?
Quite sad about this situation, though I can understand the technology's developments and financial market's needs, I can only wish for an emulator, or... give up the games.
With android tablets, anything is possible.
There's a difference between resolution, and quality.
To be fair here are comparisons. (right click open image in new tab for larger picture)
Original Screenshots. Not Resized or whatsoever:

Upon closer inspection (same zoom):


Super zoomed:

It's unfair to compare Zuisoroku because it's already in a small resolution. Nonetheless, the compression only affected the colors. In SSL however, there's too much artifact.
Both have disadvantages and advantages.

PSVITA has space advantage and memory that's why it is capable of larger resolution games and game makers don't need to super compress audio and image due to the space.
But let's not forget that only minor things were improved in PSVITA.
I already mentioned I have no problems with buying games but the fact that we're tolerating SONY to do an awful job only makes me loose interest in consoles.
PC wins
Thanks for taking the time to write that detailed post! I've learned quite a bit and I'll have to take back my opinion that the audio-visual qualities are more different. I have basically no knowledge in these technical aspects, but I could have sworn PSV games have better audio (not HEAPS better, to clarify). Perhaps that has more to do with my headphones than the PSV itself, though. Still, after all these years, you'd expect Sony to be able to come up with something much more notably improved upon.
Well it certainly a true that there's hardly a noticeable change but because of them, we can play a lot. Maybe because of the technicle since we are ......... blind in these area (nothing can beat PC but for a portable game this is pretty good):nekopara_pleased:
Do you know any PS Vita Emulator? If you have, could you share it with me? Thanks so much. BTW... Surely PC screen is best hah.
It's true that PSV have more benefit that PSP... That's why I take the risk to bought it. But, I still cannot leave my beloved PSP ;)

I think some people already running to hacking PSV system... But I haven't seem major update about it >,<
Do you know any PS Vita Emulator? If you have, could you share it with me? Thanks so much. BTW... Surely PC screen is best hah.
There isn't. It took 8 years for a stable PSP emulator for PC to come out.
It's not coming out anytime soon.
VITA would obviously die out if someone would allow piracy right away.
Hackers would let the market grow first before posting an exploit/ stable custom firmware, that's how it works. I heard that some of these hackers demand money to stop posting exploits.

Anyway let's stay on topic.

The new system is nice and all but we're all too used to PSP games... plus psvita is expensive here and everywhere as I see T^T
i dont think anyone is happy whenever games move on towards a new console since it means $$$$. but that's how the world of gaming works. the console/portable will always evolve PSX -> PS2 -> PS3 -> PS4

It's strange seeing how most console otoge started on PS2 but jumped to the PsP and stayed in the portable realm since. I guess companies thought it's easier to sell pink portables to ladies/players?

Like someone said, the only constant gaming system is the PC.
when Amnesia announce to be playable in vita, I cried because i only have PSP and of course PC..
for now I only hopping that I could have emulator of vita while I haven't found any. I bet there will be no emulator too.

Should I buy Vita? :S
It's strange seeing how most console otoge started on PS2 but jumped to the PsP and stayed in the portable realm since. I guess companies thought it's easier to sell pink portables to ladies/players?

While I'm no expert in the finer points of VN production, one of the reasons why otome game companies prefer handheld releases is because of the CG production costs. Aside from the seiyuu, artwork is the next (or sometimes, more) largest expense. This may not have been too much of an issue during the 800x600 resolution days, but since resolution technology (as well as screen size) has vastly improved, customers expect larger resolutions.

That's why the latest VNs for PC have widescreen dimensions (more commonly, 1024x576 and 1280x720). Even if a company sticks to 4:3, you don't see 800x600 a lot these days, unless you're playing a game from a company with less money to spare, such as doujin, freeware or debut titles.

Naturally, when the resolution is larger, CG production costs will go up. Incidentally, CGs are also a common reason why games get delayed. They're expensive and time-consuming, but for various reasons, it's my opinion that most commercial visual novels can't go without them.
While I'm no expert in the finer points of VN production, one of the reasons why otome game companies prefer handheld releases is because of the CG production costs. Aside from the seiyuu, artwork is the next (or sometimes, more) largest expense. This may not have been too much of an issue during the 800x600 resolution days, but since resolution technology (as well as screen size) has vastly improved, customers expect larger resolutions.

That's why the latest VNs for PC have widescreen dimensions (more commonly, 1024x576 and 1280x720). Even if a company sticks to 4:3, you don't see 800x600 a lot these days, unless you're playing a game from a company with less money to spare, such as doujin, freeware or debut titles.

Naturally, when the resolution is larger, CG production costs will go up. Incidentally, CGs are also a common reason why games get delayed. They're expensive and time-consuming, but for various reasons, it's my opinion that most commercial visual novels can't go without them.

There's also another reason why they want it portable.
It's harder to rip CG's and BGMS,and the artbook and soundtrack sales are gonna boom.
Let's face it, it's easy to dismiss the artbook, especially artbooks that only features CG from the game. (I'm looking at you Hakuouki). But because the resolution is small, (it's not even enough to prettify our desktop with our husbando's face) fans would be tempted to grab an artbook copy just to scan the page and go graphic frenzy.

Plus the BGM's in portable games are compressed, noise levels are an all-time high if you're listening with a studio quality headphone or fancy speaker setups.

The formats for PSP varies from developer. This is why ripping takes time, you have to figure out (reverse engineer) and ask experienced hackers for help.

PC games are easier to rip and this is why AA publishers are avoiding it all costs.
Now that they assumed PSP is dying, they are testing the PC gamers once again for their response towards PC games. If sales are good, more games will be produced for PC.

Now for reasons why some companies are avoiding VITA (for now)
Production costs for porting to console. The VITA sales are still questionable, but game companies are itching to release for their games. Some of them are still unsure if they could get profit from the console if they add up the costs for paying VITA developers to port their games and so they are releasing it on PC for now. Remember that the current VITA titles are bundled with mini-games which is a selling point, and developing these games are an added costs. Bloggers will compare their gameplay experience from games with mini games and added functionality to their rival game makers and this could put the company name in a bad spotlight if they get bad reviews.
Let's thank Otomate for scaring their rivals, now we have PC games... kekeke~
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