Pokemon X and Y

Which Gen VI starter are you going to pick?

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How far are you in the game? I just beat the 2nd gym.

what does super training do?

I just beat the 4th gym. Now i'm grinding all my pokemon to lvl 50. And super training increase the EV stats for your pokemon. EV is kinda like growth rate for your pokemon stats. It won't directly add to the current stat of your pokemon, rather, it's just increase the amount of bonus for stat that your pokemon get for each lvl up. Anyway, what pokemon are u guys using for your main party? Mine are Delphox, Blastoise, Lucario, Gardevoir, Pidgeot, and Tyrantrum. Still undecided whether i should train the special torchic.
Adding on to Yukinero's post about Super Training, if you really care about the EV stat boost, you must do the training for each of the Pokemon you want to train.

But the training bags you receive can be used on any Pokemon you desire~
I just beat the 4th gym. Now i'm grinding all my pokemon to lvl 50. And super training increase the EV stats for your pokemon. EV is kinda like growth rate for your pokemon stats. It won't directly add to the current stat of your pokemon, rather, it's just increase the amount of bonus for stat that your pokemon get for each lvl up. Anyway, what pokemon are u guys using for your main party? Mine are Delphox, Blastoise, Lucario, Gardevoir, Pidgeot, and Tyrantrum. Still undecided whether i should train the special torchic.

currently I am using Frogadier, Pidgeotto, Pansage, Pikachu, Combusken, Squirtle
4th Badge and already going for 50 :o
I have my 6th badge, not one lv 50 yet xD

Currently running: Greninja, 49 / Snorlax, 49 / Lucario, 48 / Talonflame, 48
I'll grind them to higher levels later on.
I'll play it later though since I prefer to play other games with my friend. I just grabbed my Pokemon and beated up that cute neighbour's Froggy. Chespin, you better don't disappoint me! Also, holy shit Vine Whip got 25 PP.
/me sees [MENTION=41987]Sintarow[/MENTION]; peeking from the corner~~~
Only things I'm bothered by is that Soft-Resetting for it is going to take..a while >_>

Also, how can your pokes be that high leveld if I'm sort of close to you? >_>
My strongest pokemon now is a lv 51 Snorlax =/
Only things I'm bothered by is that Soft-Resetting for it is going to take..a while >_>
Also, how can your pokes be that high leveld if I'm sort of close to you? >_>
My strongest pokemon now is a lv 51 Snorlax =/

I fought with every trainer? (Not true)
You're lucky you have a 1st shift job, I work 3rd shift, the hours suck.

i love those hours!! the time when i have to sleep sucks, but night shift is so peaceful

Only things I'm bothered by is that Soft-Resetting for it is going to take..a while >_>

Also, how can your pokes be that high leveld if I'm sort of close to you? >_>
My strongest pokemon now is a lv 51 Snorlax =/

i'm not even at the 4th badge and i'm approaching level 40's :evillaugh:
I skip no one.. >_>;

I'll go train them when I have a decent Yveltal ;3

Haha trying to get a decent one too huh? xD

I fought with almost all trainers~
I also went to caves and other places with lots of Trainers and not included in the "Main story"~
I had 5 pokemons in my team since the 3rd gym~
My strongest pokemon (blaziken not included) was lucario lvl 60 when I catched Yveltal~
The others were about 55-59~
Baka's get more exp :XD:
Mmh. Your Pokemon should be around level 60 by the time you're at Yveltal. It could be higher or lower give or take. If you did Pokemon-ami for each of your Pokemon, they'll be around 60-70 by the time you're at Yveltal with Blaziken higher since he levels like crazy. Yveltal can work as a physical or special sweeper, but I find that he gravitates towards special when gave the stats for it a while back. And I dislike using Physical moves because of Pokemon that give status problems on contact and defences.

Love the music VS the XYZ legendaries. Definitely one of my favourite themes in the game. :goodtea:
Yea I am xD So far I know the (almost) max sp attack for a Neutral nature, 151. So for a Modest one it should be around 165 =/

I skip no one either but guess I'm doing something wrong xD
I'll go look for trainers when I get a good Yveltal :o

Oh..I see.. Pokemon Amie.. [MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] ;
Care to explain what it does? >_> I haven't touched it once..
My team when facing Yveltal: lv 49, 51, 49 and 50 =/
Mahahhaha my Yveltal had 166 sp.attack :lmao:
But it took 2 hours from my life......
Lucky you :3 I know it's gonna take a while..
As long I get a +sp attack nature (not quiet!) It's fine for me :o
Oblivion Wing is such an awesome move o.o
Lucky you :3 I know it's gonna take a while..
As long I get a +sp attack nature (not quiet!) It's fine for me :o
Oblivion Wing is such an awesome move o.o

Haha I got "quiet" 3 times before getting another personality with sp.attack~ was quite unlucky~~

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