Pokemon X and Y

Which Gen VI starter are you going to pick?

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Maxing friendship with a pokemon on Pokemon Amie will give you:
20% exp after each fight
10% extra evade in battle (godly as f*** since you can dodge moves with 100 accuracy)
Increased crit chance. It'll say something along the lines of 'Pokemon in synch with trainer' when you do a move.
The chance to be rid of a status problem after battle
The ability similar to a focus band where your pokemon hangs on with 1HP. (saved my friend countless of times)
A chance to prevent stats from being lowered
And increase the damage of certain attacks.

The most broken mechanic in the game. :goodtea:
13th reset, here I go >_>

WtF @ the Amie thing >_>;
Why..did I even miss that ;-;
AhGwee.....u cheater >.<
Feel the anger of my Magikarp!
It's lvl 64.....got bored.....
U should~ never anger a magikarp! They're gonna annoy u with splash until u get that much annoyed that u will never ever touch a fish again...(it really is annoying...)
To raise your Pokemon's affection as fast as possible, you need to:
-Feed your pokemon treats (which can be obtained from mini games) (5 the first time, then 3 each time afterwards)
-Pet/Rub/Molest/(whatever you want to call it) your Pokemon (5 the first time, then 3 each time afterwards)
-unlock unlimited mode of the 'Heads-Up' mini game then play it. Getting over 100 score is enough to get you through.

After you clear a round, feed your Pokemon and pet him/her afterwards. Affection is raised when your Pokemon gets hearts above his/her head. This is gained from feeding and petting him/her. Once you reach the limit for petting your Pokemon, he/she will get a music note above their head instead. This is an indication that you can not give the Pokemon any more affection until you play a mini game.

When feeding the Pokemon, you need to hold the food over his mouth or in front of his/her hand. Depends on how tall the Pokemon is. When the Pokemon is almost full, it will eat slower than it did with the previous treats. When it is, he/she'll look away. Drag the treat back to the icon to the top left unless you want to drop the food instead. Like petting, you can not feed it again until you play the mini game again.

Hope this helps. ^^

The best stats you can get for Yveltal are 201HP, 151Atk/Sp.A(give or take depending on nature), 119Spd(Give or take depending on nature) and 114(?)Def/SpD (once again, give or take depending on nature). The ideal ones you want to look out for are HP/Sp.A/Spd. Anything with a few points below make it still worth keeping. Just +/-10% for nature and if the stats are way lower than it should be then you'l know that the IVs are very low.
Pokemon Amie doesn't work in online battles otherwise it'd be even more broken. I hate to have the RNG Goddess screw me over as much as it does normally in online battles. ._.

I didn't use it on my Pokemon until the day after we fought. :goodtea:

No problem. I also wrote a bit more on Yveltal after just above.
Omfg! 166 sp Attack, Mischievous which would make it at least 29 sp Attack but probably even 31 IV in it..
But what nature? f*CKING QUIET >_<
Pokemon Amie doesn't work in online battles otherwise it'd be even more broken. I hate to have the RNG Goddess screw me over as much as it does normally in online battles. ._.

I didn't use it on my Pokemon until the day after we fought. :goodtea:

No problem. I also wrote a bit more on Yveltal after just above.

U lose in online battles? Are they that difficult?
Briefly stopping by...

Adding on to what AhGwee mentioned, if you raise the Pokemon's affection to MAX (five hearts) you will get more critical hits during your battles. (I don't know if you can get criticals outside of the game if you're playing with real players)

Also, this is the method to get Sylveon. Raise the affection to its maximum and teach it a Fairy move. Fullness and enjoyment don't need to be maxed.
Thanks Renano. I might have missed that out. >.<'
Also, to add on what Renano said, you'll need to level up Eevee with those conditions to get Slypheon. Rare candies don't work! >:3

Catch you later, Renano! ^w^)/

The level of difficulty varies with each opponent. Sometimes easy. Sometimes hard. I've only lost about once or twice in the DPPt days. :goodtea:
I have most pokes in my dex on Heartgold. I actually completed the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn dex and I need some for the B/W era xD

Candies don't work.. =/ (Not that I use/need those though!)
I have most pokes in my dex on Heartgold. I actually completed the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn dex and I need some for the B/W era xD

Candies don't work.. =/ (Not that I use/need those though!)

I can give u some from every era :3
What do u need from B/W?
I appreciate the offer Inori but there's no need to :3
I can trade stuff between my White and Black so complete that dex.

But still, thanks ^^
[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION] ;
Navigate to the PSS on your touch screen. Connect to the PSS by clicking on the Wifi/internet icon on your touch screen. Once connected, you can click on a player icon. If they are faded out, they aren't online. If they are not faded out, you can click them and choose to trade them. Most people don't trade this way though.

A better way would be to click the icon next to the Wifi icon on the touch screen then navigate to the 'GTS' icon to trade over the internet. This is the best way to look for the Pokemon you want.

Pick the first option to browse for Pokemon you wish to look for.

Pick the second option to have your Pokemon stored and search for, or type for the Pokemon yourself you want to look for. If the Pokemon that you put up for grabs is wanted by another person, it will trade automatically and you will have your Pokemon when you come back to check.

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Deladela2000 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Is it possible to re-upload this game?
Sble wrote on UFO's profile.
Hi, Can you reupload the link of this? Please.