Pokemon X and Y

Which Gen VI starter are you going to pick?

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lolwhat, Oddish xD

Well, she's only lvl 20 though so it's 1 lvl left to Gloom :< I get a feeling that replacing Absorb with Mega Drain in lvl 21 and also evolving her will give me a huuuuuge survival increase :3 She's extremely sensitive to hits right now...
I'll see if I can catch one for ya, gimme a little :3
I think I have a winning Yveltal right now, just need to see the nature ;o
Poor Gulpin... he couldn't Poison Gas my Snorlax with Immunity :/

Also Gloom inc! :3
[MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION] ; Hmm.how do I say this.. Imagine the ugliest poke out there (like..Garbodor or something)..Mega Cross is uglier >_>
[MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION]; I just looked into it... Tyrunt is also weak to 6 types like Amaura just so you know :/
[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION] ; Oh.. hmm... =/ Well..then I don't know D:

@bro oh well! opinions differ for a reason :3 Also, I can't help you with Houndour, it's Pokemon X exclusive. You'll ahve to ask Elos :o

Also..JACKPOT [MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=46616]InorixShu[/MENTION] ;
Modest Yveltal, Mischievous characteristic. It has 166 sp Attack and that can only mean 31 IV in it.
Speed is least 27 from the looks of it! Guess the waiting paid off! ^^
[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION] ; Oh.. hmm... =/ Well..then I don't know D:

Also..JACKPOT! Modest Yveltal, Mischievous characteristic. It has 166 sp Attack and that can only mean 31 IV in it.
Speed is least 27 from the looks of it! Guess the waiting paid off! ^^

Yeah, Amaura is weak against Grass, Fighting, Steel, Water, Ground and Rock while Tyrant is weak against Fighting, Steel, Ground, Ice, Dragon and Fairy :/

Congratulations to your Yveltal, HG! It must feel awesome :3
So? How much time did it steal from u? :lmao:

Close to 4 hours >_>;

Hmm from the looks of it Tyrunt is weak against less common types imo. And it does feel awesome :3

Ugh..I just battled this guy in an Inverse battle. And now everything has warped in my game and now I have wait until midnight before that douche can change it back >_<
Oh god. I finally encounter a Mawile that I once used in gen 3 and I'm so hyped that I do Acid on it. Only problem is that Steel is immune to it -.-

Hmm from the looks of it Tyrunt is weak against less common types imo. And it does feel awesome :3

I guess that's the case :/ I was lucky that I had my Azumarill when I met the lvl 19 Axew a trainer had who spammed Dragon Rage :3
Pretty ridiculous that Fairy type is entirely immune to Dragon moves though...
Thats one of the things I like from the steel type~
U wont get poisoned :fulfilled:
gah a female eevee is so impossible to breed!! i already have a female, but still, it's a pain in the ass
[MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION] ; Yup, Eevee has a Male/Female probability of 87.5/12.5 respectively =/

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