Pokemon X and Y

Which Gen VI starter are you going to pick?

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No I'm not Quay, that's AhGwee :3

I'll be online in a minute.

Yea, I'll be going for Timid nature as well but the IV's from your charmander is gonna save me some time.
Oh, you are here. Thank you for trading yesterday:)
[MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION] ;
NP, I don't even remember giving you anything useful. I think next time will be better to arrange something beforehand otherwise I really don't know what I should give you.
It dosen't matter what pokemon you gave me. I'm glad that just you traded with me. Thank you. Even if you gave me a Koratta, I'm glad that.
And I have Fennekins who has an ability magician. If you want them, I can give them to you. (though I can use wi-fi at only Mcdonald's, thus I don't know when I can give them to you.)
[MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION] ;
Don't worry, I actually have gotten that fennekin from you and I am using it to steal heart scale from luvdisk XD.

Maybe next time we can also prepare pokemon that evolve by trading do we can trade and trade back. That way we don't need to worry about what to give to each other XD Really want to try out the mega gengar and Alakazam!
I've forgotten what I gave you, haha. I'm glad he can help you.
Okay, next time, let's do that! I have not Alakazam, and I'm interested in his megaevolution!
I've forgotten what I gave you, haha. I'm glad he can help you.
Okay, next time, let's do that! I have not Alakazam, and I'm interested in his megaevolution!
Ok! Though it will not be very soon because it may take some time to breed one with good status
I see. You want strong them:)
I just want a Alakazam in that trading because I have 6v Ditto in my white2. I will try to get good status after I send my Ditto to pokemon X.
As for Fennekin, I got 4v one by accident. Thus I try to get good status one.

“MSN Japan reports that Takeshi Shudō, former head writer of the Pokémon anime, collapsed at Nara railway station’s smoking area around 6:00am on Thursday, October 28th. Upon being discovered by a passerby, he was rushed to the hospital and is undergoing surgery. It was soon determined at the hospital’s emergency care center that Shudō had suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage in his head. ” -bulbanews
Not that I can think of. Anything is fine really ^^

[MENTION=27126]aquaspirit39[/MENTION] ; Sorry man, got really busy all of a sudden.. I'll trade you tomrrow if youre on then.
Hello, pokemontrainers.
Is anyone who want Fennekin here? My Box is filled with them... 2~3v Fennekins who has ability "magician" are free. If you want them, and tell me that, I'll give you them. I don't expect anything in return.
And I can trade 5v Fennekin(A× HBCDSv) too, if you trade roughly same valuable pokemon.
I want to give Fennekins to someone who I know. For example, the people who are in this thread.
lol this starting to feel like a breeding thread but yeah, let spread the superior genes!

[MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION] ;
Ok, I prob be on around the same time again today and also some other time...just initiate trade when you see me around
Do you want a good status Fennekin? If so, I want to give you 4v Fennekins.

If you want strong pokemons, I can give you strong one.
The circumstance many people can use pokemon that they want is desirable for me. To be honest, I think spending time to get good status is eaqual to wasting time for me. My interested points of pokemon are battles, and trade.

I tried to get 5v Fennekin♂ and 5v Fennekin♀, and to make many 5v Fennekins. But before I do that, I got some 5v Fennekin♂, I have no Fennekin♀. Moreover, I got a 6v Fennekin♂.
The ratio between ♂ and ♀ is extreme, and I want an ability "magician". They made my plan very difficult.
But if the ratio is half, and you want ordinary ability, making 5v pokemons is not so difficult, I guess.
When you get 5v same pokemon, I'm glad if trade them.
aqua39 breeding corp. is proud to announce our newest pokemon XD
Pokemon Name: Aerodactyl
Egg Group: Flying
Nature: Adamant(+Atk, -Sp.Atk)
Aero1(M) Max IV in HP,Attk,Def, Sp.Def
Aero2(M) Max IV in HP,Attk,Sp.Def, Speed
Aero3(M) Max IV in HP,Def, Sp.Def, Speed (3 available)
Aero4(F) Max IV in HP,Attk,Sp.Def, Speed
Aero5(F) Max IV in Attk,Def,Sp.Def,Speed

If there is any that you want just tell me and we can arrage a trade online!
[MENTION=27126]aquaspirit39[/MENTION] ; Nice batch you got there :3 Though, I'd personally prefer Jolly nature. But I can use it for breeding nevertheless :3
Oh and can you trade now? I'll be on in a minute if you can~
[MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION] ;
Considering how Aerodactyl is already one of the fastest pokemon out there, I dont think anymore speed is necessary...at least that what I am thinking.

Ok I am on right now~
Jolly Aero makes a great lead as it outspeeds A LOT :o
Max Netural nets you 359 speed. Almost all base 115 pokes will outspeed you. And Aero isn't a pokemon that can afford to take many hits. (in my opinion!)

I'll be right there. Invite for the trade when you see me online ^^ ign: Shaniel
Jolly Aero makes a great lead as it outspeeds A LOT :o
Max Netural nets you 359 speed. Almost all base 115 pokes will outspeed you. And Aero isn't a pokemon that can afford to take many hits. (in my opinion!)
Wait...how did you do that calculation...? Aero got base 150 speed, how can it be outsped by base 115 speed pokemon even with +10%?...oh ok, Sorry I am talking about Aero-M here XD

I'll be right there. Invite for the trade when you see me online ^^ ign: Shaniel
I dont think I have a friend by that IGN.
EDIT: yep confirm I dont have you as friend yet. my FC is 5172-1011-5433
Wait...how did you do that calculation...? Aero got base 150 speed, how can it be outsped by base 115 speed pokemon even with +10%?...oh ok, Sorry I am talking about Aero-M here XD

I dont think I have a friend by that IGN

Some misunderstanding right here. I was talking about Aerodactyl not the Mega evo XD
Oh..what's your FC again? I'll try to add you again.
Aerodactyl w/Neutral nature and speed EVs gives him 259359 speed.

A Pokemon with speed nature, base 115 speed and max EVs gives him 261361 speed. So he'll get outsped. :goodtea:
uhm 359* and 361* Gwee :3

Also new proud owner of a 5IV Timid Protean Froakie and 4IV Gale Wing Adamant Fletchling <3

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