
16:56 < Traxis> sup sup
16:56 * Traxis licks Aegina
16:56 <~Aegina> haihai `-`
16:56 <&Coolio> lol
16:56 <&Coolio> so ghey
16:56 <&Coolio> :p
16:57 <&Coolio> oh you put a penis in here Aegina? Didn't see that coming
16:57 <&Coolio> :p
<gargoylesblade> hi
<@Coolio> hi
<gargoylesblade> imsearching for a real deal anime chick, possibly make up artists too lol
<~Checkmate> you're searching for anime artist?
<~Checkmate> what? you fap to the artist instead?
[14:24] <~corocoro> Grand Total 2 GiB 1 GiB 4 GiB
[14:24] <~corocoro> Zero2DS 1 GiB 1 GiB 3 GiB
[14:24] <~corocoro> Zero, raper of bandwidth.

Our Zero2DS-sama, aka the Raper of Bandwidth.
10:44 <+Coolio> and spam away i go
10:45 <&Aegina> coolio likes penis
10:45 <+Coolio> no i don't shush
10:45 <+Coolio> :V why is this going to be his log now D:
10:45 <&Aegina> don't lie
10:45 <&Aegina> everyone knows how you keep playing with penis on #asl-staff whenever you're lonely
10:45 <+Coolio> D:
10:45 <+Coolio> I got no one to play with :V
10:46 < KingArturiaNerv> Hmmm...
10:46 <&Aegina> amusing that you're not even refuting my claim at all
10:46 < KingArturiaNerv> I wonder whether it is long enough?
10:46 <+Coolio> Lol

Not even one minute later, on ASL staff channel:

10:46 <&Coolio> http://www.asiatorrents.me/imgz/images/VKkXr.jpg < this looks amusing?
10:46 <&Coolio> :V
10:46 <~Aegina> want my honest opinion?
10:46 <~Aegina> it looks like rape gay porn
10:47 <&Coolio> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIY63tlBW3Y&feature=player_embedded
10:47 <&Coolio> :p
10:47 <&Coolio> that's the trailer
10:47 <&Coolio> well idk if it's any good really
10:47 <&Coolio> well somewhat "Comedy" like though
10:47 <~Aegina> rape gay porn with comedy
10:47 <~Aegina> still rape gay porn
10:47 <&Coolio> yeah a tantei raping another police
10:47 <&Coolio> w
10:48 <@KuroiHana> `-`
10:48 <~Aegina> i like how you always live up to your reputation, Coolio
10:48 <&Coolio> WUT
10:48 <&Coolio> D:
  • Like
Reactions: KingArturia
[17:06] <&Aegina> just like how traps nowadays are like >draw a flat-chested girl >attach a penis >call it a boy

3 steps dummy guide on how to be an amazing traps hentai artist by Ignis.
[18:39] <%C0C0NA> [10:30:41] Hey Ignis
[18:39] <%C0C0NA> [10:30:49] How do you tie shoes?
[18:39] <&Aegina> [10:40:50] first, you need to finish your studies
[18:39] <&Aegina> [10:40:58] graduate with a decent gpa
[18:39] <&Aegina> [10:41:05] then apply for a job that pays well
[18:39] <&Aegina> [10:41:09] save for a couple years
[18:39] <&Aegina> [10:41:14] move out of your family's house
[18:39] <&Aegina> [10:41:23] rent a decent apartment
[18:39] <&Aegina> [10:41:27] buy a shoe rack
[18:39] <&Aegina> [10:41:34] finally, go to a shoe store and buy a pair of shoes
[18:39] <&Aegina> [10:41:39] now you put your feet in them
[18:39] <&Aegina> [10:41:43] and tie them
[18:39] <&Aegina> [10:41:44] that's it
[18:39] <%C0C0NA> [10:42:54] Wow that sounds like alot of work
[18:39] <%C0C0NA> [10:43:05] I think I'll let you handle it for me
[18:39] <%C0C0NA> [10:43:09] ganbatte~
[18:39] <&Aegina> [10:43:45] that'll be $500 for every cm i move one finger please
[18:39] <%C0C0NA> [10:45:00] put it on check's tab
[01:51] <C0C0NA> I'm sure their's a reason
[01:52] <C0C0NA> The game in question doesn't
[01:53] <will98> That's the interpretation
[01:53] <will98> screenshots of posted game
[01:53] <Aegina> usually just screencaps or preview images
[01:53] <Aegina> which give a feel of what the game feels like
[01:54] <will98> [01:52] <C0C0NA> The game in question doesn't <--- Checkmate would be the only person on this forum that could provide screenies
[01:55] <will98> :O
[01:55] <C0C0NA> I dunno, his hands may be too busy
[01:55] <Aegina> well, in most cases, screencaps/previews are available on the shop sites
[01:55] <Aegina> or official sites
[01:55] <will98> lolz
[01:56] <will98> hands must always be busy
[01:56] <Checkmate> <@C0C0NA> I dunno, his hands may be too busy
[01:56] <Checkmate> ^ C0C0NA is right
[01:56] <Checkmate> well
[01:56] <Checkmate> not my hands
[01:56] <Checkmate> my entire body may be too busy
[01:56] <Aegina> busy getting pounded from all angles
[01:57] <will98> To the quotes section with this stuff
[01:57] <Aegina> lol
  • Like
Reactions: KingArturia
[00:55] <Takami|zombie> Yarukinasu ?
[00:55] <Yarukinasu> ?
[00:55] * will98 casts Life on Takami|zombie
[00:56] <Takami|zombie> ah
[00:56] <Takami|zombie> ლ(╹◡╹ლ)
[00:56] <will98> should be: Takami|dead
[00:56] <will98> :/
[00:57] * Takami|zombie will dong youu
[00:57] <will98> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
[00:57] <Yarukinasu> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
[00:58] <Takami|zombie> raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
[00:58] <Days> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
<+Traxis> <Zero2DS> you can slave coolio or blame him <- "That slave isn't available anymore, please try another one. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience. Have a good day."
<Zero2DS> well
<Zero2DS> you can always blame him
<+Traxis> always
* Zero2DS hi5 Traxis
* +Traxis hi5 Zero2DS

<&Aegina> sad
<&Aegina> where is he
<+Traxis> fapping
<+Traxis> i mean
<+Traxis> working hard
<+Traxis> wait, aren't those one and the same?
* +Traxis flees

<Sakimichi> @Traxis @Zero I want to meet this Coolio..did he retire or something? =w=/
<Zero2DS> he is busy riajuing
<Sakimichi> @Zero maybe he's married by now ;A;
<Zero2DS> that one i assure is not
<Zero2DS> he is gay
<+Traxis> <&Aegina> i can understand new employees being directed to training sessions, but going overseas lol <- must be some slave trading related thing kkkkkk
<&Aegina> lol
<&Aegina> maybe he's the one being traded
* &Aegina shudders
<+Traxis> maybe
<+Traxis> let's hope he comes back safely, etc
<+Traxis> [inline-spoiler]and not married to a random fugly chink[/inline-spoiler]
<Sakimichi> @Traxis im a quarter chink =w=/ thats wacist!
<+Traxis> well, if he's in china, to whom's he going to marry then? a finnish?
<+Traxis> it's more likely he'd end up married to a chink
<+Traxis> that's not racism, just probability
<Sakimichi> haha..i know~ xD
<&Aegina> i doubt coolio could finish a finnish anyway
<Sakimichi> im so done xD
<Sakimichi> with all of you xD
Last edited:
11:18 < kactaplb> my 2d waifus would never argue like this!
11:18 < kactaplb> u guys sux
11:19 <&Traxis> you sure? wouldn't they argue about who owns you? w
11:19 <&Traxis> harem etc etc
11:19 <&Traxis> w
11:19 < kactaplb> no
11:19 < kactaplb> see example
11:19 < kactaplb> traxis bend over
11:19 <&Traxis> no.
11:19 < kactaplb> see?
11:19 < kactaplb> go away
Shutara: "Now that you have stepped out of the shadow realm that was making you even more invulnerable what's next?"

Weizol: "Wants to hear about my powers?"

Shutara: "Sure go ahead! Make sure go into them in great detail for me"

Weizol: "Wow Most people hate listening to me because of my lispth but I'm starting ta thinks you are a weal nice person."

5 minutes later

Shutara:"Haha, gotcha bitch!"

Weizol: "Nooo where on earths did I goths wrong?"
[14:44] <+Traxis> corocoro: Happy Birthday :3
[14:45] <+PannyaNPC> happy coro's day
[14:46] <~corocoro> Thanks, Traxis and Pannya. :)
[14:46] <&Zero2DS> btw how do you feel of getting old corocoro?
[14:47] <~corocoro> I'm not getting older, just sexier.
[14:47] <~corocoro> Another few decades and I'll reach normal levels. :p
[14:49] <+Traxis> xD
[14:55] <%KingArturia> lol
[14:44] <+Traxis> corocoro: Happy Birthday :3
[14:45] <+PannyaNPC> happy coro's day
[14:46] <~corocoro> Thanks, Traxis and Pannya. :)
[14:46] <&Zero2DS> btw how do you feel of getting old corocoro?
[14:47] <~corocoro> I'm not getting older, just sexier.
[14:47] <~corocoro> Another few decades and I'll reach normal levels. :p
[14:49] <+Traxis> xD
[14:55] <%KingArturia> lol
[20:28] <~corocoro> [04.06-19:37] <%KingArturia> that's the same guy [..]
[20:28] <~corocoro> [04.06-19:38] <&Checkmate> that's why I fuck him
[20:28] <~corocoro> There, perfect. :p

101 guide on how to quote by Corocoro-sama
01:29 Checkmate so not quite useless
01:29 K0u says the one who get in but din penetrate k
01:29 velka but still pure.
01:29 Checkmate I get to use 1/3
01:29 Checkmate that's less useless
01:29 Aegina 13:29 <&Checkmate> atleast I get to 3cm
01:29 K0u either u do it or dun
01:29 Aegina 13:29 <&Checkmate> I get to use 1/3
01:29 Checkmate I'm sure it will be more useful
01:29 Aegina so your cock is 9cm long '_________________'
01:29 Zero2DS .........................
01:29 Checkmate Aegina longer... actually
<@Yarukinasu> Hmm first time trying to make yasai itame
<@Yarukinasu> And... it tastes like yasai `-`

* ~corocoro [08:59:48] hands a cookie and a loli to velka.
[11:03] * velka [09:00:12] takes foods and trade loli on more food
[11:03] <velka> [09:00:28] he have avatar
[11:03] <~corocoro> [09:00:44] Well, I guess velka got food and WsE a trade-in loli, so it's all good.
[11:03] <velka> [09:00:50] ww
[17:43] * ~corocoro hides the jolly roger flag.
[17:43] <@WsE> :D
[17:44] <~corocoro> How're the lolis?
[17:44] <@WsE> in chains
[17:45] <~corocoro> Oh, good. ^^
[17:45] <@WsE> collectors items
[17:45] <@WsE> dont wanna lose emm
[17:45] <~corocoro> Well, until its time to set them free, at least.
[17:46] <~corocoro> Since you have no use for ten year old grannies. :p
[17:46] <@WsE> dont wanna risk them suddenly growing boobs on me
[17:47] <~corocoro> ^^
[17:48] <@WsE> flat chest is justice
[17:48] <~corocoro> Everything you can't fit into your hand is wastage. :p
[17:49] <@WsE> ye :D

Insight of WsE-sama and Corocoro-sama ._.
[11:06] <velka> [01:54:11] happy valentine /
[11:06] <velka> [01:54:31] ヽ(;▽;)ノ
[11:06] <&Checkmate|Cloud> [07:48:48] so I'm a wizard now
[11:06] <&Checkmate|Cloud> [07:48:51] but I cannot cast any magic
[11:06] <&Checkmate|Cloud> [07:48:58] I guess I need to start the wizardry training
[11:06] <&Aegina> [08:58:49] you need to upgrade your magic wand
[11:06] <&Aegina> [08:58:57] i think its done by rubbing
[11:06] <~corocoro> [08:59:56] Besides, you're a druid.

LMAO I found this after waking up this morning in the chat log.

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