
Lol..... What kind of stuff do you keep..... Delete stuff you don't need..... Or get two 1tb HDD and you're set....:D
I seriously have like 50g over just Fate/ and Tsukihime pictures... that is WAY too freakin' much~ but I can't seem to delete them, I love them too much~ ._.;
I just mentioned earlier that I have a hard time paying for internet! xD mine is 465g which is tiny but 90% of it is anime/VNs or Type-Moon related~ D: I would love a new computer or even a hard drive but yeah that ain't happening~

Anyway I'm going to go watch a episode or two of anime, be back later~ :bye:
Nice meeting you Ogikumo~

Edit: why the hell isn't that a onion! D:
Edit2: fixed into a onion~
-_-...... I pay that much and I'm also on it.... HDD is not pricey.... Could get a 500gb for $50.....
Hmm thought they cost more than that~ I'll see what I can do about getting one as I need one and a monitor bad. I still use a fat CRT monitor lol...
Anyway anime time be back later~ :runhappy:
o.O What's up :3

Hello KingArturia~ :hi:
Basically Slayn and me got into a Fate/ topic~ I was spouting out random facts about Arturia when Slayn and Ogikumo said they were shocked that I didn't know you since you were a hardcore fan of Fate/, I just recently joined the site so I don't know very many people but they said I should get to know you since I love Fate/ so much~ Fate/ lovers is a rare breed indeed. I think Nanashi is the only other person who really loves Fate/ here~ xD

Hmm, that sounds odd the way I worded that... <_<; Anyway~ nice to meet a fellow Fate/ fan~ :3

Sammy-kun~ Did you ever play the Fate/Stay Night visual novel? ;o

Aw~ that is a shame! Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night are masterpieces my good sir! I would call them hands down the best VN's of all time~ they are MUST plays~ :runhappy:
So many anime that i must watch~ So many manga that i must read~ So many vn which i must read~ So many assignments i must do~ /me wanders off to bed :sleepmoon:
Hmm, 'tis understandable~ I don't even have a life but I still seem to have a hard time fitting everything in, so many LN's I want to start reading but I'm trying to knock out these anime series to clear some space on my computer~
I have no life either :goodtea: Just random chats with people online and maybe a really rare gathering for some reason or another~
Psh~ You go to a Uni! That is almost a full time job my good sir~ xD
I just stay at home 24/7 watching anime~ o_o;
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What the hell is this!? :surprised:

You should BS everything and pass with a solid "D" average! xD Then you get some free time to do this :sleepmoon:
Hmm actually im aiming for As but art history is a major pain... probably going to end up with a B at best =.=

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