
Doesn't sound like a very interesting class~ :/ I remember back in high school after a project we had to write a 3 page report on the artist that we were currently basing our work on at the time... true hell indeed, which is one of the reasons I drop out of HS~ Art and writing don't mix!
/me nods to self in agreement.
Lol im really good at bsing art papers apparently :goodtea: That reminds meh... i need to write something more for that paper xD
Hmm would be sad if i didnt know what to write for art papers considering how ive been in art for 9 years ._.
I personally love seeing art but I hate to learn about it for some reason, I honestly don't even enjoy drawing all that much. I sort of do only as a down time activity but in terms of career I could never do it~ I had a been given a 3 year free full scholarship to a local art college that I turned down (for more than one reason) because I can't even stand the idea of having a career in art. xD But long as you are happy with it and love it keep at it man! You have some great works~ ;D
Hmm i dont particularly like learning about it either :/ Gets boring and yeahhh... :casserole: Mostly just doing it for fun atm~ and so i dont lose all those random little skills i gained~
Nope, I'm not a fan of VN :3 And I'm the official Seiba-con of this forum, it was decided long ago xD Nice to meet you, it is true that Fate fans are a rather rare breed. :3
Hey & hello [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION];...~!

It exist under the newbie's a another Type-moon-fan how you, and the name is [MENTION=35321]Evangelionheart[/MENTION];...~
Oi, where did Slayn go? He still trying to wrangle himself a Sandy?
Edit: [MENTION=23111]Slayn312[/MENTION]; doooood~ :runhappy:
She has blown my feeling into shred, doods!~:deadsad:

But there is somebody out there that understand me, doods!~:runhappy:
Hmm... She still traveling.... It be friday when it over..... Just it not strong any more.... Stong wind and the like.... It not in my area anymore so I don't know.... Stop following the news after that.....

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