
Sore throat, lesser of the issues for tonight. Everything tastes like ginseng now.
To those shameless, experienced, immoral writers, blades are godsent…
One only truly appreciates a good, well-fitted pair of glasses when there's no longer pain in wearing a bad set. :wasclose:
Essential baklava day, I don't care when, but for me it's now.
Only if I had more rose water, I would give half a kingdom away.
Ah, I forgot that half-finished pack of biscuits. :deadsad:
Listening Matteo Salvini and gaining trust back for European people. Italy isn't my first language, just saying.
Manga drawers should learn from eroge, although direct translation 'of work' from visual novels usually suck.
Nekonyan has done great picks so far. I guess I will only wait for Sage planet to be picked by someone.
I hope it's rather not by Chinese mobile games industry... seen some scamming among translator companies ''stealing copyrights''.
Air conditioning is crap when you have to switch on the fan just to avoid sweating. :ordercourt:

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