Say a funny stereotype about the country you live in.

Our IPS called TMNuts (derogatory for TMNet) - for poorly connection.
There are monkeys roaming in the ISP.
in my country too cheap internet rates, we are online all day without losing money
Here, we're all going to drown soon because we're way below sealevel..
In Canada every sentence ends with eh.
In Canada most of military budget goes towards feeding horses and the rest goes to buying scraps to build our war machines from eh.
9 in 10 Canadians eat Krafts Dinner for breakfast eh.
We still live on top of tree.
We using different currency.
The flies here are as big as a cat.
The Dayaks still wearing loin cloth.

*Oh wait! That's what other Malaysian states thought of my state*
Germans often end their sentences with "nä" and they don't know it, I first recognized it as a foreign friend mention it, and now I have stopped, but it freaks me out because I can't overhear it anymore when my friends do this lol. (Don't know how to write "nä" in british, just type it in google translate (with german as language) and click on the sound button lol)

Edit: Fail! I should'nt post at night.. thats not a stereotype : / sorry ><
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In Riverside, Kissing on the lips, unless both parties wipe their lips with carbonized rose water, is against the local health ordinance.
I was in a great city traffic jams, it made me take a long time, so my idea that everyone should walk
Bottled water goes through a "vigorous 7 step process" but tap water goes through over 500 tests daily (or was it hourly) so (at least in SF) it is much better to drink tap water (except that bottled is more convenient) =.=
Green light means go, Yellow light means drive slow, Red light means step on it! - America.
I always though green means go, yellow means go faster, and red means step on it XD

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