Say a funny stereotype about the country you live in.

Me moves to Australia XD Hmm but we have steak :/
Our money is worth something?
We always complain about everyone and everything but never do anything to change sth cause we are actually quite happy the way we live atm. (but i guess that is more of a human stereotype in general -.-)
Like~ Here in australia we ride kangaroo's to school!

DAMN! I was going to say that!

Well, in Australia you have to be aware of Drop Bears. They'll eat you if they fall on you. Apparently we cuddle them too =D
In Germany we have the highest standard for beer and everyone likes it.

... going by that logic im rather russian (vodka) or sth caribean (rum) :rolleyes:
Having a baby in Australia is pretty risky with all these dingoes...
We are famous for our pessimistic world view bordering to fatality (what is it called ? german angst :rolleyes:)
There are at least half a dozen different taxes on everything (if there is no tax it will be made :rolleyes:)
In live in close proximity to the city that religion has labeled the worst in America XD
Here in Australia we have kick-boxing cage matches with kangaroos
You can bungee-jump/sky-dive off the Centre Point Tower (Or what used to be called that)
if a sentence doesn't contain 'Oi', 'Crikey' or 'mate', Auzzies can't hear it
If a barbeque doesn't have shrimp on it, it doesn't exist
Holy shiz alot of aussies here ^.^
And i laughed at all your stereotypes :P Aussie Aussie Aussie: Oi Oi Oi xP haha

Here in australia we all have crocodile dundee accents
In Canada...We say "aboot" not "about". We have nothing but lumberjacks and curlers. We all play hockey. We all wear toques.
Gahh though of a funnier one earlier =.= Hmm lets go with Women/Asians are horrible drivers
Can't see out from under our 10 gallon hats.
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