But these 5 had so many potentials for some awesome siggys: Because you did really the biggest part of the siggy-making taken of us, the rendering of pics/images - After this had they just with thier concepts, tools and BGs and so further collected...
But these 5 had so many potentials for some awesome siggys: Because you did really the biggest part of the siggy-making taken of us, the rendering of pics/images - After this had they just with thier concepts, tools and BGs and so further collected...
thank you shi, but as much i want to help everyone i am also not see any response you are far the most important "player" at sotm.
i will think also something anew to test and bring people to the competition.
thank you shi, but as much i want to help everyone i am also not see any response you are far the most important "player" at sotm.
i will think also something anew to test and bring people to the competition.
Anyway, well it's nice from you that you so much efforts give in SOTM, it to alive keep.
But what me really bothers is, that ASF has meanwhile more than 90K members - and we near us already slowly to 100K 100K!!! - We should actually at least some hundred of candidates have in every SOTM, what this then thousand of entries had meant in the 6 year of ASF. - This don't take to you, because this isn't your fault!
Anyway, well it's nice from you that you so much efforts give in SOTM, it to alive keep.
But what me really bothers is, that ASF has meanwhile more than 90K members - and we near us already slowly to 100K 100K!!! - We should actually at least some hundred of candidates have in every SOTM, what this then thousand of entries had meant in the 6 year of ASF. - This don't take to you, because this isn't your fault!
as i told you i don't expect so many people to come over, remember we are not a forum exclusive for graphics like deviamtart. We are a general forum that you can have fun talk to people exchange thoughs with other people a forum that shares anime as well. So the graphics competition is a bit more an extra service for the fun and the people of the forum.
It might have potential but it's up to people if they are interest in..
I will give my best thoughts to make as much as possible people to join. but i don't expect miracles!
as i told you i don't expect so many people to come over, remember we are not a forum exclusive for graphics like deviamtart. We are a general forum that you can have fun talk to people exchange thoughs with other people a forum that shares anime as well. So the graphics competition is a bit more an extra service for the fun and the people of the forum.
It might have potential but it's up to people if they are interest in..
I will give my best thoughts to make as much as possible people to join. but i don't expect miracles!
'Cause so far only those who are well-known and those whom have a good reputation always get most votes. Take for example your awards, you went on a winning streak there, if you were to count the names of the people whom won the previous SOTMs you would get the following names: Dark Angel, KK, Nanashi and Uno (sometimes), how so other competitors and new competitors get less votes and those four always get most votes even if they throw a white paper on it and that's all?
'Cause so far only those who are well-known and those whom have a good reputation always get most votes. Take for example your awards, you went on a winning streak there, if you were to count the names of the people whom won the previous SOTMs you would get the following names: Dark Angel, KK, Nanashi and Uno (sometimes), how so other competitors and new competitors get less votes and those four always get most votes even if they throw a white paper on it and that's all?
damn fam, this is way too serious for graphical design on an anime forum.
like, I couldn't be arsed to change the mistakes I made in my siggie for this month, like nothing made here is really that note-worthy in da biz.
and yes, the voting is biased, but it's not like you won't find biased voting anywhere, because shit like this happens EVERYWHERE, whether we like it or not.
that's how things operate in the real world, you scratch my back I scratch yours.
while I get where you're coming from, I don't think the mood here is too serious?
it's not like they are getting paid or ruining your livelihood, fam.
just because the votes aren't anonymous doesn't mean the voters aren't being biased in their voting.
and since @monmonpon clearly states that their reason for quitting was because of this, who are we to say they aren't right in feeling that way?
anyways, the reason why the SOTM is failing could partially be due to what monmonpon described, however, speaking from my own experience (that I've had in other anime forums and doing graphical design) I think the main reason as to why SOTM:s eventually fail is because they don't challenge the user.
there simply won't be all too revolutionizing stuff coming from creators once the concept of constraining borders and putting anime related stuff on it gets rehashed every month.
simply put, remove SOTM and make a GCOTM (Graphical Challenge of the Month) instead, where you let the users explore other parts of graphical design.
it could be something like: 1. make a wallpaper using only three colours. 2. do something animerelated with typography, that is, text only. 3. try to design a t-shirt print and show it on a mock up t-shirt site. 4. make a new logo for anime-sharing, etc.
the key issue with SOTM is that people aren't being motivated to perform outside their comfort zone, ergo, they don't evolve as graphical designers and therefore it becomes a competition without motivation and more of a friendship contest.
motivate people to perform, motivate people to actually want to stay in the graphical biz, a couple of judges (with experience in the field) that have more leverage in their voting than users could be a good idea as a quality control and to make sure the proper contestant gets rewarded.
/korum out
simply put, get the community involved ya dinguses!
1)damn fam, this is way too serious for graphical design on an anime forum.
2) and yes, the voting is biased, but it's not like you won't find biased voting anywhere, because shit like this happens EVERYWHERE, whether we like it or not.
3)that's how things operate in the real world, you scratch my back I scratch yours.
4)while I get where you're coming from, I don't think the mood here is too serious?
it's not like they are getting paid or ruining your livelihood, fam.
just because the votes aren't anonymous doesn't mean the voters aren't being biased in their voting.
and since @monmonpon clearly states that their reason for quitting was because of this, who are we to say they aren't right in feeling that way?
anyways, the reason why the SOTM is failing could partially be due to what monmonpon described, however, speaking from my own experience (that I've had in other anime forums and doing graphical design) I think the main reason as to why SOTM:s eventually fail is because they don't challenge the user.
there simply won't be all too revolutionizing stuff coming from creators once the concept of constraining borders and putting anime related stuff on it gets rehashed every month.
simply put, remove SOTM and make a GCOTM (Graphical Challenge of the Month) instead, where you let the users explore other parts of graphical design.
it could be something like: 1. make a wallpaper using only three colours. 2. do something animerelated with typography, that is, text only. 3. try to design a t-shirt print and show it on a mock up t-shirt site. 4. make a new logo for anime-sharing, etc.
the key issue with SOTM is that people aren't being motivated to perform outside their comfort zone, ergo, they don't evolve as graphical designers and therefore it becomes a competition without motivation and more of a friendship contest.
motivate people to perform, motivate people to actually want to stay in the graphical biz, a couple of judges (with experience in the field) that have more leverage in their voting than users could be a good idea as a quality control and to make sure the proper contestant gets rewarded.
/korum out
simply put, get the community involved ya dinguses!
Despite the fact that this is an Anime forum we have to stay in topic when it comes to the section also what are you on about? biased votes aren't "everywhere" there are GFX forums too and I'm sorry but I don't sleep in the streets.
What I did was to voice out why they don't get more participants and yet you raised your voice just to criticize me but you also agreed with what I said and you offered a stupid idea to Dark Angel, the lack of participants isn't 'cause of SOTM or 'cause of it's theme, if people wanted to get out of their comfort zone and try something new then they could do that themselves, telling them to make a wallpaper using only three colors won't teach them, it's like treating them as if they are some 7 years old who are drawing with 3 colors only, you're only restricting them this way and there is no point in doing so, they have the right to pick whichever color combination they want, your "GCOTM" won't fix anything nor change anything, it will make things worse and there will be no participants. You're talking about "Business" no one in here is doing GFX 'cause they make money out of it or anything like this, we are not a GFX Shop, we're doing GFX as a hobby.
And that's my 50 cent which I'm giving to you so you can buy yourself a candy for an ignorant person like yourself, don't raise your voice if you don't know how to walk the walk.
People calm down a bit.
[MENTION=124200]Monmonpon[/MENTION]; about the votes that was biased as you said. The people that take the most votes are also your friends or not; KK-chan has voted for you isn't she; why are you lashing out to them?
Go and see the votes carefully you only entered one and only SOTM #38 and you didn't win by one vote as it's say's here. And the voters is on so you can see who voted for whom.
And i won't say that people don't favor others it would be lie. Remember people always help people that helps them in the first place, but also again that ain't works with other people as well.
I don't see any point lashing out to nanashi, kk-chan and unown or even my self.
[MENTION=80]Korum[/MENTION]; I heard of what you said changing the SOTM to whatever you call it won't work not on this site. Remember we are not specialized forum for graphics like a forum that it is exclusive for doing art, gfx. We are a forum that covers a big range for whatever the people are looking for, we offer many section and services like anime share, music OST share, conversation about manga & anime, game section and many others. SOTM is one of them an extra section for people that joined this forum to have an extra fun.
I won't also say that i wouldn't mind making a testing SOTM adding the challenge mode user but i still believe that it won't work. Also so many limitation that you told in coloring ain't work either. We tried to restrict a rule to use one of the 5 renders that the moderator (my self) has given to the SOTM and it didn't work. Imagine adding even more restriction. It would be total disaster!
P.S. I liked you entry also as you said in the entry post you should have cleaned the borders around the corners. otherwise it's a very summery feeling signature.
Biased votes? Until today I've only voted by judging how the entry fits the theme, I'm thankfull to my friends who voted for my entries and I don't see any problem if the same person wins each sotm because of their good gfx skills. Everything is fair in my opinion and there is no need to argue.
Hiya @Monmonpon !
Firstly, I would just like to address the fact that your thoughts and inputs are appreciated, however, could you please not resort to:
Ad hominem attacks where you call me ignorant for stating my opinion.
Bashing ideas instead of actually giving constructive criticism.
Assume that just because I criticized the way you put your message, that I can’t agree with the point you tried to make.
Secondly, you made the point that this doesn’t happen everywhere, but that simply isn’t true in my opinion. You make the claim that voting is biased here due to popularity, in GFX forums and related communities, although the bias isn’t (mostly) due to popularity, there is a bias in other factors, such as stylistic choice, respect for amount of time put into the work and etc.
Thirdly, you said this:
“the lack of participants isn't 'cause of SOTM or 'cause of it's theme, if people wanted to get out of their comfort zone and try something new then they could do that themselves, telling them to make a wallpaper using only three colors won't teach them, it's like treating them as if they are some 7 years old who are drawing with 3 colors only, you're only restricting them this way and there is no point in doing so, they have the right to pick whichever color combination they want, your "GCOTM" won't fix anything nor change anything, it will make things worse and there will be no participants.”
I agree with the fact that restrictions could end the SOTM/GCOTM, clearly I’ve made a misjudgment on how many participants the SOTM has here, however, I do not agree with the notion that people won’t learn if they are restricted. Where I’m from (Sweden) restrictions are commonly used in design classes because they allow people to do stuff they wouldn’t otherwise have thought of. Limitations are used to make your imagination work in other spectrums, signature competitions on forums do push people to think outside of the box on how to use renders, something they might have usage for if they were to pursue design later in life, such as not being afraid of not showing certain elements of pictures or adding fake light to a picture. The same could be said for the things I've made as suggestions, such as learning how to design a logo, what limits it, et cetera.
Also, claiming that using 3 colors only is the same as treating people as 7 year olds is quite belittling towards design, here are some design work that use limited colors:
(Black, White, Red)
(White, Gold, Deep blue)
(White, Black, Pinkish red, Gray)
I’m well aware these aren’t wallpapers, maybe wallpaper wasn’t really that good of an example to use for a challenge, I blame it on being tired and unimaginative.
Lastly, for calling me out about raising my voice and not knowing how to walk the walk, it was appreciated, but you might need some walking lessons yourself.
I'll probably respond to @Dark Angel in a separate post, no promises though.
Biased votes? What for a bullshit! Look, I've relative a good reputation, and nevertheless I get less votes - Am I pissed off because of it? F@ck lol, I'm already far away from these childish act "He has the newest action-figure, and I not ...T-T" - F@ck let's be adult finally, or go to a psychiatrist.. - End of story.>_>
[MENTION=124200]Monmonpon[/MENTION]; about the votes that was biased as you said. The people that take the most votes are also your friends or not; KK-chan has voted for you isn't she; why are you lashing out to them?
Go and see the votes carefully you only entered one and only SOTM #38 and you didn't win by one vote as it's say's here. And the voters is on so you can see who voted for whom.
And i won't say that people don't favor others it would be lie. Remember people always help people that helps them in the first place, but also again that ain't works with other people as well.
I don't see any point lashing out to nanashi, kk-chan and unown or even my self.
I didn't mean to lash out anyone and this wasn't my intention either and 'cause they're friends of mine that doesn't mean that I will have to be biased and cover their butt, I just stated the obvious Hardcore favoritism which is going on in SOTM and also I only got 2 votes in SOTM 38 ( Don't count mine ) and there are people who really worked on their entry and got their ass handed 'cause of hardcore favoritism.
Hiya @Monmonpon !
Firstly, I would just like to address the fact that your thoughts and inputs are appreciated, however, could you please not resort to:
1)Ad hominem attacks where you call me ignorant for stating my opinion.
2)Bashing ideas instead of actually giving constructive criticism.
3)Assume that just because I criticized the way you put your message, that I can’t agree with the point you tried to make.
Wait a min...at first you criticize me and try to play the all knowing guy and you also agreed with some part of my post, and now you play the victim, nice one there, troll.
I stated the truth, judging by your posts you're an ignorant person and also irrelevant to the current GFX, come back to me when you will stop selling minecraft models and youtuber banners as about the rest of your post you're pretty absurd, get out of here, you're irrelevant.
Biased votes? What for a bullshit! Look, I've relative a good reputation, and nevertheless I get less votes - Am I pissed off because of it? F@ck lol, I'm already far away from these childish act "He has the newest action-figure, and I not ...T-T" - F@ck let's be adult finally, or go to a psychiatrist.. - End of story.>_>
Sit back and don't get up if you're going to support Hardcore favoritism, it's pretty obvious that there is some hardcore favoritism going on and I know that I'm not the only one who is saying this and agreeing with this.
I don't get it, again, you're being rude for no specific reason.
If you read my posts you'd know that I did criticize you for thinking that favoritism is the only reason a SOTM would have less participation, that in and of itself is ignorant. Secondly, I didn't agree towards your point wholeheartedly, but I did agree on you feeling this way, that is, the reason YOU left was because of your stated reason and that is a reason enough to delve deeper into understanding how to change the SOTM so that it becomes better.
Get off your high horse, the real truth is as much as you think I'm irrelevant you're probably twice as much. I won't respond to you anymore, you're just rude and a whiny crybaby, couldn't be bothered with people like you who are bothered by the fact that their contest on an internet forum isn't run like they want it to be.
I don't get it, again, you're being rude for no specific reason.
If you read my posts you'd know that I did criticize you for thinking that favoritism is the only reason a SOTM would have less participation, that in and of itself is ignorant. Secondly, I didn't agree towards your point wholeheartedly, but I did agree on you feeling this way, that is, the reason YOU left was because of your stated reason and that is a reason enough to delve deeper into understanding how to change the SOTM so that it becomes better.
Get off your high horse, the real truth is as much as you think I'm irrelevant you're probably twice as much. I won't respond to you anymore, you're just rude and a whiny crybaby, couldn't be bothered with people like you who are bothered by the fact that their contest on an internet forum isn't run like they want it to be.
Hypocrisy at it's finest LMAO talking about being rude and stuff when you're rude yourself and yet you try to shove your nose where it shouldn't be, go sleep in the streets like you do mcboii
I didn't mean to lash out anyone and this wasn't my intention either and 'cause they're friends of mine that doesn't mean that I will have to be biased and cover their butt, I just stated the obvious Hardcore favoritism which is going on in SOTM and also I only got 2 votes in SOTM 38 ( Don't count mine ) and there are people who really worked on their entry and got their ass handed 'cause of hardcore favoritism.
I am only speaking without having my self voted to nobody cause i might be accused for favoritism, let's just say as you mentioned, "there are people who really worked on their entry" your' didn't worked out nice? KK-chan's wasn't good enough? or nanashi's or Ignis's wasn't good enough to win over those votes that you said? I mean and your's was nice but those other might have taken the lead because where better in the eyes of those who voted for them.
Also i was trying to see once again your entry at SOTM #38 and i couldn't find it apparently you delete it from deviantart site that you are hosted there that signature. I wanted to re-check your entry to understand why you think you didn't take the votes that you wanted to.
Sit back and don't get up if you're going to support Hardcore favoritism, it's pretty obvious that there is some hardcore favoritism going on and I know that I'm not the only one who is saying this and agreeing with this.
1st: You should be careful with your word selection, because this isn't funny, okay?
2nd: It's not a nice movement of you that you're K-chan (and whom other) blaming as a cheater, because basically you're doing that. - Don't say such things without proof!
3rd: You're saying so, if she in the past SOTMs in row won had - partly - but always. What you as "favoritism" describe is more likely because the people her works really liking, and independed of the person itself. - I mean; she has just the spirit of time and meaning properly taken, and that is why she (or who different) in row won has - this has actually not with favoritism or whatever to do, the God of Luck has just so decided, I'd so say...
1st: You should be careful with your word selection, because this isn't funny, okay?
2nd: It's not a nice movement of you that you're K-chan (and whom other) blaming as a cheater, because basically you're doing that. - Don't say such things without proof!
3rd: You're saying so, if she in the past SOTMs in row won had - partly - but always. What you as "favoritism" describe is more likely because the people her works really liking, and independed of the person itself. - I mean; she has just the spirit of time and meaning properly taken, and that is why she (or who different) in row won has - this has actually not with favoritism or whatever to do, the God of Luck has just so decided, I'd so say...
1)Oh boy, my words are just fine.
2)I didn't blame anyone as a cheater or anything like that, I just gave an example of Hardcore favoritism, of course there is proof for hardcore favoritism and it's infront of your eyes, you're off topic and what you're saying is nonsense, please read well what I wrote in my previous posts, I didn't accuse anyone for cheating or anything like that.
Sit back and don't get up if you're going to support Hardcore favoritism, it's pretty obvious that there is some hardcore favoritism going on and I know that I'm not the only one who is saying this and agreeing with this.
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