just finished 25th episode and i agree best of 2012 ...... i would like a second season but im happy with the first , with that being said now its time for me to find something new to watch :)
So ep 25, a few tidbits were left out (like Kirito entering the hospital and a nurse find him, or the friends talking to Kirito after class, or the SAO burger) or changed (I believe their seat actually have their back turned to the cafeteria, not front), but otherwise cover the major events for the epilogue. EXCEPT FOR SUGU'S MONOLOGUE (I gave up on that, but seriously, their decision to drop a lot of her monologue make that last moment a lot less touching)

Although given how Kirito appear after SAO arc, Asuna's appearance is seriously unbefitting of someone in coma for 2 years.

Anyway, on topic of 2nd season...frankly, I don't think it's gonna happen for a while.
The anime's been focusing mainly on Kirito, and Asuna as the heroine get her own time, other characters have their chapter to shine according to the novel which is nice, however, once SAO arc was over, pretty much all the side characters were forgotten (Hell, I'm not sure how many recognize the girl next to Liz/Silica as Argo, I only did so by process of elimination)
With ALO arc, Sugu was given the heroine level of spotlight in the novel, but they push her down to sub-heroine in favor of keeping Asuna as the heroine of choice (instead of THREESOME like that last moment ' 3')...which certainly avoid the topic of incestous relation and the usual harem complications.

But then in GGO, we have Sinon whose trauma isn't so simply shunned aside like Suguha's hidden feeling. A lot of that arc's theme require reflection from both Kirito and Sinon (that they're very similar, haunted by their past, etc)
That's not so bad, a 50-50 split between 2 leads is still fairly workable.

Calibre is...too short to really make an arc out of it, it's better off as an anime movie if anything.

Then there's Mother's Rosario, where Kirito barely appear, and if they plan to give Kirito/Sinon with GGO, a shift into Asuna-centric Mother's Rosario is probably rather flow-breaking.

So the next arc to follow that would be Alicization, which does focus on Kirito, have Asuna as the primary heroine (yeah yeah Kirito ends up adding more girls to his harem but they're all side characters) so it fits the bill to follow after.
The problem is, it's still ongoing...not to mention Alicization by itself can probably stand for 24+ episodes given how it's been going.

So if they ever make a season to cover GGO + side stories, it's probably going to have less-positive review in the end which can hurt the chance of Alicization getting animated.

Anyway, for the story of "SAO", this is the end (with all players truly returned) the story of Kirito the Black Swordsman and Asuna the Flash ended with that walk into nothing moment...
the story of Kayaba Akihiko's legacy, however, is only beginning (seriously, GGO use the Seed, Mother's Rosario's Medical version of NervGear is based on Kayaba's design, Calibre is based on Cardinal System's quest-generator, and Alicization's machine use The Seed to build the virtual world which is how Kirito was able to use some sword skill)
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Just finished this series.
I have to say, it was great and Kirito x Asuna do make a great couple.

I do agree with LazyCat about the way Asuna looked after waking up. Kirito looked like crap after waking up from SAO..Asuna should've looked worse (or at least sort of the same) but that's just a minor point.
And towards the end it sort of looked 'rushed' even though I'm not familiar with the LN.

In total honesty, I loved every part of the SAO arc. Waiting a week for a new episode was hell.. >_>
Alfheim's arc didn't have that much of a 'punch'. Don't really know how to put it in words.. =/

The anime was great nonetheless, definitely takes a spot in the best anime of 2012!
waiting for the new volume of the LN to be translated is pain....

far worse then waiting for the new episode of the anime..
And towards the end it sort of looked 'rushed' even though I'm not familiar with the LN.

In total honesty, I loved every part of the SAO arc. Waiting a week for a new episode was hell.. >_>
Alfheim's arc didn't have that much of a 'punch'. Don't really know how to put it in words.. =/

The anime was great nonetheless, definitely takes a spot in the best anime of 2012!

It's Suguha.
Not because of her character, but because of her LACK of character development.

You see, in SAO we see character development on Kirito, from the selfish solo into a man who found someone to love as well as the hero who overcome the limit of the system (partially with power of said love) and make miracle.

In ALO, Kirito barely developed anything new in term of character (he just charged straight to his objective). The one who's got (should've got) the most character development was Suguha.
She start from her conflict over what she really feel about Kirito, after knowing that he's actually her cousin.
Then into a girl in love, but have to give up on said love (unless she goes for the NTR route...)
Then right when she think she's found a new love, God Love Pranks happened.
After confronting him with her bottled up feeling, he did gave her an answer. While it wasn't the one she truly want, it also lifted that weight off her (bigger than it look) chest.
By the epilogue I believe she's resolved herself to the position as his sister, not a lover but also closer to him than most others.

But nope, we hardly get to hear about her feelings, which REALLY cut down on the emotional impact certain scenes could've had.
In particular there's 2 that I remember quite clearly.
1. When on the way to Sylph/Caith-Sith conference, when Lyfa told Kirito it's probably better for him to just cut her down and join the Salamanders. The missing monologue was that she'd most likely quit VRMMO forever if he does kill her, probably due to the feeling of wanting to run away (.- . although she'd be running away from virtual reality...so I guess it's a reverse-hikkikomori? though that seem like it'd up with prostitution...)
2. After SAO party and before Kirito find her falling, she was thinking about how those people at the party shared a connection as SAO players, a circle of experiences which she'll never be able to enter, leaving her the odd one out like a 'normal' amongst war veterans.
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i wanna see SAO next season T.T... wanna see how kirito with laser blade / Kouken "Kagemitsu G4 " fight against sinon's HECATE II ... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
We're probably going to have to wait till summer if there is a next season

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Well, according to the latest news, SAO gains greenlighted for season 2 and probably will be released on next summer. WOW!!! i really can't wait for this big hit to release. Somehow, i would really like to see some development and moment of kirito and asuna together. ALO doesn't show asuna frequently, the screened time for asuna is not more than an hour in total. That's the thing that really put me down in ALO.
Well, according to the latest news, SAO gains greenlighted for season 2 and probably will be released on next summer. WOW!!! i really can't wait for this big hit to release. Somehow, i would really like to see some development and moment of kirito and asuna together. ALO doesn't show asuna frequently, the screened time for asuna is not more than an hour in total. That's the thing that really put me down in ALO.

As I've said in my previous rant, the next story arc, Gun Gale Online, will (read: should) have the spotlight be shared between Kirito and Sinon the new heroine. Asuna appeared for very few scenes and I think only one of them is important enough to guarantee not getting cut.
On the other hand, there's also a few things that'll happen that may cause many people to find it...less enjoyable.
1. ANGST - Lots of it. The premise of GGO story as a whole is for Kirito (and Sinon learning from Kirito) facing the trauma of his past in SAO (that he KILLED PEOPLE, even if it's for 'good' reason) and he even break down quite a few times for it.
Not the 'damn I am so powerless wahhh' breakdown, I mean something similar to when the hero is talking how some guy is doing something wrong from and he snap back "THEN WHAT SHOULD I HAVE DONE?!" before spilling out all the hidden feelings.
Like this: http://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=File:Sword_Art_Online_Vol_06_-203.jpeg
(That one is Sinon's turn to break down in his face)
2. TRAP - This is Kirito's GGO avatar: http://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=File:Sword_Art_Online_Vol_05_-179.jpeg

Now on the other side, there's also many awesome moments:
-HEADSHOT http://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=File:Sword_Art_Online_Vol_05_-091.jpeg
-FUCK BULLETS: http://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=File:Sword_Art_Online_Vol_05_-243.jpeg

Also, Sinon Q'w 'Q

And after GGO is another arc with very little Kirito and Asuna moment, but it is very Asuna-ly (maybe there's Calibre before it, but that one isn't that long, and the ones who got the most awesome moments were once again Kirito (with the new dual wield) and Sinon).
Mother's Rosario is probably by far the most...'genki' of any SAO arc thus far (and many doujins featuring AsunaxYuuki should appear after...or not considering Yuuki's situation)
It's very...BESTFRIEND in one way of putting it and borderline shoujo-ai if you turn up the goggle.
And then the last part of it get REALLY depressing. In fact it's one of the endings to actually give me teary eye.
I know I'm late to the party, but I finally watched Sword Art Online. The reviews were overall favorable, but there was always something else I wanted to watch, so it kept on the back burner.

And I'm glad I finally watched it! It's an excellent anime! To anyone who hasn't seen it yet, I highly recommend it! :dthumbup:

I understand an OVA is coming out later this year, which does a recap, with new scenes.

I've seen some talk about a season 2, but I thought that the ALO arc (ep 15-25) was the second season. Is there anything confirmed about another season after ALO, (perhaps the GGO arc previously mentioned,) being made into anime?
Kirito looked like crap after waking up from SAO..Asuna should've looked worse (or at least sort of the same)

I didn't see a great conflict here, for two reasons. First, from a practical aspect, she comes from a rich... very rich... family. They could easily afford the physical therapists who would regularly exercise her comatose body, keeping muscles from atrophying.

Second, from a perspective angle, she's a pretty girl; they probably wanted to keep her looking pretty. ;)
Not sure if I ever posted here or not. [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION]; here comes the rant, I think it will write itself. Let's have some fun with this, shall we? :)

I think SAO had a fantastic premise with the potential to be really great, and it failed by toying with its objective, and poor characterization. Kirito keeps fading in and out from being the anti-hero to being some random unkown guy. Asuna wavers between being a hero of kickass and a domestic housewife (and later a useless damsel in distress/standard meaningless mcguffin). The plot wavers between trying to solve the game, and being a romance. It continues like this for a while, doing an okay job of it, and then totally breaks in the middle.

Somewhere near the end of the first main arc the writer (of the LN, I'm guessing) suddenly realized that he actually didn't give a damn about his plot. He didn't know what to do with it- where was it going? No fear, says our author, surely I can just scrap this plot and create a new one! Nobody will be the wiser...

Thus within what translates to an episode or two of the anime, all conflicts are rapidly resolved. Everything just fixes itself, no matter how much it doesn't make sense that they do. No big revelation or climax, it is basically just
"hey ur the badguy!"
"yea got me lol"
"then we must faight!"
Then due to some kind of terrible programming on our villains part, somewhere he missed an assertion check and kirito defeats him via magic/love/friendship/accidentally being lucky with a random draw of RAM. Surely we should just buy this, because you know Kirito is the hero, so rather than winning because he is actually good, he should just win because he is absurdly lucky. Good job, Kirito! We expected no less from you! Just that I, on the other hand, expected much more.

But "Good", says our author, "now I can get back to writing. I guess the whole main plot was based on solving the game, so I'd better at least trick everyone by including game elements in this next arc, as meaningless as they might be." A legal battle over Asuna over what rights she has while trapped in a game would have been more interesting. But I guess that would have the all-too-obvious solution, because conveniently no police have decided to investigate in the company that is now monitoring those still trapped by NERV gear.

I'm not even sure what the author was so excited to write about here, perhaps incest was his only drive? The rest of the series is filled with no character development, or interesting plot development to speak of. The whole thing is just an elaborate rabbit trail to stall for time, except now everyone looks dumb and we have some filler characters I'm suddenly supposed to care about. Also incest of course, but they are not really related so it is totally okay, right!? Maybe I would have liked it if incest was my thing.

Every now and then we get to see our Asuna-turned-Mcguffin running around and getting into sexually provocative antics. Oh scandal! I think the fact that of course the other high-level scientists involved in the program would choose to have tentacle monster avatars was a nice icing on the cake. Everyone knows nothing can quite do science like a good old-fashioned tentacle monstrosity!

I don't even remember what our villains Big Evil Plan was, other than something about manipulating brains (because as a plot element it was completely irrelevant and useless: nobody cares about, or iirc even knows of any other person still trapped other than Asuna. This plan doesn't effect the anyone in the cast, it is just a convenient pretense to keep Asuna trapped in the game.

Bla bla bla Kirito eventually comes to save the day. And what's this!? He's going to beat the villain by working the magic he learned earlier, and turning his power up to 11!?!? Oh goodness me no! Our Kirito is much better than that. He uses the power of getting a mysterious God Character to come in and conveniently solve all his problems without him having to do anything. He just gets to stand there and win, because he now is granted the account made of win and has his win boots equipped. My my is that satisfying.

So everyone goes home and is happy ever after, and Kirito's sister decides that incest is dumb and she just wants to game with her bro. Coolio. Kirito, now bestowed with the powers of Go of the Gaming World, sets out on the obvious course of action:
"Hey everyone remember that death trap we spent like 2 years trying to escape!?!? LETS DO IT AGAIN FOR FUN LOLOLOLO"
Everyone: "That sounds like memories of my friends dying that I want to relive! Lets GOOOOOOOOO (off to never land)!"
Roll credits. Apparently the LN has another arc after this where Kirito decides he has already saved Asuna and now he needs a new gal. Right on, Kirito! What shenanigans might you get into next!

Now while this review will sound abhorrently negative, I didn't outright hate the series (6/10 on MAL, which isn't a bad score for me, though I feel I might have been too generous). I enjoyed the first few episodes quite a bit, and the whole world was amusing enough to keep me watching the rest. But while the series was still enjoyable, many of the parts that were bad were just so bad that it was hard to take it seriously at all. My biggest pet peeve was presenting Asuna as a strong character, and then beating her down in the mud until she knew her place as a timid housewife. Good morals, that. >:|

As I've said elsewhere, if SAO walked into a room I'd give a small, polite smile, and a facepalm as soon as it turned its head.
[MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION]; I'm not sure what it is, but I get the vague feeling you weren't entirely captivated by SAO. :reallyconfused:

Seriously, everyone gets different things from different stories. One person's ambrosia is another person's vinegar. I've seen more than a few animes that were generally loved, but totally turned me off, like Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero and FLCL.

By that same token, I've enjoyed shows like Kemeko Deluxe. :goodtea:
[MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION]; I'm not sure what it is, but I get the vague feeling you weren't entirely captivated by SAO. :reallyconfused:

Seriously, everyone gets different things from different stories. One person's ambrosia is another person's vinegar. I've seen more than a few animes that were generally loved, but totally turned me off, like Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero and FLCL.

By that same token, I've enjoyed shows like Kemeko Deluxe. :goodtea:

I can also say for myself that I've enjoyed some shows that are obviously non-quality. It just kinds of irks me with SAO that it got so big with such atrocious morals and what is just plain bad storytelling. This seems to be a problem with a lot of anime lately, actually. What is will all these things turning into anime when they completely lack decent story telling? Though I guess things often do get popular with completely incompetent authors... prevalent in America too.

Wasn't Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero just a random harem? I didn't get the idea that it was worth watching XD
If it is that acclaimed maybe I should watch it sometime. I remember the premise sounded funny enough.

FLCL is among my favourite anime because the story-telling is well done (top notch for my taste) but I can easily see how others wouldn't like it. It is fast-paced and convoluted, and the plot is hidden behind all of their gags (perhaps too many of which are pretty perverse). My favourite thing about it (and why I'm loving Kyousougiga so much thus far) is that it doesn't just throw the plot in your face like so many things do. They talk about things you may or may not know anything about, that can become clear later on, and lots of main plot points are just mentioned with passing remarks. There are lots of other reasons why I think it is good, and why I think people might think it falls flat, but I could write another huge page about that.

On that note: please don't think that just because I wrote a lot means I think it is that big of a deal, I could do this with dozens of shows (both positive and negative- some neutral, even!). Perhaps this one annoyed me a bit more, just because it had so much promise and then disappointed me.
[MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION]; Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero is a fairly popular ecchi anime, (a genre I enjoy) It's ranked 7.36/10 by myanimelist. And yet, I can't explain why, I totally lost interest in it. Watch the first two or three episodes, and see if you like it.

And no, I don't take yours, or anyone's opinions to heart. If everyone's tastes were identical, all animes would be identical, too. And that would be boring.

Half the fun is finding something new and interesting. :)

BTW, as to quality shows, I love Teekyuu, and that's just mindless slapstick. ;)
[MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION]; Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero is a fairly popular ecchi anime, (a genre I enjoy) It's ranked 7.36/10 by myanimelist. And yet, I can't explain why, I totally lost interest in it. Watch the first two or three episodes, and see if you like it.

And no, I don't take yours, or anyone's opinions to heart. If everyone's tastes were identical, all animes would be identical, too. And that would be boring.

Half the fun is finding something new and interesting. :)

BTW, as to quality shows, I love Teekyuu, and that's just mindless slapstick. ;)

Well, MAL ratings are pretty broken. A 7.36 is nothing to brag about really. It seems like that range is where most anime tend to average out to. It seems like a show below 7 on MAL means it is probably terrible, 7 is average, and 8 means well-accepted. I've read some MAL review where people pretty much say "I hated everything about this show! 7/10", so ratings are not to be trusted! :P

Well yeah opinions are just opinions. But facts are also facts. It is an opinion that SAO is good or bad, but you would have a ridiculously hard time arguing that it is well-written. Just like some of the shows I really like have some major glaring flaws (and as I said, I still enjoyed SAO).

Who says Teekyuu isn't quality! :objection:
It is simply a different genre going for a different reaction/effect! It has all the quality it needs, it wouldn't know what to do with any extra budget you could give it! :)
I will concede the point about MAL; it was just one quick example off the top of my head. As mentioned, watch the show and decide for yourself.

Teekyuu... I did say I love it, have all the episodes, so far. ;)

As to SAO being (or not being) well written, we do have a difference of opinion; IMO, it's well written. If one assumes the plot is all kickass and boss beating, it would, indeed fail there. But the plot revolves around Kirito's struggle for identity in a world he didn't make. And there, it succeeds well. The same holds true for Asuna's struggle.

In fact, the series has many parallels to old US Westerns. One of the archetypical hero types is the weary, lone gunslinger. The gunslinger is basically a peaceful man who is forced, by circumstances, into a violent life. A series of bad experiences have left him bitter, cynical, and tired of his lifestyle. Slowly, he regains his humanity, helps those in need, and finds a path from his past, usually with the love of a fine woman.

The plot of such westerns is never the gunfights, although the show may have many. Rather, the plot is the soul searching journey of the gunfighter.

We see this exact scenario played out in Kirito. Peaceful by nature, but a bit of a loner, we see his path as he develops from a headstrong young fool, to undergoing tragedies that lock him into a loner lifestyle, to seeing his essential goodness shine, as he helps others less fortunate than himself, to regaining his balance with humanity through the love of a good woman.

It's a good and classic plotline.

Asuna tends to follow the westerns archetype of the farmer's widow, without the dead husband. This character type finds herself in a strange land, without the needed survival skills to get by. She learns to fight, and puts aside her femenity in the struggle to make her world a better place. Traditionally, she regains her essential nature through the love of a good man.

Asuna's story follows this westerns type closely.

In some of the great westerns, the lone gunslinger meets the farmer's widow, and their stories intertwine, as both find themselves together. We see this classic plotline in Kirito and Asuna.

A common ending of such westerns is a final battle with the head bad guy, where the gunslinger sacrifices himself to save the widow and beat the villain. We see this in SAO, with an unusual twist at the end.

It's a classic plotline; not the fights and violence, but rather, the struggle for humanity. I think SAO does it well.
@FinalPyre: You should try reading the LN, the anime loses out a lot of the minor details what would've explain a lot of your complaints (besides the ones that you're wrong about)

First of all, it wasn't simply
"hey ur the badguy!"
"yea got me lol"
"then we must faight!"
Then due to some kind of terrible programming on our villains part, somewhere he missed an assertion check and kirito defeats him via magic/love/friendship/accidentally being lucky with a random draw of RAM.

Yes Kirito did figure him out and he admit it, but Kirito wasn't the one who challenge him to the duel. Heathcliff gave Kirito the challenge of 1 v 1 as 'reward for figuring it out' (instead of Heathcliff revealing himself as the last boss on 90th floor as he intended)

Then Kirito did actually lose in the fight (Heathcliff knew all of the moves Kirito have, being the one who designed them, and know if Kirito ever accidently use a move with delay, he can do a counter hit for the win)
However (and this actually a recurring theme in future arc too) Asuna moved herself to block the hit by power of will (you may call "bah he's a bad programmer then" but the main reason to Heathcliff's downfall was that he programmed these heroic possibilities into his system because he wanted to create a 'world' where inventions can exist (one of the early one would be the Switch 'skill', that was NOT originally part of the game, but was created by the player and adapt to great use early on in the life of SAO))
Then Kirito, in his dying breath, move his hand by will power and stab Heathcliff for double ko (well, 2 for 1 if you count Asuna's death too)
The specific on how Asuna and Kirito, who should've 'die' survived is probably because it take time after a player's HP reach 0 before they actually is killed in the real world (otherwise that christmas item would've been useless), while Heathcliff put the condition that him reaching 0 HP would be the clearing of the game. But this is just my speculation.

And this part is just my personal bias/rant from reading LN before watching the anime's Fairy Dance arc, but I say they definitely fail on that arc by pushing Suguha's feeling as just 'oh incest'.
In my opinion, if SAO was the story of how Kirito went from a typical young boy (with a bit of genius mind, implied by Suguha's family about his dead parents) to a lone wanderer bearing the burden of his self-imposed guilt (that because he didn't help others out, many people died, and as such he bears the first Beater title as to atone for it) then learn to love again and finally become a hero (with a little push when Asuna got stabbed)

Now, the Fairy Dance arc, the whole Kirito chasing after any leads to Asuna is fine, at this point he's borderline yandere stalker anyway ' 3'
He's got 2 goal to his plan
1. Finish the brainwashing experiment, where he uses the 300 kidnapped players to experiment on how to successfully brainwash them (p.s. it's how there's so many brainwashing doujin around too - -)
THEN he plan to sell that research info to foreign powers that wants it for high price.
2. Get Asuna as his legal wife, he plans to just brainwash her into obedient slave after his experiment is successful, because he knows if he return her normally she'd just reject/beat the shit out of him.
And while it seems Kirito basically pulled a Deus ex Machina, there IS a plausible reason if you accept that the Seed system isn't simply for MMO but an actual virtual existence system (which btw is also used in medical field to allow people who otherwise can't move their body to enjoy moving about...Yuuki ; ;)
Because Sugou basically transfer the data of SAO players over by redirecting them from SAO before they could logout, he also copied over Heathcliff's data (including his Admin account that Sugou couldn't access because he didn't have as much authority)
It's also why Kirito had such high stat, because Seed system allows for converting between its seeds and the Kirito here is recognize as Kazuto and got the same character ported over.
So because of that, Heathcliff was able to interfere after he (as a sort of echo of the real person) figure out how.

Which lead to Sugou's downfall being that
His desire to one-up Healthcliff, but he lacks the idea, cause him to attempt to steal SAO after Heathcliff die, but that returned to bite him in the ass by helping Kirito even the playing field.

And after that, instead of considering the option of escaping and take his research elsewhere, his hatred for Kazuto (another one who 'lost' to Heathcliff, but unlike Sugou he didn't succumb) Made him go after Kazuto/Asuna instead, and while it's an adult vs teen, it's also a guy who's been training his physical body to recover and with insinct of how to fight honed into him from the 2 years versus a cowardly thief.

But that's all about Kirito's story alone, and he himself didn't get any real character development, all of it was (should've been) on Suguha which the anime just brush it off.
As I said before, if SAO is the story of Kirito's development, then Fairy Dance is the story of Suguha coming to term with her feeling toward Kazuto.
With Suguha's mom revealing to her that Kazuto is not her real brother, which sparks the small doubt in her that maybe she did think of him as a man rather than a brother at some point.
Then after knowing that Kazuto got a lover named Asuna in SAO, she goes into a sort of limbo, unsure of how to deal with suddenly not even having a chance with him.
Then she met Kirito, who manage to move her heart much like Kazuto, and she tries to push her feeling toward him instead, as to not trouble Kazuto with her feeling.
It basically led into her breaking down and pouring out all of her hidden feelings in his face, and the two get to reconcile after some talk (Ok, so there's actually some development for Kirito, but it's basically a side effect of SAO that he decides to stop distancing himself from his adoptive family)
Personally, I think that while she doesn't put her hope in becoming his lover (i.e. that he's not gonna dump Asuna, like ever), she also takes pride in being the one and only 'sister' of his, which is another unique bond in itself.

But then after Asuna returns, there's one more thing that she came to realize from the SAO clearing party, that there's a 'gap' between her and those from his world, that two years in SAO, that make her feel that he's too far out of reach. Like a fellow soldier that meet his old training buddy that went to war and now that buddy has the eyes of someone who went through hell and survived it while he's still the same ol same ol.
Then thankfully Kirito also reveals that Aincrad get port to ALO on that day, meaning she can now experience (minus the permadeath part) the same world he's been in, this time with everyone.

Anyway, her story is basically of a teenage girl coming to term with her feeling (whether her love was requited was not the point, it was that the storm in her heart was settled)

But because the anime didn't show many of her key inner monologue, she ends up as just "oh lol incest on the side" joke.

The choice of bringing Aincrad is unlikely to cause people to relive the trauma of SAO (I mean, most of those traumatized seem to not even return to NervGear), if anything it's a chance for them to overcome it, like taking revenge on the thing that caused your trauma.

And while it's certainly true Kirito ends up adding more girl to his list, GGO (and Alicization really) still runs on the same theme that was in SAO and Fairy Dance
It's basically Kirito going into different world and help someone overcome their past and also beatup some powerdrunk bastard while at it.
SAO - Help Asuna recover from her death seeking playstyle, and beat Heathcliff
ALO - Help Suguha come to term with her feeling (toward himself), and beat up Sugou
GGO - Help Sinon get over her gun-phobia from past trauma, and beat up the ex-PKers from SAO
Alicization - Help Eugio overcome the barrier of "thou shalt follows the rule" (which plays right into the plan of the guy who started the project) and beat up (well, not yet as of vol 11, but I assume she'll be the one to get pwn'd) Administrator.
I guess, based on the next volume's image, he also help Alice overcome the 'you must worship me' brainwashing of Administrator too...

Maybe I'm just reading too much into it, but I personally think it's quite interesting, especially when you notice many little strings connecting each story to the next
Also, it's one of the few stories that bring tears to my eyes
When Yuuki 'Zekken' die...; ;

Bleargh 'A ' I'm getting sidetracked, I think I'll stop here.
[MENTION=18549]LazyCat[/MENTION]; Interesting analysis.

I suspect Asuna survived at the end, because of Kirito's last request to Heathcliff, regarding her. Heathcliff probably turned off the "kill circuit" for Asuna before the final battle with Kirito.
I am in love with this anime. I am so happy to finally see this anime. It is easy why this anime is a fan favorite and taken the states by storm. My favorite charaters are Kirito, Asuna, Yui, and Sachi
I am in love with this anime. I am so happy to finally see this anime. It is easy why this anime is a fan favorite and taken the states by storm. My favorite charaters are Kirito, Asuna, Yui, and Sachi

No Silica..? :(

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svs wrote on girlcelly's profile.
Hello, can u reup this game?
メイド超狂イク ‐服従母娘、孤島の館での淫虐調教‐ 通常版 + Additional Disk + Manual
ChoomMoka wrote on Shine's profile.
https://gamerch.com/biim/714171 Do u happen to have the game from this blog? thx in advance