The end of eroge sharing in japan?

I saw 女装海峡 and 妹ぱらだいす!2 titles at 2djgames's VIP section:
They aren't gonna share them ?

This link is essentially the same as the above link I posted in #47. They said they were going to, but not until 6/11. I was not clear about the reason they were giving but they were referring to girlcelly and sort of accusing him of them not sharing those games until 6/11.

Also Chinese folks in that VIP section call for people and seem to try cracking Starforce 5.7 妹ぱらだいす!2 employs. Rest assured that those two games will come out at a later point in this month. And let's see how nasty Starforce 5.7 is this time around; Even those in Japan who purchased the game complained about that :redface:
Looking at all the activities over the last two weeks, there might be minor titles missing here and there, but we should be back on track from now on in terms of what will be shared.

Happy playing eroge :)
Looks like you are right, I hope the uploaders can keep up with next month as well. It should be a big month with 40+ full price games.
There's still tons of stuff from this month missing, though. Is it in the process of being uploaded, then?
There's still tons of stuff from this month missing, though. Is it in the process of being uploaded, then?

Yes we are still missing tons of stuff, and to be honest with you I don't know how many more are on the way. What I meant was "in the long term". As a matter of fact, LOあんぐる from 5/24 is on the way so uploaders seem to be looking back and filling missing titles. They did not have to look back for the old titles till April because almost all the titles in a week were covered by 喫茶東洋 in that week. Now that we have had holes in May, which will probably happen every month from now, I think they will upload some missing titles from previous weeks if necessary. This just my guess anyway, but remember that after the arrest things could've been much, much worse.

The keyword from now is patience. It's too soon to make a conclusion that some titles are missing within a week or so. Let's give it a month or two at least to make that conclusion. And if the titles are still missing, then ... too bad :redface:
I think many titles will be shared over FN just need more time now and best titles come first.
FN is now new in JP to so it need some time to get running.

Next game that will be out is Parasol and then the Moonstone game.
My personal awaited title imouto paradise 2 is coming to Share and it's coming from Japan, beating China. It's a matte of time before it will be shared in this community. I like this title so much so that I have actually purchased a copy for myself even though I know it is on the way to be shared; If it's my favorite game, I prefer getting hands on the actual, tangible package as well as bonus items like tapestry or shikishi to obtaining intangible digital iso data. BTW, I don't know if imouto paradise 2 coming to anime-sharing has been confirmed to start correctly, due to Starforce of course. If not, we will have party for cracking the game :D

* I stand corrected. It's still in the process of being uploaded and still up to 3 out of 9 (6 rars remaining as of 6/8). It could be that 6/11 release will be ahead of release in Japan.

Anyhow, this is a very good sign because if this nukige is shared, you can almost be sure that other popular nukige in the subsequent months will also be shared. And some of the remaining uploaders have adopted the Freenet, and others have learned how to efficiently import stuffs from the Freenet, which explains an increase in the number of games shared in May over the last couple of days.

So as I mentioned, except for really minor titles we should be all set :)
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Just to clarify, The reason for the date of 6/11 is to give priority access to VIP users who (obviously) supported our site.

And the announcement was (try) to make sure people don't mistaken who actually was the first one to post the game (or the CGs). Afterall, the DDL area is (mostly) about downloading unique content from another person then upload it again and post it above the very person, so that the person above earn more downloads. Good for everyone, bad for the person who released first.

If anyone bought premium account from my releases, or is able to crack Starforce, I'm happy to give out the download links privately. Just don't post it anywhere or there will be no next time.

If imopara2 comes out on Share/Freenet, the torrent and DDL will be released here before your download finishes on Share. So there is no "x beating y".

Good for you to buy the original, you probably get to play before everyone else because of the Starforce protection.
Thanks for sharing insights, now I see why. It's totally understandable if someone is the first uploader, he/she is worried about how many uploads can be earned.

What I always don't get about Japanese uploaders is that they don't upload games for money; it's just purely voluntary action. I always wonder what keeps them motivated if they don't earn money. Well, i guess that's why they are called "god" over there.

I am not opening up my imopara2 package even if it's delivered. I will keep it intact and wait for the shared game to come (will fight against Starforce if necessary).
Ugh, when I run freenet on my old computer, it feels like I'm running a benchmark in the background constantly. I dont think i m going to be friend with that software very long :P
I have realized that FlowerTradeWinds is becoming one of the key uploaders for eroge sharing, though he seems to live outside Japan. He bought 妹ぱらだいす2、催眠カウンセラー、淫獄痴漢列車 and shared them, and those titles are something Japanese uploaders couldn't accomplish. I know unlike Japanese uploaders, FlowerTradeWinds earns money by uploading them but if that's what he needs to keep the ball rolling then that's totally understandable. Other uploaders like girlcelly and all are playing roles here but they aren't uploaders really, because they collect free stuffs and just transport them to different places for money; they are more like transporters. FlowerTradeWinds has become just like a Japanese uploader, a key point of first release.
I have realized that FlowerTradeWinds is becoming one of the key uploaders for eroge sharing, though he seems to live outside Japan. He bought 妹ぱらだいす2、催眠カウンセラー、淫獄痴漢列車 and shared them, and those titles are something Japanese uploaders couldn't accomplish. I know unlike Japanese uploaders, FlowerTradeWinds earns money by uploading them but if that's what he needs to keep the ball rolling then that's totally understandable. Other uploaders like girlcelly and all are playing roles here but they aren't uploaders really, because they collect free stuffs and just transport them to different places for money; they are more like transporters. FlowerTradeWinds has become just like a Japanese uploader, a key point of first release.

I think this is so far the best idea to solve the problem of sharing. Ordering the eroges from oversea and redistributing them without being effected by japanese law. What a brilliant idea! Btw it's as you've mentioned, you don't have to be rich in order to buy tons of eroges, cause you can make up the cost with people downloading them. And suppose the average cost per 1 eroge is around 100-200 bucks, you can cover that with erm..1000 downloads? So it's not that hard.

Btw it's always the same excuse with arresting the uploaders and using it as deterrent. If you think that galge brings huge material lost, then try to compare it PS3/XBOX/PC games, which are estimated over billions of $ and still it's working fine. On top of that, It's not like redistributing affects the drop of sales in Japan?I think the otakus in Japan are aware of that, thus they're buing regularly and not downloading... The producers are just stingy bastards..
Ordering the eroges from oversea and redistributing them without being effected by japanese law. What a brilliant idea!

There are ways to get eroges outside Japan:
1. Have someone or a shipping service company send games overseas
2. Go to Japan and export games to wherever you live
3. Purchase download edition
4. Use online stores who can ship games abroad

Clearly the option to be able to obtain as many latest eroges as possible is 4 (for 1 it’s hard to keep asking a third person to send as many as 20 to 30 eroges every single month, for 2 travel and shipping expense is just too much, and for 3 download editions for the latest games won't be immediately available).

The issue is that unlike games for all ages, there are very few online stores who ship eroge overseas, e.g. sofmap, getchu, medio, trader, and do not ship eroge overseas partly because different countries have different law on pornography. To the best of my knowledge, amiami is the only online store that covers the latest titles in stock as many and ships products abroad.

Japanese uploaders need to consider security to be the first priority when uploading and need to sacrifice upload speed, which explains the use of the Freenet. Uploaders outside Japan, on the other hand, are a bit free from risk of getting caught in action by Japanese copyright authorities, hence can put more emphasis on upload speed.

As you point out, the safest way is to upload games from outside Japan. Japanese uploaders will continue what they do anyway, but for games that haven’t been shared for long time, we could rely on uploaders outside Japan. Maybe this site could start some paypal account that will collect donation from people in the forum and the uploaders outside Japan could use that money to purchase and share games for the community. I am more than happy to donate when push comes to shove.
I have realized that FlowerTradeWinds is becoming one of the key uploaders for eroge sharing, though he seems to live outside Japan. He bought 妹ぱらだいす2、催眠カウンセラー、淫獄痴漢列車 and shared them, and those titles are something Japanese uploaders couldn't accomplish.

For info, I upload for a "release group" and I handle mostly handle the DDL part only. Whoever you would like to credit is up to you though.

I think this is so far the best idea to solve the problem of sharing. Ordering the eroges from oversea and redistributing them without being effected by japanese law. What a brilliant idea! Btw it's as you've mentioned, you don't have to be rich in order to buy tons of eroges, cause you can make up the cost with people downloading them. And suppose the average cost per 1 eroge is around 100-200 bucks, you can cover that with erm..1000 downloads? So it's not that hard.

Btw it's always the same excuse with arresting the uploaders and using it as deterrent. If you think that galge brings huge material lost, then try to compare it PS3/XBOX/PC games, which are estimated over billions of $ and still it's working fine. On top of that, It's not like redistributing affects the drop of sales in Japan?I think the otakus in Japan are aware of that, thus they're buing regularly and not downloading... The producers are just stingy bastards..

Downloads doesn't pay since Megaupload went down. It would take about 10-15 premiums to cover ONE game (less for doujin games)

Sharing these games were never about profiting. The earning only cover server cost. (most of) The games are bought because our members want a physical copy anyway and provide them to us for exclusive releases. Though the other uploaders are happly download then upload to their own account for earning. Though I believe in time, people will recognize our effort and download our releases instead.

As you point out, the safest way is to upload games from outside Japan. Japanese uploaders will continue what they do anyway, but for games that haven’t been shared for long time, we could rely on uploaders outside Japan. Maybe this site could start some paypal account that will collect donation from people in the forum and the uploaders outside Japan could use that money to purchase and share games for the community. I am more than happy to donate when push comes to shove.

We have multiple Japanese members to buy the games in local shops if required, given enough fund it is possible to have every game available on release date.

For the time being, we will try to fill the gaps.

Also note that accepting donation via Paypal will cause the account to be frozen so it is useless. You don't see anyone taking Paypal nowadays. Buying premium account from me is probably the most "easy" way to "donate".
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Downloads doesn't pay since Megaupload went down. It would take about 10-15 premiums to cover ONE game (less for doujin games)

Sharing these games were never about profiting. The earning only cover server cost. (most of) The games are bought because our members want a physical copy anyway and provide them to us for exclusive releases. Though the other uploaders are happly download then upload to their own account for earning. Though I believe in time, people will recognize our effort and download our releases instead.

So it's just fine to download your files from a premium account?That's easier than what I anticipated. Btw, Sir, I always download eroges and HCG from your sources +bakaGircely, though it's from free account. From time to time I happen to purchase premium, simply because I'm busy, so I don't want to wait for downloading.
And yes, before downloading I checks whether the uploader is legit or just a random guy trying to to steal other ppl efforts. Hopefully, others do the same.
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So it's just fine to download your files from a premium account?

If that's the case, for games whose first release is you I'll definitely access your files to support you, FlowerTradeWinds, and no one else. For other games Japanese uploaders release, it may not matter from which account I download files as I said they seem to care less about earning.
We are indeed back to where we were having pretty much all the titles in a month with a bit of a delay :)

It's ironic that 喫茶東洋's arrest did not obliterate eroge sharing, but rather that has raised the bar of arresting remaining uploaders. With freenet, I'd say it has become much more difficult to keep track of what is being uploaded if not impossible.

We had turbulence in May but from this month on things should be back to normal; the main stream would be from the freenet, the brave continue releasing the games on share directly, and we've got covering fire from outside Japan (like imopara2).
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Sadly those delays are in the 3 titles (Love×Hate, ミニパイくれ~ま~ 文句を言いたいのにおっぱいが感じちゃう, and 淫辱選挙戦 ~白濁に染まる会長選~) I was most looking forward to lol.

I'm trying to follow the trend, but to clarify, have all the uploaders switched to freenet then? I'm on share myself so I'm wondering if I should swap over as it's pretty barren (just stuff that's up on torrent/JP sites already).
Sadly those delays are in the 3 titles (Love×Hate, ミニパイくれ~ま~ 文句を言いたいのにおっぱいが感じちゃう, and 淫辱選挙戦 ~白濁に染まる会長選~) I was most looking forward to lol.

Good for you, they have finally been shared :) Now you see there's nothing to worry about. Thanks FlowerTradeWinds always, you're the hero not only in anime-sharing but also for downloaders in Japan.

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