The end of eroge sharing in japan?

Good for you, they have finally been shared :) Now you see there's nothing to worry about. Thanks FlowerTradeWinds always, you're the hero not only in anime-sharing but also for downloaders in Japan.

Hah, I'm not one to complain about what the uploaders risk providing for us, but it's definitely a relief =). +1 on thanks to FlowerTradeWinds.
Just to clarify, The reason for the date of 6/11 is to give priority access to VIP users who (obviously) supported our site.

And the announcement was (try) to make sure people don't mistaken who actually was the first one to post the game (or the CGs). Afterall, the DDL area is (mostly) about downloading unique content from another person then upload it again and post it above the very person, so that the person above earn more downloads. Good for everyone, bad for the person who released first.

If anyone bought premium account from my releases, or is able to crack Starforce, I'm happy to give out the download links privately. Just don't post it anywhere or there will be no next time.

If imopara2 comes out on Share/Freenet, the torrent and DDL will be released here before your download finishes on Share. So there is no "x beating y".

Good for you to buy the original, you probably get to play before everyone else because of the Starforce protection.

For info, I upload for a "release group" and I handle mostly handle the DDL part only. Whoever you would like to credit is up to you though.

Downloads doesn't pay since Megaupload went down. It would take about 10-15 premiums to cover ONE game (less for doujin games)

Sharing these games were never about profiting. The earning only cover server cost. (most of) The games are bought because our members want a physical copy anyway and provide them to us for exclusive releases. Though the other uploaders are happly download then upload to their own account for earning. Though I believe in time, people will recognize our effort and download our releases instead.

We have multiple Japanese members to buy the games in local shops if required, given enough fund it is possible to have every game available on release date.

For the time being, we will try to fill the gaps.

Also note that accepting donation via Paypal will cause the account to be frozen so it is useless. You don't see anyone taking Paypal nowadays. Buying premium account from me is probably the most "easy" way to "donate".

I registered to say how disgusting I am about people like you who haven't any moral at all. All you said is ''I want to take your money, deal with it'' What you are doing is not sharing you are stealing and preaching all this crap of ''honor among thieves''. This sums up what is wrong with ''piracy'' nowadays people are on it for the money and anyone who proffits from it should indeed be arrested. My heart goes to those who share without making a cent, they are the ones who deserve all the kudos. You sir are a perfect example of all that is wrong with piracy, how is that making a donation is no good, but buying a shitty vip acess is OK? it doesn't even make sense. You just want to force people to spend their money on you no matter what and make a business out of it.
You just want to force people to spend their money on you no matter what and make a business out of it.

No one forced you to spend money on anything. May be someone else make a business out of it, but certainly not for me. My group started releasing eroge in 2003 when Megaupload didn't even exist. All the new releases from us are open for free public download since 2003 with no exception.

There is no moral in file-sharing. If you post here you already declared you have no moral as well.

how is that making a donation is no good

You simply would not see anyone accepting a donation because Paypal ToS does not allow it. The only way to "donate" would just be a "premium account" (I assume that is what you mean by vip access).

This sums up what is wrong with ''piracy'' nowadays people are on it for the money and anyone who proffits from it should indeed be arrested.

You are free to find a "right" way to "piracy". Unfortunately the world decided to settle on the current sharing model, which strike the balance between privacy, speed and convenience.

On the other hand, if you haven't paid a cent, you have no rights to demand anything. Just "eat" what is being "served".

My heart goes to those who share without making a cent, they are the ones who deserve all the kudos.

You would find that most people who "share without making a cent" also didn't "pay a cent", but just sharing what someone else shared.

You are free to provide us with any eroge to release and we will seed it at our cost. You can have all the "kudos".
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No one forced you to spend money on anything. May be someone else make a business out of it, but certainly not for me. My group started releasing eroge in 2003 when Megaupload didn't even exist. All the new releases from us are open for free public download since 2003 with no exception.

There is no moral in file-sharing. If you post here you already declared you have no moral as well.

You simply would not see anyone accepting a donation because Paypal ToS does not allow it. The only way to "donate" would just be a "premium account" (I assume that is what you mean by vip access).

You are free to find a "right" way to "piracy". Unfortunately the world decided to settle on the current sharing model, which strike the balance between privacy, speed and convenience.

On the other hand, if you haven't paid a cent, you have no rights to demand anything. Just "eat" what is being "served".

You would find that most people who "share without making a cent" also didn't "pay a cent", but just sharing what someone else shared.

You are free to provide us with any eroge to release and we will seed it at our cost. You can have all the "kudos".

Who cares about megaupload there always were plenty of alternatives. Again who cares about paypal, paypal isn't the only way to make DONATIONS (read DONATIONS) not some ''pay up or else''. My moral is that I do not make a profit out of anything I get from the internet, some countries allow you to DL everything from the internet if you don't try to make a profit out of it, that's the true meaning of SHARING, you do not impose any restrictions, you do not decide who gets early access based on payments, and yes there are original uploaders like the big ones from share that don't make a cent.

Lets face it you are a disgrace, moved by greed and corruption, you are taking advantage of the current situation that's going on in Japan.
I do not know where did you find that definition of SHARING. The basic meaning is very simple

verb (used with object)
to divide and distribute in shares; apportion.
to use, participate in, enjoy, receive, etc., jointly: The two chemists shared the Nobel prize.

Yes there are plenty other ways than Paypal, none of those are both safe, low fee and convenient anyway. No one said you need to pay $X to get Y. And if you aren't happy, just wait a few days. No one is forced into paying. If you are feeling otherwise, download from someone else, preferrably one of those Japanese uploaders you admire. No one is stopping you.

We bought the game and we can decide when to share it. There is NO restriction once the early access period is over.
If you really don't like the way it is, you are always welcomed to buy your game and share. We chose to share a game at a certain date. Someone else, such as YOU, can share the same game before that date and take all the kudos.

Taking advantage of ANYTHING is a human nature, such as trying to put yourself on a (non-existence) moral high-ground.
You can say all the bad things you can. You can take action to improve the situation, but you chose to talk ****.
You sir don't want to see the obvious, you are not SHARING anything the moment you are making a profit out of it. Thats the problem with you and all others like you, you can even delay your releases by years I don't care, as long you don't try to profit from it. Don't throw at me all that bullshit of needing to pay up server expenses, VOLUNTEER donations can cover that easily not to mentions ads.

You can also say that killing people is part of human nature, but to me helping out the next fellow that I come across on the street is what matters, so yes you lack moral.
You sir don't want to see the obvious, you are not SHARING anything the moment you are making a profit out of it. Thats the problem with you and all others like you, you can even delay your releases by years I don't care, as long you don't try to profit from it. Don't throw at me all that bullshit of needing to pay up server expenses, VOLUNTEER donations can cover that easily not to mentions ads.

You can also say that killing people is part of human nature, but to me helping out the next fellow that I come across on the street is what matters, so yes you lack moral.

Calm down dude, don't turn this discussion thread into flame war
I'm not trying to defend anyone but some of FlowerTradeWind wrote is right, whoever bought the game has the right to share the game or not as he want
and Us as the downloader have the rights to choose to download his version of the game or not, No one forces us to download his version. If you want to wait for other to release then it's fine, no need for badmouthing people
Uploaders who use file-sharing sites and could profit out of sharing almost always provide torrent as well. So one can use torrent if he/she doesn't want to spend money, which might take a while compared to using file-sharing sites. I think that's just a tradeoff between time and money and there's no free lunch.
I would just like to say that just like uploading eroge, anything that is "shared" falls into this discussion. Anyone can decide wether or not to have their filehosts give them payouts for how many downloads per week they acrue.

I chose not to have my filehosts give me a payout. I didn't need it. (Also because my media has been released for quite some time) But there are uploaders who do buy the physical media with their own money and then share it to whomever their target audience is. So the uploaders that do buy the items they share will often want a reimbursement to pay for their expenses, which I believe that is very fair. (But for providing rare and "intrinsic" items, the payout, if any would be next to nothing, as the people who are looking for their rare item(s) are very few)

Now some uploaders will want a payback because of the material that they provide. Such as old "long lost games/movies/music???" Some things are just so old that only a few people on the internets knows what and where to find something of such rarity. Those uploaders can justify having their filehosts give them a payout as well.

So as to the people in Japan that are still actively sharing eroge, (as this is what this thread is about) somebody has got to buy the physical media first before it can be shared. From what I understand over here in the States, paying up to $400 for an eroge title is something many people cannot do. Economy, taxes, import rates (other things probably). So the people sharing eroge can justify wanting to have a reimbursement from filehost sites... but only if they share because they care and not for profit.
Tbh the eroge, anime, manga and whatever stuff that comes from the east, never had a proper structure/ruleset. The west is miles ahead on this regard with the so called 'Scene' that has been around for years, too bad that The Scene never really took off in the east, it would have been amazing if it did. In japan they give priority to p2p networks whereas on the west p2p is seen as a joke if you compare it to the famous 'topsites' that are really well organized with PRE bots and such, most people don't even have a clue that pretty much all the stuff seen on p2p comes from there.
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I have been in the software downloading (Warez) scene since the days of the commodore 64. (I'm 42) Back then we used BBS systems connected by modems through phone lines. I have seen many big cracking and uploading groups fall because of arrests. Even so, in the long run someone always steps in and the release routes repair themselves.

IT would be nice if we had a group here in the rest that was buying all the releases and cracking them and distributing them. I know it would be expensive, but I would be more than happy to donate a monthly of about $20-$30. I know that's not too much but if there were a hundred members or more who made a similar donation, it would add up. I don't really care about all the sex only with no story releases.
I would be very interested to know what the sentence for these uploader's - especially if they are from the 1% crowd is after trial - if it even goes there.

In Japan power is everything and money more so - if these providers are indeed wealthy they might just get slaps on the wrist which is considered humiliating as it is. Did they even release the real name of the uploaders? Yeah thats not sketchy at all. Power protecting wealth.

Then again they still perform court ordered lobotomies in there's that!
So as to the people in Japan that are still actively sharing eroge, (as this is what this thread is about) somebody has got to buy the physical media first before it can be shared. From what I understand over here in the States, paying up to $400 for an eroge title is something many people cannot do. Economy, taxes, import rates (other things probably). So the people sharing eroge can justify wanting to have a reimbursement from filehost sites... but only if they share because they care and not for profit.

Wow 400$ for an eroge? Is that real? I often buy import ps3 games from japan and they only cost slightly more or equal price to the price of ps3 games in europe (for new releases) never got caught by the import taxe since I only buy 2 or 3 games at a time max, I think they only tax higher orders.
It seems that eroge are sold at around the same price as ps3 game, except that they seem to get small price cut even before they are released although, I just don't buy them because I don't want people to take a peek at those during transport :).
Most of the PS3 games are just about 7000 yen or so ( Limited Editions are always an exception ),
While most eroge are around 9000 yen or more.

Not to mention deputy service fee and such.
True eroge are a bit more expensive but not close to 4x more expensive.
You are talking about list price of eroge vs retail price of ps3 games.
Eroge rarely get sold at list price. here is an exemple of eroge that releases next month.
list price 9240 yen/ actual price 8316 yen, the full list price of ps3 game is at 7980 then price gets slashed too.
I guess it is more difficult to find place selling imported eroge for cheap, so you might have to use an import service like tenso in addition so that adds a bit less than 2000 yen but lets say 2000 yen. 10316 yen to import to the usa.
That is still 4x less than the price he mentioned.
True eroge are a bit more expensive but not close to 4x more expensive.
You are talking about list price of eroge vs retail price of ps3 games.
Eroge rarely get sold at list price. here is an exemple of eroge that releases next month.
list price 9240 yen/ actual price 8316 yen, the full list price of ps3 game is at 7980 then price gets slashed too.
I guess it is more difficult to find place selling imported eroge for cheap, so you might have to use an import service like tenso in addition so that adds a bit less than 2000 yen but lets say 2000 yen. 10316 yen to import to the usa.
That is still 4x less than the price he mentioned.

I never take amazon as a price guide, they discount stuff a bit too much.
I prefer getchu for that kind of thing.
Plus most of the time amazon don't even get any shop bonuses.

When I buy eroge, I buy either from sofmap, getchu, or trader.
The rest does not have bonuses that interest ME ( personal preference ) most of the time.

The total for importing does add up to about 200$, but I try to stay away from importing on my own,
Because I live in Indonesia, where the damn law is not compliant with this kind of stuff.
(Had a case where the confiscated(?) my game at the customs, there goes 150$)

edit :
I don't understand how amazon discount the stuff.
I mean amairo islenaut + the bonus is 7890, while the game itself WITHOUT the bonus is 8316
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I m not sure how you manage to get an extra 100 usd on top of the price I calculated earlier (tenso seems to charge even less if you are from asia), I think that is all that you need to import an eroge, you are adding an extra party in the middle that charges something as well or are you trying to get some kind of special deluxe edition ;) ?
I need to use Deputy service that will follow my instructions to the point, (thus the extra price)
And yes the premium editions + the bonuses itself weighs quite a lot.

In case you don't know how big the grisaia limited edition box from sofmap is, damn thing is huge, 37x26x6 cm.
or the daitoshokan no hitsujikai premium edition box, weighs 2 full kilo without wrappings, and I NEED the wrapping which adds more weight, or else it's bye bye to my stuff in the customs.

It's not about the Asia, it's about Indonesia.
Anywhere else in South East Asia, things might be a bit more lax.
But here in Indonesia, if you did not wrap up the box properly with newspaper and bubble wrappings, they OPEN the box.
And i mean the GAME box, not the shipment box.
(Damn thing actually happened to me. Talk about invasion of privacy)
I need to use Deputy service that will follow my instructions to the point, (thus the extra price)
And yes the premium editions + the bonuses itself weighs quite a lot.

In case you don't know how big the grisaia limited edition box from sofmap is, damn thing is huge, 37x26x6 cm.
or the daitoshokan no hitsujikai premium edition box, weighs 2 full kilo without wrappings, and I NEED the wrapping which adds more weight, or else it's bye bye to my stuff in the customs.

It's not about the Asia, it's about Indonesia.
Anywhere else in South East Asia, things might be a bit more lax.
But here in Indonesia, if you did not wrap up the box properly with newspaper and bubble wrappings, they OPEN the box.
And i mean the GAME box, not the shipment box.
(Damn thing actually happened to me. Talk about invasion of privacy)

Hey, How can you able to import VN to Indonesia since some of the site refuse to sent VN outside of Japan and bypass the custom?
also, I ask some of the import Service and they refuse due to the content of the VN

Btw, Grimoire no Shisho game CG-Rip is up but the game still nowhere to be found
that's why I said,
"Deputy service that will follow my instructions to the point".
They sent pretty much anything that is allowed to be sent FROM japan, including eroge.
Had them send Dengeki Hime monthly for quite a while.

I also asked them to fake the shipment invoice, and have them drop the value of the package.
Have them too expensive, and that's a higher probability of bye bye to your game.
The customs officer here loves high price package or huge boxes.
Gives them a chance to have some "extra" money.
Good for you, they have finally been shared :) Now you see there's nothing to worry about. Thanks FlowerTradeWinds always, you're the hero not only in anime-sharing but also for downloaders in Japan.

Do you know when are they going to make those titles publicly available?
Do you know when are they going to make those titles publicly available?

A website called 2DJ has a forum where moderators list titles they are going to share, first in private, then in public. Due a reason FlowerTradeWinds stated, we need to wait for a bit after their release dates for some titles to come out in public but once they have said they are going to release, they do so on a specified date without fail.

For titles released from Japan, we cannot predict what comes and what doesn't because all the uploaders share titles as they like; it's completely a matter of their tastes.

Thankfully over the last two months, with uploaders in Japan and uploaders in China working together, almost all the titles are shared.
Do you know when are they going to make those titles publicly available?

I guess I wasn't clear about what you asked. For Love×Hate, ミニパイくれ~ま~ 文句を言いたいのにおっぱいが感じちゃう, and 淫辱選挙戦 ~白濁に染まる会長選~, the second and the third have already been shared. There's no sign of Love×Hate and we can only hope that someone will upload it either from Japan or from China. If no one uploads then there is no sharing all over the world; It's as simple as that unfortunately.

This will arrive soon.
Yeah, I dunno either. Musumakeup was out in record time. I've been around for several years and I don't recall any Illusion game torrent being available this early, so...

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