The Second Thief Game~

The guards returned to the cave with a light and search around~ The thief was somewhere in there but they couldnt find her... There was also really loud snores... A different kind than those they heard in the forest...

The soot sprites seem to be migrating or something but theyre all over the grounds...

Guest Clues- 32

S S85(1) A2 E2 W2 F2 B1 D2 L2
Tree House--> Tree house--> Tree house--> Tree house
Clue- 94(0)
Item(s)- Whip x6, Pocket watch x5, Sweets x2, Note x6, Whistle x3, Fruit x2, Fish, Lucky coin x4, Tomes x10, Wine x8, Four leaf clover (26), Charm (116), Coal x40, Acorn x3, Armor x4, Luck potion, Dusty tome, Manhole cover x2, Tea, Carrot x2, Key
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel a balanced flow of energy~
Dormouse- Sleeping again~
Event- Interaction- You turn the chest upside down and shake it~ The chest seems to not like that quite a bit and chomps down on your arm...
Event- You crawl through the entrance to find a wizard talking to his owl... The owl was mumbling about some sword when the wizard spotted you... The wizard told you to get over there and listen since the owl was confusing him... The owl shoves a piece of paper at you and told you to search the notes since the wizard had forgotten where he put the sword... The wizard conjures up two little boosts for you and sends you off~ You notice an ornate chest sitting around in the corner of the room and the wizard just said "Sure, sure, take the darn chest too. It just appeared randomly," when he saw you looking at it~8
Event- Interaction- You notice soot sprites floating through cracks in the wall and run around chasing them~ You toss some sweets to a few of the and some sneak off with the lumps of coal you found but the rest just got frightened and turned into more lumps of coal...

Clues- 82(3)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately) (2)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~

Alice & Leonard
Master Bedroom
Clues- 64(0)
Item(s)- Wine x3, Key x3, Note x2, Fish x2, Sweets x2, Armor x2, Tea, Carrot
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- You find a ring of keys in one of the jackets~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 47(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Alice A2 F E
Master bedroom
Clues- 86(0)
Item(s)- Note x13, Pocket watch, Carrot x2, Dusty tome, Acorn, Luck potion, Sweets, Wine, Key
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 2
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~ 2
Event- Interaction- Someone seems to have been hiding a stash of food in the chest... which you decided to borrow~ The chest tried to bite you but you had armor on and it couldnt get through~
Event- You find a ring of keys in one of the jackets~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 79(0)
Item(s): Fish, Fruit, Key, Pocket watch x2, Note x4, Tea x2, Sweets, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn, Coal
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- Everywhere you search has soot sprites just floating around... but you managed to pull a dusty covered chest out of the closet...

Kuro the Cat S15(2) W
Hidden Grove
Clues- 88(0)
Item(s)- Key x2, Wine, Fruit x3, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets, Acorn, Note x3, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (25),
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (1)
Bear- Just a bear following someone around~ Nothing to see here~
Event- The some leprechauns pop up and asks if they could get their pot of gold~ They offer their assistance in exchange~
Event- Interaction- You give the leprechauns the pot of gold and one of the leprechauns stay around after the others carry the pot off~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 32(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 56(1)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- Some deer are running past you~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 33(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x5, Key x6
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You find a ring of keys in one of the jackets~

Clues- 35(3)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
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Hmm.... That was what I was looking for them in the 1st place.... Give it to them....

And what does this do "Bear- Just a bear following someone around~ Nothing to see here~"
Hmm the bear might help find something or maybe scare something/someone into changing their mind about attacking~ Basically just there until it returns the favor~

Event- Interaction- You give the leprechauns the pot of gold and one of the leprechauns stay around after the others carry the pot off~
Hmm any food would work xD Its just that fish works best to get the bear to follow you initially~
Honey? Hmm well if you count the fact that honey can count as sweets?

Lol there was at least one chest in every area but they can only be found under certain circumstances~
The guards heard the snoring stop and suddenly it became eerily quiet~ A spot in the distance seemed to start warping and suddenly there was a deafening roar~ A large creature flew past them and out into the grounds but they couldnt see what it was in the dark...

Guest Clues- 32

S S85(1) A2 E2 W2 F2 D2 L2 S
Forest--> Secret passage--> Dark Chamber
Clue- 94(0)
Item(s)- Whip x6, Pocket watch x5, Sweets x3, Note x6, Whistle x3, Fruit x2, Fish, Lucky coin x4, Tomes x10, Wine x9, Four leaf clover (33), Charm (141), Coal x40, Acorn x3, Armor x4, Luck potion, Dusty tome x2, Manhole cover x3, Tea x2, Carrot x3,
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel somewhat energetic~
Dormouse- Sleeping again~
Chest- Still stuck...
Boosts- Two mediocre boosts... better than nothing~
Event- Interaction- Youre somewhat wary about messing with another chest but you do anyway~ You dig around for a bit and feel a familiar bite...
Event- A squirrel followed you around for a bit and you saw that it had a note tied to its back that said "You might want to go to the garden area~" You spot a wolf as you continue walking and it leaps at you, but you dodged and it didnt try again~ Though it continued following you... Sevit popped up later and you asked him if he could help pry the chests off your arm~ You notice two other chests in the bushes while he does so~
Event- You end up in front of that door again and find an odd light coming from behind it... You quickly unlock the door and the light disappears... you stumble around the room and come upon some odd sword stuck into the floor~ You pull at the sword and it slides out after a bit but dissolved as you held it...

Clues- 82(3)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately) (1)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- You notice a large shadow but it disappeared by the time you looked up...

Alice & Leonard
Master Bedroom
Clues- 64(0)
Item(s)- Wine x3, Key x3, Note x2, Fish x2, Sweets x2, Armor x2, Tea, Carrot
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- Soot sprites are floating around and leaving soot everywhere...

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 47(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Alice A2 F E
Master bedroom
Clues- 86(0)
Item(s)- Note x13, Pocket watch, Carrot x2, Dusty tome, Acorn, Luck potion, Sweets, Wine, Key
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 2
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~ 2
Event- Soot sprites are floating around and leaving soot everywhere...

Lucca Emily
Clues- 82(3)
Item(s): Fish x2, Fruit, Key x2, Pocket watch x2, Note x4, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn, Coal, Four leaf clover, Armor
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- Interaction- You wipe a bit of dust off the chest and open it~ You find a key, four leaf clover, dried fish, piece of armor, and sweets inside~
Event- You notice a large shadow but it disappeared by the time you looked up...

Kuro the Cat S15(2) W
Clues- 91(0)
Item(s)- Key x2, Wine, Fruit x3, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets, Acorn, Note x3, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (25),
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again)
Bear- Just a bear following someone around~ Nothing to see here~
Leprechauns- Riding around on the bear~
Event- You notice a large shadow but it disappeared by the time you looked up...

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 32(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 57(1)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- You see S in the distance with some wolves following him in the shade... You want to warn him but most of the wolves left after a while anyway... You run up to him later and he seems to need help with prying those chests off his arm... some wolves also seem to be following you...

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 33(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x5, Key x6
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- Soot sprites are floating around and leaving soot everywhere...

Clues- 38(3)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- You notice a large shadow but it disappeared by the time you looked up...
Hmm staying... ok xD

@kacta Event- Interaction- The soot sprite gets scared when you get closer and disappears in a cloud of soot~ It left behind an odd lump of coal though...
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Hmm anyone want random boosts and whatnot? ;p Ill probably just use all the tomes at the boathouse :goodtea:

The guards spotted the large creature by the boathouse but it flew off before they could get close enough to see it clearly...

S was poking at some chests in the Guardhouse in the Garden when the thief came by... She pushed S and the wolf into a door nearby and locked it~ When guards got S back out, the thief had disappeared~

Guest Clues- 32

S S85(0) A2 E2 W2 F2 D2 L2 S
Garden Guardhouse
Clue- 98(4)
Item(s)- Whip x8, Pocket watch x5, Sweets x6, Note x8, Whistle x4, Fruit x4, Fish x4, Lucky coin x4, Tomes x10, Wine x10, Four leaf clover (44), Charm (266), Coal x41, Acorn x5, Armor x9, Luck potion x3, Dusty tome x4, Manhole cover x6, Tea x3, Carrot x8, Key
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel quite a bit of control~
Dormouse- Sleeping again~
Wolf- Sniffing around as if it was trying to detect danger~
Chest- Hmm a chest stuck on each arm now... but at least theres guards around to get them off~
Event- Interaction- You topple both chests and a pile of items spill out of it~ A note is among the pile of items and it reads "The master continued her duties as normal but it seems that something will happen soon." Anyhow one of the chests snapped on your hand while you were busy reading...
Event- The thief locked you in the Watchtower of the Guardhouse... when you get out it seems that she had gone through the chests and taken stuff but at least theyre not empty... There was quite a few squirrels running around the tower too... squirrels which dropped a manhole cover on your foot...
Event- Interaction- You quickly dig around in the chests and try to find something but they snap on you pretty quickly... You manage to avoid one... well at least youre still at the guard house... even if theyll probably laugh again...

Clues- 82(3)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- The water sprites seem to be going a bit crazy and running all over the place...

Alice & Leonard
Master Bedroom
Clues- 64(0)
Item(s)- Wine x3, Key x4, Note x2, Fish x2, Sweets x2, Armor x2, Tea, Carrot
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- You find a key after shooing away all the soot sprites~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 47(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- You find the black cat running around saying something about someone having too much power...

Alice A2 F E
Master bedroom
Clues- 86(0)
Item(s)- Note x13, Pocket watch, Carrot x2, Dusty tome, Acorn, Luck potion, Sweets, Wine, Key x2, Coal
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 2
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~ 2
Event- You find a key after shooing away all the soot sprites~

Lucca Emily
Clues- 82(3)
Item(s): Fish x2, Fruit, Key x2, Pocket watch x2, Note x4, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn, Coal, Four leaf clover (4), Armor
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)

Kuro the Cat S15(2) W
Clues- 91(0)
Item(s)- Key x2, Wine, Fruit x4, Fish x3, Tea x2, Sweets, Acorn, Note x3, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (50), Armor, Whip,
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief or causing events to happen (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (4)
Bear- Just a bear following someone around~ Nothing to see here~
Leprechauns- Riding around on the bear~ 83
Dowsing- The dowsing led you to the gate~
Event- You find the black cat running around saying something about someone having too much power...
Event- Interaction- As you walk up to the cat, he notices a couple notes poking out of your pocket and pounces on them~ He asks for the notes and offers a couple items in exchange~
Event- Interaction- The cat carries off the notes and drags over a bag of items~ Inside you find a charm, fruit, whip, and armor~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 32(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Sweets, Carrot x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 57(1)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
F Event- The water sprites seem to be going a bit crazy and running all over the place...

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 33(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x5, Key x7
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You find a key after shooing away all the soot sprites~

Clues- 38(3)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- The water sprites seem to be going a bit crazy and running all over the place...
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