The Second Thief Game~

Touch sigil, pull sword. And off the the island I go.

So when do my relationship level with my wolves level up?
Hmm no one is really going to everyone except slayn xD

[MENTION=10115]kactaplb[/MENTION]; Hmm cant just directly access the island yet ;p You still needs a boat for now~
[MENTION=29831]thecoins[/MENTION]; Event- Interaction- The squirrels watch you warily and bite your hand when you reach out to them... They run off and leave you standing by the wall alone...

[MENTION=23111]Slayn312[/MENTION]; Event- Interaction- You take a bottle of wine and decide to go searching for everyone~ You find S standing by some shelves reading and decide to take one of the books to see whats so interesting about them but got bored and wandered off~ The next that you find is Alice who was lit by a sigil on the wall~ She put a hand on the sigil and its light seemed to flow into her body~ You decide to do similarly and find a similar rush of energy but with a slight tinge of green~ Alice & Leonard walks by and you follow him over to a stack of barrels~ He pokes around at the contents of the barrels and you go over as well~ You find a dagger on the lid of a barrel and decide to take it~ You get lost for a bit until a small light guides you into a room where you find Sova playing around with a sword stuck in an anvil~ You try to pull it but it just wouldnt come loose~

[MENTION=10115]kactaplb[/MENTION]; Event- Interaction- Kuro came by while you were staring at the sigil and you decided to put a hand on it an see what happens~ A bit of the light from the sigil flowed through your hand and you were glowing for a bit with the glow lasting the longest in your hands~ Kuro did similarly except his glow was tinged with green~ S came by later to poke at the sigil and the glow of the sigil transferred to his ring~ It didnt seem like anyone else was coming by so you wander off and find a little ball of light which guides you over to a room where Sova and Kuro are trying to pull some odd sword out from an anvil~ You try as well but something seems to be keeping you from getting a firm grip on the handle...

[MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION]; Event- Interaction- You try to pull the sword but it seems to be stuck deeply in the anvil~ You go off to the side and took a look at the books while Kuro and Alice also tried to pull out the sword~ Alice & Leonard and S come in join you watching after a while~

[MENTION=26533]Kionea[/MENTION]; Event- Interaction- You bump into Kuro while going around in the darkness and wander around with him~ You two find a stack of barrels and you go over to see whats inside while Kuro goes off~ You find that the barrels contain wine and decide to take a bit~ S comes by after a while and you follow him to a room where Kuro Alice and Sova are trying to pull out a sword stuck in an anvil~

Event- Interaction- Kuro came over while you were reading and took a book before wandering off~ You go in the direction he came from after getting bored of the book and found some crates filled with wine bottles~ You then return down the path and find Alice standing in front of a sigil~ You touch the sigil and a glow flows through you before ending up in your ring~ You ask her if anyone passed and she pointed you in some direction where you found Alice & Leonard standing around some barrels~ You see a glint between some barrels and decide to take a look~ A dagger was laying around and you decide to take it with you~ Alice & Leonard decide to follow as you leave and you two wander into a room where Sova Alice and Kuro were playing around and decide to sit off to the side where you found more books~
Hmm... and writing this took about as long as it takes to do... well half a phase change =.= Mehs dont think ill have time today...

Okies island :goodtea:
Hmm yes if you choose to~ Ill add the summon in the next phase~

Sorry i havent been touching this due to my depression >.< Ill try to get over it soon...
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Lol.... Why you gonna reveal it.... At least keep it hidden till everyone take a guess....
Sort of just gets revealed with the story? ;p Well some people wont be able to guess who i based the thief on...
Well, make it the thief get caught but don't reveal who it is.... Then, make a list who the thief is and let us pick whose the thief from the list....
Lol hmm ok xD Itll be like the scene where theyre about to take off the mask or whatever xD
Yep, then cut to commercial, then back to the story showing Conan Edogawa pointing saying "The thief name" letting all the guests "Gasp".....
Sorry it took so long @_@ I was actually busy for once... and that depression doesnt help...

The thief was found running around in the basement but the guards were too busy trying to keep the dragon from making a mess of the games room so they didnt have time to chase her... and the few that tried failed to catch her anyway...

There is gossip spreading among the servants saying that light sprites were seen appearing in random locations~ You can search if you wish but since they are almost invisible in sunlight it is better to search in darker places or during the night (even phases which the next phase happens to be) There is still a chance even if you dont actively search~

Guest Clues- 48

Shady merchant S S100(2) A2/6 E2/1 W2/2 F2/2 D2 L2 S B7
Lake--> Gate--> Garden guardhouse--> Gate guardhouse--> Master bedroom
Clue- 139(4)
Cost x1
Fruit x20, Fish x23, Coal x13, Dusty tome x29, Manhole cover x22, Tea x23, Carrot x25, Key x19, Note
Cost x1.5
Dagger x16, Luck potion x26, Armor x33, Charm (870/25), Lucky coin x27, Whip x31, Pocket watch x28, Sweets x28, Wine x29, Acorn x22,
Cost x2
Pot of gold, Four leaf clover (154/4), Whistle x15, Tomes x10,
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- A strong charge to your senses~
Dormouse- Sleeping again~ 2
Wolf- Sniffing around as if it was trying to detect danger~
Bear- Likes how you smell~
Bear- Likes how the wolf smells~
Sigil- Your ring seems to pulse faintly~ 13
Event- You follow the patrol around for the turn and they go to the lake first~ Its fairly chaotic with almost every animal running around but you find a bear before you leave decide to tame it~ You toss the squirrels a few acorns and follow the patrol back to the gate... You decide not to attack the large slime as you probably cant beat it yourself and pick on the smaller slimes instead~ You give the black cat a note and search around for a fire sprite while he goes dig around for something~ You find one hiding and have a little talk with it before the cat returned and tossed two items at you~ The patrol was leaving again so you follow and they go to the garden guardhouse this time~ You wander around and find charms before the patrol leaves and goes to the gate guardhouse~ You sit around to rest and talk a bit before the patrol leaves again and goes to the castle~ You go off to the master bedroom and find a whip along with some soot sprite that you give some candy~

Clues- 96(0)
Item(s)- Fish x5, Armor, Tea
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately) (5)
Shadow trap- Chance of another encounter with creatures or the thief~
Event- You use hyper speed to escape the maze and run off to the forest~ An odd flock of birds are sitting in the trees watching as you pass~

Alice & Leonard
Dark chamber
Clues- 79(4)
Item(s)- Wine x4, Key x5, Fish x3, Sweets x2, Armor x2, Tea x3, Carrot, Acorn, Dusty tome x6, Coal x2, Fruit, Whip x2, Four leaf clover (2)
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Knife- Attempt to threaten creatures into obeying~
Event- You watch Sova and Kuro stand around the sword wondering how they could get it out~ You still cant touch the sword as it seems to reject you... Sova seems to get tired of trying and comes to read besides you~ He says a few words from the book and suddenly it starts glowing and a fire sprite appears from a fire that sprouts from the book~
Event- Interaction- The fire sprite gives you an odd look before taking your hand and drawing an odd symbol on it~ The symbol fades as a rush of energy enters your body (extra move)~

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 51(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Sweets, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~
Event- The black cat is running around poking slimes~ S also came through with the patrol briefly~

Alice A2 F E2 W2 S
Clues- 111(4)
Item(s)- Key x4, Coal x2, Armor x2, Dusty tome x4, Dagger x4, Charm (25), Luck potion x2,bWhip x2, Lucky coin,
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Wolf- Just following you around for now but seems to be looking for something~ 5
Wolf- Also following you around but it is mostly just standing around you unlike the other~5
Bear- The bear seems to be fairly hungry despite you having fed it and is following you around... probably for more~4
Sigil- Your abilities seem to have improved a bit~
Event- Lucca seemed to be going to the island as well so you follow her~ You stood on the shore wondering how to get to the island but Lucca seems to have a way~ She blew on a conch which called water sprites that dragged you and Lucca into the lake~ You appear slightly offshore of the island and it is shallow enough to walk to shore~ You and Lucca wander around the island after drying a bit and come upon that cave where the dragon first appeared from... You see some water sprites watching you two from afar~
Event- Interaction- The water sprites see that you dont have a conch and decide to give you one as well (you can directly access the island without boats and boats now give a minor boost when used)~

Lucca Emily E W2
Clues- 91(0)
Item(s): Fish, Key x2, Pocket watch x2, Note x5, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Ceremonial dagger, Luck potion x2, Carrot x2, Manhole cover, Acorn x2, Coal, Armor, Four leaf lover (1)
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- Alice wanted to get to the island with you so you let her follow along~ You two get to the lake side and you take out that conch that the water sprites gave you~ You blow on the conch and an fairly low sound comes out and seems to echo around the lake~ A few water sprites come by after you wait a while and pull you and Alice into the lake~ You reappear besides the island and it doesnt seem like the water sprites followed~ You and Alice dry off a bit before wandering around the island and come upon that cave where the dragon first appeared from... You see some water sprites watching you two from afar~

Kuro the Cat S30(2) W F
Dark chamber
Clues- 110(4)
Item(s)- Key, Wine x6, Fruit x3, Fish x2, Tea x2, Sweets x2, Acorn, Present, Whistle, Pocket watch x2, Luck potion, Present, Charm (50), Armor, Whip x2, Dagger x3, Dusty tome,
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief or causing events to happen (4 phases to gather concentration and use again)
Bear- Bothered by the leprechaun but letting it ride nonetheless~
Leprechaun- Riding around on the bear~ 59/60
Wolf- Also bothered by the leprechaun... especially his singing...
Bear- Another bothered by the leprechaun who is jumping from the back of the other bear and back~
Sigil- The leprechaun took a look at the green glow and put a hand on you which absorbed the glow into him~
Event- Alice and Sova had stayed after the rest wandered off and you stare at the sword a for a while... Sova joined Alice, who was reading on the, side and started reading as well~ After he reads a few words out, a light fills the room and the book starts to burn~ A fire sprite appears from the fire as you watch~

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 48(0)
Item(s): Present x4, Sweets x2, Carrot x3, Wine x2, Tea

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 78(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets x2, Acorn x4, Note x4, Whistle x2, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- You give a sigh of relief as the dragon leaves and watches as it heads toward the lake~
F Event- You sit around in a tree with Morion as squirrels run around... S and the patrol came by briefly later on~ There also seems to be wolves chasing deer in the trees...

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 48(0)
Item(s)- Carrot, Whip x14, Key x9
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You watch the patrol wander around the castle though S was the only one who really came in the room as the guards all seemed afraid of something... Anyhow you find more whips laying around~ There is quite a bit of chaos elsewhere in the castle~

Clues- 41(0)
Item(s)- Carrot x3, Note, Ceremonial dagger, Tea
Shadow Form- Chance to avoid all harmful events~
Event- You sit around in a tree with the familiar as squirrels run around... S and the patrol came by briefly later on~

Sova F2
Dark chamber
Clues- 49(4)
Item(s)- Acorn, Carrot, Whistle, Pocket watch, Dagger x2, Whip, Dusty tome, Four leaf clover (3)
Night vision- Improved chances of events during the night/even phases and in dark/indoor places~ Decreased chances of events during day/odd phases~
Event- You and Kuro stayed after everyone left and Alice continued sitting off to the side reading... The sword was still stuck within the stone and you didnt really know how to get it out... You try reading one of those tomes you found before and a glow starts coming out of it... The book started burning so you dropped it and a fire sprite rises from the ashes~
Event- Interaction- The fire sprite glady accepts the fruit and gives you a small stone whistle (you can call them to help you through dark areas aka direct access to the dark chamber and similar places)~
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interact with sprites. feed bear/wolves my 4 leaf clovers. drink my luck potion. spelunking time! everyone spread out!

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