- Oct 31, 2010
- 14,522
- 627
Drink: Water
Phone call: My mum
Text: Uni friend
Song you listened to: Shiki Theme from Kara no Kyoukai
Time you cried: I can't exactly remember but I think it was watching Gurren Lagaan since I only recently watched it around 2-3 years ago.
Dated someone twice: No
Been cheated on: No
Kissed someone and regretted it: No
Lost someone special: No
Been depressed: Yea, why isn't Seiba real????
Been drunk and thrown up: I don't drink anything other than cider in terms of alcohols.
Made a new friend: Yes
Fallen out of love: No
Laughed until you cried: Damn it Gaki, you every damn year! Tanaka, Thai Kicku!
Met someone who changed you: Maybe?
Found out who your true friends are: Friends? What's that? xD Jokes, I know who to trust and who not to.
Found out someone was talking about you: Damn it [MENTION=5300]Xenosia[/MENTION] I said I don't dig Astolfo
List 3 favorite colors: Blue, Blonde, Gold (I wonder what this colour scheme will remind people of... ;) )
Do you have any pets: If only Himari exist...
Do you want to change your name: I kind of have a different name in my novel that I write so I guess?
What did you do for your last birthday: I had 9-6 full uni day...
What time did you wake up today: ~10 a.m.
What were you doing last night at midnight: Trash talking people on WoWS with [MENTION=3]Checkmate[/MENTION]
Name something you can’t wait for: OVERWATCH, World of Warcraft: Legion, more Seiba figure, German BB line in WoWS, building my 1:350 this summer...the list is too long...
Last time you saw your mom: Like...just now.
What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I should have learn drawing manga when I was young...
What’s getting on your nerves rn: [MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION] Stop marginalizing me! Jokes. Erm... actually, Lab reports, it gets on my nerves every single damned week
Blood type: Can't remember
Nickname: King, Art, KA, Arturia, Seiba (anyone see a pattern hm?)
Relationship status: Married (Forever to Seiba)
Zodiac sign: Erm...I'm not giving it away, [MENTION=29193]nanashi1[/MENTION] is still trying to guess my Birthday.
Pronouns: Can't think of one at the moment
Favorite tv shows: Fate/Zero, Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works (anyone see a pattern here?)
Long or short hair: I dig medium/long hair!
Height: Average/Above average?
Do you have a crush on someone: If only Seiba exist ;_;
What do you like about yourself: ????
Right or left handed: Left hand Master Race.
First surgery: Can't remember
First best friend when?: Quite young
First sport you joined: Can't remember, it was either Basketball, badminton or rugby
First vacation: Japan I think
Eating: I have a lot of favorite yo, if I have to pick one, maybe Ramen?
Drinking: Too much to list, but those found in Japan I would give it a shot :P
I’m about to: Eat Lunch
Listening to: No clue
Kids: Seiba why you not real?
Get married: To Seiba...
Lips or eyes: Neither?
Hugs or kisses: I don't do hugs and I don't do kisses.
Taller or shorter: Slightly shorter?
Older or younger: Younger?
Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic
Nose, stomach, or nice arms: ??
Sensitive or loud: ??
Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesistant
Kissed a stranger: No
Drank liquor: Nope
Lost glasses/contacts: Nope
Broke someone’s heart: Who is there to break?
Turned someone down: Nope
Fallen for a friend: Maybe.
Yourself: I'm called King by people for a reason Yo!
Miracles: ???? There is no Miracle until Seiba is born
Love at first sight: Maybe?
Heaven: There's clearly no Heaven, only Avalon.
Time to nominate [MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION] [MENTION=3]Checkmate[/MENTION] and [MENTION=4]corocoro[/MENTION] [MENTION=7]Zero2DS[/MENTION]
Drink: Water
Phone call: My mum
Text: Uni friend
Song you listened to: Shiki Theme from Kara no Kyoukai
Time you cried: I can't exactly remember but I think it was watching Gurren Lagaan since I only recently watched it around 2-3 years ago.
Dated someone twice: No
Been cheated on: No
Kissed someone and regretted it: No
Lost someone special: No
Been depressed: Yea, why isn't Seiba real????
Been drunk and thrown up: I don't drink anything other than cider in terms of alcohols.
Made a new friend: Yes
Fallen out of love: No
Laughed until you cried: Damn it Gaki, you every damn year! Tanaka, Thai Kicku!
Met someone who changed you: Maybe?
Found out who your true friends are: Friends? What's that? xD Jokes, I know who to trust and who not to.
Found out someone was talking about you: Damn it [MENTION=5300]Xenosia[/MENTION] I said I don't dig Astolfo
List 3 favorite colors: Blue, Blonde, Gold (I wonder what this colour scheme will remind people of... ;) )
Do you have any pets: If only Himari exist...
Do you want to change your name: I kind of have a different name in my novel that I write so I guess?
What did you do for your last birthday: I had 9-6 full uni day...
What time did you wake up today: ~10 a.m.
What were you doing last night at midnight: Trash talking people on WoWS with [MENTION=3]Checkmate[/MENTION]
Name something you can’t wait for: OVERWATCH, World of Warcraft: Legion, more Seiba figure, German BB line in WoWS, building my 1:350 this summer...the list is too long...
Last time you saw your mom: Like...just now.
What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I should have learn drawing manga when I was young...
What’s getting on your nerves rn: [MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION] Stop marginalizing me! Jokes. Erm... actually, Lab reports, it gets on my nerves every single damned week
Blood type: Can't remember
Nickname: King, Art, KA, Arturia, Seiba (anyone see a pattern hm?)
Relationship status: Married (Forever to Seiba)
Zodiac sign: Erm...I'm not giving it away, [MENTION=29193]nanashi1[/MENTION] is still trying to guess my Birthday.
Pronouns: Can't think of one at the moment
Favorite tv shows: Fate/Zero, Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works (anyone see a pattern here?)
Long or short hair: I dig medium/long hair!
Height: Average/Above average?
Do you have a crush on someone: If only Seiba exist ;_;
What do you like about yourself: ????
Right or left handed: Left hand Master Race.
First surgery: Can't remember
First best friend when?: Quite young
First sport you joined: Can't remember, it was either Basketball, badminton or rugby
First vacation: Japan I think
Eating: I have a lot of favorite yo, if I have to pick one, maybe Ramen?
Drinking: Too much to list, but those found in Japan I would give it a shot :P
I’m about to: Eat Lunch
Listening to: No clue
Kids: Seiba why you not real?
Get married: To Seiba...
Lips or eyes: Neither?
Hugs or kisses: I don't do hugs and I don't do kisses.
Taller or shorter: Slightly shorter?
Older or younger: Younger?
Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic
Nose, stomach, or nice arms: ??
Sensitive or loud: ??
Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesistant
Kissed a stranger: No
Drank liquor: Nope
Lost glasses/contacts: Nope
Broke someone’s heart: Who is there to break?
Turned someone down: Nope
Fallen for a friend: Maybe.
Yourself: I'm called King by people for a reason Yo!
Miracles: ???? There is no Miracle until Seiba is born
Love at first sight: Maybe?
Heaven: There's clearly no Heaven, only Avalon.
Time to nominate [MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION] [MENTION=3]Checkmate[/MENTION] and [MENTION=4]corocoro[/MENTION] [MENTION=7]Zero2DS[/MENTION]