The Ultimate Get-To-Know-You Tag Meme

then ask me questions o.o idk what to say

Alright, here you go xD


Phone call:
Song you listened to:
Time you cried:


Dated someone twice:
Been cheated on:
Kissed someone and regretted it:
Lost someone special:
Been depressed:
Been drunk and thrown up:


Made a new friend:
Fallen out of love:
Laughed until you cried:
Met someone who changed you:
Found out who your true friends are:
Found out someone was talking about you:


List 3 favorite colors:
Do you have any pets:
Do you want to change your name:
What did you do for your last birthday:
What time did you wake up today:
What were you doing last night at midnight:
Name something you can’t wait for:
Last time you saw your mom:
What is one thing you wish you could change about your life:
What’s getting on your nerves rn:
Blood type:
Relationship status:
Zodiac sign:
Favorite tv shows:
Long or short hair:
Do you have a crush on someone:
What do you like about yourself:
Right or left handed:
First surgery:
First best friend when?:
First sport you joined:
First vacation:
I’m about to:
Listening to:


Get married:


Lips or eyes:
Hugs or kisses:
Taller or shorter:
Older or younger:
Romantic or spontaneous:
Nose, stomach, or nice arms:
Sensitive or loud:

Troublemaker or hesitant:


Kissed a stranger:
Drank liquor:
Lost glasses/contacts:
Broke someone’s heart:
Turned someone down:
Fallen for a friend:


Love at first sight:
Kissing on a first date:

Drink: water
Phone call: Phone call? what dat? you mean relationship? I'm single
Text: Friend
Song you listened to: Sleeping With Sirens - If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey Hepburn
Time you cried: last year


Dated someone twice: Nope
Been cheated on: Nope
Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope
Lost someone special: Yes
Been depressed: Yes
Been drunk and thrown up: Yes


Made a new friend: Yes
Fallen out of love: Nope
Laughed until you cried: NOPE O _O
Met someone who changed you: Hmm...there is no one that close enough to me to change me
Found out who your true friends are: Yes
Found out someone was talking about you: Yes


List 3 favorite colors: Cyan, Teal, Red
Do you have any pets: Yes, two cats
Do you want to change your name: Nope, I like my name how is it, it suits me.
What did you do for your last birthday: I can't remember, I have a bad memory but I'm certain I didn't do anything important to remember.
What time did you wake up today: 8:00 I had to wake up and start running ( my school is like 10km far away from my home so I get to do this walk two times per day sadly )
What were you doing last night at midnight: I was frustated 'cause of someone who is a fool, but I still have sympathy for that fool also I made the sig for SOTM entry
Name something you can’t wait for: Tattoo, I'm getting a tattoo soon ( in two weeks and few days )
Last time you saw your mom: Mins ago
What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I don't know what I should change about my life, I'm confused with myself -- I seek for any change that will improve myself first and afterwards my surroundings
What’s getting on your nerves rn: Nothing atm for now.
Blood type: 0
Nickname: my real name? I'm sorry but I don't give my name publicly.
Relationship status: Single
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Pronouns: he/him
Favorite tv shows: TV? what dat? xD jk I don't watch TV
Long or short hair: Short, I can't keep it long anymore
Height: Around... 1.85 6'2
Do you have a crush on someone: Ehh I don't think so
What do you like about yourself: ehh nothing
Right or left handed: left-handed
First surgery: I don't wanna remember ohgawd x.x
First best friend when?: When I was 7 years old
First sport you joined: Sport? what dat? 2lazy4dat
First vacation: in hell-- eh I mean, nope I haven't done any vacations
Eating: Nothing
Drinking: Nothing
I’m about to: answer the next questions
Listening to: Dj jo - Let me hear


Kids: Nope
Get married: Nope


Lips or eyes: eyes
Hugs or kisses: kisses ;3
Taller or shorter: shorter
Older or younger: Older(20+)
Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous
Nose, stomach, or nice arms: ah? I don't mind
Sensitive or loud: both

Troublemaker or hesitant: both XD


Kissed a stranger: Nope
Drank liquor: Yes, a strong one, to forget everything lmao
Lost glasses/contacts: Neither, I wear glasses or contacts
Broke someone’s heart: Sometiiiiiiiiimes ;< it's not that I wanted to ;w;
Turned someone down: Yes, I felt bad
Fallen for a friend: ehh depends on the person and their knowledge, perspective


Yourself: Yes, I do.
Miracles: Nope
Love at first sight: Nope, not interested in love.
Heaven: Nope
Kissing on a first date: eh? idk


[MENTION=121613]dawnotaku[/MENTION] I'm 17 years old, turning 18 in a month.
Wowie someone is actually interested in stuff about me? :megane_blush:

Drink: water
Phone call: No one
Text: Don't have anyone who i want to text
Song you listened to: Re: Berserk Lady Blood (It's from an idol game)
Time you cried: two days ago


Dated someone twice: No
Been cheated on: I need to be in a relationship first right? Then no
Kissed someone and regretted it: No
Lost someone special: Yes
Been depressed: Yes
Been drunk and thrown up: No


Made a new friend: I think yes
Fallen out of love: No
Laughed until you cried: no
Met someone who changed you: I don't think anyone can change me
Found out who your true friends are: I only found out who are not my true friends :)
Found out someone was talking about you: no


List 3 favorite colors: Blue, Red, Yellow
Do you have any pets: Yes, two cats and a dog
Do you want to change your name: No
What did you do for your last birthday: Sitting home alone playing games on my computer
What time did you wake up today: 2:30 in the morning
What were you doing last night at midnight: Sleeping
Name something you can’t wait for: The release of Ozmafia on Steam :D
Last time you saw your mom: in the morning
What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I want more friends. Being lonely is not too great.
What’s getting on your nerves rn: Being called fatass (even if it's true it makes me very angry for a reason)
Blood type: B
Nickname: On this site it's Gama-chan in Real life i don't have one
Relationship status: Single
Zodiac sign: Libra
Pronouns: he/him
Favorite tv shows: Monk
Long or short hair: Short
Height: 194 cm
Do you have a crush on someone: On a lot of fictional characters :D not one in real life.
What do you like about yourself: Hmm i think the best thing about me is that i'm really kind to others
Right or left handed: Right handed
First surgery: Hmm never had one
First best friend when?: I never really had real friends only ones that pretended to be my friends *sigh*
First sport you joined: Hmm playing video games is a sport?
First vacation: never had one
Eating: Nothing
Drinking: Nothing
I’m about to: Play some more video games
Listening to: Trigger: Leopard Eyes (It's another idol game song)


Kids: Not really
Get married: Maybe if i meet someone i really love and he feels the same to me


Lips or eyes: eyes
Hugs or kisses: Hugs
Taller or shorter: shorter
Older or younger: Same age is not an option?
Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic
Nose, stomach, or nice arms: Hmm nice arms are good
Sensitive or loud: A bit of both

Troublemaker or hesitant: both


Kissed a stranger: No
Drank liquor: No and i don't plan to
Lost glasses/contacts: No
Broke someone’s heart: Never happened
Turned someone down: Don't even had the chance to do it yet
Fallen for a friend: Yes my high school classmate (Well then later it got clear that he is not a real friend)


Yourself: Not really
Miracles: No
Love at first sight: Not really
Heaven: No
Kissing on a first date: No. Maybe on the third date.
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First best friend when?: I never really had real friends only ones that pretended to be my friends *sigh*

Invy-chan, Vishy-chan and Ali-chan will be Gama-chan's friends~
(Although I thought we were already xD)
Invy-chan, Vishy-chan and Ali-chan will be Gama-chan's friends~
(Although I thought we were already xD)
Oh i was talking about the real life guys i knew before :(
Yes you are precious friend of me next time i will include this crucial information :D
Oh i was talking about the real life guys i knew before :(
Yes you are precious friend of me next time i will include this crucial information :D

Sadly, good friends are few and far in between these days, but I believe Gama-chan will find people who will truly appreciate him one day! :fulfilled:

Yay, that makes me happy me to hear~ :bigeyes:
Woo, this is long. I'll do my best! :gakuran_cheer:

[MENTION=121613]dawnotaku[/MENTION]; Thanks for the tag, partner! ^^


Drink: Water
Phone call: Boyfriend
Text: Friend
Song you listened to: Lost in Thoughts All Alone - Fire Emblem Fates
Time you cried: Some time last year, I think.


Dated someone twice: Nope
Been cheated on: Nope
Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope
Lost someone special: Yes
Been depressed: Yes
Been drunk and thrown up: Alcohol's not my thing.


Made a new friend: Yes ^^
Fallen out of love: Nope
Laughed until you cried: Yes
Met someone who changed you: Yes
Found out who your true friends are: Yes
Found out someone was talking about you: Yes


List 3 favorite colors: Blue, Purple and Red.
Do you have any pets: Not anymore, no.
Do you want to change your name: I don't like my name, but I can't see myself with any other name. So not really.
What did you do for your last birthday: Went out for dinner with family + chilled with friends and boyfriend on another day.
What time did you wake up today: 7 AM
What were you doing last night at midnight: Trying to finish off an assignment.
Name something you can’t wait for: Easter break~
Last time you saw your mom: A few minutes ago.
What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: That I wasn't so socially awkward.
What’s getting on your nerves rn: That 24 hours is not enough time to do things + sleep.
Blood type: O
Nickname: Don't have one.
Relationship status: In a relationship.
Zodiac sign: Virgo.
Pronouns: She/Her.
Favorite tv shows: Not really a TV person.
Long or short hair: I use to go for long but I prefer short/medium length hair this year.
Height: 157cm/5'2" ;-;
Do you have a crush on someone: Nope.
What do you like about yourself: Nothing xD
Right or left handed: Right.
First surgery: Bone marrow biopsy but pretty minor surgical procedure, so not sure if it really counts :p
First best friend when?: When I was 5.
First sport you joined: Netball
First vacation: China
Eating: Nothing
Drinking: Water
I’m about to: Go to sleep
Listening to: Nothing


Kids: Nope
Get married: Yes


Lips or eyes: Eyes
Hugs or kisses: Hugs
Taller or shorter: Either
Older or younger: Not too old and not too young~
Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic
Nose, stomach, or nice arms: I don't mind
Sensitive or loud: Either

Troublemaker or hesitant: Either


Kissed a stranger: Nope
Drank liquor: Yes
Lost glasses/contacts: Nope, don't need them.
Broke someone’s heart: Nope
Turned someone down: Nope
Fallen for a friend: Nope


Yourself: I guess... Maybe... Probably not, haha.
Miracles: Yes
Love at first sight: No
Heaven: Yes
Kissing on a first date: Depends on how long you've known them for.

Not quite sure who to tag that hasn't already done this xD I tag [MENTION=124200]Monmonpon[/MENTION]; and [MENTION=125617]Gamerguy[/MENTION];

[MENTION=122545]Vishwa[/MENTION]; [MENTION=94894]Alistar[/MENTION]; I know you guys have been tagged already but I'm tagging you both again because I have yet to see your posts xD

Okay, here I go!

Drink: Apple Juice.
Phone call: Parents.
Text: No one.
Song you listened to: Spicaterrible (Love Live Song)
Time you cried: Last Year.


Dated someone twice: Nope
Been cheated on: Nope
Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope
Lost someone special: Nope
Been depressed: Yes
Been drunk and thrown up: I do not Drink.


Made a new friend: Yes ^^
Fallen out of love: Nope
Laughed until you cried: No, at least I don't remember.
Met someone who changed you: No
Found out who your true friends are: No
Found out someone was talking about you: Yes


List 3 favorite colors: Blue, Black and Red.
Do you have any pets: Never had any.
Do you want to change your name: I don't like my name, but I can't see myself with any other name. So not really.
What did you do for your last birthday: I skipped my college that day and was playing computer games at home.
What time did you wake up today: 7:15
What were you doing last night at midnight: Sleeping.
Name something you can’t wait for: May holidays (Summer holidays)
Last time you saw your mom: A minute ago.
What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: That I wasn't so socially awkward.
What’s getting on your nerves rn: That 24 hours is not enough time to do things + sleep.
Blood type: O
Nickname: Sonu or Raju.
Relationship status: None.
Zodiac sign: Leo.
Pronouns: She/Her.
Favorite tv shows: Not really a TV person.
Long or short hair: Long hair, because my parents won't allow short hair.
Height: 157cm/5'2" ;-;
Do you have a crush on someone: Nope.
What do you like about yourself: Nothing xD
Right or left handed: Right.
First surgery: Umm...I have taken computer major so this question does not apply to me.
First best friend when?: When I was 6.
First sport you joined: Dodge Ball.
First vacation: I don't remember.
Eating: Nothing
Drinking: Apple Juice.
I’m about to: Go to sleep
Listening to: Nothing


Kids: Nope
Get married: Maybe?


Lips or eyes: Eyes
Hugs or kisses: Hugs
Taller or shorter: Taller.
Older or younger: Not too old and not too young.
Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic
Nose, stomach, or nice arms: I don't mind
Sensitive or loud: Not too sensitive and not too loud.
?Troublemaker or hesitant: 50/50 on both.


Kissed a stranger: Nope
Drank liquor: No.
Lost glasses/contacts: Nope, don't need them.
Broke someone’s heart: Nope.

I will tag [MENTION=123888]Doujin[/MENTION]; [MENTION=63291]Emiko[/MENTION]; Hope you don't mind guys!
Last edited:
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Okay, here I go!

Drink: Apple Juice.
Phone call: Parents.
Text: No one.
Song you listened to: Spicaterrible (Love Live Song)
Time you cried: Last Year.


Dated someone twice: Nope
Been cheated on: Nope
Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope
Lost someone special: Nope
Been depressed: Yes
Been drunk and thrown up: I do not Drink.


Made a new friend: Yes ^^
Fallen out of love: Nope
Laughed until you cried: No, at least I don't remember.
Met someone who changed you: No
Found out who your true friends are: No
Found out someone was talking about you: Yes


List 3 favorite colors: Blue, Black and Red.
Do you have any pets: Never had any.
Do you want to change your name: I don't like my name, but I can't see myself with any other name. So not really.
What did you do for your last birthday: I skipped my college that day and was playing computer games at home.
What time did you wake up today: 7:15
What were you doing last night at midnight: Sleeping.
Name something you can’t wait for: May holidays (Summer holidays)
Last time you saw your mom: A minute ago.
What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: That I wasn't so socially awkward.
What’s getting on your nerves rn: That 24 hours is not enough time to do things + sleep.
Blood type: O
Nickname: Sonu or Raju.
Relationship status: None.
Zodiac sign: Leo.
Pronouns: She/Her.
Favorite tv shows: Not really a TV person.
Long or short hair: Long hair, because my parents won't allow short hair.
Height: 157cm/5'2" ;-;
Do you have a crush on someone: Nope.
What do you like about yourself: Nothing xD
Right or left handed: Right.
First surgery: Umm...I have taken computer major so this question does not apply to me.
First best friend when?: When I was 6.
First sport you joined: Dodge Ball.
First vacation: I don't remember.
Eating: Nothing
Drinking: Apple Juice.
I’m about to: Go to sleep
Listening to: Nothing


Kids: Nope
Get married: Maybe?


Lips or eyes: Eyes
Hugs or kisses: Hugs
Taller or shorter: Taller.
Older or younger: Not too old and not too young.
Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic
Nose, stomach, or nice arms: I don't mind
Sensitive or loud: Not too sensitive and not too loud.
?Troublemaker or hesitant: 50/50 on both.


Kissed a stranger: Nope
Drank liquor: No.
Lost glasses/contacts: Nope, don't need them.
Broke someone’s heart: Nope.

I will tag [MENTION=123888] Doujin [/MENTION]; and [MENTION=63291] Emiko [/MENTION]; Hope you don't mind guys!

Haha, I see you kept some of my answers
Woo, this is long. I'll do my best! :gakuran_cheer:

[MENTION=122545]Vishwa[/MENTION]; [MENTION=94894]Alistar[/MENTION]; I know you guys have been tagged already but I'm tagging you both again because I have yet to see your posts xD

Hmm, some of our answers are the same, Invy aka Invisible Hero-chan aka [MENTION=122350]Velenora[/MENTION] xDD But I will try my best to add my final touch xDD SO...:chuuni_kraken:


Drink: Water
Phone call: Mom xD
Text: Friend to not forget some papers that I need, hehe xD
Song you listened to: Papa Roach - Last Resort
Time you cried: Hmm, I think sometime this month, sometimes I am fragile as fuck xDD


Dated someone twice: Nah
Been cheated on: Nah (if someone dares to do that, I will put a death mark on them ^^)
Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope
Lost someone special: Yes. Shit happens, literally xD
Been depressed: Yes
Been drunk and thrown up: If you can get drunk with no... I don't like alcohol xD


Made a new friend: Yes :8
Fallen out of love: Nope
Laughed until you cried: Yes
Met someone who changed you: Hmm, I guess. I am a more like a lost cause tho xDD
Found out who your true friends are: Yes, even tho I discovered that long time ago, hard way -_-
Found out someone was talking about you: I don't really care or mind xD


List 3 favorite colors: Blue, Red and...maybe purple? I don't really have a third one...Maybe a purple or a combination of red with black :/ xD
Do you have any pets: Not anymore, no.
Do you want to change your name: Nope
What did you do for your last birthday: Just a family thing xD
What time did you wake up today: 5 AM.....don't ask why :-O
What were you doing last night at midnight: TRYING to study or sleep, it's a fine line between those two xD
Name something you can’t wait for: Easter break~ Easter gifts, yohooo xD
Last time you saw your mom: One week ago.
What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: That I wasn't so socially awkward. (sorry Invy, I agree with you so I won't change that) xDD
What’s getting on your nerves rn: That you must study even if you are alive or dead...sheesh...-_-
Blood type: O
Nickname: On this site, Ali-chan or Star Angel ^^
Zodiac sign: Virgo.
Favorite tv shows: NCSI , but I am more a game oriented person xD
Long or short hair: Used to have long hair, now I wanted a change so I got it medium xD
Height: 162cm :(
Do you have a crush on someone: Nope.
What do you like about yourself: I will just skip this one xD
Right or left handed: Right.
First surgery: Appendicitis
First best friend when?: Hmm, can't really remember :/ I had so many fails xD
First sport you joined: I didn't really joined a club or so, but I play tennis
First vacation: Unfortunately...I just visited my country :(
Eating: Yogurt xD
Drinking: Water, water, water is life xD
I’m about to: Watch a serial or play a game
Listening to: Stealth - Judgement Day


Kids: In the distanced future, yes
Get married: Yes


Lips or eyes: Eyes
Hugs or kisses: Hugs
Taller or shorter: Taller xD
Older or younger: Not too old and not too young~
Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic
Nose, stomach, or nice arms: Nice arms, I guess?
Sensitive or loud: Sensitive, but not too much :/

Troublemaker or hesitant: Bad guy xD


Kissed a stranger: Nope
Drank liquor: Yes, choco liquor :D
Lost glasses/contacts: Nope
Broke someone’s heart: Nope
Turned someone down: Just some pests xD
Fallen for a friend: Nope


Yourself: it depends xD that's a trap? xD
Miracles: Yes
Love at first sight: Maybe, probably
Heaven: Yes
Kissing on a first date: Depends on how long you've known them for.
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Hmm, some of our answers are the same, Invy aka Invisible Hero-chan aka [MENTION=122350]Velenora[/MENTION] xDD But I will try my best to add my final touch xDD SO...:chuuni_kraken:


Drink: Water
Phone call: Mom xD
Text: Friend to not forget some papers that I need, hehe xD
Song you listened to: Papa Roach - Last Resort
Time you cried: Hmm, I think sometime this month, sometimes I am fragile as fuck xDD


Dated someone twice: Nah
Been cheated on: Nah (if someone dares to do that, I will put a death mark on them ^^)
Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope
Lost someone special: Yes. Shit happens, literally xD
Been depressed: Yes
Been drunk and thrown up: If you can get drunk with no... I don't like alcohol xD


Made a new friend: Yes :8
Fallen out of love: Nope
Laughed until you cried: Yes
Met someone who changed you: Hmm, I guess. I am a more like a lost cause tho xDD
Found out who your true friends are: Yes, even tho I discovered that long time ago, hard way -_-
Found out someone was talking about you: I don't really care or mind xD


List 3 favorite colors: Blue, Red and...maybe purple? I don't really have a third one...Maybe a purple or a combination of red with black :/ xD
Do you have any pets: Not anymore, no.
Do you want to change your name: Nope
What did you do for your last birthday: Just a family thing xD
What time did you wake up today: 5 AM.....don't ask why :-O
What were you doing last night at midnight: TRYING to study or sleep, it's a fine line between those two xD
Name something you can’t wait for: Easter break~ Easter gifts, yohooo xD
Last time you saw your mom: One week ago.
What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: That I wasn't so socially awkward. (sorry Invy, I agree with you so I won't change that) xDD
What’s getting on your nerves rn: That you must study even if you are alive or dead...sheesh...-_-
Blood type: O
Nickname: On this site, Ali-chan or Star Angel ^^
Zodiac sign: Virgo.
Favorite tv shows: NCSI , but I am more a game oriented person xD
Long or short hair: Used to have long hair, now I wanted a change so I got it medium xD
Height: 162cm :(
Do you have a crush on someone: Nope.
What do you like about yourself: I will just skip this one xD
Right or left handed: Right.
First surgery: Appendicitis
First best friend when?: Hmm, can't really remember :/ I had so many fails xD
First sport you joined: I didn't really joined a club or so, but I play tennis
First vacation: Unfortunately...I just visited my country :(
Eating: Yogurt xD
Drinking: Water, water, water is life xD
I’m about to: Watch a serial or play a game
Listening to: Stealth - Judgement Day


Kids: In the distanced future, yes
Get married: Yes


Lips or eyes: Eyes
Hugs or kisses: Hugs
Taller or shorter: Taller xD
Older or younger: Not too old and not too young~
Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic
Nose, stomach, or nice arms: Nice arms, I guess?
Sensitive or loud: Sensitive, but not too much :/

Troublemaker or hesitant: Bad guy xD


Kissed a stranger: Nope
Drank liquor: Yes, choco liquor :D
Lost glasses/contacts: Nope
Broke someone’s heart: Nope
Turned someone down: Just some pests xD
Fallen for a friend: Nope


Yourself: it depends xD that's a trap? xD
Miracles: Yes
Love at first sight: Maybe, probably
Heaven: Yes
Kissing on a first date: Depends on how long you've known them for.

Haha, that's okay xD
[MENTION=94894]Alistar[/MENTION]; [MENTION=125617]Gamerguy[/MENTION]; [MENTION=122545]Vishwa[/MENTION]; I like how all four of us just don't do alcohol~
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