The ^ < V Game

^ lurking in the irc channel
< going to slp
v drinking coffee
^ Spamming before going to sleep
< Does not drink coffee
V Drinking Tea? xD
^ Is online but not spamming
< Will have holyday in 2 weeks
V Likes sweets
^ likes to be on top of me
< btm of Blue
v rare person
^ Is wrong
< Is trying to be/is an active member here. xP
V Active member
^ have problems loading the forum just now
< having exams
v holidays
^quite right... shall not reveal my real name
<tired and stressed
Vpro vn player
^sleeping soon
<leaving soon
Vgonna be alone soon
^likes Houki's oneesan now
< slping soon
v likes PLOT.
^ Likes PLOT
< Is not going to post in the 3 word thread ever again (or at least for now)
V Evil Person? xD
^got trolled
<LOVE the shinonono siblings! MOE
Vwatches IS

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