The ^ < V Game

^horrible anime watcher
<back from work
Vreally watches IS
^ right
< forever alone in life, never alone with 2-D wives =p
V engaged in real life
^ has watched rou 2 ova...
< feels lazy...
V probably would sleep later..~ . .

. . .
^ says i'm lazy that is true
< likes to do nothing so i'm lazy
V maybe lazy ~

. . .
^lazy but still manages to post
<back from a hell of final exams
vanother lazy bum
^ Should sleep if it's tired? xD
< Not playing any eroge atm
V Active person? >_>
^doesnt watch IS (boo.....)
< not active, sleeping soon
V random
^ miss IS
< not totally random
v not a troll
^not troll
<misses IS badly
Vwatches IS (seriously)
^just watched IS
< done with nerve wrecking projects/reports, school related stuffs
V ~ loves chocolate.. . ..
Last edited:
^ wrong spelling
< likes sweet stuff recently, signs of growing fat
V skinny dude
^ is a good guesser
< is currently on diet.. (weight became 3 digit - 100 lbs - 45 kgs)
V know how to speak in japanese...
^ decent weight
< not so fluent, but i can handle the language *shy*
V sleeping soon
^ has knowledge about japanese language
< is off to sleep. .. . .
V is a gamer

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