The ^ < V Game

^ Basically you're dunce nya~
< Is a cat, nyaa~
v Wan wan?
^ Kistune and neko mixed.

< Fully human and has cookies.

v Still stuck in a corn maze.
^ Human nya?
< Stuck with an unlimited supply of popcorn nya~
v Will get dragged into a dungeon nya~
^ Drags you into the dungeon with me.
< Finds exit.
v Gets eaten by a dragon.
^ Ate a dragon o.o
< Got eaten by dragon... hmm so im in the dragon's tummy which is in ojou sama's tummy... she ate me again...
v Save me?
^ Still not digested...
< Regurgitates...
v Still in dragon's tummy
^ Have food poisoning (that what happened when you eat thing that ate bad people things)
< Chilling in the tummy
V Knight in shining armor
^ Should have blamed the 'wizard' for not helping him.
< I'm here.
v Are you there?
^ Uncertain of his whereabouts.
< Can't believe I'm still here.
v Has finally found out his current location.
^ Still here xD
< Hmm seems to be alive for now~
v Anything that happens~ a wizard did it~
^ Alive... temporarily.
< I fell through a manhole... A 'wizard' did it.
v Instigates a 'wizard' hunt.
^ I know little to nothing about yet. =]
< Eats a bowl of cereal every night!
v Will probably be the same two posters again heehee~
^ Will keep posting until he/she burns out or has to sleep xD
< Eats a lot but never gets fat
v A new member of AS? :O
^ The fat wasn't there to begin with... Wizard!
< Not new and not old
v Get me out of the manhole~

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