The ^ < V Game

^ Indeed I have. Will probably have more dim sum to eat during Grandma's birthday xD
< Has stopped wrapping himself in a blanket.
v Lelouch commands you, SQUATS!
^ Lazy kitty
< As if I'd squat... <_<
v Has done squats before
^ Too lazy.
< Fine...I'll do the squats D:
v We shall sandwich a ninja between our two posts!
^ Rejected!
< I see police and horses!
v An ero book would be the best bait.
^ a ero book of lolixloli would be great
< love those kinds of eros
v you should too
^ Doesn't understand why either.
< Le me has no avatar.
v Care to make one for me?
^ Needs an avatar
< Bad at making avatars... Just used basic stuff at photobucket
v Makes avatar?
^ Bad at making avatars, apparently.
< Would be grateful for any reasonable avatar. =]
v Will the person below me make an avatar?! Must I add please too?
^ no i dont make avatars
< i just take my avatars from anywhere
V i know you created your own avatar
^ Takes avatars from 'anywhere' land
< Can make basic/decent avatars and sigs
v Has not once eaten a monkey
^ Can make avatars! Can I have one please?
< Has just woken up
v Has you eaten a dog before?
^ Nope but it sounds good xD
< (Yay?)
v Have you ever used a chopstick as a dart before?
^ Would rather sit than dance
< Dancing... eh... sure~
v Has gotten chicken pox before
^ Not sure he had chicken pox? You must have...
< Plays very little music... mostly on the keyboard piano
v Has some musical know-how
^ That fortune telling prowess
< Eating my breakfast/lunch
v Tramapoline!
^ I should be having it already
< just lazy to get a bowl of cereals
v you ate already?

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