The Wrong Answers to the World's Questions.

I am gonna say they taste like chocoberry MMM chocoberry. the best of both worlds.

How long would it take to full a bottomless pit?
Bottomless pit... you mean the congressional budget.

Why do pretty people sell ugly pills?
Say what?

Which is louder, a jet airplane taking off, or an otaku who's waiting for his latest favorite anime episode to come out?
It's normal for everything to be crazy.

What is the what of?
[MENTION=44312]Dark Angel[/MENTION]; Cause we don't get money for nothing... unless we're Dire Straits. ;)

I type too slow. :lol:

What should my next question be?
Cause the Kata spoons aren't as much fun. ;)

Where's the beef?
Cause we can't do reality what we want so in our sleeping we are dreaming of this things that we wish to have them...

Why i have to get up early in the morning?
You like purple hair.

How many people fit in a phone booth... wait, I better update this old college challenge.

How many people fit in an i-pad?
For extra Storage of your anime.

If anime could anime, how much anime could they really anime?
You could anime anime anime!

What's the frequency, Kenneth?
Hmm no idea but the one i know was a violin player and really darn good so probably quite high ;p

Why must there be twists?

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