The Wrong Answers to the World's Questions.

"Where's the sand box? I gotta make thunder!"

If The Flash had a proper battle cry, what would it be?
The screams of astounded passerbys and calling of lawyers~

Is sonic faster than the flash? =/
His girlfriend says so. :evillaugh:

How do you do a round of square dances?
I'm a Lions fan. The Vikings raid us twice a year. :saveme:

Who wins, lacrosse or cricket?
That's just a vicious rumor. Alice doesn't swing that way. :ordercourt:


Does Santa deliver ti the South Pole?
Depends if anyone there believes =/ Or if anyone is actually there =/

What if ninjas ran off with santa's workshop?
It's been tried. Santa went whoop-a$$ on them!

Why is Rudolph's nose red?
They recently celebrated their 107th wedding anniversary.

Drink or go blind?
drink tea

best game?
I read tangerines for some reason =/ Of course theyre not tangerines =/ Unless you manipulated it somehow... =w=

How come there are so many orange like fruits? =/
Knock knock. Who's there? Banana.
Knock knock. Who's there? Banana.
Knock knock. Who's there? Banana.
Knock knock. Who's there? Peach.
Orange you glad I didn't say banana?

Why are knock knock jokes funny?
'Cause you don't get as much rest dancing.

Why should we save the whales?
'Cause going touchey feeling can get you arrested.

If fashion is circular, why don't we wear bearskins?
Just the one... but they rent it out for a fortune!

Why don't elephants have wings?
because then mice will start planning to find a way to fly just to scare the elephants

why don't ants take over the world??
They're too busy taking over our uncles. :evillaugh:

Why is vanilla ice cream white?
Because the discovery of food coloring came after vanilla ice cream stopped being a novel item =/

Why neopolitan? =/

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