It's not early. Several continents away, it's the middle of the night. What games do turtles play?
Leggy Veteran Member Elite Member Oct 17, 2012 20,626 1,348 Nov 12, 2015 #1,401 It's not early. Several continents away, it's the middle of the night. What games do turtles play?
Leggy Veteran Member Elite Member Oct 17, 2012 20,626 1,348 Nov 12, 2015 #1,403 Spring is hot... good for bath. Now need harem for hot spring bath. Batman and Robin... are they really...?
Spring is hot... good for bath. Now need harem for hot spring bath. Batman and Robin... are they really...?
R Rain Summerfields Guest Nov 12, 2015 #1,404 Yes, they are squid people in disguise. More than meets the eye?
Leggy Veteran Member Elite Member Oct 17, 2012 20,626 1,348 Nov 12, 2015 #1,405 Huge sunglasses Tweak or Craig?
R Rain Summerfields Guest Nov 12, 2015 #1,406 I love a craig when they are heavy metal. Get up, get out?
Leggy Veteran Member Elite Member Oct 17, 2012 20,626 1,348 Nov 12, 2015 #1,407 When she says that, you know you're spending the rest of the night watching anime. :( Why is gold so valuable?
When she says that, you know you're spending the rest of the night watching anime. :( Why is gold so valuable?
R Rain Summerfields Guest Nov 12, 2015 #1,408 cigarette ashes on my dress, made the gold dullen. I saved a life, how bout you?
Ghost Kitty~ Art of Spam~ Elite Member Oct 18, 2011 149,418 2,431 Nov 12, 2015 #1,409 An apple a day keeps the doctor away =/ How many will o wisps does it take to build a bridge into another dimension?
An apple a day keeps the doctor away =/ How many will o wisps does it take to build a bridge into another dimension?
R Rain Summerfields Guest Nov 12, 2015 #1,410 Love you long time for one dollar. : / Eat a stick of celery?
Leggy Veteran Member Elite Member Oct 17, 2012 20,626 1,348 Nov 13, 2015 #1,411 Celery sticks are sooo last year. The thing now, is celery ants. Chocolate chip cookies, or ginger snaps?
Celery sticks are sooo last year. The thing now, is celery ants. Chocolate chip cookies, or ginger snaps?
Ghost Kitty~ Art of Spam~ Elite Member Oct 18, 2011 149,418 2,431 Nov 14, 2015 #1,412 Apple bees~ They need more natural sweeteners =/ How many llamas does it take to destroy the world? =/
Apple bees~ They need more natural sweeteners =/ How many llamas does it take to destroy the world? =/
R Rain Summerfields Guest Nov 15, 2015 #1,413 Just one with a hat on its head. deconstructing the myth?
Leggy Veteran Member Elite Member Oct 17, 2012 20,626 1,348 Nov 16, 2015 #1,414 De-construct the miss? Caitlyn Jenner, obviously. On any given Sunday?
R Rain Summerfields Guest Nov 17, 2015 #1,415 I will give thanks to Satan. the vibe is killing me why?
Leggy Veteran Member Elite Member Oct 17, 2012 20,626 1,348 Nov 17, 2015 #1,416 Well yeah, vibes, also known as the vibraphone can kill you if it falls on you. That big metal instrument can weigh over 100 kilos! Why do guitars gently weep?
Well yeah, vibes, also known as the vibraphone can kill you if it falls on you. That big metal instrument can weigh over 100 kilos! Why do guitars gently weep?
R Rain Summerfields Guest Nov 17, 2015 #1,417 Because old hens never lay their eggs twice. Come at me brah?
Ghost Kitty~ Art of Spam~ Elite Member Oct 18, 2011 149,418 2,431 Nov 17, 2015 #1,418 You have a bra? =/ How long does spring take to pass?
R Rain Summerfields Guest Nov 17, 2015 #1,419 As long as my hong kong diners card expiry. Flat out weirdness?
Leggy Veteran Member Elite Member Oct 17, 2012 20,626 1,348 Nov 17, 2015 #1,420 Weirdness isn't flat, it tends to be curvy and kinky. ;) Why aren't ski slopes made of butter in the summer?
Weirdness isn't flat, it tends to be curvy and kinky. ;) Why aren't ski slopes made of butter in the summer?
R Rain Summerfields Guest Nov 17, 2015 #1,421 I can't believe it's not butter. and not salt reduced too! Hocus pocus?
Dark Angel Emissary Of Death Moderator Feb 26, 2013 39,513 102,245 Nov 17, 2015 #1,422 What is that? Why to make those answers and questions? Reactions: Aria Company
Ghost Kitty~ Art of Spam~ Elite Member Oct 18, 2011 149,418 2,431 Nov 17, 2015 #1,423 The cat overlords will not be amused if you do not =/ How long is an inch worm? Reactions: Aria Company
Dark Angel Emissary Of Death Moderator Feb 26, 2013 39,513 102,245 Nov 18, 2015 #1,424 why i should know what is the Πι ~ (Pi) ??? Reactions: Aria Company
Leggy Veteran Member Elite Member Oct 17, 2012 20,626 1,348 Nov 18, 2015 #1,425 It's a song they sing on My Little Pony, in order to summon the Anti-Pony, harbinger of wilted fields and cold barns, who will bring on the Pony Apocalypse. Spoiler Should we bring back Disco?
It's a song they sing on My Little Pony, in order to summon the Anti-Pony, harbinger of wilted fields and cold barns, who will bring on the Pony Apocalypse. Spoiler Should we bring back Disco?