Things that might/made you say Wow! . . .

When my old WoW buddies told me about the new Mist of Pandaria expansion I looked it up...
That made me say wow followed by a big time WTF?! They're putting Kung Fuu Panda and Pokémon in there? O.o
When my old WoW buddies told me about the new Mist of Pandaria expansion I looked it up...
That made me say wow followed by a big time WTF?! They're putting Kung Fuu Panda and Pokémon in there? O.o
Wow! I play WoW too!
Wow i fell asleep while watching anime
The bed was too fluffy tempted me XD

Muahaha not my bear hugs fault :blushhappy:
Wow this manga I'm reading is really good

[MENTION=13144]Potsy[/MENTION] I'm actually not playing WoW anymore. When Cataclysm released I played for three days, leveled to 85, did some dungeons/heroics and then got bored so I quit to "focus" more on school. :laughpanda:
Wow time flies

I'm waiting for GW 2. I imagine I can be a bit more casual with that, no monthly fee makes it feel like you're not wasting time/money if you can't play. + the gameplay and story looks awesome
Wow im waiting for Blade & Soul Online
Such sexy graphics/gameplay :)

My sister and I are going to play when it releases :XD:
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AP calculus
AP literature
American Gov
Japanese 2

Wow i have so much wierd classes for my schedule
Oh well my senior year now :)
Nice list ya' got there.

I've got boring ones: MAT 65, CIS 130 and HIS 109. I have no motivation for the first 2. Bleh!

Wow! I have such easy classes and don't want to do them.
Wow i think i mess around too much in my japanese class
All the lessons seems a bit too easy
But i can confirm kanji and stuff w/ my sensei since he is from japan hehe
You seem to have a good class there.

I wish my school had an actual language and cooking class. (so limited in choices here) :(

Wow, I'm highly unmotivated now.
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