Things that might/made you say Wow! . . .

Wow im having an eargasm :happytears:

I think my school has alot of classes and it's not worth it
So much people skip class and go do drugs and all that
Kinda a waste of $$
Hmm...Sounds like an interesting school you go to.

Wow, easy on your ears Kitteh, your brain might melt!
Hai very interesting school i guess
I never trust bringing any valuable there though

Wow i think my brain really is going to melt :happytears:
I'll agree with ya' on bringing expensive stuffs to school.

Better unplug your earphones Kitteh, or your....well never mind...

Wow, Kitteh's brain melted., uh. How are going to go to school tomorrow without your brain?
You'd probably give it back really fast....(there's nothing it! :P)

Wow! Ms. Kitteh took my brain!
When did you become a zombie Ms. Kitteh?

Wow! help! zombie! Kitteh's a zombie!
I became a zombie when you just blinked a moment ago :)

Wow Will is protecting his brains from my zombie-ness
How am I protecting myself from a zombie Kitteh?

Wow! I just realized that if Kitteh ate my brain, she would still be a zombie.
Wow i wonder :)

Double wow i cant believe im stuck at 99.6% activity *rage*
It takes a little longer to get overdrive and stuff here. Kitteh's going for the overdrive! wow!
You can't steal it.

Kitteh believes her overdrive is in danger! Wow!

What will happen next!? Tune in next time folks to see what happens next! :D
But sammy will do the impossible
And steal it from me at the last minute
Wow im :scared:
Come out from under the pillow Kitteh, Sammy won't take it from ya'.

Once you get it, it's yours. WOW!
Second = 4th wolf
Sammy = Ninja Wolf :o

Wow this forum is filled with wolves that is hunting the kitteh
All right... you listed the 4th wolf and the ninja wolf, but who's wolf 1-3?

Wow....Kitteh feels hunted.
Im not even sure whos wolf 1-3 are~

But wow this place still has alot of wolves :P
Well, it can't be me. I'm a kitsune.

Kitteh doesn't know who else is chasing her. Wow!

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