This or That?

And what's with poor Kuroneko!? ;__________;


Time or money?
Time, because money is not all...

Oda Nobuna no yabou or Sengoku otoume-paradox?
FarCry 3 and Assassin's Creed 3 .____.

Aoi Nishimata! Her character design is simply kawaii :bliss:

Peace or war?
Peace (but honestly, it will always wars exist, so long human exist.)

Gold or platinum...?
Missionary or Doggy?
You little pervert Wiesl, but if I right think, coming your u-name not approximately...


Sharin no kuni, himawari no shoujo or Kourin no machi, lavender no shoujo?
hmm that's a toughie. i guess eroge, cause they have a story more often

cat's or dogs?
Dog, because they're better....

Fate/stay night or Mahoutsukai no yoru?
Night, because is then silent (in the mostly case)...

Yugioh! or Pokemon?
Um... what kind of question is THAT!? ><'


Hide-and-Seek or paintball?
Scarlet, because it sounds prettier.

Santa or the Easter Bunny? c;

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