This or That?

Mace. More contact with a mace. More blood.

Dead babies or dead puppies?
Dead Babies. They don't classify as lolis yet.

Silent Hill or Resident Evil?
Can't choose... :ohnoes:

Coin toss picks Kitsunemimiko.

Go to town or stay at home?
well they're one in the same. i live in the city. i guys if i have to choose i say town

Bleach or Naruto?
Bleach, because is better in story technical area...

Little Busters! or Clannad*?
At this time passing I the hug... But just a friend-kiss accept...

Draem or fantasy?
Triangle-love, keeps things interesting!

Week Long Vacation or Month Worth of Anime?
I have been to Japan allready, so I would like to see Hawaii too :D

Nighttime or Daytime
I would like to say rich because i wouldn't have to worry that much about money. On the other hand, you learn more from being poor. So I can't really choose anything there.

Happy Ox or Dismembered Bunny?
Oh god. The Ox please. I don't know what I'm going to do with it but I'll take it. Maybe sell it.

Vocaloid or Idol?

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