Tiger & Bunny


I Am Admin, Hear Me Roar!
Oct 16, 2010

Original Name: TIGER & BUNNY
Alternative Name: Tiger and Bunny
Categories: Comedy, Drama, Mecha, Superpowers
Producer: Sunrise

Sternbild City is home to people called "Next," who use their special abilities to protect the people as superheroes. These heroes solve cases and save lives so they can wear sponsor logos or acquire "hero points." Their activities are documented on the popular program "Hero TV," which picks the "King of Heroes" in a yearly ranking. The veteran hero Wild Tiger has always preferred to work alone, but now he's been assigned the rookie Barnaby Brooks Jr., who has a different perspective on being a superhero.

A show about a show about superheroes - quite meta. There's action, drama, and a bit of comedy so it's all good though. The development hints at this portraying the interaction between members of different generations and how they'll affect each other. I'm not expecting this to be ultra-deep, just a tad more than the average.

Reminds me of: Superhero comics.​
This series has the big ???? all over, still don't know what they are going to do with it. I tend to like original series and this is Sunrise so I will be sticking with it.
It could be an epic struggle between good and evil, commentary on generational differences or a decadent society, drama, or mild entertainment - it still is very open. :P
Going more in the drama direction with hints of a master plan in the background - I approve.
hmm.. maybe i will just catch this around next week and see
Enjoyable episode. The beginning was a bit too slow, with the statue just stopping it kinda sucks out the urgency of the danger and xcitement, but along the second half when the lion statue appears it becomes much more interesting.

This episode is a good showcase of the contrast between Tiger and Bunny, leading to conflicts between them. But it's good to see that even though he cares about about ratings and standing out, Bunny still get his priority straight and still rescues civilians in danger. In the same vein, Tiger despite being brash and reckless, is really heroic at heart. The end part is really nice, with him not just beating up the bad guy, but also nip the seed of villainy in the bud. He even goes the extra mile to convince him that he really can be a hero, mirroring his own origin. Now THAT'S heroic.
While I became fan of the ending while watching the first episode, it was this episode (ep 3) that has turned me into a fan of the opening as well.

This episode was another good one. Favorite parts for me were the interactions between Bunny and Tiger and the synchronized power-shining part, which I think was a cool way to highlight that despite their differences Tiger and Bunny can be an amazing team.

While Kotetsu is still my fav, this episode helped me understand Barnaby better and understand why he behaves the way he does.

The only complaint that I have about the episode is that it didn’t explain much about the Ouroboros, but at least, the real bad guys (the villains, and it seems they are organization with power and means) made an appearance in this episode.

Last but not least, it was nice to find out that Mr. Legend is the first hero, the first next.
this is like somewhat reality tv, ala amazing race ~ saving everyone with heroes of different persona and powers.. for points.

Heh... So that's why she snubbed Kotetsu. All of them know each others identity. As seen in ep 1 Blue Rose lacks grace under pressure. She isn't immune to bullets. After being saved by Bunny, why do I have a feeling it is only time till Dragon Kid gets this treatment, Tiger chews Blue Rose for panicking. This may not be the first time it happened.

Karina tries to quit with support of her parents but when people at a bar tries to bet on the heroes while they are in danger she gets pissed. Telling the drunk off and proceeds to rescue them.

Karina may respect those two idiots, Tiger & Bunny, but she wont let it show. Giving them sharp retorts.

This show is attracting quite a bit of fujoshis. *shivers*
I like how it explorers different characters and what it means to them being a hero. The show also shows some fore-planning, picking up things from the very beginning again, while most anime just go from episode to episode with little connection between those that are not directly following each other.
A different take on hero stories, likely the underrated gem of the season (quite popular in Japan for other reasons though :P).
Well, let the Fujoshis have their fun. :P
I'll rather wait for the big fight about who gets to date Blue Rose. ;)
Happy birthday, Bunny!

I felt really sorry for Tiger this time. He's trying so hard to get a friendly working relationship with Barnaby who wants nothing to do with him. I also feel bad for Barnaby because everything Tiger is trying is so darn annoying to him. It's a difficult situation. I hope they resolve it soon. I'd like to see them have a more pleasant working relationship.

I like how they accidentally managed to work together at the end and as a result achieved something spectacular. If they do get their act together, their whole could be greater than the sum of their parts as the saying goes. Unfortunately right now, the sum of their parts is more often a negative.

I half-expected to learn in the post-credits scene that Barnaby's parents died on his birthday. That's a route many stories would have taken. I'm glad this show didn't go there.

Looks like we've had a glimpse of the big bad guy to come. Long blond haired dude n the crowd who crumbled the newspaper. I expect we'll see more of him to come.
Attack of the homunculi! :P
Seems like play time is over - the pieces of Barnaby's carefully build up background start falling together. We now have a shadowy organization of sort as nemesis, and a mysterious Next (who may be their leader/executor) to be hunted down. The tension is sure to raise!

On another note: The fujoshis are going to love this episode...
^ call pyrce!

Another fantastic episode. I especially like the way that Barnaby's tragic past was shot with the flames, point of view shots, and that haunting music. Also really liked the way the Ouroboros guy was introduced standing on top of the building. That's definitely the guy from the opening so I'm thinking we might have our main villain.

Though that was a seeming throwaway moment, I thought it was quite revealing about both men. Kotetsu is concerned about lives - who they are is meaningless. He doesn't care if they're criminals - they deserve to be saved. To Barnaby, once they cross the line to criminal they cease to exist to him. Live or dead - who cares?

I think the best of this show is yet to come.
Another good ep and an action packed one to boot. Nice action sequence between Barnaby and Lunatic. Blue Rose has a thing for Tiger (I can hear the rage of fujoshis far away).... Saito forcing Tiger to sleep in the cube while yelling at him was also priceless. I also think that Tiger's wife is already dead, considering the how he relates Barnaby's parents death and his family picture.

Lunatic reminded me of a tv series back in the early nineties called ‘Dark Justice’, its about a vigilante judge who’s enforcing justice outside the law. I don’t think Lunatic is a part of Ouroboros, rather maybe he also lost his loved ones like Barbaby thats why he’s been killing criminals like no tomorrow. Like the kid said, ‘Criminals should all be killed’. Seems the opposite of Tiger who kind of a liberal and an avid believer over human right, even though you're a criminal.
Alright, Origami episode, and a Dragon Kid one right after.

I really liked the flashback about Edward and how he screwed up trying to do the right thing. It's strange that he'd ended up imprisoned due to murder though, since from what I've seen he accidentally killed the women, so I would have figured it would be manslaughter (or the judge didn't go easy on him because he also broke the law and used his power) Anyway, he ended up growing up into someone filled with a lot of (unreasonable) hate towards Ivan, though hopefully he might be moving on now.

Really strange how Tiger ended up being more popular than someone else this episode w

The fight with Lunatic this time was less impressive than the previous Bunny vs. Loony though it's interesting how he keeps eluding on the question whether he's with the Ouroboros or not.

Maybe he's just crazy and just messing around with them. In any case, Bunny is likely to ignore him from now on, and Loony Judge seems to have his eye on Tiger, so expecting a clash between a traditionalist view on justice verses a 90's comics view on the issue (Captain America vs. Punisher apparently)
Dragon Kid is somewhat cute in her boyish behavior. ;)
They also make clear that Blue Rose indeed has a thing for Kotetsu - making all the BL lovers cry, I'm sure. :P

Apart from that the series continues to flesh out the characters, with one or two more to go. I like the leisurely pace they take. There's no rush in the execution, they don't have to let everything happen all at once.
Instead they look at the different heroes and explore in depth what it means to be one. It's not just battle after battle, but humans trying to stand up for their convictions. Or just landing in a situation where they have to be heroes, and try to deal with it.

Certainly a hidden gem of the season.
Go Next!
^ Kotetsu doesn't seem to have an interest though yet (or may be I didn't sense any flag from him)

Hilarious ep. Its funny seeing each of the heroes tried to cheer up the baby but ended up failing. Dragon Kid is also amusing in her own way. Blue Rose got wtf pwned finding out Kotetsu is actually married and had a wife and daughter, she has a thing for Tiger but Kotetsu just didn’t see her that way and maybe only as a daughter.

Funny also seeing one of the villain trying to seduce Kotetsu, him denying but then turns out he’s lying, lol. Guys will always be guys no matter what agre. Agnes has a thing for Bunny....maybe.

Finally the naked guy in the end is probably connected with Ouroboros, a NEXT who could blow things up judging from the preview. We also have a flash of Lunatic, and Kotetsu fighting the armed mechs. Ouroboros finally revealed? Tiger + gatling gun never looked so sweet.
Doc Saito ~ the one that maintained the suits of the heroes never failed me to give me a dose of laughter when he's having conversation with Kotetsu.. (especially when Barnaby and Kotetsu went into the machine that make you relax.. i don't know what to call that gadget)

story seems making a progress.. looking forward the new episodes and revelations about the heroes ~ . ..
Does anyone else think the plot's starting to feel a bit rushed? The way Ouroboros just suddenly revealed themselves out of nowhere was kind of silly. You'd think there would've been more buildup to this event.

Other than that, I was really expecting this show to do more of a villain-of-the-week format so I'm pleasantly surprised that it isn't, also looks like Lunatic might help out this time since he looked very unhappy at people cutting their prison times short.

The scene where Wild Tiger is rescuing that woman in the car, that those idiotic robots can’t seem to shoot an immobile person simply beggars belief. PLOT ARMOR!

This is still a good episode though!
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Animation took a little bit of dump.

Ep 11, decent episode once again. Origami Cyclone manage to be finally useful in the infiltration and spy department. They finally freed Jake, damn what a waste. I just knew he’ll never let the civillian hostages go even though the good guys already met their part of the bargain. Liking also how Maverick manages to persuade Barnaby for garnering public support. Nothing’s better than having all the populace supports you in an epic battle against evil terrorism.

About Sky High, I happen to like him the most over all heroes. He’s not arrogant or cocky for being the King of Heroes, but seems genuinely has a good heard. Aside also being funny on for his dorkiness, he’s just badass and worthy of the King of Heroes title imo. Did you see how he’s capable forming an air blade out of thin air then slicing 2 of the robots in ep 10? Now that my friend is just badass.. I’m anticipating him for more action in ep 12.

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