Tiger & Bunny

A pretty exciting episode; they should do story arcs more often.

Frankly, Jake seems overpowered. His power level seems sufficient to level the entire prison. This probably needs to be explained sometime later.

In any case, there's almost certainly some insider in the bureaucracy working for Ouroboros, considering all useful information about Jake is so conveniently absent. That's probably where the story is heading in the later run of the season; Jake himself is likely just a mid-boss.

Lastly, I find the idea of signal jamming somewhat silly. Surely that's the first thing they should have thought of? I mean, remotely controlled robots! Then again, the ruling council doesn't rank very highly on competence.

According to the producer/director twitter.. Episode 14 will have major event, prepare tissue...That doesn't sound good for the Heroes...
It's obviously an high-tech prison that utilizes neutralizing fields around the wall. All people leaving their cells have to wear a collar restricting their powers and eat candy to survive. :P
As for the robots: Next powers don't seem to follow the laws of physics. Could've been a telepathic link or little golems, for all they knew. ;)
I see what you did there :P. Jake's power probably is related to sound.
Jake has 2 powers >_>.This latest episode was absolutely fantastic. Such great shoutouts to Batman (via Barnaby) and the Joker (via Jake). So very poignant and excellently dramatic.

Such great use of the entire hero cast (especially Tiger and Bunny), and almost all of the supporting cast members. The best super-hero story I've seen (or read) in a very, very long time. This was such a great treat for the comic book-reading kid in me.

Loved the bit about Girl Power. "I'm sorry, is it because I'm a tomboy?". Hee. Kinda want to reassure her that she's cute. And that she's got at least one fan, even if he's very young.
Love is blind as the title of the episode says

i can't believe tsundere blue rose has an affection to tiger ~ . . to ojii-san and ojiisan dances and bunny as well~ huehuehue ... B.T. B is a good trio combo ~ . . .

less action stuffs in this episode. well worth to kill of my time when i m on school

oh they already change the opening and ending themes as well in this episode
A fun episode, but the animation "quality" in the first half was just >_>

Anyway, I like the new OP and ED. If only the animation quality during the episodes could be that level (yes, I know the OP/ED animation is always going to be higher quality, but the difference in T&B is huge).

Rock Bison was interesting this episode. I know he's buds with Kotetsu, but his comment about coming to see him dance? I hope he was there to laugh at him and there's not any romantic undertones (from RB, since Kotetsu seems oblivious to everyone who might be interested in him) going on there.

So next episode focuses on Sky High. I assume we will also get episodes for RB and Fire Emblem eventually too.
Episode 15 was kinda tragic for Sky High. When she didn't showed up at the park, (for obvious reasons) he accepted it with a smile and carried on. In the end, it looks like he's at peace with just knowing that she helped him out. (T_T) (salute that man)

As for Tiger, I had a feeling that this was case for him since it looked too good to be true. I just hope it doesn't mean the end of his hero career anytime soon. I also didn't appreciate the Bunny centerfold/swimsuit type deal......I actually had to look somewhere else during that time so I didn't get a chance to read what he said. If it was Karina or Agnes? My nose would be smearing the screen at that moment. Sexist? Yes, it is. No apologies here.

On a side note, I like the fact that Cis looked a lot like Dorothy from The Big O. It's a nice touch to his former work. I also like the scene where Sky High was on top of a building while his clothes billowed in the air. The way he put on his cowl...I mean, helmet, is a nice reference to Batman: Phantom of the Mask.
The swimsuit shot was the wrong kind of fanservice in every possible way. :P
They didn't say anything important in there though, so don't worry. Tiger's suit is also hilarious - grandfather style. :D
still havent have time to sit down and watch this though

really decent stuff?

thanks, then i shall backlog this first for now

Sure enough I didn't expect this at all.
>Yuri living with his mom
>killing Legend
>dat shower scene

I feel bad for the guy now.

Legend was Yuri's father. Legend lost his powers and became a shitty alcoholic father and husband. He was beating wife when Yuri manifested and killed him. Yuri's mom is a little crazy and she hates Yuri.

Kotetsu looses his power while trying to catch a bastard who beats a hostess/prostitute saving her also. He ends up in the dumpster falling down from a trolley while the crook gets away. Or so he thinks. He was going to victimize another hostess until Lunatic shows up. He doesn't keep with the news that this guy isn't a hero but a vigilante that kills.
Having a very heartwarming episode after last week's very dark episode put a lot of my fears to rest pertaining to where Tiger and Bunny would go after Episode 16. If nothing else, I'm now totally confident that Sunrise will not allow Kotetsu to descend into cynicism and self-destruction. That he will remain, in at least the core sense of the term, a hero to the very end. Perhaps one of the ideas this anime will attempt to convey is how you don't need super powers in order to be a hero.

I also felt it was high-time to involve Kotetsu's family in this anime again, and for him to reconnect with his daughter. It was nice to see Kotetsu, and his personal background, fleshed out a lot in this episode.

The narrative of this episode was very simple, but very sweet. However, I will admit that Kaeda was totally won over by her father perhaps a bit too easily. But then, I felt that her level of anger towards him early on was a bit too heavy, so the way things ended off was probably how they should have anyway.

On the whole, it was a pleasant watch, and I mostly enjoyed it.

PS: What a convenient storm!
Both Kotetsu and Barnaby were frustating this episode! Of course, they are both dealing with their own issues so their behaviour wasnt that unusual, but it was still hard to watch. Barnaby was being stubborn and irrational given how the evidence was piling up. As he himself later admits, it wasnt even that long ago that he did not even know the face of the killer. It would be hard to accept that he didnt avenge his parents' murder after all.

And Kotetsu - i was just waiting [wishing] that he would tell Kaede, "Well i cant come home right now because i'm a HERO, and my partner BARNABY is thinking about quitting..." tell her already! I'm hoping she's figured it out on her own and is waiting for him to tell her (another reason she is annoyed with him). I dont expect him to retire until the end of the series anyhow. Kaede should come vidit her father, or Kotetsu needs to take Bunny to Oriental Town for a visit and a vacation.

I really hope Barnaby isnt an android. The thought crossed my mind, given his parents' line of work.

Other things:
-Kotetsu didnt wear his mask when he and Barnaby went to visit Kriem. I dont think this is important, but odd. He made sure to put it on when he talked to Barnaby's maid tho :P
- Do we know how long jake has had two powers? In Kriem's flashback, he glows orange, which we have been associating with two powers/power up
- Kotetsu's SUV matches his outfit
The NEXT killing Bunny's parents can confuse memories to hide his face. Note how the tattoo always remains, meaning the power is quite limited.
Oh, he was also hired by Mr. Maverick, who didn't want to see his Hero empire being destroyed by robot research (see episode 16).
The animation >_>. The character art looks a bit off model.

Maverick is indeed the villain. He basically created hero TV and Barnaby's parents designed the heroes' weapons and suits using their tech. To flair up ratings, he teamed up with Oroboros to fake crimes that the heroes could respond to. The Brooks realized the bad guys were using their tech so they confronted Maverick and talk him into turning himself in. He killed them and rewrote Barnaby's memories when he saw the act being committed. Barnaby actually went out with his maid that night 20 years ago, not Mr. Maverick.

So yeah, last scene was Barnaby getting his memory wiped/rewritten again. My guess is that Mr. Maverick will write over the fight Barnaby and Kotetsu had and Kotetsu will grow suspicious of Barnaby's behavior.
Ouch, Maverick plays hard! He's left way too many holes in this plan but I guess he was counting on Kotetsu's stupidity to bring everything to a quick end. I mean one picture was all it took to crumble the fake memory he'd planted in Barnaby. No telling how many photos these characters might have of each other; I can imagine Rock Bison and Blue Rose(secretly) having a few photos of Tiger around. Blue Rose at least has that towel that he gave her earlier with his family's "Kaburagi Wine and Spirits" company logo.

The animation and art still looks derpy. Sunrise running thin on budget?:s

It took awhile, but I'm glad Kotetsu was able to figure out that he was being framed and who was doing.Everyone who knew the truth about Kotetsu came into play. But for all of this to come together in the same episode was pretty exciting. It's good to know that even if Lunatic is an anti-hero he still has a sense of justice. It was also nice to see Wild Tiger back in his original suit. Good thing Maverick doesn't seem to sweat the small details, otherwise he would've known who Kaede was and would've had her apprehended. Next week should be exciting~
I have only seen the first one and I have no idea where to start thinking about it. It seems to early to say anything negative about it, but I won't say anything positive about it either. I'm just going to watch more of it and form an analysis then.
Deux ex Kaede

Tiger and Bunny is just so fantastically frantically fun. It just sends the child in me into jubilantly jumping joy!

Ah... but my adult mind can't totally ignore the extreme plot conveniences here, even as much as I wish it could. Things came together almost a bit too smoothly here, with characters just freezing, or presumably standing around and doing nothing, when the plot required it of them.

Really didn't like that discrepancy between her and Maverick's use of the memory-ability either but I guess it being fueled by an emotional burst was the reason it was so powerful. At this rate the fandom is going to start labeling Kaede as a Mary Sue; something I was wary of since her ability first came to light.

I did like the chase during the second half. It was certainly a much better tactic than Kotetsu's first plan on the roof. Physically retreading certain actions can sometimes help to remember things. Although I had to laugh at him punching Barnaby in the face considering how some of his fangirls reacted to the slap back in ep. 19.
Am I the only one who thought there were strong hints that something was "off" with Ben? As in, maybe even he's secretly in league with Maverick? His nervousness, too many close-ups, the odd timing of his arrival... It sure seemed that way to me.

I really liked the appropriately short and intense Tiger vs. Bunny fight. Short of one hospitalizing the other - Which would set the stage for more angst than I think this show could handle in what time it has left - This was the best way they could have handled the fight, imo. I'm certainly not disappointed at all with this part of the episode. The animation and artwork looked fine to me.

Other elements I liked:

1. Maverick's real plan is a lot better and tighter than mass memory alteration alone was. That's very good to see. Its raised his quality as the final antagonist mastermind of this anime.

2. Bringing back Dr. Rotwang, and having him be the creator of Dark Tiger. This really helps tie several overarching plot-lines nicely together, creating a picture perfect package.

That being said, I have mixed feelings about keeping Dark Tiger vs. the other heroes off camera, and replacing that with a lengthy scene of Rotwang tormenting the heroes. The Rotwang scene is emotionally effective, but it is a bit cheesy, I admit. Given a choice between that Rotwang scene, or using its time allotment for Dark Tiger vs. the other heroes, I'm not really sure which I would have chosen myself. If anything, I'm probably leaning towards the latter.

Still, the drama and suspense in this episode is as good as ever, Maverick came across as a much more cunning and effective antagonist due to this episode, and all the scenes with Tiger and Bunny in them were truly good.
I know this is a Sunrise show and all, but I refuse to believe a GAR character like Kotetsu's last words could be "Hey - you have pretty long eyelashes."

Think I'm fine with either way the story decides to go as far as Kotetsu surviving. Of course, I'd rather see him survive and get a second season but if this is all we're getting I might actually rather see him die.

Anybody else really disappointed in the "internal conflict" with the other heroes while we waited on Tiger and Bunny to get their powers back? I never really believed any of them would press the button and if they had I'd have just been so disappointed I'd have washed my hands of the series immediately.

I'd have rather seen some inner monologue on Maverick's part as to what he was thinking. I mean he's provided resources to build a killer android that can overpower the most powerful Nexts in the city to someone who vehemently hates all Nexts. I have to assume that Maverick is hiding that he himself is a Next and has some sort of contingency plan in place to deal with things. His own power wouldn't be able to do squat against that robot should Rotwang turn on him.

Also, I wonder if the animation team was crying as well while animating the scene. The off-model animation was very distracting.
I'm satisfied with the ending. Maybe it's because I'm too happy that Kotetsu is still alive, and I'm a sucker for big damn heroes moments, but I think the show ends on a good note. I hate people like Lunatic on multiplayers though, staying out for most of the fight and just kill-steal at the end.

One of the things that I really love about this series was watching the relationship between Kaede and Kotetsu unfold. I got really happy when Kotetsu's woke up to save her and I vaguely teared up when she called him cool.

I really look forward to the second season and hope that not only does it tackle the Ouroboros issues but that it also has Lunatic playing a more active part. I still think it would be interesting for Kotetsu to learn the full truth behind Mr. Legend.

The characters really succeed in making such an this series good. One of the biggest strengths of this series is how fun the main cast is to watch. Especially the episodes that focus on just a few of them and explore their characters shine in their dynamics. This series is able to create very strong stories that are above all very fun to watch, making this one of the most enjoyable series of the past half year. Nearly every single episode delivers, and at the end of the series the cast has grown tremendously with powerful change. I will be looking forward to a season 2.

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