Visual Novel Cafe

You don't save the best for last when it comes to VNs...because you don't know what lies ahead, especially when you are so stubborn as to refuse ta look at reviews...

Sad to say but that's what i've been doing for ever since i started vn-ing. I always save my favorite girl and her route for last, and i rank and clear the ones before her first.
I dont look at reviews too, thats why my views have technically been on biased terms when it comes to reviewing the game and routes after i completed the entire thing.
I do listen to some comments at least to prepare myself for what i might get.
But after all these years, generally my interest in the game dies right after the routes start branching out (aka end of common route), I have rarely done my favorite girl route first, and typically i drag the games too long to fully enjoy the experience and story.
Much ramblings of an undedicated-enough man. :(
Maybe I haven't that many years behind my VN-ing...

...while I always spoil myself by looking at the images, that usually isn't enough and actually spur me onwards rather than actually spoil...
I read reviews when I get sudden drama vibes as early as the common route or for titles that can't completely pique my interest after/during the common route. Sometimes also for titles that have been collecting "dust" on one of my external HDDs for months/years *lol*. Given my JP isn't good enough to fully understand reviews, but it's enough to decide whether to try it or not as I'm far too lazy to copy&paste the text into a translator. Fortunately, I generally love spoilers because if it's a VN/game I'm hyped in, I'll know what I can anticipate.

Oh, I completed my first route at Hanayome to Maou. My opinion isn't the highest as I hated the common route and the character interaction during it. Once the girls were pondering that such absurd feelings as love can exist in them and the pathetic MC Shinkuou settles for the waifu I've chosen, the rabu-rabu was actually enjoyable.
The battle system is still a big questionmark for me. The battles in the last part of the route were extremely hard for me so that I had to use a retry + weakening the enemy option. Then again, I never figured card battles out :P
Just started playing one of my old favorites again, Come See Me Tonight, been years since I played this last, hope its as good as I remember it .
I try to stay away from reviews and such with RPGs and VNs, I HATE to get anything spoiled for me..........

On another note do any of you guys cry when playing a visual novel?

I hope I'm not the only one that does..........

I cry all the time during sad moments really happy moments, and bittersweet moments
I only cry during sad and touching moments. Any other form of drama like, e.g., a forced break-up or dramas that feel overly long and/or keeps piling heavy moments after moments (Pallet's Sakura Strasse >_<) or some supernatural stuff being over the top (Yuyukana) will only make me facepalm or annoyed. Not because it's been done well, but more for the reason that it was included at all. Exceptions to the rules are, of course, given, but so far only obvious tearjerkers like passing away of a character, farewell scenes/letters, heartwarming reconsiliations etc. can easily make me shed tears. Really, really happy(-go-lucky) moments can make me smile broadly throughm ost of the route(s) (rabu-rabu or light-hearted VNs like Loverable, Fureraba, Mashiro-iro Symphony etc)
Any of you played Crescendo? man that was a emotional rollercoaster , still great in my book though .
Crescendo was one of the first English VNs I played. Back when I thought these games were there for the porn (without knowing the difference of nakige, nukige and other sub-genres) *lol*. Quite the serious or maybe sober? atmosphere and story overall. I think Kyouko was the least harmless route which I liked. My personal favorite was Yuka's because the ultimate outcome had some sort of healing/soothing vibe to her scarred heart. It was too bad that you couldn't avoid that certain dark scene and/or couldn't get an option to beat the crap out of those punks.
I know but one thing...I give a salute as staff roll starts.

Not sure why, I just feel like doing that.
I know but one thing...I give a salute as staff roll starts.

Not sure why, I just feel like doing that.

I would be spamming ctrl or mad clicking away. Unless i genuinely enjoyed the game or its a team or company that i support, i would watch till the end.
I always watch the staff credits through to the end, since it helps give me a sense of closure. Besides most games these days have some sort of epilogue aftwr the credits. I will never forget the "fake" staff roll after sharin no kuni first route.
I usually skip the staff credits completely or from the second run+. If the game's not completely evil, you still get to see the epilogue despite skipping (CTRL-skipping maybe as exception) the credit roll ;). Call it my impatience if the game is good, or impatience in case of a gameplay VN where I completed it right before going to work/university and need to skip to get to the clear data save.
Trying to hold back buying prems till mid way next month for games in oct.

Anyone care to share their 'looking-forward to' games for the upcoming months? Will share mine after next post.
For this month...ReTell and the second MeltyMoment FD...

In the upcoming few months, just Cube's next title come to mind for me. Well, there's ORAS, but...
Uhm, nothing really from this month that seems "must-have"ish. I'll try maybe "Sekai wo Sukuu Dake no Kantan na Oshigoto" by Rosebleu. Yakimochi Stream for a quick glance at the h-scenes *lol*, and Giga's title.
October: Probably, Lump of Sugar's title as "main game" and Pulltop Latte's fandisc assembly for the ecchi.
Well, there will surely be other titles I'll look into spontaneously.
But I'm really looking forward to November for Windmill's new title :). I loved Witch's Garden and the remake of Happiness Emotion had lovely moments, even though it had also its stupid moments. cube's also on the list. I enjoyed your diary in general, but Haruhi's route was the major disappointment for me from the fragments I can still somehow remember.

Technically, I'd look into chuables roster, but for some reason something keeps me from it. If someone know how the drama ratio is (lenghth, "heaviness", rabu-rabu to drama ratio)? *lol*
Walkure Romanze Retell (of course)
Yakimochi Stream (some have feedbacked about a good trial version, downloaded myself but yet to play)
Isekai Lovers! (retarded premise but magician lady's a beauty)

Tsukumo Onna Aoe (looks everything like a budget title, but its Astronauts, i am kinda inclined to try)
1/7 no Mahoutsukai (looks really pretty and colorful, debut title of regulus)
Pulltop Latte's Double Fandisk (no need to ask further)
Ane Yome Quartet (first eroge work from ero-mangaka hisasi, just to try?)
Considering lass and Moonstone Cherry's new titles as well. No to Lump of Sugar at the moment.

Hen Koi ≒ Kuro Rekishi (another debut title that looks pretty)
Eromanga (clockup's successor title to highly popular eroge!)
chusingura FD (need to ask more?)

Unionism Quartet (endorsed by me and me sig, looking forward to another fill of knights and ojou-samas)
Tegome ni Sareru Kyuunin no Otome (alternative version to yobai series, why not?)
Amakano (beautiful art and debut work #.3 )

巨乳ファンタジー2 if
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As Mahou said unfortunately I cant see any game as a "must finish" from september, but at least there is a couple of moeges which will be worth of trying;

Nanairo Reincarnation -Great art, and I'm just a big fan of "Youkai Heroines". since I didnt read the trial I'm not sure what can I expect from it, moege or maybe nukige but at least I'll give a chance-
Yakimochi Stream -Madosoft's first game was pretty fun and a relaxing moege without any forced dramas, just ichaicha scenes with comedy, my favorite type, so I'll definitely check this too.-
Minamijuujisei Renka
Sekai o Sukuu Dake no Kantan na Oshigoto

I dont have any special reason for last two, I guess just because they have cute heroines :D Other than those I'm still waiting for a sengoku koihime FD or extended version, but baseson is too busy with making new wallpapers and character pools for it. Well there is still hope, at least until the end of september or middle of october but they dont announce until then I guess I'll have to wait one more year for it.
I'll echo everyone and agree that there isn't any must haves from September to look forward to.

madosoft Yakimochi Stream - I dropped their first game, but I did enjoy their charas so I might give them another try. Also reminds me of clochette's art (inb4 same illustrator)
chuable Ano Harewataru Sorayori Takaku - What can I say? I'm a sucker for these type of stories where everyone comes together to _____ . Also I really liked Astraythem, although I still haven't finished that either. Not to mention red ponite is one of my fav >_>
giga Passage! - Ah giga. I can't ever say their games are anything special, but I can't claim that they are bad either. Though they still owe me my bitter smile fd.
unicorn Tengokuhime - Probably the only slg I can handle, sengokuhime series is just a simple and fun time waster.
rosebleu Sekai wo Sukuu Dake no Kantan na Oshigoto - While no kitsune this time around, an ookami is fine too. inpyuri fd where?

A little off topic but why did august let hoods animate daito? Do they want another cabbage or something...?
I'll echo everyone and agree that there isn't any must haves from September to look forward to.

A little off topic but why did august let hoods animate daito? Do they want another cabbage or something...?

1. Walkure Romanze Retell is probably the only must have for anyone who played the previous 2.
2. I strongly believe it doesnt matter at all. For one, i dont play august games at all so i have no idea how great their games nor the love of their games and chara extends to. Second, like 99% of eroge-turned-anime, its gonna fail. No need to look at first epis, promos and vid tells a lot of 'effort' being put in. I do think it was delayed a few seasons till now, so it doesnt speak any better.
Yeah, unfortunately most eroge adaptions will be a fail/disappointment. Given, I haven't seen that much as my general interest in animes is by now as good as non-existant, but Mashiro-iro's adaption was quite good. Then, there are adaptions like Ushinawareta Mirai o mitomete (or something like that) that was already okay-ish as a VN and thus won't be touched as an adaption (forcing bad ends before accessing good ends isn't my cup of tea as a goody-goody person *lol*).

As for August: I've heard that Fortune Arterial's last episoded basically ended as a big question mark to the general outcome, and based on the true route that's more or less a no-go. Daitoushokan might work out IF people care for chara-ges in animes. Despite its mytery elements, that title won't dwell into it that much during the common route. Heck, it only really kicks in after you cleared all "normal" heroine routes and can access Nagi and/or the alternative ends of the other girls.
*camping out waffle's site for updates.*

probably not gonna get it till i wake up in 8 hours time. kinda pity since it states 19/9 which for me and them its already 19/9.
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I'll echo everyone and agree that there isn't any must haves from September to look forward to.

madosoft Yakimochi Stream - I dropped their first game, but I did enjoy their charas so I might give them another try. Also reminds me of clochette's art (inb4 same illustrator)

unicorn Tengokuhime - Probably the only slg I can handle, sengokuhime series is just a simple and fun time waster.
rosebleu Sekai wo Sukuu Dake no Kantan na Oshigoto - While no kitsune this time around, an ookami is fine too. inpyuri fd where?

A little off topic but why did august let hoods animate daito? Do they want another cabbage or something...?

These titles look quite nice. Do you know whether it's worth to try it from Sengokuhime 1 or is it fine to start with any (despite vndb's prequel/sequel classification)? Seeing that I enjoyed Shin Koihime Musou and Eiyuu x Senki.
Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai to go on Vita...and it has an exclusive heroine...

Walkure Romanze Retell append stories huh? I can't say I'm a fan of this model (lovely cation...) but good luck /me pats [MENTION=11920]Takami[/MENTION] ;

These titles look quite nice. Do you know whether it's worth to try it from Sengokuhime 1 or is it fine to start with any (despite vndb's prequel/sequel classification)? Seeing that I enjoyed Shin Koihime Musou and Eiyuu x Senki.

I've only played through 4, with a little bit of 3 and 5, so I can't speak for the previous titles; however, they all seem to be the same game with updated gfx, gameplay, and heroines with a twist. Similarities to koihime obviously, can't say anything for eiyuu senki.

And no ero no buy. I think they did this with eustia as well... I can only pray animu and vita does well enough for a ero backport

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