Visual Novel Cafe

Do you guys know of vnr

I just came across recently by chances. I must say, it's by far the best translation tool out there beside ith and agth.
I wonder why it's not popular, most people would talk about agth,ith when it comes to machine translation, rarely heard talks about vnr.

Anyway, i hope people would use it more often, the popular it gets the better it is. Mainly because it's a user contributed program. You can translate ero games without hacking, very convenient.

Here's the tutorial
Also seems like most of hoshizora's moonrunes has been translated to english by users


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Do you guys know of vnr

I just came across recently by chances. I must say, it's by far the best translation tool out there beside ith and agth.
I wonder why it's not popular, most people would talk about agth,ith when it comes to machine translation, rarely heard talks about vnr.

Anyway, i hope people would use it more often, the popular it gets the better it is. Mainly because it's a user contributed program. You can translate ero games without hacking, very convenient.

Here's the tutorial
Also seems like most of hoshizora's moonrunes has been translated to english by users

so far as i know VNR just packed all of ITH and AGTH features in one program, it's nice for newbie that had difficulty to fully use ITH and AGTH, though if someone already known ITH and AGTH not much differences can be found,

note: maybe some warning about some game engine hook codes, i don't know if they have that one, like SiglusEngine 2 and KiriKiri 2

i would recommended it for newbie though ;)
It's true that it uses the same function, but the recent vnr updates has better function than ith and agth. For example the option to add subtitle, comment, etc. Voice option and several other online and offline translation tool for different language...
There's also the option to fit the text box into the game window. (which i find quite off with ith/agth/ta)

This is just to tiresome and wrong in so many ways

Anyway, the thing i like the most is the option to add subtitle, it's like subbing an anime or drama (i'e Anyone can just contribute and translate the game independently. If plenty of people uses vnr and sub games independently it'll be more convenient for us x.x. Can't really stand machine translation, sucks no matter what.

Like this:
You can freely modified the text box to fit within the screen.

Like the recent minato-soft games, Majikoi A-1 - A-5
Most of A1/A4 dialogue has already been subbed to english by vnr users.
Getchu just released their 2014 rankings:

So Tsuriotsu got second place in scenario category at 2012.
Tsuriotsu FD got first place in scenario category at 2013.
Tsuriotsu 2 got first place in scenario category at 2014 again.

Yes I know those games are good, but dont you guys think its a little bit exaggeration? I mean I can understand the first place of general since everyone has different tastes, but scenario? Is there some really deep hidden things which I couldn't see in those games?
It's true that it uses the same function, but the recent vnr updates has better function than ith and agth. For example the option to add subtitle, comment, etc. Voice option and several other online and offline translation tool for different language...
There's also the option to fit the text box into the game window. (which i find quite off with ith/agth/ta)

This is just to tiresome and wrong in so many ways

Anyway, the thing i like the most is the option to add subtitle, it's like subbing an anime or drama (i'e Anyone can just contribute and translate the game independently. If plenty of people uses vnr and sub games independently it'll be more convenient for us x.x. Can't really stand machine translation, sucks no matter what.

Like this:
View attachment 6873
You can freely modified the text box to fit within the screen.

Like the recent minato-soft games, Majikoi A-1 - A-5
Most of A1/A4 dialogue has already been subbed to english by vnr users.

some function was good enough to be implemented, but for translating itself it still using machine as base, and in my experience when you using machine for translating it was never good work, and not everyone can translate Japanese to English properly, if everyone do that without proper knowledge it will be the same as machine translation (bad translation)

Translating VN not as easy as you can imagine though, even if you can make it like sub, there's still need proper hacking to make english patches, image edit, UI edit, and if everyone can contribute imagine how bad the translation if there's no rule or team-work (in this case i bet it will be hard for editor and QC), that's why most of fan-translated using proper hack to get the scenario, translator worked on that, and editor properly check everyone's work.

and not many have the passion to translate and time to do that, most of people just want to read but no actual effort to understand Japanese itself, (like anime-subbing, they sometimes slacking in their translation), since Japanese have nuance in their word (which affected from many-many source's like poem, proverb, dialect, slang-word, it's own tradition, history etc) it make's translating hard and still the biggest barrier to properly translate Japanese in truest meaning

well this became too way-off from actual topic lol
I played the trial of the new Eushully title a bit:
- Even though there's the option to turn voices on/off, you really don't hear any voices to begin with
- The battle system didn't really leave an interesting impression. It seems you can't really grind on old maps, but use them mostly to get every clear bonus. The skill system reminds me of FFX's sphere grid and the skill system of Kamidori, as in you use the skill system to "equip" skills + stat point slots with varying costs per skills. Don't know when or how the amount of skill slots is increased as the MC starts with mere 3 skill slots which basically let's you equip one cheap 1-cost skill/stat slot.
- Opening has the potential to become quite catchy
- MC is a normal human surrounded by more powerful characters and demi-humans (same as the race Louise and Kalian from Ikusa Megami Verita belong to).
playing Sonofawitch (a bit toned down than other slang) and they put many surprise attack jokes in common and each heroine route, as expected of Yuzusoft with their shimo-neta lol

"Nice Coupling" really throw me out of my window

so far in my opinion the story a bit inferior compared to Dracu-riot or Amairo, well maybe the setting was the cause why the story not really well-developed
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Just finished Kujiragami no Tearstilla by whirlpool. Overall it was decent. The characters were fine in general, but Yuma could have been more interesting and less annoying in Mitsuki's route. Riru could also have been a tad less "bratty" in Mitsuki's route. Personally, I would have added a route for Sakurako, but she worked well as the normal friendly classmate. The true route was alright, but the deal about Yuma's birthplace and indirect connection to everything could really have been either hinted earlier or be a bigger plot point. Not as in turning him in a special snowflake, though. Still, for me Suzukaze's true route remains still superior and my favorite, followed by Magus Tale.
My favorite route order: Ena > Mitsuki > Riru >= Marine. The rabu-rabu level was high enough so that was usually enough to keep me happy *lol*.
Getchu just released their 2014 rankings:

So Tsuriotsu got second place in scenario category at 2012.
Tsuriotsu FD got first place in scenario category at 2013.
Tsuriotsu 2 got first place in scenario category at 2014 again.

Yes I know those games are good, but dont you guys think its a little bit exaggeration? I mean I can understand the first place of general since everyone has different tastes, but scenario? Is there some really deep hidden things which I couldn't see in those games?

just saw the ranking this morning *busy with January backlog* Well myself think it was weird they got all the awards, it was good but nothing really impressed me, maybe because so many bad scenario this/last year

Happy for 4rhytm, Hoshiori, and Koinaka for their award ^^
Just finished Kujiragami no Tearstilla by whirlpool. Overall it was decent. The characters were fine in general, but Yuma could have been more interesting and less annoying in Mitsuki's route. Riru could also have been a tad less "bratty" in Mitsuki's route. Personally, I would have added a route for Sakurako, but she worked well as the normal friendly classmate. The true route was alright, but the deal about Yuma's birthplace and indirect connection to everything could really have been either hinted earlier or be a bigger plot point. Not as in turning him in a special snowflake, though. Still, for me Suzukaze's true route remains still superior and my favorite, followed by Magus Tale.
My favorite route order: Ena > Mitsuki > Riru >= Marine. The rabu-rabu level was high enough so that was usually enough to keep me happy *lol*.

Just started with this one, so far it was typical Whirlpool title :D , and maybe with Soreyori no Prologue as sideline
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I recommend to save Riru's route for the last playthrough because I think it flows nicely together with the True Route. Personally, I'm a bit sceptical of Soreyori. Well, not about the VN itself, but in general after the - for me - disappointing experience of Natsuzora no Perseus where Touka's route was the only saving grace (Sui's was okay-ish, though).
I recommend to save Riru's route for the last playthrough because I think it flows nicely together with the True Route.

That's just what I was looking for since I couldn't decide whatever I should play riru first or last, Thank you. Now I guess I'll play as Ena > Mitsuki > Marine > Riru.

For the game, I think its really worth of playing and fun. All of heroines are pretty charming & not a bad mc & great art. Pretty much everything I need at a moege. Well of course it could have been better, but I think its at least above of the average.
Ohh nice to see byakko do so well in rankings. Also didn't think tsuriotsu was worth 1st in scenario but what do I know...
I know absolutely nothing too.
Just probably more disagrees with this year's results than i have ever been for the past 8 years.
@Ranking: I never played another Navel game outside Shuffle (mostly because it was in English), so I never bothered with Tsuriotsu. I'm glad that Hoshiori made it into the Top 5 as it was my favorite Eroge in that month. Hapymaher FD on rank 10 wasn't too bad either.

@Yuzusoft's Sabbat of the Witch: I cleared Nene 1+2, Touko and Tsumugi's route. The icha-icha moments and pre-confession dere-dere moments between Shuuji and heroine were totally sugary sweet and awesome. Well, Touko's felt a bit stiff-ish at first, but given her background that made sense. Tsumugi's was pretty sweet as well, but the final drama was rather unnecessary. For my taste if they absolutely needed to include some drama, I'd rather have prefered some about the risk Shuuji accepted in the later half. But I loved the epilogue.
Nene 2 aka Reboot was okay-ish. I kinda expected that it would be directly interwinded with the epilogue of Nene 1, but it made sense with how it was pulled off, I think.
My personal favorite (and still on-going route) is Meguru, though. I have had a big smile on my face throughout so far.

What else? Material mel's title for being a non-NTR entry. However, it was rather shallow. The MC started working at a relative's real estate agency and is responsible to get the (overdue) rent from each tenant. The common route is quite short before you move on to the map icon selection (to choose a heroine multiple times to get in her route). The relationship development seemed to be somehow rushed and the routes themselves are too short (seeing that most are more about h-scenes afer h-scenes). Unfortunate, imho.
Just for Info : Majikoi English translation already finished thanks to former Translator TakaJun and Fuwanovel team for their effort to complete the series, hope they work on Majikoi S next since Wairu been dead for a year?
Apparently Moonstone is getting a new sister brand: Moonstone Honey. Only the brand itself is announced, however...

Seems like a full-on non-nuki moe brand to me...why am I getting the feeling that Love Sweets was an experiment...?
Hi everyone, i want to ask something that made me confused. It's about the difference between visual novel,eroge, and galge. Someone told me that visual novel and eroge are same but different in age level contents, which is eroge contain h-scene but visual novel do not contain h-scene. Moreover i found that visual novel also included h-scene game. About galge, i don't know anything about it. I also heard about sim dating game that come in this part. Can anybody explain properly the difference between visual novel,eroge,galge,and sim dating game.
Um, I don't know where else to ask so I'm gonna post my question here:

I'm having this error when I open my game today :

And the weird thing is: when I installed this game for the first time, it's work normally. But when I leave it there for like 4 days and open it up today, that error just pops up. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Ps: I'm using win 7 32-bit.
Hi everyone, i want to ask something that made me confused. It's about the difference between visual novel,eroge, and galge. Someone told me that visual novel and eroge are same but different in age level contents, which is eroge contain h-scene but visual novel do not contain h-scene. Moreover i found that visual novel also included h-scene game. About galge, i don't know anything about it. I also heard about sim dating game that come in this part. Can anybody explain properly the difference between visual novel,eroge,galge,and sim dating game.

as far as i know eroge and visual novel can be used interchangeably, since there's no really difference about them, but if you want to put it in technical term

eroge : usually for visual novel with game-focus (and of course h-scene), for example of their game Kamidori Alchemy Meister, Seinarukana, Beat Blade Haruka, etc.

Visual Novel : as you can deduct from eroge, Visual Novel focused on adventure which only came as "choice" your protagonist given to enter respective route or continue for story with the "choice" as trigger for some event based on your "choice" , for example you can have Key : Littlebuster, Clannad, or Ever11 for either All-Age or 18+

galge : visual novel (or must i say usually dating sims since it more like games than usual visual novel *ge in eroge and galge mean game) targeted for girl audiens, example Tokimeki Memorial Girls Side :, or for visual novel maybe like Nameless which translated lately (not really my plate so i can't really explain this one)

dating sims : the starting line for visual novel if i must say, since this game relied on parameter to get closer to your target heroine and you can get it from how you spend your day (either study, go train etc), hard to explain it with words so just go for example, Tokimeki Memorial for All-Ages, and from hibiki Cation series for equivalent + h-scene (Lovely x Cation, Lovely x Cation 2, Pretty x Cation, and upcoming Pretty x Cation 2)

well maybe my explanation a bit imperfect but i think most of them accurate
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Hi everyone, i want to ask something that made me confused. It's about the difference between visual novel,eroge, and galge. Someone told me that visual novel and eroge are same but different in age level contents, which is eroge contain h-scene but visual novel do not contain h-scene. Moreover i found that visual novel also included h-scene game. About galge, i don't know anything about it. I also heard about sim dating game that come in this part. Can anybody explain properly the difference between visual novel,eroge,galge,and sim dating game.

this does a good job of explaining the difference between each
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