Visual Novel Cafe

Has someone of you already read Boku no Hitori Sensou?

If yes, is it good or not? I'm just curious because I never thought Looseboy would write another story and now I think if I should start it or not. And yes, I liked G-Senjou and Sharin no Kuni, and this is mainly the reason I ask this :D
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finished Hana no No ni Saku Utakata no and it's been awhile for me with this kind of system and mystery story
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A bunch of impressions as I had lots of time at hand.

1) PrettyxCation 2: Don't ask me why, but I enjoy it more than PxC1. Honami and Chitose's routes were within this light-hearted genre really enojyable. Suzuka's however could have been done better or more natural (see my post in the PxC2 thread). Kouhai's route will be the last one.

2) Chrono Clock: It was a rather unusual decision to put *all* h-scenes in the scene recollection mode, but I really don't have anything against the all-age vibe. I played with a savegame and cleared only Misaki, Kuro and Miu's route. The first was alright. Misaki's tsundere trait was done well imho and the interaction with the MC after the final lock-on was cute, even though the final coupling happend at the very end of the route for story reasons. But well in return it felt somehow dragging along after a while. Not in a painful, annoying fashion, but nontheless. The confession at the very end could have had more impact imho. Kuro's route was uhm strange-ish and the reason why it started was a bit facepalming. The time travel aspect was more in focus, but the supernatural aspect felt meh. The whole aspect of Kuro discovering human character traits (like hunger, exhaustion, uneasiness) were good. As for Miu: For being the last unlockable route it was too short. It was basically the whole common route until choice selection 1 and confession + happy ending. Maybe it was so short because they have had feelings for each other already. Still, I hoped for more.

3) Evencile: Fun gameplay, fun female cast, normal fantasy story. BUT a perverted MC type. Now don't get me wrong, these MCs are fine if the trait is used in moderation, but despite it being a comedy element, I hated how his over the top pervertedness + sex drive is shoved in your face in what feels like every second sentence. I had many urges to to punch the guy in his face when not groaning in annoyance. Ignoring that, Evencile is fun. The more serious story elements were done right for the most part. Unavoidable random rape scenes aren't my cup of tea, but I deepened my bond with the ctrl-key during those times. I actually expected a plot twist around Barrow (the blond-haired Zero Knight) due to one - imho - creepy monologue with Croix's body *lol*.

I wanted to try out Verethragna ~Seisen no Duelist~, but after watching a few h-scenes the rapist MC deal ruined my motivation. Could be very well my own fault as I never bothered with Demonion duology.
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Finished Koihime Eiyuutan, and it's good (for fans of the series) Ba-family route kinda weak punch though, so my recommend route play list will be : Ba-family - Aisha - Sei

i'm still searching for this OP in flac , Sakakibara Yui - share the thoughts
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I finished Kami no Rhapsody and I agree. I can't say that much of my last impressions on the respective thread has changed. I liked the characters and most of the character events, but those good parts were not enough or strong enough to outshine the annoying aspects and the non-realised opportunities. I loved one battle theme, though *lol*.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to this month's releases. A new smee title = instant love. I'm a huge, huge sucker/fanboy for their light-hearted titles and always enjoy another replay of Loverable and Fureraba (although Furereaba's conversation system felt rather pointless as none of that aquired knowledge of the heroine was brough over into the "main story"). Lump of Sugar's new one depends. I'm not a huge fan of MC's who are (academically) stupid as heck, even though I'm only around average myself. Pulltop Air's Natsuiro Receipt sounds sweet, too. Then there's a new Cosmic Cute VN where I secretly hope that it won't be as gloomy as Gleam Garden. AXL's Ayakashi Contract sounds fine enough, so it's at least worth a try. Same applies to Koitama
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I finished Kami no Rhapsody and I agree. I can't say that much of my last impressions on the respective thread has changed. I liked the characters and most of the character events, but those good parts were not enough or strong enough to outshine the annoying aspects and the non-realised opportunities. I loved one battle theme, though *lol*.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to this month's releases. A new smee title = instant love. I'm a huge, huge sucker/fanboy for their light-hearted titles and always enjoy another replay of Loverable and Fureraba (although Furereaba's conversation system felt rather pointless as none of that aquired knowledge of the heroine was brough over into the "main story"). Lump of Sugar's new one depends. I'm not a huge fan of MC's who are (academically) stupid as heck, even though I'm only around average myself. Pulltop Air's Natsuiro Receipt sounds sweet, too. Then there's a new Cosmic Cute VN where I secretly hope that it won't be as gloomy as Gleam Garden. AXL's Ayakashi Contract sounds fine enough, so it's at least worth a try. Same applies to Koitama

I also have pretty much same expectations with different order. First of all the new smee game will be great, Its the must play game of this month (for me of course). 8-9 Different clothes and 3-4 different hair styles for each heroine + its smee so most likely it'll be a fun, light hearted game, What can you expect more from a moege.

Then there is a new AXL game which I'll play, As a someone who played almost every title from them I wont miss this one either. I just like how they solve the problems of heroines & stories at common route so you wouldn't feel guilty at heroine routes for not choosing the other one, And their unique art is great once you get used to it.

Other than those two as you said Natsuiro seems a pretty iyashi-kei with a great art, Cosmic cute's both of games were awesome (lovesick puppies and gleamgarden) so its at least worth of trying for sure and if I have any time left I'll give a shot to Mousou Complete as well, Even though I dont really like the games which start with a h-scene.


And I just finished the Puramai Wars from Asa Project. They really should learn how to make some good heroine routes or hire some writers who can do that. Even though their common route was awesomely funny, thanks to terrible heroine routes this game'll get only an average score from me. Ren'ai 0 kilometer was also like this, Great common route > Terrible heroine routes. They made a slighly better at Hitotsu tobashi Ren'ai so I thought they are improving but now they're even worse than Ren0. Its really a shame.
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I played only two AXL games: Dolphin Divers and Koisuru Otome to Shugo no Tate. I loved Dolphin Divers because the MC was really good, if only a bit fluctuating between some routes, and mostly fun character routes. I have Itoshii Kanojo no Mamorikata + Racial Merge on my external HDD, but have read that at least the former title isn't as good as Shugo no Tate (which was pretty solid).

As for Asa Project: Their VNs are for my taste a bit too wonky. I feel the main appeal is obviously the humor and the character faces (although some are simply gross for my taste *lol*). Hitotsu tobashi is one example where I can't understand the comedy with how the MC's sisters treat him. That stuff is beyond my comprehension and is really irritating if not rage-provoking for me. Really wished Achika would have had her own route. I liked her mix of yankee image and deredere moments :D
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As usual? Mahou's short impressions of the VNs I was looking forward to:

I'll start with AXL's Ayakashi Contract: I actually liked the common route as it did a good job of introducing the characters, even though I initially thought that characters like Anna and Tsumugi had more to do with the Youkai setting as in everyone can see them and as a result joined Yukiya's Youkai support "mission". However due to how the common route is used, the confessions are mostly rather average. Fortunately things improve once the individual routes start.
My favorite character? Minagi. She's awesome and you just want to hug her and become friends with her :D. A slight annoyance was with the usage of the over-the-top baka father archetype in Anna's case. Overall, I'm enjoying it

PurexConnect: As expected from Smee. A fun common route with funny character moments (the event around Arisa's mother breaking down when she showed the MC her daughters grades *lol*, Moemi's little sister the nipple demon). And of course great characters. I had at first a bad-ish impression of Arisa's route as she appeared somewhat to clingy to me, but it got better later on and both confession options (letting her do it or the MC confess to her) were sweet! Moemi's dere dere mode is *hngh*.
My personal recommendation: When playing Shiho's route, go for the option to let the MC confess. The other way around was despite the potential build up rather anticlimatic (as admitted by Shiho herself *lol*), even if she never bothered with going out and all of that before. Sora's route was overall nice.

Natsuiro Receipes: Uhm, ignoring that japanese explanations about different food types is really too much for me, the VN is not too bad. The common route feels rather long and a "jump to next choice" feature would have certainly helped. I think the characters are done quite well. I really didn't expect that MC and Yuzu's sibling relation turned the way out it did seeing that the summary was building around that aspect, but it felt realistic how their interaction improved from the inital awkwardness.

Rensou Relation: The stupid MC was too annoying. It's why I also couldn't fully enjoy LoS' Hanairo Heptagram or Sphere's Imouto no Katachi (God, was the MC terrible). Well, to be fair, these are rare cases where even the likable heroines couldn't "save" the VNs so I won't go further than that. Too stupid MCs have become a huge hit or miss deal for me.

I definitely agree about the Ayakashi contract. While it was worse than Racial Merge and Itokano, I found it very enjoyable and good. Having the "group of weirds" theme was a big plus for me, also connecting all of heroines with youkai issues instead of just being gentle was a good change too. But the "confess scenes" were really really bad, Those were the biggest downside of the game. I mean I could understand Minagi and Midori's confesses since they had enough reason for falling love with mc, But Tsumugi's and "Specially" Haruka's confesses were so rushed that it just felt empty. They definitely should have made some private events with the heroine you choose before the confess, instead of just jumping into "I love you" from the common route.

I think this game could have been really really better if they could made a better flow between common and heroine routes, But still it was a enjoyable ride and as an AXL fan I can recommend it for most of people. Just dont expect something very great, and most likely you'll enjoy it too.

For PurexConnect; I'm only at the middle of the common route so I cant say many things about it yet, but I think Smee made another great game so far. All of heroines are really charming (Except Sora, but maybe I'll like her at her route), have great art, and great humor. Moemi's voice is kinda annoying but I can deal with that much. Also having a mature heroine who is not MC's older sister is a good decision for sure. Well its not as great as Fureraba though, I dont think they'll ever be able to make a better heroine than Misaki.
Got back to VNs thanks to World of Warships poised to Open Beta...Amakoi Syrups should be finished soon...

Started with Moonstone Honey's first game. Gotta admit I got hooked...for now.
/wipes dust off

Only a few weeks until Primal Hearts 2 :happytears:. June and July's eroge lineup didn't have anything really interesting within my narrow range of preferances, including the two-three titles I actually tried.

So I played an older gameplay VN with Prism Ark. It's not too bad, but the main villain during and after the final battle was extremly irritating, grating and annoying with his repetitive "I'm superior you maggots" talk. Given that you need to replay the game seven times for all heroines, ctrl-skipping may become your best friend. The MC's alright-ish. I wish they made him a bit more competent outside of the gameplay and foreshadowed more about his special sword (which is basically the victory key in all routes). I think the sword was mentioned once and also one short hint at its special ability.

I also planned to do Battle Goddess Zero, simply for completion sake, but what I've read does rather prevent it *lol*. I'm well aware that Eushully's game can be pretty dark and rapey and Celica's eternal journey of attracting misfortune implies that shiz had to happen in Zero, but with how the dark and dispair moments are apparently being used in Zero makes me rather facepalm in (slight) disgust. I still think it's strange that I prefer Verita-Celica over his other versions, though :whistle:
It's been far too long, and I thought of doubleposting...

I found myself to like Ojousame to Himitsu no Otome so much I went ahead and compiled the 31 faces of Yumina-chan to make myself a new desktop background...she actually reacts to the world around her!
The story itself in general is nothing too special, but it's nice enough and it did hit my spot. No complaints here.

...and PurexConnect is amazing indeed...I need to get back to it and be done with it...

BTW, PrimalxHearts 2 got moved to end of October (30 Oct) :
The next Hooksoft title got Master-up'd, too.
BTW, PrimalxHearts 2 got moved to end of October (30 Oct) :
The next Hooksoft title got Master-up'd, too.

... ... ... :shocked: T..that went completely past me. I hope hooksoft's will be good. It seems to be a different approach to their usual high school moege, but for me it's more important that they would try to make more interesting or outstanding MCs.

But I agree Oujo-sama to himitsu is indeed nice for what it does. Yumina is adorable, but I'll like Haruka equally. The way leading to Yuri's gender revelation was funny with Haruka questioning her believe of falling in love with a girl *lol*.
Parasol's announced its next title after almost a year of ominous silence and occasional B-day updates...Quintiple Splash.

It's got only one scenario writer this time around, but it's the usual person whose names appeared from at least Koiimo onwards: Tanaka Takuya. The graphic team has five artists this time, apparently drawing one heroine each.

Not sure what to expect with this one, as every previous titles (From Koiimo, Yumekoi, and Harenochi kitto Nanohana Biyori for me, all of which involve the mentioned scenario writer) involved drama, which got more and more serious as the year went by, with Hareno being a bloody (in a sense, literally bloody) trainwreck... The cutesy front hide those things well, too well...

Don't have sex on the outside, or someone will mistake the noise for some ghostly presence...
I LOL'd at that as that particular chapter came to a close...
August release 1: Astronaut cube's Tou no shita Excelcitus:
The characters are fun and the MC's alright in general. It was a good idea to make his technical skills from his own world useful, instead of the usual "useless" MC in another world (which is understandable, mind you, given the change from peaceful Japan to another world with real combat adventuring). It's not too much to make him the special snowflake (yet), but has provided a nice touch. My minor complaint: He's too hetare during most h-scene encounters, outside of a few words of "resistance" *lol*.
Story progression structure is similar to Verethragna as in that there's no individual route. You can do every character event before continuing the main story. As I said in the torrent thread: That nukige approach is fine by itself, just something you need to keep in mind if these points are usually not one's prefereance.
The gameplay is based on Verethragna and got refined. Personally, I thought that the card gameplay didn't fit with the non-gameplay battle scenes as the latter was closer to a classic RPG system (whereas Verethragna integrated the card battle in the actual story and in-verse quite well). Still, nothing too tragic.

What I liked very much was the character-specific scenes during the tower investigation, where the girl-in-focus got her moment to shine (and in turn could overcome her central "trauma"/weakness). The one with Chloe and Seyfer is probably my favorite.

Hooksoft's latest seems fine as well. The MC doesn't appear too donkan (at least not in an in-your-face way) and the inter-race school setting has been fun. Chloe's little sister is quite adorable :)
PriministAr's getting a Fandisc...featuring Senri and Koito's mom (Kayano?)...nothing else to go on...
i see that no one ever bother to drop by anymore.... currently im waiting for Kenseiki Alpha ride to be released today.

and after a long wait, baseson decided to release sengoku koihime hentai version.... 3 years of waiting will be paid off.
i see that no one ever bother to drop by anymore.... currently im waiting for Kenseiki Alpha ride to be released today.

and after a long wait, baseson decided to release sengoku koihime hentai version.... 3 years of waiting will be paid off.

Ossu. More like no one bothers to even post.
I just lurk till games release.
I would have double, triple, quadruple, or even quintuple post if that's not the etiquette around...

Speaking of quintuple, Cube's cranking incest to a whole new level with quintuplet...
Ossu. More like no one bothers to even post.
I just lurk till games release.

glad to see you teruteru, how's the trip to tokyo? sorry for not responding, i was thrown to someplace where no connection are available for weeks.

I would have double, triple, quadruple, or even quintuple post if that's not the etiquette around...

Speaking of quintuple, Cube's cranking incest to a whole new level with quintuplet...

which cube are we talking about here? "your diary+", "kurano-kun" or "natsu no ame" ?
glad to see you teruteru, how's the trip to tokyo? sorry for not responding, i was thrown to someplace where no connection are available for weeks.

Great. Wished I could have stayed longer because I really didnt want to leave. Akiba is like the collection of all my dreams and life.
Technically only visited Tokyo wards, didnt have time to go else where.

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