Visual Novel Cafe

And I have played like 2-2.5 hours of ノラと皇女と野良猫ハート, since I didnt even finish the common route yet my thoughts may change as I play but so far I'm really enjoying it, though its definitely not a great game for everyone.

I think I kind of understand this writer's / company's style, just as their first game sometimes scenes get a little too confusing, too many things happen at once and it becomes just a chaos. Also the writer never tells anything "clearly" until the last scene, because of those you always have some kind question marks like "In the end does she loves mc, or was it an act after all?" or "So did she lie about the lie of being dying, which parts were truth and which parts were lie?" etc etc. until you read some more scenes. I'm sure some people wouldn't like this, but at least I found it as a plus.

Also seems like the humor is not enjoyable for everyone as well, while some people are saying its top class there are some people who are saying they couldnt bear even one hour of it as well so trying the trial before the actual game is the best opinion.

Other than those I "really" liked the choice of VAs. Man all of them fit their characters perfectly, and they are doing an awesome job with Tanezaki Atsumi, First Erika and now Yuuki. Just give her the right personalities like those, or lovesick puppies' Yuki, Clover days' Anzu, Amairo's Masaki etc and she'll be able to save game at most of times. She'll voice the main heroine of Maitetsu too by the way.

Lastly I want to mention about their sub-characters; They are doing a great job about them too, specially the group who are close to mc. First of all they are really funny and enjoyable to watch, total opposite of the most of moege's solo male sub character who says nothing but BOOB BOOB ASS BOOB, secondly I'm pretty sure they'll help MC & heroine at some routes as well just as the first game. Having those kind of helpful characters at mc's side make everything a little better imo.

So far this is it I guess, Lets hope that they can keep this quality at heroine routes as well.

This writer has some kind fetish about burning the mcs' houses though.
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And I have played like 2-2.5 hours of ノラと皇女と野良猫ハート, since I didnt even finish the common route yet my thoughts may change as I play but so far I'm really enjoying it, though its definitely not a great game for everyone.

I think I kind of understand this writer's / company's style, just as their first game sometimes scenes get a little too confusing, too many things happen at once and it becomes just a chaos. Also the writer never tells anything "clearly" until the last scene, because of those you always have some kind question marks like "In the end does she loves mc, or was it an act after all?" or "So did she lie about the lie of being dying, which parts were truth and which parts were lie?" etc etc. until you read some more scenes. I'm sure some people wouldn't like this, but at least I found it as a plus.

Also seems like the humor is not enjoyable for everyone as well, while some people are saying its top class there are some people who are saying they couldnt bear even one hour of it as well so trying the trial before the actual game is the best opinion.

Other than those I "really" liked the choice of VAs. Man all of them fit their characters perfectly, and they are doing an awesome job with Tanezaki Atsumi, First Erika and now Yuuki. Just give her the right personalities like those, or lovesick puppies' Yuki, Clover days' Anzu, Amairo's Masaki etc and she'll be able to save game at most of times. She'll voice the main heroine of Maitetsu too by the way.

Lastly I want to mention about their sub-characters; They are doing a great job about them too, specially the group who are close to mc. First of all they are really funny and enjoyable to watch, total opposite of the most of moege's solo male sub character who says nothing but BOOB BOOB ASS BOOB, secondly I'm pretty sure they'll help MC & heroine at some routes as well just as the first game. Having those kind of helpful characters at mc's side make everything a little better imo.

So far this is it I guess, Lets hope that they can keep this quality at heroine routes as well.

This writer has some kind fetish about burning the mcs' houses though.

Can't help but laugh at that last line you have about house burning. Anyway, noratoto feels like it largely has the same pros and cons of rabuobu except Hato's really toned down on the insanity and the more poetic/word play stuff in this one. You're right about the humor not being for everyone though, I have a friend who couldn't stand the writing at all. Overall, I agree with all your points. Interested to see what you think of the endings.
I am also currently reading ノラと皇女と野良猫ハート, and I like it so far, even though it's certainly not perfect. So far I've only played through Asuhara Yuuki's route so my opinion is not set in stone.

I think I kind of understand this writer's / company's style, just as their first game sometimes scenes get a little too confusing, too many things happen at once and it becomes just a chaos.
Rather than many things happening at once, I think what's most confusing in the game is the suddenness of plot developments. There's little or no buildup or transition between events, and it only gets worse as the game progresses. The route selection for example came completely out of nowhere for me. I can't help but feel some scenes are missing. For that reason, I found it a little hard to get my bearings and get comfortable with the setting. One minute you're finishing a particular arc, and then you get thrown into a flashback without even knowing who it's talking about (it's obvious later on but still...).

The plot, while not short by eroge's standards, feels very rushed. I only played Asuhara's route so far but the last scenes and the ending really came and went suddenly. It's like two weeks before shipping, they suddenly thought "Oh shit, we need some drama and some moment to shine for the MC for the finale, what should we do? Let's resolve this minor plot hook with a bang!". Things happen and get resolved so quickly there's barely any time to build tension. It's kind of a shame as I really liked her character.

Also seems like the humor is not enjoyable for everyone as well, while some people are saying its top class there are some people who are saying they couldnt bear even one hour of it as well so trying the trial before the actual game is the best opinion.
I kinda like it, not too much of a fan of the succession of lucky sukebe as a cat but that was pretty much a given. Some of the jokes in the interludes did fly past me though, my Japanese is not yet good enough.

Other than those I "really" liked the choice of VAs. Man all of them fit their characters perfectly, and they are doing an awesome job with Tanezaki Atsumi, First Erika and now Yuuki. Just give her the right personalities like those, or lovesick puppies' Yuki, Clover days' Anzu, Amairo's Masaki etc and she'll be able to save game at most of times. She'll voice the main heroine of Maitetsu too by the way.
I also like the CVs' work in the game, everyone acts very lively and it makes the whole thing really have character. I love the opening lines as the game's title screen opens, it sets the mood of the game perfectly. I also like Kiritani Hana's (Tanezaki Atsumi) performance a lot, gotta love that accent and the energy she puts into her lines. The rest of the cast isn't far behind though, in particular Kotorii Yuuka as Patricia is really doing a good job, and I can't help but laugh every time Yuurashia says something. Seems like the support cast is voiced mainly by new talents but it doesn't feel like it. They must have a really good CV direction at Harukaze. I also particularly appreciated the voiced narration.

By the way Kiritani Hana is also in ワールド・エレクション under a different name, Sawasa Sawa. She voices Kururu. She wasn't able to save the game for me but she was certainly the most lovable character of the cast.
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Currently playing Patricia's route in ノラと皇女と野良猫ハート. As far as pacing and length it's much better than Asuhara's route. I'm getting a little tired of the MC playing dumb, though sometimes it's hard to tell if he's doing it on purpose or not.

Especially, I don't like how he keeps hurting Patricia's feelings, first by trying to copulate with cats, then when he ignores Patricia after Yuurashia robs him of his virility. When Patricia had her heart pierced she remembered him instantly, but it took quite some effort for him to remember her... and not a word of apology of course.
Also :
Currently playing Patricia's route in ノラと皇女と野良猫ハート. As far as pacing and length it's much better than Asuhara's route. I'm getting a little tired of the MC playing dumb, though sometimes it's hard to tell if he's doing it on purpose or not.

Especially, I don't like how he keeps hurting Patricia's feelings, first by trying to copulate with cats, then when he ignores Patricia after Yuurashia robs him of his virility. When Patricia had her heart pierced she remembered him instantly, but it took quite some effort for him to remember her... and not a word of apology of course.
Also :

So this time Patricia's route is the one which will end up as threesome / foursome? I guess this is also one of the writer's habit, their first game had something like that as well.
And here I was wrapping my beautiful paint skills behind a spoilers tag, guess the secret's out. ;)
Foursome so far, but who knows, the route is not over yet and there's still one family member, though unlikely...
And here I was wrapping my beautiful paint skills behind a spoilers tag, guess the secret's out. ;)
Foursome so far, but who knows, the route is not over yet and there's still one family member, though unlikely...

Ah sorry about that, I guess I should have used the spoiler tag, even if they are light ones. Gotta be careful from now.

Actually seeing their mother in that harem would be hilarious, Lets add some mature charm in that harem as well.
Don't worry about it, I wasn't sure myself whether to put the spoiler tag in the first place since it's not really a big secret.

As for the mother, that wouldn't be the most surprising thing to happen, and would indeed be hilarious.

EDIT: Patricia's route is over, and...

I have mixed feeling about the resolution and the route in general, I'll wait for my thoughts to settle a little bit before writing more about it. Loved the Nobuchina adventure that followed, the game needs more of her, a whole route I'd say!
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Help, cant play regalias trial. No idea what is this error.
It reads file loading failure...

Hmm...have a part of the file's name become corrupted?
Don't worry about it, I wasn't sure myself whether to put the spoiler tag in the first place since it's not really a big secret.

As for the mother, that wouldn't be the most surprising thing to happen, and would indeed be hilarious.

EDIT: Patricia's route is over, and...

I have mixed feeling about the resolution and the route in general, I'll wait for my thoughts to settle a little bit before writing more about it. Loved the Nobuchina adventure that followed, the game needs more of her, a whole route I'd say!

Wish both this and neko no kangae made it into the recollection mode so I can read them whenever I want, they have some of the most hilarious moments in the game.

Help, cant play regalias trial. No idea what is this error.

There's no such file in the folder. Heard a few gaijins cant play too. No idea why. Trial only added a readme which stated for another program which could be missing and included in the download for simple installation. Still getting this even after being able to run the exe. Crashes first thing after i click the start on menu.
There's no such file in the folder. Heard a few gaijins cant play too. No idea why. Trial only added a readme which stated for another program which could be missing and included in the download for simple installation. Still getting this even after being able to run the exe. Crashes first thing after i click the start on menu.
Since the file size is so small, I tried it out and it works fine, at least I get into the game and can start exploring the dungeon.
The included program is the standard VC++ Library Runtime, if you've played any game in the past years you probably already have it but it can't hurt to try and install it again. The error you're getting could also be a corrupted downloaded. I got Dengeki-Hime's version, maybe Getchu's version is bad? Link if needed :

Wish both this and neko no kangae made it into the recollection mode so I can read them whenever I want, they have some of the most hilarious moments in the game.
I've got saves before most of the Neko no Kangae and before Nobuchina's adventure starts if you want them. Sometimes it helps to maniacally save each time a selection pops up. I remember a couple interludes that happened without prompting for a choice though, didn't save those ones.

I spent some more time with ノラと皇女と野良猫ハート, enough to finish both Kuroki's and Shachi's routes. First of all, let me just say that the route are very unbalanced in terms of quantity and length. Patricia's definitely the longest one which makes sense since she's the title's princess after all, but I still would have liked more content with the others, especially with Shachi's whose story feels like wasted potential to me. Considering her particular origins, there's quite a bit of foreshadowing and buildup running in the background once she and the MC start getting in a relationship but in the end it's not used for anything and the route just... ends.

On the other end of the spectrum, Kuroki's route was probably the most enjoyable of the four, with a hint of very serious issues made brighter and bearable by the usual energetic comedy. I don't mind "omoi" heroines at all and found her attempts more cute than annoying, but I can imagine how her personality can make her unbearable sometimes. Too bad the ending chose to resolve everything with comedy rather than continue on the serious approach, I was genuinely looking forward to seeing how the characters would handle the situation but it ended with some magical nonsense that, while funny, did not deliver on the dramatic tension that I was hoping for. I would have liked to at least see some of Kuroki's efforts be depicted while handling her new duties, but alas, none of that either, it just skipped to the conclusion.

Patricia's route was as could be expected the main part of the game and it wasn't bad at all, I just wish the MC would have acted a little less like a fool, even if some of it is out of his control. The ending in particular was just "what? why?". I usually don't like when characters act on their own thinking of their loved one's best interest without talking to them about it, and this didn't change my opinion on the matter. Especially since in the end it doesn't accomplish much if anything. I'm not sure the sex with the sisters was needed for anything either, since things stay very much between Patricia and the MC only.

Generally speaking, it probably speaks volume that my favorite parts of the game were the small interludes and the ending mini-adventure, which are 100% jokes. The rather numerous girls talk scenes were also standing out, especially since it's pretty rare to see characters like Asuhara and Nobuchina who are so direct and open about sexual themes. Not that I don't like the "shy and embarrassed" approach most games take but it was pretty fresh. I usually don't have much interest towards "bitch" characters but this time I think it was funny and well done. The few serious discussions the game has were also somewhat interesting, but the surrounding comedy made their emotional impact rather low.

In the end, the game was very entertaining all the way to the end, even if the scenario left me disappointed on more than one occasion. If you're in for a good laugh and the humor works for you I think it's pretty good. Just don't expect much else.
Since the file size is so small, I tried it out and it works fine, at least I get into the game and can start exploring the dungeon.
The included program is the standard VC++ Library Runtime, if you've played any game in the past years you probably already have it but it can't hurt to try and install it again. The error you're getting could also be a corrupted downloaded. I got Dengeki-Hime's version, maybe Getchu's version is bad? Link if needed :

Thanks for the troubleshoot. I have both versions and both doesnt work for me. Installed VC++ time and time again, but the above said error still occurs.
Am i ask if you had any other settings on your comp? Can you check if that file stated in the pic is in the folder after extracting? Thanks.
Tried it out for you, got the same result. Running the trial using locale emulator fixes the issue however.

Sorry but same results as in works/cannot work ?
My operating language has always been set to japanese locale. I dont use any other program or text hook ups because i never required any.
So my best guess is this game has to be run only on a genuine jap comp or a comp made to be like jap?

Sorry about my posts if they are unclear, i am losing my brain cells too on why it doesnt work.
Sorry but same results as in works/cannot work ?
My operating language has always been set to japanese locale. I dont use any other program or text hook ups because i never required any.
So my best guess is this game has to be run only on a genuine jap comp or a comp made to be like jap?

Sorry about my posts if they are unclear, i am losing my brain cells too on why it doesnt work.
No special settings on my laptop, but it does have a Japanese Windows7 operating system. The file mentioned is not in the game's folder, but it's probably packed in the gfx.bin archive, however I can't extract it to check.

I tried on my gaming computer with a English Windows 7 and it gave me the same error you had. I could load a save made using the laptop and get in-game but then screens would be missing and it was unplayable.

Changing the locale to Japanese did not help. However as Cubky says, using Locale Emulator with the following settings made it work:

Hope it works out for you too.
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Seems like Akabesoft will start to use Denuvo with the Purely Cation. - - I heard that its pretty hard to crack but do you think you guys can handle it?

We will try, but there is an arrogant cracker over at 2dgal that loves screwing with arrogant Japanese creators.

This is going to end badly any way. I can foresee one or more of the followings to happen:

1. Akabeesoft manage to prevent piracy (in terms of playing) and other creators follow suit, and the bigger names might all switch to denuvo.

2. Poor implementation of Denuvo by Akabeesoft allow crackers (probably those usually crack western games will try too) to find new "backdoors" to Denuvo, thus we get to play more western games cracked.

3. The game get cracked and Mimasu get crazy and move future games online. (I actually outlined a feasible proposal on my blog in Japanese)

4. If that particular arrogant cracker manage to crack the game, it will further stink the Chinese eroge community's reputation. We spent so much effort trying to create a piracy-legitimate balance which is beneficial to everyone, only to be undone by people who have skill but doesn't give a damn. Japanese companies had mostly leave Chinese communities alone but could change soon.

All Akabeesoft wanted was a couple weeks of sales without interference. And those retards over at 2dgal take the piss by releasing same day with crack.
Then of course girlcelly come to the "rescue" and spread the game all over the world.

I'd admit, for typical uploaders and downloaders, there are no practical reasons to withhold any releases. Who wouldn't want free money and free games, and the fame to be "first"?
I guess no one give a s*it about creators. There are enough eroge around to play for several centuries, that new eroge are not a necessity anymore.
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We will try, but there is an arrogant cracker over at 2dgal that loves screwing with arrogant Japanese creators.

This is going to end badly any way. I can foresee one or more of the followings to happen:

1. Akabeesoft manage to prevent piracy (in terms of playing) and other creators follow suit, and the bigger names might all switch to denuvo.

2. Poor implementation of Denuvo by Akabeesoft allow crackers (probably those usually crack western games will try too) to find new "backdoors" to Denuvo, thus we get to play more western games cracked.

3. The game get cracked and Mimasu get crazy and move future games online. (I actually outlined a feasible proposal on my blog in Japanese)

4. If that particular arrogant cracker manage to crack the game, it will further stink the Chinese eroge community's reputation. We spent so much effort trying to create a piracy-legitimate balance which is beneficial to everyone, only to be undone by people who have skill but doesn't give a damn. Japanese companies had mostly leave Chinese communities alone but could change soon.

All Akabeesoft wanted was a couple weeks of sales without interference. And those retards over at 2dgal take the piss by releasing same day with crack.
Then of course girlcelly come to the "rescue" and spread the game all over the world.

I'd admit, for typical uploaders and downloaders, there are no practical reasons to withhold any releases. Who wouldn't want free money and free games, and the fame to be "first"?
I guess no one give a s*it about creators. There are enough eroge around to play for several centuries, that new eroge are not a necessity anymore.

I dont really think other companies can follow Akabe's pattern and use denuvo, its actually a pretty expensive DRM and so far even most of the western companies cant afford it. Buying such an expensive crack system will make them lose all the profit they are gaining, since this definitely wont increase the sales too much and I dont think they are making so much profits from the eroges.

Also I dont think japanese companies can do anything about the Chinese communities, Since at the last crack problem Mimasu said that " We'll arrest the japanese people who shared this crack at twitter, but unfortunately we cant do anything about the foreigners because of laws" or something like that. I'm not really familiar with laws but I'm sure he'd already do if he could anything.

Most likely Akabesoft will increase the price of the games because of the denuvo's cost, if you look at his twitter he said that "We'll not mark up the price of purely cation, because the pre-orders are already started", which means they are thinking to mark up newer ones IMO. And honestly I dont think the customers will be happy about this price rise. + If this denuvo gets cracked it will be very costy to akabe. Yeah they wont go bankrupt but they will lose money for sure.

While I dont agree with the " that new eroge are not a necessity anymore" part, since Me and most of people here are just playing the new releases, If the companies' wishes are just a couple week of sales without interference I have no problem with waiting one more month, Like getting April releases at May etc. Well probably some random user's thoughts like me dont matter at all though.
I dont really think other companies can follow Akabe's pattern and use denuvo, its actually a pretty expensive DRM and so far even most of the western companies cant afford it. Buying such an expensive crack system will make them lose all the profit they are gaining, since this definitely wont increase the sales too much and I dont think they are making so much profits from the eroges.

Also I dont think japanese companies can do anything about the Chinese communities, Since at the last crack problem Mimasu said that " We'll arrest the japanese people who shared this crack at twitter, but unfortunately we cant do anything about the foreigners because of laws" or something like that. I'm not really familiar with laws but I'm sure he'd already do if he could anything.

Most likely Akabesoft will increase the price of the games because of the denuvo's cost, if you look at his twitter he said that "We'll not mark up the price of purely cation, because the pre-orders are already started", which means they are thinking to mark up newer ones IMO. And honestly I dont think the customers will be happy about this price rise. + If this denuvo gets cracked it will be very costy to akabe. Yeah they wont go bankrupt but they will lose money for sure.

While I dont agree with the " that new eroge are not a necessity anymore" part, since Me and most of people here are just playing the new releases, If the companies' wishes are just a couple week of sales without interference I have no problem with waiting one more month, Like getting April releases at May etc. Well probably some random user's thoughts like me dont matter at all though.

It is unthinkable that Akabesoft will negotiate a protection fee exceeding their profit margin, at least not for future games.
Since it is the first time any eroge maker use denovo, Akabesoft could be getting some sort of "trial" license at substantially less fee, just to see if it is feasible.

If the new protection is a success, Akabesoft may be able to increase sales volume for future games, enough to cover substantial increase in protection fee.
From what we see, Akabesoft is also trying to screw second hand shops which take away substantial amount of sales after release date.

In my opinion, with Justice, 2dgal and AS focusing on full-price moegames, it might be more profitable to just shut of the main brand, make a few sub-brands that sell low-priced games, and make it crap enough that no one bother to share. At least you can see we just posted some 2015/11 games which stay unreleased for 3 months, without any effective protection.
It is unthinkable that Akabesoft will negotiate a protection fee exceeding their profit margin, at least not for future games.
Since it is the first time any eroge maker use denovo, Akabesoft could be getting some sort of "trial" license at substantially less fee, just to see if it is feasible.

If the new protection is a success, Akabesoft may be able to increase sales volume for future games, enough to cover substantial increase in protection fee.
From what we see, Akabesoft is also trying to screw second hand shops which take away substantial amount of sales after release date.

In my opinion, with Justice, 2dgal and AS focusing on full-price moegames, it might be more profitable to just shut of the main brand, make a few sub-brands that sell low-priced games, and make it crap enough that no one bother to share. At least you can see we just posted some 2015/11 games which stay unreleased for 3 months, without any effective protection.

Personally I think that they already give up from getting any profit of purely cation; probably they are seeing this game as a trial of denuvo or something. As you said they might getting some "trial" license or something similiar to that, but even that should cost pretty high, because currently only AAA games can afford it and they are selling like millions. To be honest I dont think eroges can sell even 1/1000 of them.

And thats all based on IF it cant be cracked, if that arrogant cracker can get it somehow, all those money will be gone for absolutely nothing. I have no idea how the cracking works but some guy at the 4chan was saying that If they release an unprotected trial (which they did) you can in theory make the existing code work with the game files discarding the protected exe completely. Not sure if it'd work or not, but at least seems like there are a couple of ways to try.

If they hire some super famous writers or artists they might get increase sales volume for future games which is enough to cover protection fee, but for the games like 働くオトナの恋愛事情 or Melty Lovers which is pretty average at best, I cant imagine any high increase sale. People will just ignore it and play other games since there are hundreds of them.

Imo the only way to make this denuvo work is using it at some very special games with some price rise, like Nasu's games or Sca-Ji, Looseboy etc. There is no way average moeges can afford such a expensive system.
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Personally I think that they already give up from getting any profit of purely cation; probably they are seeing this game as a trial of denuvo or something. As you said they might getting some "trial" license or something similiar to that, but even that should cost pretty high, because currently only AAA games can afford it and they are selling like millions. To be honest I dont think eroges can sell even 1/1000 of them.

And thats all based on IF it cant be cracked, if that arrogant cracker somehow can get it, all those money will be gone for absolutely nothing. I have no idea how the cracking works but some guy at the 4chan was saying that If they release an unprotected trial (which they did) you can in theory make the existing code work with the game files discarding the protected exe completely. Not sure if it'd work or not, but at least seems like there are a couple of ways to try.

If they hire some super famous writers or artists they might get increase sales volume for future games which is enough to cover protection fee, but for the games like 働くオトナの恋愛事情 or Melty Lovers which is pretty average at best, I cant imagine any high increase sale. People will just ignore it and play other games since there are hundreds of them.

Imo the only way to make this denuvo work is using it at some very special games with some price rise, like Nasu's games or Sca-Ji, Looseboy etc. There is no way average moeges can afford such a expensive system.

Considering those AAA titles have considerably more complex codebase, of course denuvo is going to charge EA crap load of money for protection.
AVG games certainly are way less complex to implement.
If it only takes denovo very few hours of work for relatively decent sum of money, I don't see why they wouldn't take Akabee's business.

How easy it is cracked, depends on how Akabe is going to implement denuvo. Considering the quality of Japanese coders in general, it could be easy to crack.

You do underestimate people's expectation.
Our friend's deputy shop had a much higher sales volume when Justice didn't release many game, last summer.
If people are expected NOT to see piracy, then they are more inclined to pre-order a copy of the game.
Note that I know next to nothing about the cracking scene and the situation of Japanese eroge developers so take everything I say with a grain of salt.

AVG games certainly are way less complex to implement.
If it only takes denovo very few hours of work for relatively decent sum of money, I don't see why they wouldn't take Akabee's business.

How easy it is cracked, depends on how Akabe is going to implement denuvo. Considering the quality of Japanese coders in general, it could be easy to crack.
I don't think it's in Denuvo's best interest to sell their protection scheme for cheap to developers they don't know/trust. Their business is entirely based on making sure that their protection remains unbroken to a) gather trust and keep selling to the big names and b) keep their protection scheme as secret as possible to avoid leaking hints to potential hackers. You said it yourself:

2. Poor implementation of Denuvo by Akabeesoft allow crackers (probably those usually crack western games will try too) to find new "backdoors" to Denuvo, thus we get to play more western games cracked.
It wouldn't be the first protection to be made vulnerable by poor implementation in some less popular titles. To be worth risking contracts with the likes of EA, I think Denuvo must have asked at least a substantial amount of money. I don't know Akabe's profit margins but it's most likely not something insignificant for them, even if it's just a test. They'll need to set up people to make sure it's implemented correctly, something made even more complicated by the language barrier between the companies, something Mimasu already alluded to.

I think I've seen quite a bit of negative feedback for 働くオトナの恋愛事情 on EGS about the DRM used, if Denuvo is even more invasive paying customers may get even more annoyed. There's already some concerned comments on Mimasu's twitter. I'm not sure the negative press and the support costs increases linked to DRM issues are worth it. I imagine the eroge market is pretty limited and centered around fanbases, as opposed to the million sellers that can afford to annoy some of their users with DRM since their titles are so popular anyway.

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