Visual Novel Cafe

This thread is very quiet lately, so I'll allow myself a double post. Plus, new page and all that...

As stated before, I started あけいろ怪奇譚 over the course of last week-end and just finished it late last night. Before going into too much details, I'll just say that I found the game excellent, overall better than the previous Silky's Plus Wasabi release なないろリンカネーション, though parts of the latter were standing out more.

The game continues the previous setting of spirits and demons in modern times, but shifts it to a high-school environment. Much of the game is spent investigating the school's seven mysteries and the ghost of the ancient building. Personally, I really like this kind of setting and have read quite a lot of manga with similar setups (and still do, lately カラダ探し and 死人の声を聞くがよい). As far as mysteries go it's pretty good, but the main plot's revelations are diluted over the various routes and repeated quite a few times, so by the time the true end literally unlocks, most of the elements are already figured out and what remains is more a confirmation than anything else. なないろリンカネーション also suffered from this problem, since there was basically only one plot which made subsequent playthrough have much less impact. Still, the first time around was nicely handled even if the hints were a little too generous for me. This time around I think the game suffers from a lack of any impact at all, there's little to no shocking reveals, no 'Wow!' moments, all the way until everything is explained in painful and graphic details. Some scenes did made me uncomfortable even though most of the game's atmosphere is pretty light, there's a pretty dark story underneath it all.

The game is not 100% focused on investigation and there are some pretty funny and relaxing school life slice-of-life moments with the MC and his group of friends. In particular, the MC's best friend Shuuji is a welcome addition, the previous game really lacked a male best friend character for the MC to talk to. I really liked the little lunch sequences with Yashiro, Shuuji, Kana and sometimes Velvet, they make a nice break from the evening investigations. The occasional and route-dependent visits to the Kagami family are also pretty nice, Makoto is barely present in any of them but it's always nice to see more of the group of Onis. Iris and Aoi even sometimes got to help a little bit during the investigations, which is a nice touch but I found Makoto & Co a bit too almighty. It does feel like they could solve the whole problem in a single night while the MC's group struggles for a month while sometimes risking their lives. Why they don't act is kinda explained in the game but I find it hard to believe Makoto would let a murdering ghost roam around unattended, school authorization or not.

As far as character routes, I found them really nice, though I definitely liked some better than others. They all share a specific problem in my eyes : they leave the mystery of the old school building's ghost solved in an half-assed or incomplete way and all share a pretty bitter aftertaste of failure. I was pretty happy to see that the previous game's strong harem vibes didn't make a comeback, that was my main complaint about なないろリンカネーション. This time around there's less if none of it which was most welcome. Without going into much spoilery details, my favorite was Kana's route which stays closest to the main plot but branches out from the true route near the end. I really liked Kana's character, somehow she felt more 'real' than many a stereotypical heroine from the average eroge. Her route's ending was also very nice. I also liked the second half of Ruri&Ruka's route which didn't turn into loliconia as I would have expected, and its ending was one of the few scenes in the game to genuinely bring tears to my eyes. Velvet's route was as can be expected from a vampire route, for better or worse. Not bad but not great either. Misato's route has little spirit/horror element in it so it does feel disconnected from the rest of the game, but pretty good for the nee-san lovers I guess. Finally, Youko's route had a really good start but started turning chuuni by the second half, I tend to not like chuuni protagonists too much and this time was no exception.

Art-wise, I have to admit it took me a little time to get used to Sumeragi Kohaku's way of drawing female adults. Youko and Misato's character sprites and CGs made and still make me quite uncomfortable. Maybe it's the over the top huge breasts, maybe it's the weird way the characters smile or something, but that didn't work for me. The rest of the cast didn't bother me as much, but some of the H-scenes CG I also had a bit of a problem with. Music-wise it was pretty good, a few memorable tunes and an opening I wish I had the full version of. System-wise it wasn't too bad, I liked the flowchart and for once it's actually useful since there's quite few branches. Still, due to said various branches some parts are sometimes repeated with slight variations in completely different scenes (with no already-read flag...) which can be quite time consuming. The few non-subtitled lines were also a bit of a problem, since clicking doesn't skip to the next line and they are spoken very slowly. I can understand hiding the line when Ayako says things that can have very different meanings depending on how it's written, but for the slow and lengthy zombie groans, I don't think that was necessary. I did eventually find out that briefly pressing control skipped them, but a long way into the game.

If mysteries and ghosts are your cup of tea, it's certainly one the best title I've read in the genre in quite a while. I'll definitely watch what Silky's Plus Wasabi does from now on. Next game I'll play will probably be まいてつ.
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Personally, there have hardly been any interesting VNs in March. I will probably try the Astronaut gameplay-VN as the description didn't seem too rapy/dark-MCish when it's released on A-S (probably still the timespan they wait for the companies to get sales). Otherwise I also have applique's latest on my HDD and AXL's 恋する乙女と守護の楯 ~薔薇の聖母~ but for neither a real urge to play atm. Giga's Lip Kiss seems to be sweet from the scene replays I tried for fun. But yeah, nothing really that screams "must have!"
finished some games but my backlog....... so many lol

will do quick review maybe after this month
and not to add this month we have Majikoi A-5......

Actually this month we have EVERYTHING. Literally there are more than 10 titles in this month which I want to play. Lets see; there are SENGOKU KOIHIME X, Island, Chaos child's Pc version, Eushully's new game, New circus series DS, Purely x Cation if someone can actually crack it, Wizards Complex, Tarareba, Chuuni Hime no Teikoku, Wagamama High Spec, Majikoi A-5 and Natsu Uso.

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with this month, I dont have this much free time. I guess I'll just give priority to Sengoku, Chuuni hime and Wizard complex since those fit my tastes more while checking others' reviews & scores and trying to create some time for them.
Mhm, I may also give Sengoku Koihime X a shot. Shin Koihime † Musou -Kakumei- was quite fine from what I remember and could understand language-wise. PurelyxCation goes without saying if possible. I *might* try out この恋、青春により。I don't really like more's stories and/or true routes but I enjoy their CGs and some of the OST so if for nothing else, h-scenes and BGM mode :whistle:. Dito to Wizards Complexe, it's Windmill Oasis! Sugary sweet + some drama - which I found alright - mixed in. Anata o Otoko ni Shite Ageru! might be wort a short too, but to be fair the only ChuableSoft title I completed a few routes in was Zannen na Ore-tachi no Seishun Jijou. I just skipped through some scene recollections of their other titles.
Mhm, I may also give Sengoku Koihime X a shot. Shin Koihime † Musou -Kakumei- was quite fine from what I remember and could understand language-wise. PurelyxCation goes without saying if possible. I *might* try out この恋、青春により。I don't really like more's stories and/or true routes but I enjoy their CGs and some of the OST so if for nothing else, h-scenes and BGM mode :whistle:. Dito to Wizards Complexe, it's Windmill Oasis! Sugary sweet + some drama - which I found alright - mixed in. Anata o Otoko ni Shite Ageru! might be wort a short too, but to be fair the only ChuableSoft title I completed a few routes in was Zannen na Ore-tachi no Seishun Jijou. I just skipped through some scene recollections of their other titles.

Mate I think you are mixing up the koihime series, Kakumei is not out yet and Sengoku koihime is a different series than musou ones. But imo sengoku koihime was definitely better than musou (at least about the writing), mostly thanks to the fix of "selectable character events" problem.

Until now all Baseson games' selectable heroine events were like; You see X character 1. Event > You didnt choose her > You didnt choose her > You select X again > You see X character 2. Event. Which leaded some really amateurish situations, because there is a main story as well. For example lets say that the X heroine and MC got familiar & had sex between the "you didnt choose her" parts of main story, but when you actually choose her event again she suddenly returns to the first stage of the game at the event, like "who the hell are you". But at Sengoku all of those events happens even if you dont watch them, so it goes like; X character 1. Event > You didnt choose her > You didnt choose her > You select X again > You see X character 4. Event and doesn't break the story.

I'm not sure if I could explain it right, but personally I think this was the biggest flaw of their games. I'm really glad that they actually realised and fixed it.
Busy month is still busy so not much time for playing.
Finished my playthrough of 好き好き by completing Mahiru's route. I'm not really that much into loli characters but... man does the game force the fact that she is supposed to be a child on you. That first H scene was just too much in my opinion. Other than that it was a nice cutesy route. I was really surprised to hit her confession scene so easily compared to other heroines. Well at least while backtracking to get the MC's confession right I hit some additional Mayu scenes, so it's a win in the end. Actually liked her confession scene a bit more than MC's (while the opposite applies for other heroines). The drama in the end felt really stupid, but also kind of right given her character.
Also tried to read Rinka's route as I expect it to be the route in which everything QP tried to warn the MC about will happen, but didn't get far as I REALLY hated her personality. Does this get better further on in the route or does she stay as annoying as when she met the MC?

From this month's releases I also started with あけいろ怪奇譚 and so far managed to finish Kana's route.
Having already liked their previous game in the series (is it already a series?), altough I don't really agree with all the changes, I have to say that this one is even better. This time around, I feel the game is more of horror game than mystery and the highschool setting, compared to the previous city wide setting, is a nice change as it allows for the individual stories to be nicely interconnected. However, as the story concentrates mostly on investigating the school's seven wonders, I feel like the impact of events present in the previous game is gone. There is no crazy murderer sewing bodies together, no masochistic ghost, all of the new supernatural characters feel like regular people. Well mostly because they were before they died. As for the tie ins to the previous game, the harem king Makoto and his onis come back as support characters and they're same as before (sans Kotori). Really missed Aoi's interactions. Fortunately, the MC is not another harem king in the making as it seems the routes focus only on a single heroine and even though the MC later on gets something similar to Makoto's onis, he just needs a paper and a pen to make a contract.

As for Kana herself, for the most time I felt like she is supposed to be a replacement of Kotori. I was expecting her to be a oni user like Makoto was, since she's living with him but this didn't prove to be the case. Her being completely without any powers (apart from seeing spirits), and MC's powers not really used that much, meant that resolving most of the events just came down to calling either Ruri and Ruka or Makoto's onis, which was kind of unfortunate. The ending, as already mentioned by Kzel, felt really half-assed, postponing the major issue to a different time. Also regarding the ending:
I didn't quite get how becoming one of the seven wonders would help them out guarding the school after they graduate. Or would the actual belief of such a wonder existing create some spirit to continue their work after they are gone?

Also some nice recent announcements: Carmine from Front Wing's はつみら will be getting her own spinoff game and there's a sequel to Sprite's あおかな! Now if we could only get that Mayu fandisk...
And don't get me started on April's releases, its CRAZY. I can only hope for bad releases in summer as that's the only way I would be able to manage playing everything.
Might as well write something here:

Finished あけいろ怪奇譚 as well, to be honest this kind of genre was fresh air to vn industry (except Ryukishi07 style lol) and silky plus was decent to pull this kind of story (good but not excellent), this time they put the background story to high-school environment which...... kinda expected since it's naturally have lot's of rumor about ghost story (especially around kaidan-banashi,or must i say story about stairs > hence Saint Seiya lol), first impression? they really make me scared from start (which partly because my own stupidity, i play at midnight and no one at my house, i forgot that Silky Plus game was this genre lol), they build good atmosphere around how they solve the curse, after that? suddenly turn to bad in some route, feels like rushed story, some of the route have potential to became great route, but they turn it to normal tragedy story.... well i still enjoyed the story, my route pick from worst to best, Youko > Misako > Velvet > Kana > Ruri & Ruka, true route was kinda expected from start

Finished 働くオトナの恋愛事情 too, as nukige this one was good, decent story, decent character, and love the bgm, overall good for my taste :happy:

P.S : my backlog was so long that i even forgot VN that i've finished in last 4 months lol, lurking on t*dm now so kinda inactive here
Personally, there have hardly been any interesting VNs in March. I will probably try the Astronaut gameplay-VN as the description didn't seem too rapy/dark-MCish when it's released on A-S (probably still the timespan they wait for the companies to get sales). Otherwise I also have applique's latest on my HDD and AXL's 恋する乙女と守護の楯 ~薔薇の聖母~ but for neither a real urge to play atm. Giga's Lip Kiss seems to be sweet from the scene replays I tried for fun. But yeah, nothing really that screams "must have!"
Dungeon of Regalias has been released if you're still interested. I played Applique's latest 時を紡ぐ約束 and it wasn't bad, I wrote more about it a few pages ago. Giga's latest リプキス has a pretty low score on EGS and VNDB for now. I haven't played it yet or read any reviews as I've downloaded it already and might give it a shot later this month.

and not to add this month we have Majikoi A-5......
At last they've announced the release date? I'm mostly looking forward to what they will do for Tachibana Takae, she's still kinda mysterious even after playing the whole series.

[About 私が好きなら「好き」って言って!...] Also tried to read Rinka's route as I expect it to be the route in which everything QP tried to warn the MC about will happen, but didn't get far as I REALLY hated her personality. Does this get better further on in the route or does she stay as annoying as when she met the MC?
Not sure what you mean, is it her playful/teasing nature? The fact that she clearly doesn't want to commit? Both kinda get toned down if I remember right (it's been a few months now, and I only played it once). Her route does get the most drama though, especially if you don't heed QP's warning, with some rather awful but understandable acts by the MC.

From this month's releases I also started with あけいろ怪奇譚 and so far managed to finish Kana's route.[...] As for Kana herself, for the most time I felt like she is supposed to be a replacement of Kotori.
I felt the same thing, Kana really reminded me of Kotori in her attitude, personality, and also appearance in some way. Also, regarding her ending :
I think you hit the mark with "the actual belief of such a wonder existing create some spirit to continue their work after they are gone?". They do their best to create the rumor of a protecting spirit around the school so that the legend will live on after they graduate and grow real enough to at the very least prevent any letter from reaching Ayako
Finished あけいろ怪奇譚 as well[...] they really make me scared from start (which partly because my own stupidity, i play at midnight and no one at my house, i forgot that Silky Plus game was this genre lol)[...] well i still enjoyed the story, my route pick from worst to best, Youko > Misako > Velvet > Kana > Ruri & Ruka, true route was kinda expected from start
Same order for me except I preferred Kana's to Ruri&Ruka, if only because the mystery is completely discarded in the latter. Did the game really scare you? I've read a few comments saying so but maybe I'm too used to this kind of settings or movies, but I don't think I got scared at any point. Uncomfortable, yes, especially when entering the true end, but scared, not really. I also mostly play at night, though in a well lit room since I don't want to burn my eyes out, and I have my cats to keep me company.

P.S : my backlog was so long that i even forgot VN that i've finished in last 4 months lol, lurking on t*dm now so kinda inactive here
That's part of the reason I write stuff here actually, so I can come back and re-read what I thought about a game after having played it. Anyway, "t*dm" ?

I'm a few hours into まいてつ so I'll just write some quick comments. The animation is very well done, and it actually runs pretty well even on my aging laptop which is nice. However, the game tends to crash often (about once per chapter so far, and chapters last from 15 to 30 minutes). The save system is inconvenient, making the bookmarks pile up pretty quick, I'd have rather have a standard quicksave. I'm not a train maniac but there's a full voiced encyclopedia included and so far it's not too hard to understand. The MC is extremely donkan, to the point where taking a bath surrounded by naked girls doesn't make him feel anything, I know he's got a trauma but I worry about his future endeavors. The text is heavily stylized and sometimes pretty hard to understand, not helped by the fact that many things deal about money or politics, not the easiest of topics. That's it so far, I'll probably go on Hibiki's route first when the opportunity presents itself.
At last they've announced the release date? I'm mostly looking forward to what they will do for Tachibana Takae, she's still kinda mysterious even after playing the whole series.

Well it's mystery character, might be character we already know but have hidden personality or quite close with Yamato family, might be cousin since we still don't get that kinda route? Well who knows

Same order for me except I preferred Kana's to Ruri&Ruka, if only because the mystery is completely discarded in the latter. Did the game really scare you? I've read a few comments saying so but maybe I'm too used to this kind of settings or movies, but I don't think I got scared at any point. Uncomfortable, yes, especially when entering the true end, but scared, not really. I also mostly play at night, though in a well lit room since I don't want to burn my eyes out, and I have my cats to keep me company.

the only reason i put Ruri and Ruka as last was because that ending. Scared at first, since i'm a bit unprepared, when started playing i am thinking normal high-schools story but end up with horror story, and i hate bright lamp in my room so.... its pretty much scary atmosphere

That's part of the reason I write stuff here actually, so I can come back and re-read what I thought about a game after having played it. Anyway, "t*dm" ?

Usually i checked my finished on VNDB but kinda busy and forgot to check the list for finished VN which have good collection for china forums

I'm a few hours into まいてつ so I'll just write some quick comments. The animation is very well done, and it actually runs pretty well even on my aging laptop which is nice. However, the game tends to crash often (about once per chapter so far, and chapters last from 15 to 30 minutes). The save system is inconvenient, making the bookmarks pile up pretty quick, I'd have rather have a standard quicksave. I'm not a train maniac but there's a full voiced encyclopedia included and so far it's not too hard to understand. The MC is extremely donkan, to the point where taking a bath surrounded by naked girls doesn't make him feel anything, I know he's got a trauma but I worry about his future endeavors. The text is heavily stylized and sometimes pretty hard to understand, not helped by the fact that many things deal about money or politics, not the easiest of topics. That's it so far, I'll probably go on Hibiki's route first when the opportunity presents itself.

This on my next play list, hope i can finish it before April release
Dungeon of Regalias has been released if you're still interested. I played Applique's latest 時を紡ぐ約束 and it wasn't bad, I wrote more about it a few pages ago. Giga's latest リプキス has a pretty low score on EGS and VNDB for now. I haven't played it yet or read any reviews as I've downloaded it already and might give it a shot later this month.

Yes, I have been playing Regalias since it's been released here. To my greatest annoyance the MC is typical Astronaut Sirius level: Skilled in combat, self-confident and experienced but an utter horndog who fucks every "good" woman (i. e. everyone with a character sprite) who's not by the count of 3 on a tree. It seems to be the standard procedure for their games as 塔の下のエクセルキトゥ was no different, just with an ultra hetare MC. It's tiresome, so I'm skipping every h-scene as the story itself seems fine enough.
Usually i checked my finished on VNDB but kinda busy and forgot to check the list for finished VN which have good collection for china forums
I recently started referencing everything I played on VNDB as well, but I find simply giving a score a little lacking to truly settle my thoughts about a game. Thanks for answering my question, unfortunately I can't read Chinese so it's off limits to me.

Yes, I have been playing Regalias since it's been released here. To my greatest annoyance the MC is typical Astronaut Sirius level: Skilled in combat, self-confident and experienced but an utter horndog who fucks every "good" woman (i. e. everyone with a character sprite) who's not by the count of 3 on a tree. It seems to be the standard procedure for their games as 塔の下のエクセルキトゥ was no different, just with an ultra hetare MC. It's tiresome, so I'm skipping every h-scene as the story itself seems fine enough.
Sounds like a game I wouldn't like, but how's the gameplay though? Is it good enough to bother? The last few "gameplay" VNs with a similar setup I played were not that great on that front. 神のラプソディ just got too grindy and stupid at some point with some of the map objectives, I think I gave up when the team meets the siren. 塔の下のエクセルキトゥ was also pretty bad as a TCG game, too easy to exploit, but at least it was short which is why I even bothered finishing it.

I finished my playthrough of まいてつ last night. It wasn't bad but I think also has some pretty big flaws, mostly in the story department.

Let's start with the most obvious element : the animations. I found them really well done for the most part, and apart from some jerkiness in some movements I didn't feel it out of place. In fact, when going back to はにかみCLOVER to read some of the appends I did miss the motions for a little while, so I guess they've really grown on me. The crashes I mentioned earlier still plagued my playthrough but since I've seen little to no comment about it elsewhere I'll just put it on my aging laptop's fault. The ecchi scenes are another matter completely. There's quite a lot (4/5 per main, 2/3 per sub heroine) and each scene contains two animated CGs, but I couldn't get into any of them. They're too short, the animation distracts from the (mediocre) text and the sometimes wide motions make the jerkiness and uneasiness really comes out. Thankfully (?), all these scenes are completely disconnected from the plot and unlock once reaching the end, so they're easily skippable as they don't add much if anything to the story or relationship. My biggest disappointment : not a single animated railroad scene, trains are a big part of the game, it would make sense to use some of that animation budget to show them running.

Plot-wise, I found it severely lacking on a few fronts. The goal of the whole game is to prevent the construction of a factory of clean, solar powered light aeocrafts, because there's some fear that some water pollution may occur. So far all previous factories haven't polluted beyond regulations but there's some concern anyway, so the MC comes back to help stop it. However, the counter-proposal he brings forward are in my opinion way worse in terms of environmental impact. A coal powered steam locomotive sound pretty terrible for the air and hence the water when rains come around. They don't use the train too much (about 300km per day at most) but since steam engine need a lot of pre-burning before they're run, it's fairly safe to assume the boiler is spouting unfiltered smoke in the air more than a couple hours a day. In some routes, there's talk of partially reopening a coal mine, restarting a coal fired powered plant, making the town a big freight train hub, again, it really felt like the whole team had forgotten why they were fighting in the first place.

The story progression leaves also a bit to be desired. Problems occur as expected and the group struggles to find solutions, but said solution are either glanced over, delegated to some off screen artisans or workers, or just simply go too easily given how serious the game is trying to be. Raising 400 million yen in a matter of days? No problem. Fixing a crashed locomotive without specific knowledge about it? Easy. Becoming a train engineer/assistant in a week? Sure, let's get all that done effortlessly in the transition between chapters. The town itself is a very strange place, where the only bank's branch office is run by a teenager, and high school students can enter the election and become mayor. That wouldn't be so bad in itself, there's way worse in other games, but as I said, まいてつ is trying to be all serious about the issues it brings up which makes these points stand out and the whole story really hard to swallow.

Heroines themselves I found go a little too much on the loli side. I'm not against some lolicon, but Reina and the Nagi/Fukami duo was too far. Add Hachiroku, especially in driving (doll-size) body, and Hibiki who isn't too big either, and more than half of the candidates can be argued to be lolis. I think the game really lacks some recognition of this, I always laugh when sub-characters make fun of the MC or tease him for being a lolicon but there's none of it there, marriage and making children is all-OK, parents and adults around don't flinch and even actively support this. The romance side of the game is also sub-par, the MC's trauma takes some time to solve for the main heroines, my personal preference goes to Hibiki's route but Paulette's wasn't too bad, but once it's cleared it's basically over. Hachiroku's route touches a little on the topic of love between humans and machines but barely, not enough to convince me. The trauma is barely mentioned for the subs and the MC basically just falls for whoever he spends time with, no other reason. It all ends up in the most 優柔不断 way in the grand route, probably the worst of the lot.

Music-wise, a different opening and ending theme for everyone but none that really fit my tastes. The BGM is okay but sometimes stands out too much, otherwise it does its job but I can't think of many memorable pieces. The save system is inconvenient, especially combined with the crashes, I spent quite some time having to manually skip some already read text.

Overall, an impressive technical feat but with such a lackluster story, I can't say I enjoyed it much. No idea what I'll play next week-end, I have ものべの-happy end- installed that came packaged with まいてつ but since both games share the same writer, I don't have much hope. Maybe I'll go back to 星織ユメミライ or give リプキス a try after all.
I recently started referencing everything I played on VNDB as well, but I find simply giving a score a little lacking to truly settle my thoughts about a game. Thanks for answering my question, unfortunately I can't read Chinese so it's off limits to me.

Sounds like a game I wouldn't like, but how's the gameplay though? Is it good enough to bother? The last few "gameplay" VNs with a similar setup I played were not that great on that front. 神のラプソディ just got too grindy and stupid at some point with some of the map objectives, I think I gave up when the team meets the siren. 塔の下のエクセルキトゥ was also pretty bad as a TCG game, too easy to exploit, but at least it was short which is why I even bothered finishing it.

It's turn-based combat with your typical Attack, Defend, etc. command + the EX ("limit break") bar. I think on Normal it's fairly challenging, depending on how much you grind or if you defeat all enemies on the map. On Easy, you get the same amount of experience and can with enough MP + all-enemy attack skills cheese through random encounters and even some bosses *lol*. I find it personally a bit annoying that the remaining party members join with a fixed level instead of around your party or MC's level, so I can see how on Normal + Hard some may just use the first four members (excluding the MC) you get and keep the remaining four on reserve as they still seem to receive the same amount of exp there.
hmm.... still hasn't master up yet, making me worries that koihime will held a delay...
hmm.... still hasn't master up yet, making me worries that koihime will held a delay...

I really dont think so, they are advertising it (actually almost spamming) at twitter everyday with "4/28" mark and they just posted this today.

I'm not really familiar with master up things but at least they are not acting like having some problems. Most likely they're waiting for next friday since its their update day, or at least I hope so.

Edit: Seems like Wagamama High Spec, Boku no ××, Wizards Complex, Nama Love and Purely x Cation already did it while others are not showing any signs. I guess we'll learn it in next a couple days.


Seems like there is no problem, they're saying that most likely they'll be able to announce it around 13-14 april.
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I really dont think so, they are advertising it (actually almost spamming) at twitter everyday with "4/28" mark and they just posted this today.

I'm not really familiar with master up things but at least they are not acting like having some problems. Most likely they're waiting for next friday since its their update day, or at least I hope so.

Edit: Seems like Wagamama High Spec, Boku no ××, Wizards Complex, Nama Love and Purely x Cation already did it while others are not showing any signs. I guess we'll learn it in next a couple days.


Seems like there is no problem, they're saying that most likely they'll be able to announce it around 13-14 april.

let's hope so... whenever master up hasn't announced 2 weeks before the release date, it's very likely that games would be delayed for at least 1 month. i really hope it wont happen.

EDIT: well, what do you know... they've master up an hour ago! now we can wait patiently for the game to be released at 28th
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I've been giving a few games an hour or so to try and decide on what I'll spend most of my week-end.

I played a bit of リプキス, but didn't get very far before putting it down. The setting is fairly unoriginal : your usual return home of the MC after moving out to another town. Follows reunions with old friends, all female, all already in love with him, yada yada. New tsundere girl in the group doesn't take long to fall either, and then it was kisses, lucky sukebe, beta beta situations one after the other all the way to the opening, at which point I said : enough. I was already half skipping most of the text and didn't feel like continuing. The art isn't much to my liking and the CVs are not my favorite either. Well, I kinda like Aji Sanma but her character is just awful. I'm really not a fan of romance novels in which heroines are already won without the MC lifting a finger. Mayuri the little sister is kinda cute but she doesn't look like she gets a route, and the MC keeps (playfully?) hitting her : that's just no.

I also spent a few hours with ものべの -happy end- but same problem : as far as romance is concerned all the heroines are already won for no apparent reason. Also, I think I've had my share of lolis with Maitetsu for a while. The oldest heroine seems to be Alice, and she's about 5 to 6 years younger than the MC (he's in 5th year of medical school, she's still in high school...). I've been spoiled a bit by the description from VNDB so I know the story will switch to something other than romance at some point but so far the common route is just soporific. I may continue it later on but I kinda don't want to start skipping to get to the good part, once I start skipping I find it hard to stop.

Speaking of skipping, that's what i did with 100% of the VN part of ダンジョン オブ レガリアス. Just catching a phrase here and there is enough to get the skeleton of the plot (amnesia, woohoo originality!), and I couldn't care less for the reasons the MC finds to fuck every girl he meets. The battle system is fairly basic so far (beginning of chapter 6) but the game is relatively challenging, at least on normal with my current party. Nothing that brute force can't solve yet but some random encounters can be brutal (more than bosses). One boss, a big minotaur with a hammer I couldn't kill since he just wipes the party, but he's avoidable.

I find it personally a bit annoying that the remaining party members join with a fixed level instead of around your party or MC's level, so I can see how on Normal + Hard some may just use the first four members (excluding the MC) you get and keep the remaining four on reserve as they still seem to receive the same amount of exp there.
I haven't done any grinding but haven't really been avoiding monsters either and new members always seem to join 2 to 3 level higher than my party's highest. My party's levels are all over the place since when party members die they don't get XP, but I haven't found a way to bring them back other than escape the dungeon which is a pain in the ass so I usually just press on dragging the coffins. Miss Sacred Knight (can't remember her name) in particular who keep dying is a good 4 levels below everyone else.

So the big winner for the week end is... Dark Souls 3! The PC version got out recently and I love it, though it's as brutal as ever. I may play some more レガリアス in between frustrating deaths against giant trees and who knows what other horrors await my poor character, just to cool down.
Turns out I'm both pretty rusty at action games and Dark Souls 3's rhythm is much faster than the previous games so I struggle quite a bit with the game so far. I barely made it past the Abyss Watchers of Farron's Keep with a lot of trouble and after numerous deaths, which means I actually played quite a bit of Dungeon of Regalias to calm down my racing heart between attempts, and actually finished it.

I can't comment much on the story as I've skipped most of it, but it seemed like your average dungeon crawler RPG story. There is a lot of ecchi scenes, eight per heroine but two out of those are rape/failure scenes unlocked by losing some fights or by an event in the last chapter. Add to that the five scenes each with the brothel girl, the dungeon merchant and the priestess, four scenes with someone else and six 3P scenes, and that makes up for quite a lot. Looking at it from a Nukige perspective I suppose that's good, but as I haven't read any of them I can't really comment on the quality of the scenes, except that the CGs are okay, some looked good, others off.

As far as the dungeon crawling part, I take back what I previously said about the game being challenging on normal. Past a certain point characters get skills and equipment that make most trash mobs trivial, and bosses fall easily one after the other thanks to Edna's magic immunity spell combined with other characters physical barrier skills. The last boss of the story in particular was a joke as Shizuku basically soloed him all by herself... The exploration part gets a bit frustrating in the later dungeons, especially since the game likes to throw the party back to town before shortcuts are unlocked. In the end, I stuck to the first five characters given for my main party and just switched the MC for the last addition to make use of her party-wide physical barrier skill for the optional bosses once the Dragon's Throne area is fully cleared.

In other unrelated news, Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair was just released in English with optional Japanese voices for the PC on Steam. I only played the PSP Japanese version way back, so I tried about 30 minutes of the English version and the translation looks alright. The English dubbing sounds awful though, especially Monokuma's laughter just isn't the same upupupupu, I recommend putting voices in Japanese. I think I'll replay it and maybe take a look at the guys' stories this time around.
Playing maitetsu/まいてつ impression so far: seriously slow pace, every problem was so easy to solve, too many train term which maybe not really interesting for normal people, no jokes at all (which makes the game pretty boring), not many interesting characters, and weird tempo for the story, well i dunno maybe it's just me and my expectation. I think they kinda want to set the story to be heart-warming but failed in many thing which makes it not really enjoyable so far, protag too philosophical when they have discussion (oh god why you can't make it to normal conversation) over-detailed in many things makes the reader not focused on the story. Well that's for now, will try to finish this at least or maybe i will switch to nukige for awhile, need some laugh and coffee.
okay... completely my fault.... i forgot to check the sites....

can anyone upload the countdown pictures from senkoi X? i want those that above 6 days

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ProfProcPlot wrote on Lebedev's profile.
Could you please re-upload;

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ShowMeYourMoves wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hi, could you reupload this one? Thank you.
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Hello, I would be very grateful if you could share this: