Visual Novel Cafe

Meh, indeed, this doesn't sound very appealing. I read rather average things about Racial Merge from some jp. reviews a long time ago, but haven't given it really a honest shot. I quite enjoyed Dolphin Divers. I agreed with you Ayakashi Contract before so there's not much to say in that regard.

I have played further into Yurino's route of 初恋サンカイメ. It has its charm, but I don't know if I put it on the same level as some of windmill's prior titles. Anyway, Yurino's pretty much an obvious heroine choice based on the common route and premisse.
I found it a bit annoying the way Taichi chickened out of his first confession attempt
and the short dramatic period that happend afterwards (but was not limited to Yurino).
And while I like Rin herself, I have mixed feelings with how they implemented her due to what is implied to be her connection to Misaki, who hasn't appeared at all so far. Based on Emiliya's after story she seems to show up at some point. Well, I guess I just assumed Misaki to be there from the beginning as a classmate because I got that impression from her character description.

I think Racial merge is one of AXL's best games, if not actually the best one. MC is one of the uniquest MCs, he is strong, pure and donkan as fuck but because of the story's flow and mc's personality the donkanness makes you like him, even though I usually hate the donkan ones, also it creates very laughable scenes as well. All heroines are great and have very nice VAs, has; blind maid & slave & princess & & student & teacher heroines which is literally a merge of all classes + male characters are pretty useful in this as well etc etc etc. I'd definitely recommend it to give a try at least. While its not a perfect game I'm sure you'll have a great time with it.
Thanks, will do so.

I finished Yurino and Misaki's route in Hatsukoi Sankaime, who feel like and probably are the two important main heroines of the VN.

Yurino's route was fine overall. Really. I thought it was funny how the movie they create throughout the VN reflects Yurino's route on a surface basis quite spot on (and his past as a basis of the story was no surprise as it was decided quite early on). Her personal drama was okay-ish. Well, dramas stemming from the heroines bottling their insecurity up is nothing too uncommon. I actually liked it how Misaki's reapperance didn't cause cheap drama with Taichi himself.

Misaki's route (only New Game+ onwards): Obviously, or not, she and her route were connected to Rin's mystery element. That element wasn't exacty one I count as a favorite, but here you "just" had to accept it. Oh well, her route was basically the ultimate form of happy end as it could become. If there's one aspect I'd complain about was the transition between Yurino to Misaki as the main love interest. It felt sudden and funnily Taichi thought the same once the realization of who he liked in the end struck him *lol*. I guess his deseprate continued action before Misaki was re-introduced was there because he didn't have another heroine to cheer up (Yurino route). So yeah some not-so-optimal parts, but as i'm a sucker for that corny stuff, I liked it :whistle:
And~ I played Amenity's Life up to two confession scenes. First off, hooksoft's comedy aspects have certainly become more goofy and filled with more shimo-neta. I'm not a great fan of that stuff in general so the comedy aspect feels like a hit-or-miss deal. Contrary to my inital doubt, I enjoyed the personification of objects. Keshimi's haughty personality was done spledidly imho and thus is quite entertaining.
I tried Miki's route first and while her Ouji-sama acting got stale after a while, her confession CG was really adorable.

The second route until confession was Kanade. Even though I always state I'm not someone who reads much (or at all) between the lines etc, I mentally slapped myself for *not* realizing the real deal about Kanade earlier. Otherwise, I loved her confession scene and her jealousy moments were quite adorable!
I suddenly got this urge to quote this particular line, in full:


Been feeling so lethargic I can barely forge ahead one or two days at a time...
And~ I played Amenity's Life up to two confession scenes. First off, hooksoft's comedy aspects have certainly become more goofy and filled with more shimo-neta. I'm not a great fan of that stuff in general so the comedy aspect feels like a hit-or-miss deal. Contrary to my inital doubt, I enjoyed the personification of objects. Keshimi's haughty personality was done spledidly imho and thus is quite entertaining.
I tried Miki's route first and while her Ouji-sama acting got stale after a while, her confession CG was really adorable.

The second route until confession was Kanade. Even though I always state I'm not someone who reads much (or at all) between the lines etc, I mentally slapped myself for *not* realizing the real deal about Kanade earlier. Otherwise, I loved her confession scene and her jealousy moments were quite adorable!
I've been playing it on and off as well. It's my first Hooksoft game, and compared to SMEE I find the shimoneta is not too obnoxious, even when talking to the personified version of the eroge. The comedy in general feels pretty weak compared to Asa Project's スキとスキとでサンカク恋愛, mostly because the general tension of the character is much lower. Even 'joke' characters like Miki remain pretty tame, especially as the events proceed on and she tries to show her more 'girlish' side. Also, and I'm not sure if it's because my computer is getting seriously outdated, but the sprite transitioning takes a little while each time, which makes the flow of the dialogue feel off.

Anyway, I've now completed Naru, Mikuri and Kanade, and seen up to the confession to Miki, so I think I've got a fairly good idea of the game. I've said before that the game feels a lot like a SMEE game, but that was really only true for Naru's route with the detailed interaction with the parents. The other two route felt... honestly somewhat boring and lacking in marking events. My biggest gripe is that even though Kanade is directly involved (I did suspect her from the start), there's never a clear explanation as to why objects started taking human form, and why Reiji seems to be more prone to this happening than anyone else. You could say it's because he takes particular good care of his things, but given Kanade's story, not really. I somewhat suspected something to do with her mom but so far, no further hint given. I'll probably quickly got through Maho's route to see if that topic is ever mentioned again but without keeping my hopes up.

I've given a brief try to シンソウノイズ ~受信探偵の事件簿~ but stopped once past the opening movie. The heroines are not particularly cute, the MC gets on my nerve, there's unavoidable ecchi (all the way) early and with multiple heroines, and the deduction parts look simplistic at best with Yuriko basically doing all the work and the MC just using his cheat ability to piece the things together. Since I plan to play Danganronpa 3 later this month, I don't need to fill my need for deduction games with this one. Maybe it gets better later on but from what I've read on EGS, not really.

Other than that, I'm currently playing あきゆめくくる, and it's been fairly interesting. I've completed both Kisu and Mihaya routes so far. The common route starts off pretty well with a mysterious environment and its investigation along with a cast of colorful characters. Unfortunately at some points it shifts to a pretty shimoneta-heavy love-comedy style (I'd even call it ero-comedy at this point), and I'll admit some parts like the boobs-shaking, the drinking party and the no-panties scandal were not the game's greatest moments. Thankfully, the serious parts kick in from time to time to renew interest (probably 7 part ero-comedy, 3 part serious stuff) and Mihaya's appearance gave the common route a grand conclusion with a delightfully crazy little sister.

Kisu's route was cute because of her unwillingness to recognize her feelings for the MC, and I liked how he didn't give up but kept chasing her around. The mysterious elements make a comeback quickly and the mystery, while not very deep, is at least quite surprising and interesting to follow through to the end. Be warned that, especially with Kisu, a lot of rather technical terms pop up, dealing with electricity, biology and quantum physics, so if you're not into science that may put you off. I found it nicely done, and nothing in it sounded too ridiculous to my ears, though it being in Japanese probably helped me overlook more than a few details.

Mihaya's route is very short but the character is great so even just a mention was nice for me. I still have the three kyonyuus to go through, with Ayumi the childhood friend with a shared troubled past, Yuzuki the perverted girl fascinated with castration (no kidding), and finally Saori for last, since she's locked for obvious reason, being related to another character than is central to the events of the game.
Further along with あきゆめくくる, that I finished last week-end (apart from the mini-route option with... Noa). I'm pretty happy with the game overall as it somehow managed to tie up most of the loose ends and hints it threw all over during the common route. I wish the game spent more time on mystery and less on shimoneta but after some point it just becomes part of the background and it's giving time to think about the serious parts' explanations a bit before the next reveal. It's still a bit disappointing that there's no possibility to romance
Sari-sensei despite multiple invitations and an interesting 'criminal' character, or a proper route with Todorokiyama Satori, but given the finale's explanation it's just not meant to be.

Yuzuki's route was as expected more perverted than the rest, given her tendencies for wearing no panties, fascination for anything sex-related and general exhibitionism. Her fixation on castration did cause some 'issues' during the ecchi scenes but I found that she bent out of it a little too easily, given how she seemed strongly attached to it in the beginning. Her route focuses on the mystery of the WSP, the mysterious blue globs that seem to have replaced the humans in the town, and the investigation of it is both intriguing and interesting, while the final answer is quite surprising but also not too far-fetched, I liked it.

Ayumi's route as expected focuses on her having to deal with her past as a leader of the failed rebellion. She plays the tsundere quite a bit with mysterious approaches and has a big complex over her past and current actions, and I found the whole deal a bit too melodramatic for my liking. Her route focuses on the idea of changing the past by remaking a full and complete observation of it, but I was never very convinced by the idea (you'd need to change the whole universe for it to work). There's a lot of technobabble for something
that isn't even used anyway, as the MC manages to convince her that she's fine as it is. The machine is revealed to be fake anyway later on...

Saori's route is linked to a central character she looks so much alike that I find it hard to believe it took so long for the characters (especially the MC and Ayumi) to notice. Yes, her physique is different in a rather prominent area but still, it's so painfully obvious. Her route deals with the central mystery of the town and also serves as a recap to what happened in the other routes, and I enjoyed the discussions with Todorokiyama about multiple universes and the explanation of the MC's immortality was somewhat convincing. Her character somewhat loses its charm and mystery as her motivation is explained but ah well, it's fine I guess.

The game finished with an epilogue that serves to wrap up all the loose ends and seems to happen after Saori's route but it's never clearly said who the MC eventually ended with. Well, Mihaya's out of the question it seems which is a shame as she was by far the funniest character, but she makes quite a number of appearances in the epilogue so I'm satisfied all the same. I tend to not like when games try to force a happy-end on a situation that it previously claimed unsolvable, but I appreciated
that it gave Todorokiyama a chance to redeem herself in the end.

Overall, a very interesting game if you can stomach both the very heavy shimoneta and the science technobabble.
Despite last December's impressive list of games I thought I would play, I only ended up playing two of them completely and two halfway through. I'm currently playing the aging Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward that I picked up for cheap, and it's very good so far. I've hit many locked paths but if the first and third games in the series are any indication, some shenanigans are probably going to happen. Anyway, with only a few days until January's releases, time for a quick review of what I'll might play the coming month.

アイカギ : Azarashi Soft's newest title, with a budget game featuring only one heroine. The game features a new writer and a rather bland synopsis, with a childhood friend already in love with the MC at the beginning of the game, that doesn't fill me with hope the writing's quality will equal that of Amakano but who knows?

ラムネ2 : I missed the free download version of the first one of the series, so I'd be going into it blind as I so often do. Given the synopsis the game doesn't look like much but I happen to have really liked NekoNekoSoft's previous game すみれ, that managed to mix some interesting ideas, emotional scenes and a bit of mystery. For that reason alone, I'll probably at least give it a shot.

人気声優のつくりかた : I like the concept, it's not that often that CVs are talked about directly in a game. I'm not sure strapping a high-school setting was the best choice for a serious talk though, and the game's page does mention "only" 78% facts about the profession. It's Cube's staff at the wheel, they left a very poor impression on me with 間宮くんちの五つ子事情, but the game has both Kusuhara Yui and Haruka Sora voicing main heroines... I'm interested but also very wary.

彼女と俺の恋愛日常 : Parasol didn't really impress me with their previous game, Quintuple ☆ Splash. The story doesn't sound that great either, with an otaku MC obsessed with figurines, something I know absolutely nothing about. What's drawing me to this game you might ask ? Akino Hana, Kotorii Yuuka and Kusuhara Yui all voice a main character, and that's about it.

緋のない所に烟は立たない : It seems a free version without the ecchi scenes was released earlier, I haven't played it. The MC sounds like he has one of those hypotism/kotodama ability which is something I'm honestly tired of. Same as the game before, I'm only considering this game because of the CV cast, which credits both Akino Hana and Kotorii Yuuka.

And finally, 星恋*ティンクル. New brand, but the writer seems to have experience with a few favorite or purple games. I only know him from his writing in Feng's *Seiki series which were... not the greatest but also not awful either, and being nukiges, not really prone to show complicated or interesting plots. I like that the MC takes care of his little sister, and that said sister is voiced by none other than Akino Hana. Other than that, it's a leap in the unknown for me. Often these new brands turn out badly but sometimes something good pops up.

As you might have guessed, no real "must play" title this month for me. That's good, as my Danganronpa V3 copy should arrive at some point (damn you Play-Asia, why you so slow?).
アイカギ: I'll play it mostly for the lovey-dovey aspect and because I'm absolutely fond of Azarashi Soft's titles. But I agree with you on the rest.

人気声優のつくりかた: Mint Cube's previous title Amakoi Syrups wasn't that great and really like more about stringing ecchi happenings one after another with adorable heroines. I don't know if that sort of appeal is the main deal of the sub-branche, but I'll give it a shot.

星恋*ティンクル: Dito. No real expectations for it.
I finished today Mizuha's route in Giniro Haruka. Her route transmitted a great mood during the ice skating episodes and switching to her PoV made it quite good. Yukito's wedding proposal was excellent and her epilogue lovely. I first dreaded the thought that Alyssa would turn out as one of those annoying higher than thou types, but that worry was squashed quickly. My few nitpicking points: I'm fine with most of her personal drama moments, but her 4th rank during the second last Olypmics felt a bit too obvious in-your-face ish. And Yukito's proposal could have been a bit earlier. I can understand his reasoning, but yeah just my personal nickpicking.
Overall, it might have become my favorite route or close to it.

And I played a bit in Racial Merge. Overall it's fine. Wil's naiveness about the "outside world" is something I could quite understand as I would have thought the same way if I had been thrown suddenly into an aristrocat vs commoner centric coutry (or in his case city). The characters and their interactions are good, which I think is one of AXL's main appeal points for me.
Only one part made me scratch my head: Wil's hostile reaction during the mock battle exam when Nicus accidently hurt Alicia. Maybe he had already snapped at the very moment it happened but otherwise he should have noticed that it wasn't Nicus intention, thus should have calmed down upon realizing it. Him overwhelming both teachers was also somehow a narrow path between "oh come on" and keeping the suspension of disbelief trope, but I consider that only a minor point to be fair.
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Doube post for my first few impressions:

アイカギ: As expected a pretty normal game. The character progression (i.e. from start to confession) happend rather fast so far, but as Shiori is the only heroine (and girl with a spirte!) this shouldn't be a surprise. It might have been nice if it had been a bit more fleshed out up to that point, but with Shiori's innate affection for the MC half the work was already done. Normal, calming. Not much else to say.

人気声優のつくりかた: For me great characters, an MC I like, and an okay mix between slice-of-life and drama.
I finished Yukakao's route first: She fell rather instantly in love with Keito, which I personally consider as my only criticism. Her drama was okayish. For me it felt like a typical "If she hadn't bottled up/talked about it sooner, it could have been resolved faster or turned out differently" deal, which isn't the most uncommon form of normal dramas imho. The online game deal reminded me strongly of Primal Hearts but I don't blame Keito. Her route showed how much of a bitch the internet seiyuu community can be at times.

Izumi's route on-going: Starting from her route up to the confession, her route has been more serious. Like "let's throw every kind of hurdle in her way and watch how she struggles to recover". While it wasn't tear-shedding sad, I still felt pretty bad for her. If her drama had been hinted in other routes, I would probably have felt bad for not choosing her :nekopara_patpat: Reminded me a bit of Nanami from Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo (さくら荘のペットな彼女)
アイカギ + 人気声優のつくりかた
Thanks for the early comments on the new releases Mahou. I haven't had time to start any game yet (and it looks like I won't until at least next week...), but it's nice to read that 人気声優のつくりかた turned out to be good, as I was quite uncertain about it.

I can't help but notice you finished both アイカギ and read through about half of 人気声優のつくりかた (common + one route and a half) in just a couple days. I'm not surprised アイカギ turned out to be short, but does that mean 人気声優のつくりかた is also pretty short as well?
I finished Aikagi today as I've beeen switching between different VNs here and there. As for 人気声優のつくりかた: I guess the length per route is may indeed be rather short. While it wasn't non-stop, I did Yukakao's route in about 1.5 days with skipping the h-scenes after the first one. My reading style is a bit strange, though, in that I read the text and take in what I can understand without any further "research" *lol*. It would have been nice if I had been able to see my played time per save as the usual computer/console RPGs do, so I can't provide any useful information as I usually don't pay much attention to it :redface:
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My reading style is a bit strange, though, in that I read the text and take in what I can understand without any further "research" *lol*.
I don't think that's strange, at least I do the same for most games. Some special cases like あきゆめくくる do prompt me do look up some technical words to fully understand the sci-fi explanations, but otherwise I'll let the specific words fly by and just try to understand them by context.

I've finally received a few days ago my copy of Danganronpa 3, and managed to squeeze enough time to play through the prologue : it's looking very good so far. I again had to pay customs import taxes for it though, so I'm writing off Play-Asia for future Japanese game orders. That leaves me with a $5 coupon (for an order of minimum $60) that is probably going to go unused, if someone's interested send me a PM and I'll give you the code, it expires on April 2017.

EDIT: Done with chapter 1. I'll admit I did not expect things to go this way... I'm both happy the game managed to surprise me so much but also pretty sad. Well done game, well done. Despair indeed.
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It took me a while, but I've finally finished Danganronpa V3. The story was more conventional than the previous games in the series, and while the ending was as usual a festival of craziness, I feel chapters 2 to 4 were pretty unoriginal and weak. I guess there's only so much closed circle murder mystery one can do before it starts to repeat itself. While the development team did try to introduce new concepts, they didn't really do much to change the usual formulae. Thankfully Chapter 5 and 6 managed to bring by the originality, with the usual Danganronpa grand finale that manages to subvert some of the genre's tropes and even explain a few of the weaker points of the scenario (things in chapter 1 in particular) though some still remain. The epilogue was probably not warranted as it cheapens the ending, but oh well.

The game in general felt much easier than the two previous ones, I've only come across a couple phases for which I didn't know the answer before the debate even started... It doesn't help that the flashy tricks the criminals employ were rather simple and obvious this time. It's possible to reverse proofs to lie now but these sequences are announced loud and clear so you know you have to lie in the upcoming debate, and it's not used anywhere else apart to enter some very short alternate branches. Some of the new modes are interesting but again rather easy, the Panic Debate in particular was scaring me since you have to listen to multiple lines at once but they all ended up being very easy (apart from the very last one, but only because I hadn't bought any silencer upgrade).

There's a lot to do in the game once past the main scenario, with a few casino games to earn coins to buy presents, skills and most importantly 'love keys' to play out the fantasies of a random character during a dream in a love hotel sequence. I think it's the farthest the team has gone so far, the game certainly deserves its 17+ rating, but these sequences are usually hilarious, making the coin grind worth it. Bonus modes include a reality-TV-show style mode to max out everyone's affinity and more, and a very fun character raising simulator/dungeon crawler combo that was quite interesting to delve into, though it's very time consuming.

Overall, I liked it. The main game is a little less good that the previous entries in the series, but the bonus content made up for it in my book.
This thread is so quiet lately... not that I have much to say either, as I'm currently very slowly progressing on よめがみ. Toono Soyogi's voice is a cute as always, but the scenario is a little odd. I know incest is common in mythology but some of the characters relationships brings the concept to new levels, as the MC can hook up with his mom, his daughter, his sister, some of them combined in a single character.

Other than that, I recently started Ciel Nosurge that I picked up for a couple bucks, unaware that to get the last three quarters of the story I would have to pay for DLCs (10 chapters, 500 yen each, not including costumes and such). So far it's pretty cute and while I already know part of Ion's story from Ar Nosurge, it gives events in the latter an interesting perspective. We'll see if Ion's charm manages to make me fork out money to keep going.

Anyway, I haven't even started January's games yet and February's are already around the corner. Here's what I noticed for this month :

桜花裁き : A new company, with another attempt at the deduction/eroge combo. It looks very nice but I'm always very wary with games that combine gameplay with deduction segments, as they tend to turn to ridiculous nukige-style plot developments so the ero has a chance to fit in (see Shinsou Noise), for better and often worse. It's also set in past Japan, and I'm not too good with either old Japanese or reading Japanese from top to bottom rather than left to right, so we'll see.

スイセイギンカ : I still haven't tried Akatsuki Works's previous title 緋のない所に烟は立たない, but it's getting passable reviews. It looks like the story will involve a mystery but the game's writer doesn't seem to have much experience in the genre from what I can tell, so I don't know... Kiritani Hana voicing the main character is probably the main reason I'm even looking at this game right now.

And... that's it. I guess that's good as that gives me one more month to at least start January's titles before they permanently join the backlog list.
I see it is pretty quiet over here so I might just post a bit from what I have read so kzel does not hold monopoly on the thread. :)

Finished アマツツミ, well the main story at least. Since the story follows a waterfall design, the common is basically all of the sub-heroine routes combined with branches after each story arc. Each story arc was pretty interesting by itself, but suffered from a lot of forced sex scenes (of course). I was pleasantly surprised that the MC's power have not been exploited that much over the run of the game. Had not the courage to try one of the sub routes after the previous waterfall experience (but I want to get back to Kokoro at least, because Akino Hana), so I just went with Hotaru. Hotaru's route was really emotional, both for the MC (who did not know any emotions to begin with) and me as the reader. However, I felt that both of her endings were butchered as they were basically good ends (only one being happier than the other).

Right now I am playing シンソウノイズ. Started because of the art style and after playing through to the bad end, I can't say there is much more there going for the game. The characters are likable enough but plain. Once again, the VN has waterfall-like story (I should really research this beforehand) and forced sex scenes. Even though the first one had a deep meaning, the rest of them did not even had to be there and the story would not have suffered at all.
Common route is once again divided into character arcs, each for one of the heroines. Each arc also comes with a mystery to be solved, but the system was pretty shallow - you can just go through it in a while with guesswork as there are no bad ends (you can't accuse the wrong person). Also over the run of the game a lot of supernatural powers other than the MC's were introduced in the mysteries, which felt really cheap. Just go with something clever, not hypnosis/body control/illusion/whatever. This time around I tried finishing one of the sub heroine routes first (Saaya, since she was obviously the most interesting of the bunch. Also Akino Hana, duh!) and found out I should just have stayed with the main story. No added value in that route (1 or 2 sex scenes, no further character/story development at all).
Still need to finish the proper ending of the game but so far I would not recommend this to read. It is average at best.

For February, not much going on. Probably just gonna go with しゅがてん because Shiratama. Also should be nice to play some less serious VN from time to time.
Thanks Cubky, I was starting to feel a little lonely, being the only one who posted something in a month... I swear one of these days I'll have a whole page of this thread all to myself! So far I've only managed 3-4 posts in a row, so this goal is within my grasp, I just gotta play more VNs so I have anything relevant to write.

For February, not much going on. Probably just gonna go with しゅがてん because Shiratama. Also should be nice to play some less serious VN from time to time.
Is Shiratama famous as an artist? The only game I've played in which he participated was 恋×シンアイ彼女, the art was nice but not to the point I'd play a game just to see more of it. Looking at the game's official site gallery, I find the eyes a little too spaced-out, and that last picture... no thanks.

As for me, I finally started playing 人気声優のつくりかた. I'll admit the generally good reviews of the game probably made me expect too much out of it, and as a result I have to say I've been severely disappointed after finishing about two thirds of it (Itsumi, Konatsu, and part of Yukako's route that I entered by mistake).

First of all, and that's entirely a misunderstanding on my part, but I was hoping to read about 18+ games seiyuus in particular, while the game focused on all-age, and in particular anime Character Voices. This may be a total misconception of my part, but I like to think that adult CVs are a little further away from the 'idol' side business, with fewer or less popular signing events, live radios and such. I'm really not a fan of this kind of merchandising of someone's image, and hoped to avoid having to deal with it, but alas.

Second, the game is unbalanced between trying to depict a profession realistically while having everything surrounding it be extremely hard to swallow as reality. Let's be generous and assume the characters are, as the warning says, all 18 of age or more. Some of them started the job 2, 3 years ago, am I really supposed to believe some of the CVs in big production anime are 14 years old? Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I highly doubt it. Then, we have professional managers who can't seem to do their work better than a completely untrained and inexperienced high-schooler (the MC). Even more amazing is that these managers are completely fine with a boy living in their talent's dorm, you'd think they'd object but nope. With such incompetence, I seriously doubt they would still be in the profession, much less in charge of the current golden goose.

And then, we have the MC himself, who retired from being a child actor a year ago (which means he has at most a few years of experience), yet is able to give spot-on advice and lessons on a completely different domain. While the various things he says all turn out to be true, I really disliked his pompous and borderline arrogant attitude, especially when offering his opinion to people who are supposed to have way more experience than him. Not only that, but he's also able to keep attending school and work his part-time job while managing a whole dormitory by himself (his sister getting busy rapidly), a job that required two full-time adults. He also has no problem assisting the various girls with their training for hours, waking up at 3 a.m. to listen to a radio show, finding time to play a MMORPG... I'm sorry, but I can't relate at all to this kind of fantasy superhuman, and in a story that tries to be realistic otherwise, it completely breaks my suspension of disbelief every time it's mentioned.

Game-wise, I was also honestly shocked at the way the game handles choices. The game occasionally offers the player two option, but choosing the wrong one adds a line in which the MC or a present character basically denies said choice. For instance, the game may ask "Do I wait for her?", but if you say "Go back home", the MC will prompt in and say something to the extent of "Yeah, but no, I'll wait anyway", with a hidden "I don't give a shit about what you, the player, wants" that I couldn't help feeling. If a game has plot-relevant scenes in the common route that can't be avoided, then don't give you player the apparent ability to avoid them, then deny them a few seconds later. That's at best taking me for a fool, at worse mocking me for making the 'wrong' choice. What if I don't want to create a harem situation and make everyone fall for the MC at the same time? I would have much rather had a plain and simple route select screen than this.

Despite all that, the game managed to maintain my interest with the occasional CV trivia, but I'll admit that my clicking frequency tended to get higher and higher as the routes unfolded. The scenario is predictable from a mile away, resorting to cliches a little too much to my liking. Oh look, rain's falling, time for drama... I'm not against cliches, but going this far, and given my doubts about the characters credibility in the first place, I found it very difficult to relate and feel anything. The game follows a classic 'everything goes wrong' -> 'MC and heroine hook up' -> 'everything is fixed' formulae that was, honestly, boring. I have to say though, Haruka Sora's tears and shouting did make me shake a little. Kusuhara Yui's performance is also very good, especially as her part playing the rookie seiyuu was certainly not the easiest, as she had to intentionally sound inexperienced. The way I see it, the CVs are really the only thing that stand out in the game, which given the title isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I was expecting much more.

In conclusion, I really wouldn't recommend this game for anything but the bits of trivia on the CV profession. Everything else is either bland or just frustrating. The heroines aren't bad but the most interesting one, Noa, isn't even an option.
I'm still here as well, just cant find any time to play eroges because of the fucking work but definitely not missing any of you guys' posts. Well things started to slow down a bit so I'll probably be able to play some eroges at this weekend, most likely 桜花裁き or some january releases like Aikagi or Seiyuu no tsukurikata.

I'll wait some kind of walkthrough before jumping into 桜花裁き tho, and hope it wont go full nukigeish developments just as kzel feared.
February didn't really have any must-haves for me, so I finally finished the old-ish Izumo 3 with Kayano's ending. The final boss was with Level 54 not that hard, especially with 白兎 in the active armor slot. The background story around Orihime was quite sad. I'm glad to have chosen a route where Maya received positive outcome (which happens in only two "routes", sort of =/ ), even though it felt quite rushed. The epilogue was short, but I'm glad that Takeru finally made up with Yayoi. That took a looong time. So yeah, not much had happend VN-wise for me.
I'll wait some kind of walkthrough before jumping into 桜花裁き tho, and hope it wont go full nukigeish developments just as kzel feared.
It doesn't. In fact, apart from a few bathing CGs, there's practically no ero content in the main portion of the game. It's all reserved for the heroines' routes that, for what I played so far, felt more like an omake that an actual part of the game. More details further.

I've been playing 桜花裁き lately, and I'm happy to say my fears turned out to be unfounded. After finishing the main game (common route) and two of the heroines (Koume and Ayaka) routes, I have to say the game is actually pretty nice, pleasant to read and occasionally funny. The story is roughly divided in two parts, the first part being the common route with the trials and deduction game, and the second one being the heroines routes in a very typical eroge fashion.

Let's start with the first part then. The game reminded me a lot of the earlier Phoenix Wright games in its presentation, characters and cases. The humor is less funny, but it being fully voiced is certainly a plus. In fact, giving the MC a voice as well would have certainly made the main game better. Chapters are divided between short ADV parts in which the characters are introduced or go on their daily lives, investigations in which you examine screens to collect evidence and testimonies from a variety of people involved, and finally trials. All of this works exactly the same as a Phoenix Wright game. Sure, a magistrate is not the same as a lawyer, but mechanically it works the exact same way : you point out contradictions in people's testimony by presenting evidence, or pick the right answer to the question asked. Overall, the game isn't too difficult, and the ability to quick save anytime removes any kind of pressure and makes perfecting the trials (to unlock some bonus CGs) something easily doable on a first run. There are a few jumps in logic here and there, but it's enjoyable all the same. I was a little disappointed by the sound design though. Music is fine, but the trials suffer from a lack of punch, especially when presenting evidence. There's no "Igi ari" or "Sore wa chigau yo", just a short rumbling as a CG passes through, it's much less satisfying.

Cases themselves vary in quality, with a very good introduction to the game in its first chapter, a rather weak second one that suffered from the most gaps in logic, a third one that felt a little hard on poor Sakura and with an out-of-nowhere conclusion, and a fourth one that was very intriguing until the last boss finally got revealed in all its twisted vision of society. The voice acting really shines in the game with a very diverse cast that makes for easily identifiable characters, and there's no shortage of CGs to illustrate the cases and rare actions sequences. In fact, roughly 66% of the CGs are devoted to the deduction game alone, which is a surprise considering it is being sold as an eroge. That's not to say the ero content is weak though, as heroines can have up to five ecchi scenes (some of them having more than one CG). I wouldn't put it past Irodori to have plans for an all-age version without the ero content at some point, if the game does well. It wouldn't be a difficult task : blur the boobs of the few bathing CGs, and cut out the second part of the game, and you've got a shortish, but pretty decent Phoenix Wright clone set in medieval Japan.

On to the second part of the game then, the heroine's routes. I haven't finished all of them yet, but I'll say that they vary greatly in both content and interesting events. I finished Koume's route first, in which Shimei decides to help her out. The two get closer, there are gently pushes to get the MC to confess, they end up together and then have sex to their heart's content, and that's pretty much it. It... wasn't thrilling, to say the least. After the main game, I had some affection for the characters so I read on, but it did feel very flat, as nothing of note really happens apart from Koume revealing a side of herself that clashes with her quiet and reserved image. I fear that Rimu and Sakura's route will be similar to Koume as they both start from the same position as hers, but I'll read through them and update the post when I have.

Ayaka's route however (unlocked only after beating the game, don't rush it!) was a clear departure from the rest of the game, and I loved it. It's used to show a much darker, less idealistic world to the relatively sheltered MC, and dispenses some nice messages about bonds and family. It has the least sex scenes and they only happen rather late, and it's not overly long either, but it also helps put the actions of some of the character in a perspective that was difficult to grasp with only the peaceful context of the City of Cherry-Blossoms. Here's hoping Shino's route turns out to be as interesting.

It's difficult to give a recommendation for the game. The deduction part is nice but if that's what you're looking for, Phoenix Wright and Danganronpa do it better. The ero is completely separated, and treated mostly as an omake, so I remain unconvinced it's possible to elegantly mix the two types of games together. I'll update the post when I've read more of the characters' routes and seen if they're all as worth going through as Ayaka's route was.

Quick words on キミの瞳にヒットミー, that I played about half of (Hitomi and Maou routes completed). For a Giga title, it's actually not that bad. It doesn't reinvent the wheel and certainly won't win any originality contests, but if you're looking for a short charage with odd characters (MC expected, he's just your standard nice guy), or just want to listen to Kiritani Hana crack lame jokes, that's not the worst pick you could make.
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There's actually a VN I started playing: リターニアの精霊使い -迷宮を征く者, mainly for its rpg elements as its story seems to be very basic (or rather more like a reason to send you dungeon crawling). Random loot, a skill tree and a classic tank, healer, support, attacker, magic attacker, allrounder (MC) approach. While I'm usually quite terrible in making skill point decisions, it somehow worked out so far and there's an uncommon-ish item which lets you reset your points. Game over in boss battles lead to monster rape >_<, so obviously I reset once I'm near losing (those painful magic attacks!). So yeah, pretty simple game but nice enough to play in an on-and-off fashion.
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Guys could you help me please? I got this game and the text seems kinda werid with some symbols i´ve never seen before View attachment 14659View attachment 14660View attachment 14661. Why could this be happening? I have my PC on japanese locale and i boot the game with admin. I would appreaciate ur help

I don't know the reason but that's a pretty common issue - probably intended - with some eroge companies. In this case, use ntleas ( to run the VN. If you haven't used it before: After unzipping the .rar file start ntleasWin.exe and and click on the "..." under AppPath. Navigate to the VN folder, select kimino.exe > "Save & Run"
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I don't know the reason but that's a pretty common issue - probably intended - with some eroge companies. In this case, use ntleas ( to run the VN. If you haven't used it before: After unzipping the .rar file start ntleasWin.exe and and click on the "..." under AppPath. Navigate to the VN folder, select kimino.exe > "Save & Run"

Thanks dude :D
Is Shiratama famous as an artist? The only game I've played in which he participated was 恋×シンアイ彼女, the art was nice but not to the point I'd play a game just to see more of it. Looking at the game's official site gallery, I find the eyes a little too spaced-out, and that last picture... no thanks.

Not sure about his popularity actually. Although I have already met a few random people online that knew him so I guess he is getting there.

Yeah that scene seems really out of place. But having played a bit of the game I can see why they went there since the heroine is portrayed as a dog-type girl.

As I mentioned in my last post, I have started playing しゅがてん. Currently somewhere in Kouri's route and would have waited with the post after having played a bit more if only the game did not have one element that really infuriated me:
This VN has by far the worst sound effects of any VN I have ever read by far. Seriously, when you take someone's hand it really should not sound like you are beating them with a hammer. If you are considering picking up this VN just start with sound effects off and thank me later.
Apart from that its nice and relaxing as expected, with a splash of mystery in the setting (with a memory-loss MC because of course).
Not much going on for me lately VN-wise, just slowly continuing ongoing games.

桜花裁き : Unfortunately as I feared both Sakura and Rimu's routes were very lacking in both feeling and content. Just like Koume's, the MC just works with the chosen one, develops feelings, gets friendly advice from the rest of the cast, confesses, has sex and that's about it. Still, I liked Rimu's aggressiveness in her route, it was cute. Shino's route was much better, at least for the first half of it. It touches on something that is otherwise glanced over very quickly in the main game : dealing with the death of people that had a pretty big importance in the characters' life. The main part had its share of deaths but I always felt characters related recovered too quickly. Shino's route second half isn't that great as her character breaks apart in a effort to make her appear cuter, but I found her former personality (cold and straight-to-the-point) more appealing. Finally, the main game's "bad end" introduces the only 3P but honestly it was extremely short and awful. It's a bad end so who cares but still, I feel bad for the characters involved. As it is, only Ayaka's and the first half of Shino's route were worth reading, the rest felt more like fanfic than an integral part of a story.

キミの瞳にヒットミー : I ended up finishing all the routes, as the game is relatively short. Shiina's route was probably the worst, and also the shortest. It started alright but the later chapters are really rushed and last less than a couple minutes each... Miko in contrast had more development than the other three, and was easily the most entertaining of the four given her personality.

Ciel Nosurge : I ended up buying it after completing the first two chapters included with the game originally. I went for the Offline version as it's much less expensive than getting all the DLCs, and it has all the outfits included as well. However I kinda regret buying this version as the experience with the Offline version is a little less immersive. For people who don't know, most of the game is spent "living" with Ion and guiding her daily efforts, but in the offline version the player has much more control, including the immersion-breaking ability to skip time to speed up the item creation process and relationship progress. I feel that breaks the spell of the game a little, and so do the little loading screens between activities instead of the original's lengthy, but smooth animations of Ion walking around her room. I'm also starting to feel the limits of the scripts as the discussion with Ion tend to repeat themselves, but the dates, memories and item creation comments are still fresh so I keep going. I can only hope more talk topics will unlock when Ion's love meter raises one step further.
I've been looking for a light baka-ge lately so I've tried a few games before I finally settled down to one.

恋愛0キロメートル : Baka-ge and Asa Project usually go hand-in-hand, so I tried this one first as it seemed to be the studio's highly rated game. The game is indeed funny and characters all have their particularities, but what drove me away was the creepy obstination of the MC in making his temporary sisters recognize him as their brother. Dude, you're NOT their brother, and it's only a few weeks temporary arrangement. Just like with another Asa Project game, プラマイウォーズ, I really have a hard time accepting the staff's views on family and its ends up ruining the mood and therefore ruining the laughs. I quit before even entering any heroine's route.

らぶおぶ恋愛皇帝 of LOVE! : Next I gave Harukaze's first game a shot, since Noratoto was good at providing laughs most of the time. I didn't hate the game, but I stopped playing at the first confession event (chose Erika first because Kiritani Hana). While there are a lot of gags and jokes, the writing switches very brutally from one style to another. It's not at all unusual to have one scene go from comedy to poetic self-introspection, traumatic past recollection, drama then switch back, without a single line of transition, to comedy... The story's flow is very uneven which makes for a tiring read in which each line has to be read carefully, because there could be some important character development hidden in the middle of a joke battle between school council members. Since I've been looking for a light-hearted read, this is exactly what I don't want to do so I'm going to put this one on hold. Also, I really can't stand Rukina and the MC's attachment to her is very difficult to relate to.

ひとつ飛ばし恋愛 : Back to Asa Project then, and this one was exactly what I was looking for. The concept itself is original and well made : the usual heroine stereotypes like sisters or childhood friends are present and very cute, but they're only sub-characters. Even better, in most route (one excepted) these characters don't have and don't develop any romantic feelings for the MC which is a nice change from all those games that start at maximum affection and insist on creating harem situations. Instead, it's these characters' friend that are the heroines. While they don't stray too far from other heroine stereotypes (school idol, cool senpai, genki kouhai), they have their particularities that set them apart, like being suspiciously close to one of the female friends, or being so extremely annoying that it actually ends up being funny.

As usual with Asa Project the quality and tone varies a lot between different character routes. Risa's was probably the funniest but it was also pretty awful in terms of events and story. The MC can be quite mean to her but she can also be so stupid that it can be justified somewhat (for instance, why the couple actually got together initially). Aori's route was my least favorite because it crushed the MC's little sister's Kurenai's character in plot developments that weren't that funny. It also kinda breaks the game's concept. I liked Natsume's route, especially since Meg the MC's big sister's character remains the same in this one and her pranks are hilarious. Natsume herself was really cute in the usual 'cool senpai but innocent about love'. Add Toono Soyogi's cute voice on top for additional gap-moe. Finally, Sakura's route involved as expected a love triangle but not the usual kind, and it was treated with the minimum amount of drama and tears (none!). While playing her route I couldn't help but get reminded of Rina from Fureraba. They look alike so much, and they're both voiced by Aji Sanma. Here's a picture of both for comparison : Rina / Sakura.

Easily the most entertaining Asa Project game I've played so far, with no intra-family bullshit and no obscure otaku meta-jokes. Just pure comedy and cute characters, and a concept that is mostly adhered to thoroughly, one I found pretty fresh for a moege. I'll probably try the other Asa Project games eventually, though unfortunately one of their better reviewed one, アッチむいて恋, involves a trap main character. No thank you.

March releases are around the corner, so here's a quick review of what I might play and comment on later:

水葬銀貨のイストリア : Uguisu Kagura made a very compelling mystery VN with their first title 紙の上の魔法使い, so I'll most likely give their second game a try. The presence of Akino Hana and Kusuhara Yui in the cast is certainly a plus.

はるるみなもに! : Clochette's latest game. ここから夏のイノセンス! was a good charage even though I couldn't (and still can't) get myself to complete Iroha's route. Battle between deities is less interesting to me than summer vacation in the countryside but we'll see. Also, Kiritani Hana's in the cast.

トリノライン : Will this be the game that introduces me to Minori? We'll see, it looks interesting but oh boy is it heavy : the MC's little sister died and is replaced years later by a look-alike android with her memories. Better get ready for some Drama and Tears before starting this one.

こいのす☆イチャコライズ : Not much to expect from this one apart from some pure icha-icha, but I like that and Akino Hana (under her nukige alias, which is telling...) is in the cast, so why not. It seems there will be little common route which is plus for me, I really dislike games that drag on and try to create a harem situation before the heroine selection occurs.

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