Visual Novel Cafe

The route itself is not that similar. Hikari is a quiet kouhai, devoted, and fell in love with the MC at first sight. The character in HimeのちHoney whose drama is similar is nothing like that. However, the two characters situation is very similar. Both have a hearing disability, and both show the same signs throughout the route : misunderstanding words, apparently forgetting or ignoring conversations or calls, and sometimes saying things that make little sense. When Hikari started showing those signs I suspected she had hearing problems immediately, and I was right on the money.

I said her drama was handled better in HimeのちHoney because in my experience, people with disabilities don't really want pity, help or special arrangements. What I think they want most is to be treated like everyone else. Hikari keeps her condition secret because she thinks people will distance themselves from her if they find out, and start hating her. In short, she's ashamed of her disability. In her route, once the MC knows her secret he immediately jumps to her aid, and convinces her to tell her secret to the rest of the group so that they can adapt to her situation (no more whispering, talking clearly, repeating when she asks).

In HimeのちHoney's case, the character it involves is afraid of that very thing : she has been receiving special treatment because of her disability, and her parents make their best to keep it secret because the truth would shame them. However, she just wants to live a normal life without constantly wondering if people are nice to her because she's different, out of pity, or because they really want to be with her. So she keeps her condition a secret and enlists in the school. When the MC finds out and starts unconsciously treating her differently, it inevitably leads to a clash.
I wouldn't really recommend HimeのちHoney, especially if your backlog is already large enough. For an ASA Project game, it's not that funny, and it has quite a few annoying moments with arrogant nobles and an overconfident MC. The game is short though, so it doesn't require as large a time investment as your typical VN. Also, Erisu is a cute little devil.

Oh thank you very much for such a nice and long explanation. To be honest after reading your comment and some reviews at EGS it doesnt feel like worth of jumping over all of my backlog, but I'll still add it to my list at least since I really like the disability type dramas. Seriously the eroge industry need more of them, but I guess they are way harder to write than some classic stuff.
Is there a particular game from Sagaplanets that you would recommend then? I don't mind heavy drama if it's properly executed and doesn't come out of nowhere.
Hatsusaku is probably the game why people even like Sagaplanets in the first place so try that. Karumaruka is also a fun moege but if you want to play it I recommend doing it after Hatsusaku (because it has minor references) but not a must. Also if you don't mind little older stuff then Natsunagi.
Just found and reinstalled the first Otoboku...and skimmed it with greater clarity than in the past...

...I haven't felt so invested in VN for such a long time...
[...] I really like the disability type dramas. Seriously the eroge industry need more of them, but I guess they are way harder to write than some classic stuff.
Yeah, it's not that common a theme. In recent titles, only Amakano 2 comes to mind. While not exactly the same, sickly/dying heroines usually follow a similar pattern, and they tend to show up more often. I'll keep an eye out but I think I'd hesitate to mention such a big plot point in my comments, unless particularly obvious. It can be a huge spoiler for the route.

Hatsusaku is probably the game why people even like Sagaplanets in the first place so try that. Karumaruka is also a fun moege but if you want to play it I recommend doing it after Hatsusaku (because it has minor references) but not a must. Also if you don't mind little older stuff then Natsunagi.
I've started playing はつゆきさくら, up to the start of Chapter 6 and the valentine festival. So far, I like the mood of the game, the characters are cute and cheerful, yet their behavior hints at some traumatic experiences in the past, and the MC's behavior makes a bit of sense given his goal. However, now that the game has started proper, I can't help but notice something I absolutely hate in it : enforced playing order.

Map selection screens with only one character available was a bad sign, and after a quick lookup, I found out the game enforces playing order quite severely : the first route is mandatory, then you can only choose between two, completing each unlocks one other, and the last one is only available after finishing all the others... Reminds me of サクラノ詩-櫻の森の上を舞う- which was also very rigid in who you are allowed to pursue at any given time, and being stuck with characters I didn't want made me abandon that game.

I'll keep playing for now, but my interest has greatly diminished.

Just found and reinstalled the first Otoboku...and skimmed it with greater clarity than in the past...

...I haven't felt so invested in VN for such a long time...
Trap protagonists again. Speaking of which, I recently installed アッチむいて恋. Maybe it'll be the game that reconciles me with all these crossdressers...

While I'm at it, quick review of the upcoming May titles I may play :

あなたに恋する恋愛ルセット : Yeah, yet another pastry joint. After the cafes, seems like this is the new fad in the eroge industry. Still, it's Unison Shift so I'm hoping there'll be something more than a moege set in a sweets shop.

ニュートンと林檎の樹 : Looks like it's taking a comedic approach, but I can be annoying when history and science gets involved so I don't know. The CV cast is pretty good though.

That's about it. There's Eushully's new game but I'll wait for reviews until playing it, I can't say I'm a fan of their previous games (I never actually completed one).
With regards to Otoboku, the past was a gaping it feels somewhat filled after I walk-run through the kouhais' all makes sense now after so many years...

I seriously need to go back to Kanojo Step (not a big fan of creeping Noe out at every turn, but I'll bite)...when my RMB decides to go kaputt.
I am currently finishing up on はるるみなもに.
Nothing much to write about, the visuals, VA and sound in general were great. As were the character interactions - cute and funny. However, the plot and romance left a lot to be desired. Each character's route so far was basically just a bit of romance at start, up until a confession scene, a lot of sex after that (I thought this was supposed to be a charage?!) and the resolution of a final (predictable) dramatic situation... Eh, I have expected a little bit more in regards to the love aspect.
I would love to get a fandisk for some of the side characters though.

ニュートンと林檎の樹 : Looks like it's taking a comedic approach, but I can be annoying when history and science gets involved so I don't know. The CV cast is pretty good though.

That's about it. There's Eushully's new game but I'll wait for reviews until playing it, I can't say I'm a fan of their previous games (I never actually completed one).

Exactly what I am planning to play next month actually. Newton for Akino Hana, Castle Meister for Kiritani Hana (and to get away from pastry joints!).
I am currently finishing up on はるるみなもに. [...] I would love to get a fandisk for some of the side characters though.
Good job finishing it, I just couldn't stand it anymore after playing a route and a half. I don't ask much from the story of charage/moege, but it should at least not drastically lower the characters' appeal and cuteness. Alas, this game's story was so awful that I just lost interest quickly during the "romance" phase, and couldn't even view it as a nukige, despite the good art and excellent CV cast.

By the way, which sub-character were you interested in? Miori's priestess was the most interesting character of the game, but I guess the sempai, the teacher and the mermaid were fine too. Unless you were going for the poverty god... A fandisk with very little story would actually be an improvement over the base game for me.

Exactly what I am planning to play next month actually. Newton for Akino Hana, Castle Meister for Kiritani Hana (and to get away from pastry joints!).
Speaking of pastry joints, did you ever finish Shugaten ? Do you think it's worth playing ? Also, Kiritani Hana (aka Tanezaki Atsumi) will soon participate in a radio broadcast about the upcoming Noratoto anime and sequel.

I'll finish with a few comments on recently played games :

アッチむいて恋 : This won't be the game that makes me like or even tolerate crossdressing after all. I appreciate that the MC feels bad about it, but it's still a cheap and deceptive way to get to know someone. I've only finished Yuuyu's route so far, and it was pretty funny, but also extremely short. The other characters are nowhere near as interesting, and some are actually seriously off-putting (special mention for the creepy gay best-friend you have to endure the whole game), so I'll probably never come back to it.

死印 : I've played the demo of this horror VN for the PS VITA coming out at the beginning of next month. It's alright if you like me appreciate ghost stories. Very minimal voice acting is kind of a bummer though.
Spent the whole evening on Otoboku again...this time I walk/run through Shion's story...four down, two more to go.

I can now appreciate the consistency of the whole thing and how different scenarios are explored...
Good job finishing it, I just couldn't stand it anymore after playing a route and a half. I don't ask much from the story of charage/moege, but it should at least not drastically lower the characters' appeal and cuteness. Alas, this game's story was so awful that I just lost interest quickly during the "romance" phase, and couldn't even view it as a nukige, despite the good art and excellent CV cast.

By the way, which sub-character were you interested in? Miori's priestess was the most interesting character of the game, but I guess the sempai, the teacher and the mermaid were fine too. Unless you were going for the poverty god... A fandisk with very little story would actually be an improvement over the base game for me.

Well near the end I found myself skipping through most of the routes so finishing it was not much of an effort to be honest. Still need to skip through Miori's route.

As for the side-characters, I found Yoriko the most interesting, same as you. Also voiced by Oukawa Mio, top pick anytime! I do hope she will get at least some spotlight in Miori's route.
After that the mermaid youkai would be my second. 500yo (or how many years that was) virgin could be pure comedy if done correctly. The teacher had some cutesy moments but otherwise not really my favourite. Senpai was just a いいじゃないですか~ machine.

Speaking of pastry joints, did you ever finish Shugaten ? Do you think it's worth playing ?

Oh right I forgot I played that... And to be honest can't really remember much about it other than it being cute and relaxing with not much drama going around. Finished only Koori's route as the other heroines did not really appeal to me - one is stylized as a dog in appearance, character and interactions (I guess that where the weird H-scene from the previews comes in!), while the other is your regular ニッポンゴムズカシイ type of heroine, which I hate from the bottom of my heart.
As for Koori her quirk is that even though she basically owns the shop she gets drunk (at least I think it was drunk) from sweets. You know the drill. Anyway hard to recommend it. Maybe for the art?

Also, Kiritani Hana (aka Tanezaki Atsumi) will soon participate in a radio broadcast about the upcoming Noratoto anime and sequel.

Reminds me that I should work on getting Noratoto out of my backlog. Skipped it back when it came out but I have been seeing mentions of it here and there ever since. And with the sequel getting announced recently time is of the essence!
By the way, the demo of Wagamama High Spec (or Wagahigh) released on Steam both in English and Japanese.
Anyone played in original full version? How was that? Because I completed the demo, and still understand nothing about all heroines. It would be great if anybody share his opinion on the game. Thank you very much!
Reminds me that I should work on getting Noratoto out of my backlog. Skipped it back when it came out but I have been seeing mentions of it here and there ever since. And with the sequel getting announced recently time is of the essence!
It's a pretty good game IF you can tolerate the writing style that can go all over the place. Rather than a well-structured and coherent story, the game rests on its ability to maintain a high tension with violent mixes of comedy and drama. Be aware that the text can switch from stupid jokes to serious introspection in the very same scene. That doesn't sound like high-praise, and indeed it isn't, but if you can follow along Hato's crazy ideas without questioning them at every turn it's an entertaining trip. The only major complaint I'd have is that Sachi's route was rushed.

By the way, the demo of Wagamama High Spec (or Wagahigh) released on Steam both in English and Japanese.
Anyone played in original full version? How was that? Because I completed the demo, and still understand nothing about all heroines. It would be great if anybody share his opinion on the game. Thank you very much!
I played it about a year ago. From what I remember : a fairly standard moege. As far as heroines goes, Toa is a wagamama little sister that bosses her brother around, Mihiro is a kouhai that likes to tease him, Kaoruko is a closet pervert ojou-sama that wants to find friends that understand her hobbies, and Ashe is a sheltered tsundere ojou-sama.

Abandoning any self-respect and netiquette, I'll just self-quote what I wrote about it here at the time :
I've spent about a dozen hours giving ワガママハイスペック a shot and so far it's pretty good. The common route is fairly typical, with an accent put on the comedy aspect with a few stupid friends and situations to resolve revolving around said friends messing up or being plain morons. Not too much lucky sukebe for once, which is nice considering the MC's side job and the way he met with Ashe. Toa and Mihiro's teasing is funny but I couldn't help but sometimes pity the MC a little, they really don't hold back. Kaoruko and Ashe don't really strike me as wagamama so far, closet pervert ojousama for the first and plain and simple tsundere for the later, but that may appear once entering into their routes.

I've played through Toa's route and as far as wagamama heroines, she's certainly up there. Although rather than the usual, spontaneous and childish kind of wagamama I'm most used to and find cute to watch the MCs endure, I found she went sometimes a little too far in treating her big brother as not much more than a slave. As the route develops we get to hear more of Toa's feelings during short changes of perspective, especially during the drama part that happens in the later half, but she never really breaks her superior attitude (sometimes during ecchi only) when she interacts with the MC. Her words can also be pretty mean, but since that doesn't make the MC's feelings even flinch I guess that serves to show just how much he cares for her.

I'm currently a third(?) of the way on Mihiro's route and it's pretty nice also, but she's somewhat lost her teasing side and got a rather pronounced lonely one.

Agreed that Saru's character gets old really fast in the common route, and it doesn't help that he's the source of most of the problems the MC faces. Thankfully he doesn't appear much in character routes (played all but Kaoruko so far). So far I've played Toa, Mihiro and Ashe's routes, they haven't been too bad. I loved Toa's route but as I said previously, you have to be able to endure her harsh words and attitude, I definitely wouldn't want to be in the MC's shoes. In Mihiro's route, the plot twist was so obvious from the start that it made the whole drama seem pointless. Ashe's route was pretty sweet, the drama at the second half was again obvious and could have been shorter, but it made for a nice final scene.

I've been playing games halfway through without finishing any lately, which isn't very satisfying and doesn't help in writing informative comments about them. Still, here are some partial opinions in case someone's interested :

はつゆきさくら : I finished the first route. It was obviously a setup for later, but I can't say I appreciate the rushed and cryptic ending.
What's up with Sakura going batshit-crazy and blaming the world for not loving the MC... Didn't SHE love him? Was that not enough? Well, given the hints so far, I'd guess she's the ghost and the MC is just a normal boy who thinks he's the ghost king, so I suppose she was expecting someone else to show up and take care of him in her stead. Said MC also apparently fell in love with Sakura (when?!), but chose his revenge over her. Which would be fine if said revenge was depicted, but it's over before it even started and the MC dies in a ocean of fire and regrets.
Anyway, time has looped back and now I get to choose between Azuma who's probably the victim of bullying, and Aya the ex-girlfriend. Hmm, maybe later? The one character that seemed interesting was Nozomu, because her drama looks rather difficult to guess, but she's not an option for now. Gotta love enforced playing order...

アッチむいて恋 : I know I said I wouldn't go back, but I did anyway because I'm stubborn and don't like to leave games half-finished (even though I keep doing just that...). I played Runa's route this time, and it was pretty awful. Plot-wise it follows the standard imouto route by having the MC be completely oblivious to her various approaches. That I can tolerate. But when the confession comes, the MC actually refuses her... only to go back on his words a few days later after realizing he wants to fuck her. What. Anyway, it would be fine if ASA Project's humor remained there but alas the jokes die down and aren't really funny anymore. Also, whoever thought it a good idea to include H-scenes in which the MC is in cross-dressed form should stop writing mainstream eroge. Sometimes it felt like I was playing one of those niche futanari games, not an experience I wish to have ever.

ヨスガノソラ : Originally started because I wanted to hear more of Toono Soyogi's voice, I was surprised to find a well written game with nice characters. There's a lot of past between the main characters, not all very bright and cheerful. A mere minutes into the game, I changed my mind and decided to go for Sora's route, because she's just too damn cute in her clingy, solitary and rude ways. Alas, her route was locked (enforced playing order again...), so I just skipped through Motoka's route, to which I'll probably come back later. Sora's drama was a fairly standard brother/sister relationship story, but with her almost yandere tendencies and the MC's hetare-yet-understandable immature way of thinking, it made for a nice refreshing read. Especially after playing so many games in which the implications of an incestuous relationship are barely touched upon.
sorry my english is not good

can anyone help me here

visual novel reader doesn't show the translation to any game except Little Busters! why

before one year i run any game and the translation shows

now i formatted windows 7 and downloaded Little Busters! to first time (so i didn't run it before) and when i run it the translation shows but to other games doesn't show why

some information maybe it's useful

- use windows 7 ultimate 64 bit

- i didn't change system locale like before so i using Locale Emulator

- when i run Little Busters! to first time the translation didn't show but when i run visual novel reader by using Locale Emulator then run Little Busters! from visual novel reader the translation shows
this method doesn't work for other games

- yesterday i changed system locale to japanese but nothing changed
Many years later and I finally got that Otoboku 2 Portable to work (on emulator; my PSP is too outdated and a little too beat up) I go...
Here goes some comments on last month's releases :

あなたに恋する恋愛ルセット : This coming from Unison Shift, I had hopes this would turn out to be more than what it says on the tin. It's not, it's a pure sweet sugary moege with extremely minimal amount of drama and very childish characters. The game provides exactly what you'd expect from the title : a cute romance while learning about sweets. I've only played Mieru's route, and I think I've had my dose of sugar for a good while already. The characters are cute and the CV do a nice job (though they dared cast Toono Soyogi as a trap!), but there's only so much I can handle before dying of diabetes.

はにデビ! Honey & Devil : The premise was rather worrisome : a succubus takes over high-society young girls and the MC is "hired" to help them deal with the problem. That looks like a straight-up nukige, but the CV cast made me at least give the game a chance. After one route, it's actually fairly tame in the sexual content in the common route, apart from the opening scene blowjob and an "accidental" peeping on a masturbation there's no other sexual act. The story instead focuses more on the exorcism part of things, with reveals about the MC's past and why he was chosen rather than just any other guy. The sub-cast is also filled with colorful character that likely provide obstacles during each heroine's route.

I've only played Ruri's route so far, and it was not as filled with sex as you would expect from the game's title. This is mostly thanks to a very prude MC that hesitates a lot and is very reticent about doing anything ecchi with the heroines (let alone sex). Both characters were very down-to-earth about the situation, and there was time spent for them to get to know each other, rather than just jump in bed. There's also a bit of drama unrelated to the succubus situation involving Ruri's father, it's cliche but it's fine to follow along.

If I had one major complaint, it's that the MC's behavior seems to contradicts what he had been taught about his situation : he claims he can deal with more demons, but his stone is one-use only. He seems worried about pregnancies but he's been taught that while possessed the heroines can't conceive. He feels special because of his lineage despite being told that he has no special power of any kind. It doesn't matter too much but it feels like he didn't pay much attention to explanations, something that doesn't fit with his calm and prudent behavior otherwise.

I'll probably play the other heroines as well (too bad Akino Hana plays the onee-san, I prefer when she plays younger characters), especially as it seems there is more to the curse that what was shown during one route only.

天結いキャッスルマイスター : This game has been eating my nights for a couple weeks now. Thanks to a current heat-wave hitting hard where I live (you'd think we're in August...), I spent more than a couple sleepless nights on this. I've now finished it, including post-game content, in a little less than 80 hours of playtime.

Story-wise, it's generic fantasy. The villains are stereotypical, the heroines seem like they've been in other games already, and the over-arching plot follows the standard things you'd expect from a forbidden land. I didn't expect much from there, and it didn't betray my expectations, but it's serviceable enough to get you going from map to map. In typical Eushully fashion, it's impossible to not end up in a harem (mandatory sex with Roseline at least), despite the main heroine Fia being also the only one. The other members of the team all have short stories and problems to deal with, and will happily offer themselves once they're resolved, while knowing full-well the MC is already in a relationship anyway. The MC starts pretty reticent about the idea of cheating on Fia (no sex scene until the two get together), but in the end he does fuck other girls and spirits alike without an ounce of remorse, so yeah.

As far as gameplay goes, it's a standard SRPG not unlike Fire Emblem (expect characters can't die). The maps start out small but rapidly grow in size, making them take a lot of time, even with movement and combat animations turned off. The difficulty is fairly low on normal, I think I only lost one mission during the whole game, and that was because some character wasn't allowed to die (even though you can rez them...). Crafting is alright and didn't require too much grinding or replaying older maps, although I had to redo the first map a few time in search of magic ore. Later on you can just buy the base material, which is good since there's not much use for money otherwise. I didn't go out of my way looking for specific things and still was able to finish the game with a couple of pages of uncrafted stuff only (out of ~40). Building up the fortress is not very engaging, as it amounts to simply placing down every building you have with minimum amount of choice and compromise.

Overall, if you like SRPGs it's certainly not a bad game though there's not much originality in it. It's an excellent time sink if you have hours to lose, and the low difficulty means you don't have to think too hard while playing which was perfect for me.
All these years...the wait was worth it. Otoboku 2 Portable is worth it just for Hatsune's story alone...
The heat wave continues, and with it so do my sleepless nights. It's not doing great at putting me in a eroge playing mood though, but thankfully Eushully is always here to provide games that just make time disappear. Without further ado, some comments about what I've been playing these past two weeks :

ちっちゃな花嫁 ~まだまだつぼみだもんっ~ : I was always curious about Galette's lolicon games, and since I definitely seem to favor younger heroines in "standard" eroges, I decided to give it a try. From what I've played, about a quarter of Haru's route up to the first ecchi, it's... weird. It's a lolicon game for people who don't want to admit they are into lolicon, which is strange considering the company history and the game itself. The protagonist is a working adult and yet, nobody questions why he hangs around girls half his age. Further contact is actually encouraged by the surrounding adults, be that the shop owner who suggests he has a romance with one of them, or even one of the kid's mom...

Maybe I'm wrong, but being recognized by the world as a lolicon (no drama needed, but some teasing at least...), and pursuing the romance still is part of the appeal. Kinda like a brother/sister romance that doesn't have anyone flinch at the abnormality of the situation, it's missing something and makes the characters feel... alien. I don't really feel like continuing despite having barely scraped one route, I guess this is a game for people who want to romance kids, without feeling the "stress" of society's views on it. It can be done stress-free and humorously though, like Mahiru in Sukisuki for example. Anyway, not recommended.

創刻のアテリアル : I started this, after reading about a Eushully game not involving high-fantasy, and with proper routes to boot. The story follows a rather standard chuuni template, with the humans awakening to superpowers, fighting demon and angels etc..., nothing new here. There are a lot of heroines in this one, and the game branches off in three different directions at about the halfway point. You can choose to ally with one of two faction, or remain neutral, which is what I did since both factions seemed like absolute dicks without a care for the humans' situation. Despite the game offering proper character routes, there's actually quite a lot of mandatory ecchi, be that with Akari at the beginning, or with Narumi and Sayane later on. These latter two are really awkward, as they take place right after the MC confesses to Arisa (my heroine of choice for being the most mysterious, though her story isn't that fleshed out), Eushully will always be Eushully... I finished the human path and seen one epilogue, but there's still barely a third of the CG filled. However, I really don't want to continue playing the game, and for one simple reason : the card battle system has outlasted its welcome.

It's not a bad system at first, and learning its ropes was actually kinda fun. However, after playing one route, I feel I've seen most of what it can offer already in terms of tactics. There are still a lot of cards I haven't seen yet, but from what I can guess, most of these will be unplayable 5+ cost units that are a real pain to summon and will more often than not just sit in the hand, only to be usable when they are not needed anyway. That's in large part due to the leader I had being stuck at 1 command point, I imagine leveling up the card would raise that at some point but it takes so long that I don't feel like finding out. Adding to the repetitive system itself, the game has many occasions in which you have to play with a specific leader and deck. Most of these are awfully bad (special mention for the angel bear deck, the hardest fight in the game), filled with high cost cards that can't be played and with questionable leader abilities. Replaying the game means you often have to use these decks again, and can't use your hand-crafted end-game one. One time was enough for me.

But what really killed the battle system for me was the terrible, terrible AI. It's just dumb, not even able to retreat its leader when he's wounded, summoning cards at apparent random whenever it's possible... They manage to provide a bit of a challenge because they have about double the leader health pool and command points of the human leader's, but that doesn't make the game interesting for it. Imagine playing Hearthstone against an Innkeeper with 60 health and drawing two cards a turn : that won't make the game any more interesting, and will only serve to point out the crippling lack of competence of the AI. This AI can be seen in action with player decks by using Auto-Battle, and watching it barely winning against foes that are otherwise no threat is funny... once.

Most of the heroines are walking stereotypes anyway, so I don't have a strong incentive to bear with this system for any longer. The human ending hinted at some more development, probably unlocked later, and the appends apparently introduced past-Eushully game character in New Game+, but the 40-ish hours I've poured in the game are enough for now.

神採りアルケミーマイスター : I've only just started, but the resemblance to 天結いキャッスルマイスター is striking. Everything, be that the battle system, crafting, menus, skills, is so similar, it's hard to believe the games are 6 years apart. The only option I'm missing is the ability to not cut out voices by advancing the text, but otherwise it feels like... playing an alternate story of Eushully latest game. I had read comments noting the lack of evolution between the two, and I have to agree. Still, since grinding the same maps for levels isn't my thing, it at least provides me with a fresh set of units and maps to go through. The story so far is generic but not too bad either, and I like the costume changing system. Money also seems to be have much more of an impact. So far, this older entry seems... better than the new one.
i have a questions for all of you

here i was, trying to run the new windows 10. and after all set, changed regions, languages even timezone to japan.
when i want to install game the icon turned to gibberish.
all fonts are perfectly normal except for japanese games.


maybe someone knows how to fix this.
I had a similar issue with the English patch of Kamidori, where the font names in the settings menu were gibberish, but after restarting my computer (and copy-pasting the patch files anew), it worked normally again. All my JP settings à la unicode etc were left untouched after the Creator Update. Don't know if it helps =/
i have a questions for all of you

here i was, trying to run the new windows 10. and after all set, changed regions, languages even timezone to japan.
when i want to install game the icon turned to gibberish.
all fonts are perfectly normal except for japanese games.
Is this doing this for all Japanese games or just this particular one? Because Eushully games have notoriously been picky about their fonts, so you may want to try changing it in the in-game menu.

What about other Japanese applications and Windows itself, are dialogs and menus displayed in proper Japanese?

Have you tried running the game through AppLocale or LocaleEmulator to see if it helps? I remember reading some things about eastern languages support being partial in Home editions of earlier Windows, maybe it's still the same with 10.
Just got new computer and might be some time before I can continue reading things...IF I do get around to do it at all...

Fun fact: Strawberry Nauts HD Renewal runs on the old YukaScript engine updated to PriministAr's standard....i.e. faces are compiled rather than in complete pieces...
Is this doing this for all Japanese games or just this particular one? Because Eushully games have notoriously been picky about their fonts, so you may want to try changing it in the in-game menu.

What about other Japanese applications and Windows itself, are dialogs and menus displayed in proper Japanese?

Have you tried running the game through AppLocale or LocaleEmulator to see if it helps? I remember reading some things about eastern languages support being partial in Home editions of earlier Windows, maybe it's still the same with 10.

tried with ohmimi from AXL... and it works just fine.
about the eushully... i got error in the middle of installing, i think this happens due to gibberish font in registry.

edited: turns out windows 10 still not fully compatible with japanese fonts, even installing normal application in Japanese mode has made the font turns to [??????]. (e.g: directX)
Last edited:
tried with ohmimi from AXL... and it works just fine.
about the eushully... i got error in the middle of installing, i think this happens due to gibberish font in registry.

edited: turns out windows 10 still not fully compatible with japanese fonts, even installing normal application in Japanese mode has made the font turns to [??????]. (e.g: directX)
Thinking back on it, you mentioned changing regions, languages and timezones to Japanese, but did you do the most obvious one : system locale? It's located in "Region and Language" properties, "Administrative" tab, "Language for non-Unicode Programs". Make sure that is set to Japanese as well.
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Thinking back on it, you mentioned changing regions, languages and timezones to Japanese, but did you do the most obvious one : system locale? It's located in "Region and Language" properties, "Administrative" tab, "Language for non-Unicode Programs". Make sure that is set to Japanese as well.

done... so that's the problem! thanks dude!
I haven't been reading much lately, spending most of my free time on 神採りアルケミーマイスター. However, the VN part of the game is definitely the worst of it, with its bland, cliche, predictable plot and its stereotyped, uninteresting characters. As always, Eushully feels obligated to offer an H-scene for each female in the game, making the protagonist the worst cheater I've seen yet. I'm surprised he didn't also fuck the dog or the sea-god as well, given how easily he strips down his clothes... Not that the other characters are any better, since it seems sex is the only thing they can think off to thank the hero, but it gets really stupid and is just a waste of CG to me. My favorite characters are actually the few New Game+ characters that don't suffer from it, namely the group of angel maids.

Anyway, the gameplay is as addictive as its sequel. However, I think I'm reaching the limit of my patience with some of the late post-game content. The amount of grindy quests just jumped through the roof, some of them adding a very strict time limit on top (looking at you Hannah). I still have a couple of those very long level 90 maps to complete, I haven't finished Emiritta's last chapter and I haven't touched Seraui's story at all, but I think I'll put the game on hold for an undetermined period of time.

I also played a very interesting VN called VA-11 HALL-A (in English). It's a relaxing experience, and it flows quickly as there is no narrative but just dialogue. The story is simple, and the whole of it takes place in a single location : a bar. And yet I managed to get more invested in this game's characters and their stories than in most ridiculous plot devices Japanese writers like to throw around. An adult protagonist is always a plus for me, especially one with issues I could easily relate to. While some conversations were pretty low-brow, most of them were rather interesting in what they told about the various characters.

There's a minimal amount of gameplay, mostly figuring out what people want when they don't order something specific, but it feels good to be recognized for paying attention. I always like it when VNs introduce a way to keep the player engaged beyond just clicking forward. It's relatively easy to clear the game with most endings on a first run, but a few requests can be a little puzzling to fulfill when you're supposed to give something other than what was ordered. The game has a pretty good soundtrack, and the art is also fairly decent : very few CGs and mostly sprites, but they're good enough although some of the necks are a bit too long. No H-scenes but there's a fair share of "adult" topics, especially if you get clients drunk or talk with the hooker or the streaming girl.

It's definitely a game worth a shot and one of the better VNs I played recently.

And now I have about 40 different VNs installed and none I really want to start... I guess I'll wait for July's release to get back into it.

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ProfProcPlot wrote on Lebedev's profile.
Could you please re-upload;

[2001][e-Erekiteru] Suiso ~1/2 no Kiseki~(水素~1/2の奇蹟~) [Soundtrack OP+ ED + Update]

ShowMeYourMoves wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hi, could you reupload this one? Thank you.
Sk0rlupka wrote on Shine's profile.
Hello, I would be very grateful if you could share this: