Visual Novel Cafe

Veterans -> Animak, winter, kou, iggy and the list goes on...
Noobs -> Me

On the same boat, or probably not. I started off same like you, depending on hearing skills, but in the end, having basic knowledge of the language and characters (japanese letters) helps a lot. I started with bad kanji (well-documented story here on ASF), but after more games, its really fine now. Try not to depend on your hearing too much, learning really helps, especially with the protaganist's monolouge.

Those abovementioned veterans clear games like eating breakfast, me take too jolly and slow to finish even one. :(

Yeah I really know that after playing Muvluv and Senjou. The view of the protagonist is quite different, well more like complex. And for me you look like a well known user for AS, and yeah, I like to taste the games for quite some time, especially those that have the "feeling" or ....yeah...that....
About the language, I will study it formally this year in school but there are some books and some apps that have the basics. Well first it will be better to finish learning the english first.
But first I must clear some old schools animes: Martian Succesor Nadesico, Monster and Onegai Teacher. They have been stalled for quite some time and after watching a little I'll see them while playin' Syunkei gentei (go bra-con sisters!!!)
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Clearing my anime backlog while I wait for the january releases! Which game will you guys be playing first? I'm torn between Twinkle Crusaders and Gaku-Ou >_>

So, TC got delayed to Feb. I'll be playing Gaku-ou first...
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Hey there, first time posting in this thread, like Shadowstorm666 and Kamigoroshi I too can't read Kanji (bar a few commonly used ones), but I can understand most of what is being said so I'm able to follow most stories.

As for what game I'll be playing first out of the January releases. It'll definitely be Majikoi S, just a few more days to go :)
Clearing my anime backlog while I wait for the january releases! Which game will you guys be playing first? I'm torn between Twinkle Crusaders and Gaku-Ou >_>

So, TC got delayed to Feb. I'll be playing Gaku-ou first...

i'll goes for BUNNY BLACK 2 or Majikoi S, what ever comes out in torrent first!
Hey it doesn't really matter how fast you are

Some like to read savoring every word of it others just blow through it

I blow through it but I have to read it two or three times before I feel satisfied that I got everything

You learned Japanese and have read through a lot of them it's awesome
Hey it doesn't really matter how fast you are

Some like to read savoring every word of it others just blow through it

I blow through it but I have to read it two or three times before I feel satisfied that I got everything

You learned Japanese and have read through a lot of them it's awesome

of course it's matter, because time wont wait for you...

most of us only able to play games 2-3 hours a day due to their job or school (in my case, job)... while completing games sometimes need a 2 days to weeks, while lots of games are releasing every month...

slow pace on playing games means im gonna missed the upcoming games, nor ended up dropping the game i currently play! and i never did that... nor i will...
Man I wish I could limit myself really

I doesn't matter what I start Books,Anime, Visual Novel,Manga

Once I start something it's like it eats it way into my brain I just have to finish it and everything else gets pushed back

It's like an obsession if don't finish I can't concentrate on anything else

I'm trying to rid myself of the habit
of course it's matter, because time wont wait for you...

most of us only able to play games 2-3 hours a day due to their job or school (in my case, job)... while completing games sometimes need a 2 days to weeks, while lots of games are releasing every month...

slow pace on playing games means im gonna missed the upcoming games, nor ended up dropping the game i currently play! and i never did that... nor i will...

Well I think you can understand if I put it in these terms

The first visual novel I finished was Fate Stay Night I finished it in 2 days

that is unhealthy because of the fact that I didn't eat or sleep during the time

It's terrible because my lack of self control leads me to completely ignore real life

And slow readings seems alright if you look for quality over quantity

Let's face it a lot of the stuff released are terrible and it'll stay on the net

you can read it whenever you want to
well I guess shinn always praising hoshizora peaked my interest again. But I also started favorites new game iro sekai a few months back, only a couple chapters in. Should I finish? I dislike going backwards and playing a companys older games since I usually find them inferior. I would like to save the best for last.
well I guess shinn always praising hoshizora peaked my interest again. But I also started favorites new game iro sekai a few months back, only a couple chapters in. Should I finish? I dislike going backwards and playing a companys older games since I usually find them inferior. I would like to save the best for last.

They are both great games, imo. If you already started playing IroSeka finish it. It's worth it, especially Shinku's route.
Hoshimemo is another great game, a grand favorite of mine too.
well I guess shinn always praising hoshizora peaked my interest again. But I also started favorites new game iro sekai a few months back, only a couple chapters in. Should I finish? I dislike going backwards and playing a companys older games since I usually find them inferior. I would like to save the best for last.

The game is really dull until you unlock Shinku chapter (after clearing the other 4 heroines), but the route is worth every time spent. I would suggest just doing Mio and Kana routes and skip through the other 2 heroines to save time (unless you have specific interest for them) since their routes don't really have anything to do with the game's theme in general.

Iro Toridori no Sekai has, imo, the most dramatic finish (Shinku end) in all of Favorite's games, but their older games aren't any inferior if you consider overall fun so I wouldn't worry about order.
Wow, looks like the thread is full again.
Well I went through Nadesico yesterday and this morning and I just woke up some time ago and still didn't finish it.
For January Releases I will try Hiyoko Strike 'cause it seems really random and I just love it. Then of course Majikoi S and while waiting for Twincle Crusaders and Shinigami no Testament maybe I'll try too Gaku Ou (they're Inugami Kira's drawings right?)
And yeah, Hoshizora was a great game, and don't forget the extras with the valentine disc. Really worth it.

And ShadowStorm666+, don't worry I have the same ....disease.... and a compulsive need of download something everytime I'm online. You could say I'm addicted to download.
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Na I'm not worried about it

Just enjoying it

It's the same thing with anime I've sworn of it for the next few months

My course is coming to completion and I need more than 24 hours a day right now

I'll be watching only anime movies over the next few months

Since it won't take too long

And stopping altogether will probably make me go into shock
Made up my mind to play White Album. After the comments here looks like a great game thought I'm not good with dramatics love triangle since I'm a harem lover but oh well, I'll alternate with Tenka no Gomen (who was the one who said there was lots oppai there? gotta check that). I may die of overdose (oppai-moe overdose) this week so...I'll be out for two days.
Made up my mind to play White Album. After the comments here looks like a great game thought I'm not good with dramatics love triangle since I'm a harem lover but oh well, I'll alternate with Tenka no Gomen (who was the one who said there was lots oppai there? gotta check that). I may die of overdose (oppai-moe overdose) this week so...I'll be out for two days.

i did! keke

just re-finished on Hani hani Operation Sanctuary... i hope something released tonight or tomorrow in PD
Just finish downloading Tenka no Gomen y White Album (two chapters)....I can see a bird flying high with a 14GB-stick in his head, gone and won't come back...
finished downloading.... but i wont install it yet! at least waiting for weekend
Extreme big size was one of the reasons why I didnt play the original too.
Dammit... All the january releases coming and my internet went down yesterday... >_<
*posting from his phone*
[MENTION=6149]johnishida[/MENTION] sorry to hear that... i hope your net will be revived soon!

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