Visual Novel Cafe

[MENTION=77]Terumi[/MENTION]: Haha, I think everyone here is waiting for a specific game. If you want to know, here are all games I want to play when the english translation is done, which means someone is working on them already:
Harukoi Otome (MangaGamer)
Yumina the Ethereal (JAST Densetsu)
Seinarukana - The Spirit of Eternity Sword 2 - but only if it's the 18+ version, since the first one has no h-scenes -_-
Dracu-riot! (Staircase Subs)
Irotoridori no Sekai (
Grisaia no Kajitsu (TLWiki)
Tenshin Ranman (Lucky or Unlucky?) (erojiji & craneanime)
Baldr Sky Dive1 & Baldr Sky2 (Amaterasu Translations)
Chuning Lover (erojiji & craneanime) - still a secret project, so I'm not sure if it's this one
Yosuga no Sora
Sapphism no Gensou
Touka Gettan
Kono Mama ja, Ane to SEX Shite Shimau
Natsuyume Nagisa

And here and there I'll play english translations which aren't on the list, for example Eroge!, which should be released in January :D But man, for some of the translations I can wait at least one year ... anything can happen to me in this year -_-
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@kactaplb: Remember, it's the icha-icha ero-ero ERA, and while a part of me says "yei, more ERO", another one says "meh, more ero", where is my story?! Character growth?! Development?! Give me something interesting to play! Or maybe you refer to something completely different.
animak, kami Pretty much. It's not only that though, I am/was a fan of Cube since I loved their first game so much. wtf happened to them? I expected more from latest minori game as well. Even Pulltop game was not too special either. Am I just expecting too much?...

anyone try that cabbit kimisora? art looks very nice :lovestruck:
animak, kami Pretty much. It's not only that though, I am/was a fan of Cube since I loved their first game so much. wtf happened to them? I expected more from latest minori game as well. Even Pulltop game was not too special either. Am I just expecting too much?...
I know that feeling. In our thoughts we don't expect that much, but in reality, when we play the game, we need something which is better than everything we played before, or at least something nearly as good. For example G-Senjou is one of my favourite eroge I've played so far. To be true, I don't expect that much from any game, since my whole opinion can change because of the ending which is only a few minutes long and I was disappointed a lot of times already, but no matter how many eroges I'll play and how good they are, I'll never have the same feeling like this one after I've finished G-Senjou. After G-Senjou I played Sharin no Kuni too, also from Akabeisoft2, and it was good, without a doubt, but it never attract me that much as G-Senjou, not anywhere near.
That are expectations you don't know for yourself because you don't discern them, but they are here, deep inside your thoughts :)
animak, kami Pretty much. It's not only that though, I am/was a fan of Cube since I loved their first game so much. wtf happened to them? I expected more from latest minori game as well. Even Pulltop game was not too special either. Am I just expecting too much?...

anyone try that cabbit kimisora? art looks very nice :lovestruck:

well, if you're expecting for story and character development... the tenka matsuri is your option for this month... i love this one, didn't regret bought it!
also i haven't finished download gunner girl, let's hope candysoft makes another hit again after tsuyokiss
puma, akabeisoft fan huh ^^ himawari shoujo fag here hehe. what do you think of new branding akabeisoft3? but yea, i just expect company to keep and meet my expectation in some way, not necessarily top it. one reason why i love axl now, so consistent and always delivers my expectations! other company sometimes though is like...what is this landmine? did whole staff get kidnapped and replaced?

animak, ohh that baseson game? always make slg style game? maybe i will try it out, i did like sengkuhime 4
puma, akabeisoft fan huh ^^ himawari shoujo fag here hehe. what do you think of new branding akabeisoft3? but yea, i just expect company to keep and meet my expectation in some way, not necessarily top it. one reason why i love axl now, so consistent and always delivers my expectations! other company sometimes though is like...what is this landmine? did whole staff get kidnapped and replaced?
Yeah, you can say I'm a fan of Akabeisoft2, but I didn't like A Profile and the fandisc of Sharin no Kuni that much, but G-Senjou and the original Sharin no Kuni are top. Played Tamayura too, but just for a few hours, since it's to much fantasy for me :D
And I haven't tried a game from Akabeisoft3 so far, but I don't think they will release something as great as G-Senjou again, since it was the last game from this scenario writer, unfortunately.

Minato Soft is also great, but I just played Majikoi and Majikoi S! so far, now I'm waiting for Majikoi A!. And I watched the anime of Kimi ga Aruji de Shitsuji ga Ore de ... first I wanted to play the game, but then I didn't have the time and just watched the anime, maybe I'll play it later :)
tamayura aha such a crazy shyamalan twist. and if you liked himawari, you should try lavender. it was quite good. no idea who the writer was for that. as for akabeisoft 3, i tried out their newest sousei aerial game. action and drama felt super forced, which i hate.
Haven't tried it so far, but I already know about the ending :D Looked it up, since I want to know the endings of the game ... I never ever want to experience a game like Cross Channel -_-
I'm also one of akabesoft2 fan but 3 is certainly not for me,and it does not like they will take after 2's style so i cant really say im expecting anything from them.i will continue to look their new games though,it have "akabeisoft" name afterall.

And currently playing AliceTale (i know im a little late) well i was expecting a little more "depressive" story but still its a good game -gameplay is too easy though- so i can recommend it who is interested in heroines which have supernatural powers and dressed up like fairy tale girls -rapunzel,little red riding hood, moon princess etc-
Didnt check for one day and things went on without me...

[MENTION=13204]pumasrevenge[/MENTION]; as far as the list is concerned, I am still waiting for harukoi (been long). I can play normal jap games fine, so english translated will be bonus only, not that I am too particularly interested in any others. Yosuga and se-kirara were my earlier games when i started eroges, though i will admit i wasnt too big a fan of the former.

[MENTION=6533]Kamigoroshi[/MENTION]; all good things must be slowly anticipated~ though its long already. /me wants new game plus fandisk rapidly~

[MENTION=10115]kactaplb[/MENTION]; yes, still around. Just that usually I dont have much to say since I aint really in sync or same wavelength with the current topics and games anymore since I really have no time. Try summoning me next time, I will reply.

[MENTION=7737]Animaksiat[/MENTION]; sommelier-san, cant ask you for games, since time aint on my side, but will still love to hear stories and recommendations for others. Still listening attentively when I can.

In general, me still very clueless about the whole companies inconsistency in writing and delivery and all, but to me, if you still liked/enjoyed the game, then its all fine. Sounds beginner and ignorant, but thats usually the case for me. If I liked it, then everything's good for me. I dont have (or very little) specific companies to stalk like you guys, definitely dont know about scenario writers too, since me inexperienced and weak too. JUST ENJOY (ero or story or others all up to you :D)!

Anycase, merry christmas.

You aren't the only one here. Tried to play it on Win8, but it didn't work for me, then I switched back to Win7 a few months ago ... never tried it since then :D
Does anyone know if there are already some information about Grisaia no Rakuen? Like the routes, story etc. ... or even the ending :D

Somehow I get a bad feeling from the picture of vndb ... or is Front Wing one of these developer whose games have at least one happy ending? Without dying or something like that. I mean, I just played Pure Girl, and yeah, that's completely different.
Back in town! Or civilization, or whatever you want to call it, a week without even cellphone signal so no internet for this user all the holidays. But that gave me a pretty abroad view of the games I have right now. And what I want to read....I need hero protagonist! (a Kamijou Touma or a Kisanagi Goudou maybe...well I finished the 27 vol of Toaru and currently reading Campione) and some really chunni-like VNs! I regret not bringing Zero Infinity in my reserve.

Finished Appare's Eimi route (the main one, along with Arata since both have the three crisis), great story and scenario but the MC is kinda...compared to the other characters, pretty weak, you could feel the Koihime style there, but more strong than the MC from koiken otome. And Koiken Otome's Kamishiro Touka's route, I didn't feel it short but I think I know what you mean, separating the game in main one with the options and after the final battle you will have my permission to icha-icha and dere-dere. But the interface is pretty amazing, I should give them that, the speed, and the colors and the badda-bim and badda-bum, I only wanted my harem/true end route. By the way, it feelt like Maburaho in some part.
I need hero protagonist!
You said it! I need someone like Azai Kyousuke, Naoe Yamato or Morita Kenichi (Higuchi Ken) ... but I think I have to wait a long time for that, since I decided to play just english ones until my finals (Majikoi! A is an exception).
You said it! I need someone like Azai Kyousuke, Naoe Yamato or Morita Kenichi (Higuchi Ken) ... but I think I have to wait a long time for that, since I decided to play just english ones until my finals (Majikoi! A is an exception).

In Tamayura the MC has her own power right? And not some "increase power of person X by contact, double and triple by kiss and h-scene respectively". Or as they call him when he is alone "the most powerfull good-for-nothing", Koiken Otome.
well I finished the 27 vol of Toaru and currently reading Campione) and some really chunni-like VNs!

You finished 27 volumes of LN in 1 week? Thats some heck load of time and hard work dude, I can rarely handle more than 4 hours of LN a day (WHEN I REALLY HAVE THE TIME, but its more like I am reluctant to sit there and read all day). Still have at least 20 volumes of various titles unread, so I have to buck up (on limited time) or else my money's all wasted for nothing...

Cant comment on the BaseSon games since I havent played even 1. Sad to say. As much as I wanna play their games + Koiken from this dec, being weak and short on time doesnt do anyone any favours. :(
You finished 27 volumes of LN in 1 week? Thats some heck load of time and hard work dude, I can rarely handle more than 4 hours of LN a day (WHEN I REALLY HAVE THE TIME, but its more like I am reluctant to sit there and read all day). Still have at least 20 volumes of various titles unread, so I have to buck up (on limited time) or else my money's all wasted for nothing...

Cant comment on the BaseSon games since I havent played even 1. Sad to say. As much as I wanna play their games + Koiken from this dec, being weak and short on time doesnt do anyone any favours. :(

Well, for Toaru were two weeks...oks threee if you consider I read the first four Vol, then dripped them and read all of Highschool DxD till 13 starting from the third volume. I gotta say, a must read if you want some great comedy, battles, harem and epic protagonist is epic. Sitting to read? I can now write a yoga book with all the different ways to read and how much pain they will cause you later. I was in a ranch, so I needed to get creative to not get bored...pretty hard I must say. For now I'll alternate beetwen Campione and Sword Art Online (the latter starting from the third volume) but still, I have forgotten the difference in writing from different authors, well specially because of the author from Toaru and his roundabout and switch-off ways to tell the story.
Even thought I was asking for chunni games, I'll try for now the new game from Alcot "name-that-I-don't-remember relay broadcast" and the one from Cube. Cube's first game...which one was? One of my first complete VN was Natsu no Ame, and I really liked that one (add some points of favoritism from the onee-san and teacher type) but I don't know if it was from their first ones.
And some battle ADV, but I thing there were no more, maybe finishing the other routes...ah, there is Mercuria, because I always wanted that sempai, so I'll give it a try.
Back in town! Or civilization, or whatever you want to call it, a week without even cellphone signal so no internet for this user all the holidays. But that gave me a pretty abroad view of the games I have right now. And what I want to read....I need hero protagonist! (a Kamijou Touma or a Kisanagi Goudou maybe...well I finished the 27 vol of Toaru and currently reading Campione) and some really chunni-like VNs! I regret not bringing Zero Infinity in my reserve.

Finished Appare's Eimi route (the main one, along with Arata since both have the three crisis), great story and scenario but the MC is kinda...compared to the other characters, pretty weak, you could feel the Koihime style there, but more strong than the MC from koiken otome. And Koiken Otome's Kamishiro Touka's route, I didn't feel it short but I think I know what you mean, separating the game in main one with the options and after the final battle you will have my permission to icha-icha and dere-dere. But the interface is pretty amazing, I should give them that, the speed, and the colors and the badda-bim and badda-bum, I only wanted my harem/true end route. By the way, it feelt like Maburaho in some part.

keke, i know that feeling... i once got stranded-up in deep of african savannah for 2 weeks was quite a hellish time. not just because there's no internet. but worse, no electricity!

well, tenkagomen's protagonist is somewhat weak, yes indeed... but if the stories continues, im pretty sure he'll developed more even stronger than any other character (and that wouldn't be interesting coz the main story was supposed to be comedy not action). if you noticed, he was the one that hurt Yagyu Juubei's eye when he was still a kid! and apparently he's become a quite famous in tenkamatsuri!
and as for Koiken, it's quite a short story for me, a game with size that big should've last longer! i mean... i ate up that Koiken in just a night! even less! bleh!
keke, i know that feeling... i once got stranded-up in deep of african savannah for 2 weeks was quite a hellish time. not just because there's no internet. but worse, no electricity!

well, tenkagomen's protagonist is somewhat weak, yes indeed... but if the stories continues, im pretty sure he'll developed more even stronger than any other character (and that wouldn't be interesting coz the main story was supposed to be comedy not action). if you noticed, he was the one that hurt Yagyu Juubei's eye when he was still a kid! and apparently he's become a quite famous in tenkamatsuri!
and as for Koiken, it's quite a short story for me, a game with size that big should've last longer! i mean... i ate up that Koiken in just a night! even less! bleh!

Jahajahjaahhah, that somehow makes me feel a little better, but since I'm already in the city, there is no more problem. But 2 weeks in africa in what I'll bet was a village, what were you doing there, some Discovery Channel coverage or what?

He reminds me of the protagonist from Tiny Dungeon, the weakest that keeps growing stronger by training slowly but hard (the last from tiny dungeon doesn't apply since that was a power-up quite amazing). And don't forget the fight he had with the other typical annoying-guy in the tenkamatsuri. Did you feel it was more comedy? I somehow sensed more drama, specially in the last arc, since the beginning. I want to play the fandiks now quite badly since I didn't get enough screen time for Juubei, and there is just one or two h-scene for each heroine. But that's Baseson's problem and their classrom level harems. And I need more Eimi! The first time she appeared I thought I was seeing a Kanzaki Kaoro version in a VN.
For koiken, once you finish it, there is no much left, only 5 h-scene for each heroine, a little of drama extra and the icha-icha time. I mean, once you finish the main arc, I had hoped to be some changes according to the heroines in the last fight but the most noticeable change in the main route is in the training camp, then finish the main route and ero-ero. And don't judge VNs according to their size, the oreaka installation has a size of over 8GB and the installed is less than 5GB, and is mostly ero-ero but since it's onomatope, I won't complain. Hotaru. End.
Here i come,with a new problem.This time i just need some recommendations,with a little hard theme;

im searching some games which have at least one heroine which dont have any friend and have a timid personality,like white haired girl (i dont really remember her name) from yume miru kusuri but without bully thing.

im also okay with a setting like a orphan heroine which dont have a home staying at mc's,well this is really hard to explain but i guess i just want a game where mc protect heroine without any supernatural powers, like become her first friend or something like that.i just bored classic personalitys like tomboy or Tsundere,so searching for some unpopular heroine.

as i said i know its a little idiotic request,but if somebody remember a game which have a heroine like this(and preferably a 2008+ game since finding older ones really problem),id be really glad.

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