Visual Novel Cafe

Here i come,with a new problem.This time i just need some recommendations,with a little hard theme;

im searching some games which have at least one heroine which dont have any friend and have a timid personality,like white haired girl (i dont really remember her name) from yume miru kusuri but without bully thing.

im also okay with a setting like a orphan heroine which dont have a home staying at mc's,well this is really hard to explain but i guess i just want a game where mc protect heroine without any supernatural powers, like become her first friend or something like that.i just bored classic personalitys like tomboy or Tsundere,so searching for some unpopular heroine.

as i said i know its a little idiotic request,but if somebody remember a game which have a heroine like this(and preferably a 2008+ game since finding older ones really problem),id be really glad.

Like a Sakurasou VN version or something like that? I only read the description but for some reason Midori no Umi came to mind. Haven't played but gave me the sense you may find something like what you are looking there.

I have (bought original JP volumes, not online) all of SAO (completed 8/11 only though, still have 1 volume of Progressive) and DxD to their latest volumes. Only LN readers know how awesome DxD is. /me knows that feeling
But still, quite the feat, though you said you really had nothing to do, if i was in that situation, likely to have done the same. But I would avoid getting into those situations in the first place. But that leaves me to wonder when can I finish my remaining volumes of all my titles....

Back to VN talk, all the talk still makes wanna play Koiken badly. Needa get my hands on the game first, thats my first hurdle for now. A slightly longer break this week doesnt really serve well, I am just lazing around to get rest.

I have (bought original JP volumes, not online) all of SAO (completed 8/11 only though, still have 1 volume of Progressive) and DxD to their latest volumes. Only LN readers know how awesome DxD is. /me knows that feeling
But still, quite the feat, though you said you really had nothing to do, if i was in that situation, likely to have done the same. But I would avoid getting into those situations in the first place. But that leaves me to wonder when can I finish my remaining volumes of all my titles....

Back to VN talk, all the talk still makes wanna play Koiken badly. Needa get my hands on the game first, thats my first hurdle for now. A slightly longer break this week doesnt really serve well, I am just lazing around to get rest.

I'd love to get Highschool DxD physical version but the most I can get my hands on (withouth asking them online) is the mainstream manga (naruto, one piece) in spanish. Although I bought xxxHolic and Gantz first volumes some time ago to decide wheter they appeal to me or not (holic was a hit, gantz just the first then it went Air Gear style). But even if I get the original, I have yet to completely understand japanese, not enough to understand the story or be able to read it....but one of these days!

Well, if you want to read a battle VN, then I'll suggest it, the battle is not bad at all and the MC does his work of being awesome, but just warning or reminding that each route will feel a another game, or as if they were the fandisk. But still, try it, you may love the interface too.

PS: Vol. 7, 10-12 or HS DxD are my favorites. With that, you'll understand pretty much what I like. And aside from the battles, favorite part may be in the middle of the battle with Loki, when Issei speaks to the deity Chichigami-sama, the amount of...what-ever-that-may-be is too damn high!
I'd love to get Highschool DxD physical version but the most I can get my hands on (withouth asking them online) is the mainstream manga (naruto, one piece) in spanish. Although I bought xxxHolic and Gantz first volumes some time ago to decide wheter they appeal to me or not (holic was a hit, gantz just the first then it went Air Gear style). But even if I get the original, I have yet to completely understand japanese, not enough to understand the story or be able to read it....but one of these days!

Well, if you want to read a battle VN, then I'll suggest it, the battle is not bad at all and the MC does his work of being awesome, but just warning or reminding that each route will feel a another game, or as if they were the fandisk. But still, try it, you may love the interface too.

PS: Vol. 7, 10-12 or HS DxD are my favorites. With that, you'll understand pretty much what I like. And aside from the battles, favorite part may be in the middle of the battle with Loki, when Issei speaks to the deity Chichigami-sama, the amount of...what-ever-that-may-be is too damn high!

Then I assume you read almost everything online in translations? You do play/understand japanese without help right? And yes, I have, and read all of DxD, only missing out on the LE version of volume 13. I am placing my orders for volume 14 soon through my local bookstore. Everything about DxD is awesome, and only readers would know. I didnt regret a cent I spent on buying them.
xxxHOLiC remains one the best works from CLAMP for me, I love the series and the characters.

Back to VN talk, upcoming year seems promising? Not that I have the time...
Then I assume you read almost everything online in translations? You do play/understand japanese without help right? And yes, I have, and read all of DxD, only missing out on the LE version of volume 13. I am placing my orders for volume 14 soon through my local bookstore. Everything about DxD is awesome, and only readers would know. I didnt regret a cent I spent on buying them.
xxxHOLiC remains one the best works from CLAMP for me, I love the series and the characters.

Back to VN talk, upcoming year seems promising? Not that I have the time...

Yeah, I'm a bad illegal Vampirate...but since I'm still new to LNs, I only know baka-tsukki so when something is not in their list, I just forgot I put an interest in it. For the VNs, ITH and TA are always running, and with what they say, the tone and the pictures, I get the story most of the time. Of course, there are headaches all over, some times in little details in decisions when they don't show any difference in what they said, and having almost always mute-protagonist is pretty hard sometimes. Or some problems with translations like the one from Zero Infinity in the part that aren't dialogues, they throw a whole page of text and the ITH only catches half of it, I haven't looked for any h-code since aside from that it works pretty well (just...the friggin' english-german-latin(?) terms are pretty annoying when shown in the translator), but after the holidays, I'll search and see what I can find.
New arc beginning in the Vol. 14! And more fanservice from the second season of the anime too! I have feel the need to spend money on those volumes since the moment I started reading them.

From my side getchu will only work when feel like it, so no way to know it. But I'm already waiting for last Grisaia, Walkure fandisk and new Eushully. And Majikoi A of course. But you will just punish yourself from waiting and getting them and not be able to play them, and after when you finished then and they don't meet your expectations. So let's pray to whoever otaku God is above to give us a year worth playing.
finally... finished all the backlogged games!


[MENTION=6533]Kamigoroshi[/MENTION]; I see. Everyone starts off with baka tsuki first I guess, I was hesitant to buy my first LN till I came to SAO. I told myself I will only buy that series, then things spiralled outta control and my pockets got burned beyond my recognition.

Dont put too much for Walkure's fandisk, as much as I want to play too. I would be so glad if they can put more stuff and update their site with more&more's info. I dont have much to look forward to, since I dont have much time too. I tend to follow and stick to certain companies, so new ones must be convincing in first attempt.

March games (I know its far still, there's little to no announcements yet unless you check hard) looks most promising for me now, since kou said march and april are usually filled with the best games.
eeeekkk!! teruteru got mad at me :foreveralone:

now i can concentrate on this month games, then january will making me put some games to backlog again
[MENTION=7737]Animaksiat[/MENTION]; Tada no tsukkomi da... Ma, I must admit I am frustrated at my lack of time, and high tendencies to procrastinate. But always hearing how fast others finish things, it makes me even more anxious.
[MENTION=7737]Animaksiat[/MENTION]; Tada no tsukkomi da... Ma, I must admit I am frustrated at my lack of time, and high tendencies to procrastinate. But always hearing how fast others finish things, it makes me even more anxious.

Don't worry, from my side you can think of a lazy person with lots of free time on vacation and no problem with long session that crush my biological clock and turns me in a vampire (the ones that sleep at day, awake at night). But even so, finishing my backlog will be...quite something.
Did my fair check on upcoming year's games. Quite excited for the opening months.
^i dont even check anymore and just wait for animak wave impression! *wakuwaku*

also, can i skip and play appare fd right away?
[MENTION=77]Terumi[/MENTION]; i saw it too... and i don't have enough time :donefor:

Thats my line...
[MENTION=10115]kactaplb[/MENTION]; i asked before, best to play original first... I also wanna play BaseSon games...
aren't you on holiday break terumi? plenty of time :P

appare sooo large 7 gb... /me goes clear some more space on hdd
Breaks are rare, have to rest and do some other stuff.
Besides, I didnt dl either of the baseson games, i needa do that first.
[MENTION=10115]kactaplb[/MENTION]; that would have to wait a little longer... i still haven't finished to read all the synopsis for january games
For me:

Material Brave Ignition (Just gonna get because I played original game... Wasted a lot of time)
Sakura Sakura Festival (I cant even remember how the original game was, nor how long this was delayed, should be backlogging it)

MoteSugi (Praline's 3rd game, and 2nd game in rather fast fashion, should be fine. Trial version out already by the way)
Pri-Colle (2 months delay from Clochette, still playing regardless)

Reminiscence (Kinugasa Shougo x Tomose Shunsaku - perfect combi)
Astronauts 4th game (Me forgot title)
1 more game (Me forgot title x 2)

LOVELY X CATION 2 (Just play)
i doubt that sakura2 will really be released in january! i had enough of HiQ soft trolled me!

okay here's a glimpse what you boys prolly should get in january 25th!

大図書館の羊飼い it's August!
プレミアムプレイ~ダークネス~ Illussion newest product, let's hope it's not dissapointing like the last 3
さくらさくら FESTIVAL! im going to destroy Hiqsoft if they delaying this again!
時計仕掛けのレイライン -黄昏時の境界線- this one, im not too sure... but reading at it's synopsis looks promising
この大空に、翼をひろげて FLIGHT DIARY fandisc! if you play the main, you might want to get a hand of this
マテリアルブレイブ イグニッション also a fandisc... despite of what people say, im getting this one! rare chance on these days that Kanda Eri voicing hentai again!
ポケットに恋をつめて good art!
GEARS of DRAGOON ~迷宮のウロボロス~ the banner is all over the places, so i guess it's good! not to mention ninetail is quite a good company that produce eroge with gameplay
木洩れ陽のノスタルジーカ -Raggio di sole nostalgico- NORITA!!! IM GOING TO GET THIS!!!
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ポケットに恋をつめて - Dont know about art, seen better

木洩れ陽のノスタルジーカ - Looks beautiful
Guess no one but me cares about 星彩のレゾナンス coming out in January...
my jan list i suppose

ポケットに恋をつめて cant hurt to try it out. need more ラブコメディ
この大空に、翼をひろげて FLIGHT DIARY need to finish main game orz
さくらさくら FESTIVAL! also never finished... uwaa... also, only 2 heroine? bubuu
木洩れ陽のノスタルジーカ looks nice, but prolly too hard to read for me (art style looks so familiar...)
大図書館の羊飼い most awaited game of the month! August!!

as always, thanks animak~

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