Visual Novel Cafe

[MENTION=25661]GenKiDan[/MENTION] back in 1997, after leaving my japs language for years... i started over with playing SRW and Tokimemo... didn't get luck enough... i barely catch the conversation, and then a year later...
i read the LN for Tokimemo, had many furigana's but no sound to intepret what it says... because i want to read the LN so bad, i started to open dictionary, and what do you know... i got a gist of the story in just 2 days...

after that, i started to read many LN from games, at first i wasn't been able to read them without dictionary, but after 2-3 month i started to read them normally.
got debate a little in torrent section... if you're calling that a fight actually, a leecher bad mouthing of a game that released... i just can't stand it!

i mean, im also a leecher, i admit that... which is why i know, why i shouldn't bad mouthing on the thing that are shared. unless it's really a kusoge!

i sometimes bought my own games, even if it has to cost some fortunes due to expensive delivery and custom rate!

while some guys, who only download just for fap material, don't want to waste their money, and goes bad-mouthing like he really owns the right... all i can say is, that kind of people are scum! they could never respect of what other has gone through to made it happens! buy the materials, share it with risk being busted! wasting so many bandwidth to seed or share them with P2P.

respect to [MENTION=11]girlcelly[/MENTION], [MENTION=3]Checkmate[/MENTION], [MENTION=6343]FlowerTradeWinds[/MENTION]
In my view, it's not like complaining will do anything, because we (well, most of us English speakers) were never in [the creators'] eyes in the first place. That's why I simply take my pick carefully and averse complaints altogether.

...and bringing in eroge into my country is a tough venture because of its "moralistic" image. While it's true that I know someone who had made even tougher purchases successfully, I still don't have the guts (nor even the transaction mean) to do it...yet.

5/6 routes down on MML, only one more to go before I can start charging towards Walmore...
currently playing on Ayako's route on Walmore....

and my copy aren't arrive yet :crushed:
at last, my copy arrived...

but already cleared all the route! i guess i'll try kokoro connection now
Done with MML...Walmore's next...

I prefer to perceive H-scenes that comes mid-story as "intermission" rather than something that come outta the blue. That's just me, though...and I love collecting H-scene BGMs...a lot of them feel nice when listened to without the scene...
i missed people in this cafe...

summoning [MENTION=77]Terumi[/MENTION], [MENTION=10115]kactaplb[/MENTION], [MENTION=39]Kou[/MENTION], [MENTION=6149]johnishida[/MENTION]
[MENTION=7737]Animaksiat[/MENTION]; You called? :3

In midst of acquiring Walmore, MY KYONYUU STILL NOT OUT. WHY?!?!?
You called? :3

In midst of acquiring Walmore, MY KYONYUU STILL NOT OUT. WHY?!?!?

i missed peoples... walmore is a so-so... though im happy on ayako's route, that takahiro are jousting again.
as for kyonyuu... up until now, i haven't see the file yet in the P2P
Keep summoning, I am always here, just nothing to post at times.

Hmm, never hear any reviews for Walroma yet. Could be playing tomorrow night. I really wanna see Kyonyuu released. Its funny the CGs are out but not the game. :|
I wonder what make Walmore into a DVD-9 size...four short stories and three routes, plus the original up to the conclusion of Mio's fateful duel against Bertille (with all the choices inbetween that doesn't seem to affect Walmore portion)...perhaps it's the shift of image formatting and a whole new set of BGM in addition to the original scores and minus the original vocal... But to make one thing clear, the original is still required for the four main heroines.

...on my progress, I just started Bertille's route today...the comedic-relief-promoted-to-heroine still bringing even more laughs so far...
yea... i've been thinking the same question too... what's make it really to be a 7GB size game, the 3 new routes it self are not too long! ayako was the shortest of all!
Without going into the topic of dismantling, the data files of the original Walroma are only 3.7GB total with 10 files, while Walmore's data files are 6.57GB total with 8 files...

...and Bertille got owned by psychological warfare...
Okay, Bertille's route's done, two more to go, plus four short stories... Currently starting Lisa's short story before returning to the main game.

After unlocking the gallery I went almost straight to its music portion. If my guess isn't wrong, they gave two sub-characters (namely, Alice and Elimiya) their own theme BGMs...I wonder why...
Should I start playing Walroma tonight? Probably gonna have only 1-2 hours, dont think I cant go too far. Though its been a long wait since I completed the game 2 years ago. :\

Mann, Akane's route is frakkin' long...and seems like 1/3 of the new composition is dedicated to this single route, too (welp, a whole new setting and all)...

For those who even bother, Yumekoi's 1.02 patch's out. It says it adds a short story, but I haven't check it out yet.
true... it's because akane's route, that walmore is released! the other 2 are just to fill the blank

and still no kyonyuu gaiden 2 :donefor: you guys know the setting that pops out when we start walmore?...what'll happen if

we change that setting?..does it affect the graphic? you guys know the setting that pops out when we start walmore?...what'll happen if

we change that setting?..does it affect the graphic?

The picture seems to get gritty if you run it in fullscreen with lowest setting (Win32API BitBit), while with DirectX7 direct draw (second lowest) there will be no frame (the background on the left and right side) when you play it in fullscreen.

I play windowed so I don't notice much in quality decline, but I just crank it to the max anyway...though there are two parameters that pops out as you hover over the settings - the left one seems to involve load time, while the right one seems to be image quality.
ah.. i that's why it's quite slow>_>...

thanks for the info pingtoryan^_^
Finished Akane's route...that involved a whole lot of chores...

One more to go...
Walmore: All main routes done...gotta finish the three remaining short stories and I can finally eject it...due to disk space reason.

I've almost completely retired from anime because VNs are much more fulfilling...for some reason...

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magg wrote on Shine's profile.
Hello, can you please reupload in Mexashare for this one?同人ソフト-130718-パンプキン-フェラムービーdx~パンプキン過去作セレクション~.166994/
NaquanH wrote on Shine's profile.
Hello Shine, can you update this game's thread to the latest version?
It has been updated to version 0.3.2
ShowMeYourMoves wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Hi, could you please re-upload this game? Thanks.α-model-.1357509/
tintin0821 wrote on Shine's profile.
mizuno ai wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
can you reupload RJ01088358?thanks