Visual Novel Cafe

am I the only one hoping for harem end in walkure?

i think you're not the only one...

but a serious love story isn't matched up with harem route because it can ruin the whole plot... im saying this because im also a story writer... it's a different case if the story had were focused on love comedy with some hilarious story in it..... OR.... it's a serious story with immoral issues like incest,rape etc etc...

well.... maybe some were released as "IF" route but it still never ended up good for fans
[MENTION=7737]Animaksiat[/MENTION]; haha, kinda expected that. Cant be an entire game again, 2 stories sound good for me.

Need new title from them though, its been long either case.

well... im happy there's moar noel... and moar ayako!!! banzai for mizuhashi kaori
I would go back and replay it if I still had the game installed, but I recently uninstalled it to free some space for the upcoming releases. And I just started a new game so I don't feel like reinstalling. If you use a text hooker and give me a pastebin of the ending scene or something, I can read it and see if I can remember the details. Hehe.

It's a bit long though
i think you're not the only one...

but a serious love story isn't matched up with harem route because it can ruin the whole plot... im saying this because im also a story writer... it's a different case if the story had were focused on love comedy with some hilarious story in it..... OR.... it's a serious story with immoral issues like incest,rape etc etc...

well.... maybe some were released as "IF" route but it still never ended up good for fans

remind me of a manga titled "galge no sekai yo youkoso"
well.. I'll satisfy myself with my own imagination anyway..
i think you're not the only one...

but a serious love story isn't matched up with harem route because it can ruin the whole plot... im saying this because im also a story writer... it's a different case if the story had were focused on love comedy with some hilarious story in it..... OR.... it's a serious story with immoral issues like incest,rape etc etc...

well.... maybe some were released as "IF" route but it still never ended up good for fans

Now I'm coming to understand why I don't see harem route in many of the games that I've played thus far...
It's a bit long though

It wasn't that long. Don't worry.
So here's what I think. Alice loves Jabberwock a lot, but one day, Jabberwock stopped looking at her and then started looking at other girls. I think this refers to when he somehow used Majokoi Nikki as a "storyteller" to "show people dreams." So Alice was left alone and she couldn't stand the pain and also used Majokoi Nikki as a "reader." She fantasized herself to be the girls in the "stories"--girls who Jabberwock loves. There's that slightly long talk between them which I wouldn't go into, but anyway, Alice suddenly remembers what a magician told them once. "To create an eternal clocktower, she herself must be a cogwheel." I think you're right that she "kills" him. She's like a yandere and couldn't let Jabberwock walk away anymore, and she apologizes for it. Jabberwock accepts her "love" even if he cannot love her back anymore; he is prepared to be with her for eternity. He urges Alice to also become a "storyteller" and create a world as she wishes it to be. Let her "story" become a "dragon" whose roar will shake the heavens.

I wouldn't go into what the terms storyteller, reader, clocktower, etc. mean to me. Frankly speaking, they are also vague to me and I only understand them by intuition as I played the game.
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It wasn't that long. Don't worry.

I wouldn't go into what the terms storyteller, reader, clocktower, etc. mean to me. Frankly speaking, they are also vague to me and I only understand them by intuition as I played the game.

Woah thanks man! Now its time to put majo koi aside and read some sakusaku
well... im happy there's moar noel... and moar ayako!!! banzai for mizuhashi kaori

IKR. But Ayako's route in m&m aint any real solid stuff though, only thing was about the return to knight part, relations came too fast w/o much 'fore-play'.
But anycase, more walkure is more good news
Another thing: Walroma does not exude the "harem" all.

...maybe triangles at most, but the "harem" air just isn't there.
well triangle where in the end the 2 girl compromises is already a harem imo.
I kinda.. dislike when you enter a girl route then the other girl will just poof. gone from the story.
so... simply put... it's an after story for ayako, and 2nd extra story for noel.... [MENTION=77]Terumi[/MENTION] would love to hear this...

expect more after/extra story incoming for the heroine like Akane,Bertille etc since the concept is like Majikoi A
still waiting for Reminiscence Re Collect, Semiramis and Yobai 2
well triangle where in the end the 2 girl compromises is already a harem imo.
I kinda.. dislike when you enter a girl route then the other girl will just poof. gone from the story.

this case, often to happen.... because the lack of experience for the writer in mixing a story/plot. i encountered many of this case, so many that i can't remember! all of them are good in just a good desain characters and good seiyuus.... i guess most of the buyers are tricked that way...
this makes me carefully choose a game these days.... especially for those who started a debut.
[MENTION=7737]Animaksiat[/MENTION]; i believe that's still a common trend even with me being away for quite awhile, cant do much changes to that since you have already 'entered' into an exclusive route for the girl already.
Still waiting on releases for other games, but gonna finish the ones on hand first. :(
[MENTION=7737]Animaksiat[/MENTION]; i believe that's still a common trend even with me being away for quite awhile, cant do much changes to that since you have already 'entered' into an exclusive route for the girl already.
Still waiting on releases for other games, but gonna finish the ones on hand first. :(

that's why im being picky lately... some reknown company sometimes does this too. i guess the market now are prefering to cute desain rather than a good story!
take a good example.... studio ryokucha, with koiiro soramouyou they make a big hit in spring 2010, and a 2nd hit with it's fan disc in autumn 2011...
i was hoping for a big comeback when they released kaneoto in autumn of the next year... but it dissapointed me a big time. the story plot was nothing near the koiiro level. just a plain VN with a plain story that almost totally similar to princess lover.
that's why im being picky lately... some reknown company sometimes does this too. i guess the market now are prefering to cute desain rather than a good story!
take a good example.... studio ryokucha, with koiiro soramouyou they make a big hit in spring 2010, and a 2nd hit with it's fan disc in autumn 2011...
i was hoping for a big comeback when they released kaneoto in autumn of the next year... but it dissapointed me a big time. the story plot was nothing near the koiiro level. just a plain VN with a plain story that almost totally similar to princess lover.

Plain stories are fine as long as cg/art/scenarios are still top, much like I would wanna defend Princess Lover and Seika <3. Being all cute only has never been a straight ok with me. The other girls can 'disappear' when you entered a route, but I would rather see them as supporting casts whom will still be around the protaganist and love interest. I aint so picky (yet; given my stupidly download rate and backlogs), and I still cant say I've moved away from my nukige + procrastination(s) tendecies as of yet.

Never played ryochuka games, i liked one of their previous games artist very much (anapom). No where near remembering much scenario writers like i can for anime directors/scripts etc.
well.. yeah.. it's kinda like the main character and the chosen girl just goes into their own tiny little world with just only their two and the other girl don't consider them "friends" again or some sort..

have you guys read this manga btw?

already has uncertain bad feeling about those kinda story but after reading that manga I know exactly what's missing lol.

then again yeah mix all the plots and there will be a high chance for triangle square or even more sided relationship..
>Surrounded by 4 out of 5 heroines in class.
>Pick the fifth heroine
>Poof! There they go, all of them.

...maybe I'm just easily impressed?

P.S. The "fifth heroine" in question is in my current sig.
Does anyone know where to put a downloaded save file within a vn game? Yumina the ethereal in particular.

Edit; What i mean is I'm having trouble finding where the save folder is located.
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im getting desperate... where are the june games :donefor:
where's reminiscene..... :crushed:

I am getting desperate to finish my current ones.....
Still waiting on reminiscence(too) and P/A, gonna play palette's game too and clear my demonion ii.....
there... just saw it released on nyaa....

many thanks to [MENTION=6343]FlowerTradeWinds[/MENTION] and 2.D.J
there... just saw it released on nyaa....

many thanks to [MENTION=6343]FlowerTradeWinds[/MENTION] and 2.D.J

You probably want to thank the person who leaked the game (really it is our copy) from 9gal (where it is a private release) to girlcelly.
Does anyone know where to put a downloaded save file within a vn game? Yumina the ethereal in particular.

Edit; What i mean is I'm having trouble finding where the save folder is located.
There are three possibilities. I can't remember which one it was, but you'll most likely find it in on of these locations:

To make everything easier: Search - Folder Options - View - Hidden files and folders and there select "Show hidden files, folders and drives" and also deselect "Hide extensions for known file types". Now go to the save file and check out which file type it is and how it's called.

Now the possibilities for the save folder location:

1. Directly in the game folder. Either the save file needs to be copied to the folder where the exe is located or there is a sub folder. (if you already have a save file just search for a file with the same name and file type.)

2. In your Own Documents folder. If it's here then the folder is named like the game or like the developer.

3. C:\Users\*your user*\AppData ... this is a hidden folder, therefore you needed the first step to show them. Just search each sub folder (Local, LocalLow, Roaming) for a folder which looks suspicious. Most likely there are named like the game or the developer (or in this case JAST).
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Everyone here seems to be a fast player eh? and here I am going to play 俺赤
I'm a very slow player...

...partly because I play two (sometimes, even three) games at once...

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