What brought you to like anime?

Ahh well actually *coff*hentai*coff*. lol yeah when i was young i saw a hentai and i really liked the story. So i thought it would be cool to watch one that didn't have so much "adult" themes. So then i watched Elfen Lied, howls moving castle, princess mononoke, and sword of the stranger. And those got me hooked. I never did watch DBZ or Pokemon.
I guess it had to be when i first watched tokyo mew mew and then noein. I liked the animation a lot, and how whacky the stories could be. Then i got into it. That was about 5 years ago
When I was young I used to watch DB, Detective Conan, Digimon, Pokemon, and Yu-Gi-Oh but not regularly. I didn't even know it was called 'anime'. I was just a kid watching cartoons on TV. :D
And of course that hobby died away with time.
What made me start watching anime online, and getting to know everything about it better, was because I watched one of Hayao Miyazaki's anime movies by chance, one followed the other, and then I entered the anime world..again.
I love Hayao Miyazaki's works..
The art style. It was always the art style which intrigued me first - then the story lines and the Japanese cultural references and voice/language.
After school my younger sister was watchin Sailor Moon back then...first i didn´t liked this,but then after SM they aired Ranma 1/2 and slowly with every more episode i watched i started to like it,then love it...then there was also Kamikaze kaito jeannne,Agent Aika,Blue Submarine number 6,also some Gainax anime`s and here we are i become addicted ! soon after that there were lots of other animes : golden boy,lupin the 3rd,Record of lodoss war,Dragonball....after that i started to buy some DB mangas...then i saw BLAME !....Then i began to realize there will be no time...end no money in the future for another hobbies ! since then more then 10 years passed... :)
forgot to mention that i also started to chat on #anime on mirc....greetz to everyone remembering my nick,those were the times !
for me... it's dragonballZ and.. doraemon (lol i dunno if it can even be considered as an anime)
Regularly aired on TV in my country back when I was a kid, so...I guess it's from there.

But now I have quitted anime and go for something else instead...and there will always be people who mistake game for anime.
my sister. she lived in japan when i was really young, so id end up watching doraemon & sailormoon with her.

and my cousins, who used to watch gandum on LASERDISC (even saying that makes me feel old haha).
Believe it or not my mom got me started on Anime LOL, she showed told me about Anime's she watched when she was a kid.
Watching hentai at 2 years old

I originally watched anime as a child but it was one of those things I did because I didn't have anything else to do. I'd say in about 2006 when watched Prince of Tennis was what started my interest in anime as it was the first subbed anime that I watched.

I don't really know how I got into it really. As a kid I used to watch Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh, but I never considered them anime Still don't really

When I got older I started watching anime on adult swim, like Samurai Champloo and Inuyasha, mostly because I found it to be the most interesting thing on TV that time of night. My favorite, and I think the one that really got me interested in anime, was FLCL. It was so awesome, but so short. It left me wanting more.

However, I didn't really get into anime until I got back home from school. Bored and with nothing to do when I got back home from work, I surfed the web a lot and played video games. After playing a new installment of FF (forget which one) it reminded me of anime, so I decided to see if I could watch it online. That's when I discovered Hulu and I started watching the shows I never got to finish on TV, basically Bleach and Naruto.

I never did finish them, no way my short attention span could take sitting through 500+ eps, so I started seeing what else they had. So I watched Soul Eater, and that was that. Prolly seen more than a hundred different anime since, and that was about 2 years ago.

...so ya, that's my story, heh.
...so ya, that's my story, heh.

I'm pretty sure my introduction to anime is really similar to that. Was younger, bored with way too much time on my hands, and then watched the popular shounens airing on Canadian television after school.

The very first animes I watched were Pokemon and Digimon, but that was too long ago for me to remember which I watched first. Probably pokemon. I remember having some of the movies on VHS tapes. Takes me back a bit.
I was in Jr high and saw some OnePiece on TV, and I was like "What is this? Cartoons for adults?" so I watched that for a while, until I found out the manga was a thing, so I dropped the show and started reading some of that. Then I slowly started to find more manga and anime associated with them (next was Trigun :D), until it snowballed a few years later when I realized just how much there actually was available.

Wish I got into it when I was a kid, but then again when I was a kid my parents would probably have banned it as evil (-_-)
I was in Jr high and saw some OnePiece on TV, and I was like "What is this? Cartoons for adults?" so I watched that for a while, until I found out the manga was a thing, so I dropped the show and started reading some of that. Then I slowly started to find more manga and anime associated with them (next was Trigun :D), until it snowballed a few years later when I realized just how much there actually was available.

Wish I got into it when I was a kid, but then again when I was a kid my parents would probably have banned it as evil (-_-)

I'm not a kid anymore, but my dad still thinks anime is evil, probably because he found my hentai collection when I was a teenager LOL.
I'm not a kid anymore, but my dad still thinks anime is evil, probably because he found my hentai collection when I was a teenager LOL.

Well yeah I would get into some serious questioning if something like that were to occur. That is why I play it safe.
Hate to admit it, but really the dub version of Sailor Moon and Card Captor Sakura. At the time they were the closest things to adventure on animated television, don't judge me!
I was sitting in class one day and my buddy showed me an amv with some scene's of black lagoon and fell in love with anime since
First was Princess Mononoke princess_mononoke_by_travzero.jpgwhen I was 4 and Sprited Away 941703_540813752632721_885698705_n.jpg same year then Pokemon and Digimon. Didn't watch much anime until I came across Zero no Tsukaima while looking for romantic shows ( now I sound gay :XD::laughpanda: ).
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I like this Question! im pretty sure i haven't answered if i have i'm sorry :3
But yeah i was raised watching anime :L
The life! what really got me into it though was Yu-Gi-Oh
Everyone in my school back in the day all loved yu-gi-oh as well and we all had our own decks and we wouldn't even battle mainly cause we didn't know how to >.> but we would trade and show off our cards alot :P
The lowly Ecchi scene.

Now it's the level of fantasy in fiction... that includes crazy OTT action sequences and crazy imagination of ideas.

But since day 1, what keeps me watching anime is my appreciation for voice actors creating a likeable character that strengthens and doesn't deviate far from their appearance or archetype.
i like the drawing style and the japanese voices characters in anime have, and i think that higurashi no naku koro ni the anime was the got me into watching animes but i coud also be elfen lied

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