What do you hate about the world?

I am evil... :evillaugh:

I hate JB sounds (i don't consider it music)
JB is best thing that happened to music in like 20 years.

I hate having to go to school
Well u know who Jack Black is right?

I hate New World Order
Money is what "they" want you to believe makes the world go round

I hate the person that started capitalism
Hmm is capitalism that bad? :goodtea: It didnt quite turn out how the creators wanted though :/ Same could be said about communism and everything...
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not really, but it is the root if we trace corruption to waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back. I read somewhere that truth of capitalism is to literally to capitalize or take advantage i.e. the use of money (something that has no real practical value) in exchange for an item such as food, clothing, etc. whose value in cumulative should equal a person's life. :goodtea:

I hate getting touched. :lmao:
Hmm still better than certain systems... though money did have value when it was gold or silver based :goodtea:
Well, Marx talked about capitalism. Money is not something with no value, it's the materialization of the effort and the time the worker spent on doing his job.

I hate slow internet connections.
back then gold and silver were only good for jewelry and weapons. I long for the time when people work in farms and share food, a time when trade wasn't even necessary.

I hate what society has become

*I'm going to stop b******* about capitalism now. I might get another infraction. :lmao:
by elegant sports you mean figure skating, gymnastics and synchronized swimming?

I hate booze
I hate booze too.
By elegant sports i mean everything that has deep roots in history.
Hmm pranks if its pulled on meh ;p Also dislike when people arent happy so yeahhh... maybe if they would laugh along~
those are some of the few sports I consider as actually worthwhile and practical.

i hate sunlight

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