What do you hate about the world?

No no...haven't you played Darksiders before? With no evil people, there won't be good people. In fact, all the things we hate here are necessary for the existence of the things we love. The universe is harmony.
yes I believe so. everything must be balanced for the world to continue existing
Actually this discussion will lead us to theological questions that i prefer avoiding. Because if evil is necessary for the world, it means that god is permitting it. But in the same time, we are punished for comitting it...
:lmao: God is both good and evil! :laughpanda: that is what I have concluded
Yup. But this kinda against some religions. And why should god punish us for something that is necessary for the world?
religions? well they're free to believe in whatever they want. punishment is delivered by the people not by god this is due to moral code. if you're talking about poverty, accidents, etc, that is because death and happiness must also be in balance.
You are right. I'm just saying that some people are so stuborn that they don't want to see the truth.
i hate it when people are so set in their ways, they ignore/dont believe anything else
people that are like that are very rare but they are abundant in the anime community. :thumbup:
Hmm are they? xD I dont really see evil as necessary~ If there was only good then it would just be something that everyone did and another law of sorts like gravity which people wont have a name for despite the fact that it exists~ There being evil just makes it more obvious that good exists~ But then again... evil is a very vague word... needs stuff to define it xD
hmmmmmmmmmm I'd say that between good/evil is the choice of free will. Because if we only had one or the other, we're basically toys/robots of a higher being. Without that choice, that would render the love as not true. True love cannot be forced, so we need the ability to choose to love. Just because people on earth act one way, it doesn't mean it applies to another person.
Kinda like how if one person likes something, it doesn't mean all people like that. (we're different people you know~)
Also, a higher being is very abstract since they're typically defined as eternal/unlimited, etc. People try to define them in their own perspectives which is pretty much corrupted. (such as thinking everything has a beginning and end, whereas something eternal does not. Not able to know what is perfect, since we ourselves are not perfect)

Did you know that if several people see the same event, all of them can remember it incorrectly? People remember things that never happened, or it'll be distorted. Regardless, the majority of this did not come from nowhere imo.
Not every question about something/someone infinite can be answered. So we can only use what we have and go from there. (makes sense right? x-x)
what if the world we live in is a grey area and there are two other dimensions that follow only the red or white laws separately?
Hmm those worlds wouldnt last long~

Choice... yeah i suppose its about that... so easy to influence people into remembering wrongly...
Hmm those worlds wouldnt last long~

Choice... yeah i suppose its about that... so easy to influence people into remembering wrongly...

that's because truth is relative. There are no actual truths only a set of information agreed upon.

an example is in the anime Another, if an entire class agrees that one person in that class does not exist, it is accepted as a truth, but outside the class it is rendered as a lie.

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