No, nothing about a closet here, but like I said, you ppl are the only ones who know and understand. I can't rly think of anyone else irl that has the same understanding/and shares the interest.
Yeah its, a bit lonely indeed. Friends like that is awesome :) And I my self love fellow crazy otaku's and generally all you ppl who are a bit "weirdos" haha. 'Weirdos' as in UNIQUE, and not afraid to be so ! (do not mean to imply 'has to be shown to everybody' but in your own heart and mind at least)
I myself is actually incredible grateful for not being just a clone of everybody else, and sayings like: 'you have to be more normal, more like most ppl' is just repugnant too me. I mean, lol why would I want that, thats not strength nor beauty.
It takes more character to be something unique after all, despite all resistance and norms. I keep saying/or thinking, almost a bit discriminatory lols, but its almost become sort of a proverb to me now that: being just like everybody else, is an insult to me. Those who think that it would be a compliment I think don't see some deeper values or perhaps are not so familiar with what the majority consists of, if only most ppl/majority would actually be something worth praising, then perhaps it wouldn't be so bad. But I think we know that the majority is not something to brag about. So thats why.^^ So who would wanna be a narrow minded, closed minded, sheeple that don't have the guts to expand yourself and grow as a person but rather just confirm to the masses ? any volunteers ?
p.s. No offense if anyone would actually prefer to do so though, If I myself would want too I would, just without shaking my head at all the "weirdos" who choose not too. umh, this is going to turn into a long post if I where to actually try and explain everything, I'll just quit here :P even though a lot more could be said. OKi just this more, I don't mean to judge anyone who choose whatever, except those that choose that other route and points fingers at the ones who don't. (the "normal" ppl who thinks as if there's something wrong with you bc your not like them, the majority) Voila.