What game are you currently playing?

Terraria. Gotten some endgame equipment, contained the corruption, beaten almost all bosses...think I'll be done soon.
XCOM:EU. Finally got my desktop fixed, so I'm itching for some alien blasting. :evillaugh:
Game Log: League of Legends. Kids staying up late and getting pulled out by parents. Honestly I think the parents is in the right and they shouldn't be online. Especially if there is a agreed sleeping curfew. Climbing the tiers again this time just admitting the role I need to play well with.

Now playing the following with others as testing (which is not currently not listed):
- OjyoNana (お嬢様はご機嫌ナナメ) [1.5 Route to go]
- Motesugi (モテすぎて修羅場なオレ) [1 Route, 1.5 Memories to go]
- [August] 大図書館の羊飼い [Completed 1 Route, now on Tamano Sakuraba]
- [WendyBell] エッチから恋を引いても、友達にさえなれない [Functioning]
- [Circus] Da Capo III X-Rated [Rika Route, now at the 3rd Arc of her route]
- [Yuzusoft] Dracu-Riot! [Miu Route, 1/5 in her Arc]
- [ま~まれぇど] 恋色マリアージュ [Finishing of Rinastasia Route Extra. 3 More routes to go.]
- [Navel] 月に寄りそう乙女の作法 [Complete Luna, Mizuho and Ursule=Fluer=Jeanmire Route. Now on Minato Route.]
- [Moonstone] Princess Evangile [Probably going to finish up Ristuko Route first.]
- [Yuzusoft] Noble Works [Completing 灯里 (Akari) route.

Online and Offline Games Include the following:
- Elsword [Dimension Witch: 48, Elemental Master: 20, Void Princess: 10, Grand Archer: 17. Going to take a while to get to level 50. orz]
- League of Legends [Back to where I started. Funny.]
- Shogun 2 [Playing on Very Hard Mode. Currently making a samurai only army that will wipe any forces off the field. Naturally I'm using different units to achieve different objectives within the battle field.]
- Tales of Abyss [Onwards to the deaths of thousands in that mine. Luke baka!!!]
- Touhou 06 ~ The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil [Got past 3rd Stage Boss. It was a one sided slaughter... Stage 4 with no life. Good job.]
- Rune Factory 3 [Going to just Rush and finish the game. Probably going to OHKO the final boss anyway.]
- The Last Remnant [Almost at the Battle of Eagles]
Just started:
(They're both going to suck up most of my time/life with the battles, leveling up and fusing)
Persona 4 Golden
Shin Megami Tensei IV

Otome/VN games:
(When I get exhausted/frustrated with the battling and fusing with the above games, I play something a little more easy going :P)
Meiji Tokyo Renka
Exorcism of Maria CE

Also, trying to decide if I want to purchase Pokemon X or Y(?)...:confused:
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Here I thought I'd finally get around to playing those VNs...then I got lucky and won Civilization 5 on Steamgifts...
Now playing World of Warplanes and Walkure Romanze...at the same time...need to wrap the latter up so I can move on to the next...
...and off the PC, Gundam Assault Survive on PSP...so many combination, so little time...
Still on my first Marathon game of Civ 5. Having riflemen in 720 AD is entertaining. :laughpanda:
I have my PSVITA loaded with games now here's my list.

Soul Sacrifice
Persona 4 Golden
Unit 13
CoD: Declassified
Dead or Alive 5+
Assassins Creed III: Liberation
Muramasa Rebirth
Dragon's Crown
Ragnarok Odyssey

PS1 Classic:

PSP Classic:
Valhalla Knights 1
Turn 614, 1438 AD. Still going strong, now with most of Asia under my belt and the Manhattan Project in Hiroshima. :goodtea:
I have my PSVITA loaded with games now here's my list.

Soul Sacrifice
Persona 4 Golden
Unit 13
CoD: Declassified
Dead or Alive 5+
Assassins Creed III: Liberation
Muramasa Rebirth
Dragon's Crown
Ragnarok Odyssey

PS1 Classic:

PSP Classic:
Valhalla Knights 1

Sounds like my PS Vita list! Just so you know the cross play option for Dragons Crown is available now, so you can download it for free on the PS3 as well. I got the Assassin's Creed limited edition Vita Bundle.
[MENTION=71375]AntaBaka[/MENTION]; I don't really like Street Fighter X Tekken online, that game I prefer to play offline.
im not too fussed at the moment... its great because i can use my 2 best players (sakura & jack) for the first time ever! lol
A mini eroge for android, Sugar's Delight. I hope to find more titles like this one. Haha. One of the most decently made mini eroges for android. I hope they are going to make a full version of this. Hahaha.

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