What game are you currently playing?

currently playing snow sakura, good in terms of a romcom eroge, not too impressed with the art thus far though, will keep playing in hopes the story makes up for it.

wahh... i went full kenji :(

have to start over
Moved on to MML...and I'll start to torment myself...

Katawa shoujo
Battle for Middleearth 2 (one of my all time favourites...)
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix
Star Trek Elite Force 2 and Star Trek Bridge Commander (Kobayashi Maru mod) :cheering:
Pokemon X and Y... giving a whole new meaning to pimping.

/me is currently thinking about buying a PS Vita just to play Atelier Totori Plus: The Adventurer of Arland.

I love/hate that game! I love the characters, and the alchemy part of the game, but I hate that the game is time based, and you have a time limit to finish the game which makes you constantly feel rushed, and not being able to explore the world as much as you would like.
I continue to respect your ability to tackle such a variety of stuff. :dthumbup:

Well... sometimes I have time on the PC. Other times I'm on a handheld console so basically I'm all over the place.


Game Log: So on Elsword, I finally got my entire costume for Halloween on the very last day. Kind of happy but it's only there for another 20 days... sadness. Level 52 Dimension Witch finally at B rank. Feels like a great achievement for someone who haven't ever got close to the level cap for Elsword before. Meanwhile at League of Legends, I learned that I shouldn't even bother with rank anymore. The players are extreme smurfs or extremely difficult to deal with. On the bright side, I'm completely fine where I am. May not be the best but I was better now than 4 years ago.

Nobless of Rouge, I'm getting through it slowly. Going through each scene. Pretty interesting I have to say. Rune Factory 3, I'm going through all the main requests before ending the game. Summer coming to a end and Fall going kick in two days. Still on the first year.

Now playing the following with others as testing (which is not currently not listed):
- OjyoNana (お嬢様はご機嫌ナナメ) [1.5 Route to go]
- Motesugi (モテすぎて修羅場なオレ) [1 Route, 1.5 Memories to go]
- [August] 大図書館の羊飼い [Completed 1 Route, now on Tamano Sakuraba]
- [WendyBell] エッチから恋を引いても、友達にさえなれない [Functioning]
- [Circus] Da Capo III X-Rated [Rika Route, now at the 3rd Arc of her route]
- [Yuzusoft] Dracu-Riot! [Miu Route, 1/5 in her Arc]
- [ま~まれぇど] 恋色マリアージュ [Finishing of Rinastasia Route Extra. 3 More routes to go.]
- [Navel] 月に寄りそう乙女の作法 [Complete Luna, Mizuho and Ursule=Fluer=Jeanmire Route. Now on Minato Route.]
- [Moonstone] Princess Evangile [Probably going to finish up Ristuko Route first.]
- [Yuzusoft] Noble Works [Completing 灯里 (Akari) route.]
- [Chuablesoft] ノブレスオブルージュ - Noblesse of Rouge [Probably going to Porthos Route.]

Online and Offline Games Include the following:
- Elsword [Dimension Witch: 52, Elemental Master: 22, Void Princess: 12, Grand Archer: 20, Night Watcher: 16, Rena: 8. Finally got 2011 Set B Costume for Aisha. It was pretty good set comparing to the other ones that was offered for free. Didn't know what it was till I had it complete assembled.]
- League of Legends [Barely climbing... then again I only play two ranked game per day. What do I expect.]
- Shogun 2 [Playing on Very Hard Mode. Currently making a samurai only army that will wipe any forces off the field. Naturally I'm using different units to achieve different objectives within the battle field.]
- Tales of Abyss [Onwards to the deaths of thousands in that mine. Luke baka!!!]
- Touhou 06 ~ The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil [Got past 3rd Stage Boss. It was a one sided slaughter... Stage 4 with no life. Good job.]
- Rune Factory 3 [Almost finished.]
- The Last Remnant [Almost at the Battle of Eagles]
[MENTION=27120]DavRoc777[/MENTION]; Do you know when the DLC characters for Muramasa Rebirth will be released? It's been like 4 months since the game was released.
[MENTION=27120]DavRoc777[/MENTION]; Do you know when the DLC characters for Muramasa Rebirth will be released? It's been like 4 months since the game was released.

id say it would be around the holiday period (as its only just had a full world-wide release)
id say it would be around the holiday period (as its only just had a full world-wide release)

Cool, I hope so, I want another reason to start playing that game again. Do you have it?
currently playing snow sakura, good in terms of a romcom eroge, not too impressed with the art thus far though, will keep playing in hopes the story makes up for it.

Is it the same Snow Sakura that I'm thinking of... does it have the guy that lives with his blonde cousin in the snowy village? And he meets 4 other potential girls where one is the main heroine that was filmed on the camera, her older sister which was a high school teacher, a Majong addict Shrine Maiden and her best friend who films her everyday life? I've complete that erogame ages ago and it was okay when it was released. Can't say it was the best but the CG and music felt like it suited the mood of the game.


Game Log: League of Legends, just took first buff and ranked a bit upwards... by 5 elo due to 2 losses and 1 win. I think. Elsword on the other hand was the following: Got spare set of top and bottom costumes for the 2011 B set for Aisha. And made 2 permanent accessories for the other two lower Aisha characters. Wasted 6 Revive stones to complete the third part of the Henir run due to two people disconnecting. I only have one guild member with me who barely was able to take down the two Feita Bosses that basically killed us 10 times over.

Nobless of Rouge is advancing... a bit slowly. Same for Rune Factory 3.

Now playing the following with others as testing (which is not currently not listed):
- OjyoNana (お嬢様はご機嫌ナナメ) [1.5 Route to go]
- Motesugi (モテすぎて修羅場なオレ) [1 Route, 1.5 Memories to go]
- [August] 大図書館の羊飼い [Completed 1 Route, now on Tamano Sakuraba]
- [WendyBell] エッチから恋を引いても、友達にさえなれない [Functioning]
- [Circus] Da Capo III X-Rated [Rika Route, now at the 3rd Arc of her route]
- [Yuzusoft] Dracu-Riot! [Miu Route, 1/5 in her Arc]
- [ま~まれぇど] 恋色マリアージュ [Finishing of Rinastasia Route Extra. 3 More routes to go.]
- [Navel] 月に寄りそう乙女の作法 [Complete Luna, Mizuho and Ursule=Fluer=Jeanmire Route. Now on Minato Route.]
- [Moonstone] Princess Evangile [Probably going to finish up Ristuko Route first.]
- [Yuzusoft] Noble Works [Completing 灯里 (Akari) route.]
- [Chuablesoft] ノブレスオブルージュ - Noblesse of Rouge [Probably going to Porthos Route.]

Online and Offline Games Include the following:
- Elsword [Dimension Witch: 51, Elemental Master: 24, Void Princess: 24, Grand Archer: 20, Night Watcher: 16, Rena: 8. Got spare set of top and bottom costumes for the 2011 B set for Aisha. And made 2 permanent accessories for the other two lower Aisha characters. Wasted 6 Revive stones to complete the third part of the Henir run due to two people disconnecting. I only have one guild member with me who barely was able to take down the two Feita Bosses that basically killed us 10 times over.]
- League of Legends [Barely nudging upwards in the ranked tiers.]
- Shogun 2 [Playing on Very Hard Mode. Currently making a samurai only army that will wipe any forces off the field. Naturally I'm using different units to achieve different objectives within the battle field.]
- Tales of Abyss [Onwards to the deaths of thousands in that mine. Luke baka!!!]
- Touhou 06 ~ The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil [Got past 3rd Stage Boss. It was a one sided slaughter... Stage 4 with no life. Good job.]
- Rune Factory 3 [Almost finished.]
- The Last Remnant [Almost at the Battle of Eagles]
^ yup, thats the exact game ha. ( and in hindesight it did become a bit better)

Cool, I hope so, I want another reason to start playing that game again. Do you have it?

will be buying it next month (going to wait till my exams are over, otherwise study will go out the window :P)
[MENTION=71375]AntaBaka[/MENTION]; I had my exams last week :cramming: I'm studying world history. What is your PSN ID? I will add you. BTW, my sig, and avi is Momohime from Muramasa
[MENTION=71375]AntaBaka[/MENTION]; Cool, thanks. I'm about to add you on my Vita so I won't forget.
I just cleared Steins;Gate on PC and Fire Emblem: Awakening on 3DS.
Now moving onto Etrian Odyssey IV.
I'd love to play Muramasa Rebirth but since it's a PSStore only release, I need to get a PSN Card first.

Currently Playing:
Dot Karesh 2 - Tenkuu no Kiss
Diamond no Kuni no Alice - Wonderfull Mirror World
Tales of Innocence F
Dragons Crown
and of course
Pokemon X

we also have a Mario Kart Tournament going on at school, where we start from the Wii one and go back until the SNES one. The Finals will be played with Mario Kart for the WiiU, which we will get from Nintendo Europe just for this :D Everyone is training together right now.
I'd love to play Muramasa Rebirth but since it's a PSStore only release, I need to get a PSN Card first.

Currently Playing:
Dot Karesh 2 - Tenkuu no Kiss
Diamond no Kuni no Alice - Wonderfull Mirror World
Tales of Innocence F
Dragons Crown
and of course
Pokemon X

we also have a Mario Kart Tournament going on at school, where we start from the Wii one and go back until the SNES one. The Finals will be played with Mario Kart for the WiiU, which we will get from Nintendo Europe just for this :D Everyone is training together right now.

You can also buy a retail version of Muramasa (They have it here in the U.S., I don't know about Germany, but since the Vita isn't region locked you can import a U.S. copy from Amazon) I have Dragon's Crown and Pokemon X also, and playing Tales of Xillia
You can also buy a retail version of Muramasa (They have it here in the U.S., I don't know about Germany, but since the Vita isn't region locked you can import a U.S. copy from Amazon) I have Dragon's Crown and Pokemon X also, and playing Tales of Xillia

The thing is, if I buy the US Version, I won't be able to get the DLC, when it comes out. Getting a EU PSN card isn't hard, I just need some free time. :3 Getting a US PSN card would be harder and more expensive.

I got my Pokemon 3 weeks before release as a download code. It's great when the best friend is a games journalist. I get a lot of stuff before release but am not allowed to talk about it and spoiler the world because of the damn NDAs XD

Oh region locks... why is the damn 3DS regionlocked... so many good games which will never get localized...

TOX wasn't that good, really... I prefer Graces. (I won't start talking about the older games XD)
The thing is, if I buy the US Version, I won't be able to get the DLC, when it comes out. Getting a EU PSN card isn't hard, I just need some free time. :3 Getting a US PSN card would be harder and more expensive.

I got my Pokemon 3 weeks before release as a download code. It's great when the best friend is a games journalist. I get a lot of stuff before release but am not allowed to talk about it and spoiler the world because of the damn NDAs XD

Oh region locks... why is the damn 3DS regionlocked... so many good games which will never get localized...

TOX wasn't that good, really... I prefer Graces. (I won't start talking about the older games XD)

Yeah if you wanted the DLC for the US version you would have to create a US PSN account to do that, and you would have to buy US PSN Cards, you can get them here off of Amazon, they will send you a code via email http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B004RMK4P8/ref=nosim/6553221-rg1864-00-20

I haven't played Graces yet, is it good? I want to get the Tales of Symphonia HD remakes. Lucky you that you got Pokemon X so early! Yeah, sucks that the 3DS is region locked. BTW, I used to live in Germany.
[MENTION=27120]DavRoc777[/MENTION]; Do you know when the DLC characters for Muramasa Rebirth will be released? It's been like 4 months since the game was released.

No I do not I'm waiting on them as well I'll look it up if you need me to.
Yeah if you wanted the DLC for the US version you would have to create a US PSN account to do that, and you would have to buy US PSN Cards, you can get them here off of Amazon, they will send you a code via email http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B004RMK4P8/ref=nosim/6553221-rg1864-00-20

I haven't played Graces yet, is it good? I want to get the Tales of Symphonia HD remakes. Lucky you that you got Pokemon X so early! Yeah, sucks that the 3DS is region locked. BTW, I used to live in Germany.

Cool, thanks for the link! A lot of games don't even come out in Europe even though the localisation work is already done. While Sony is pretty cool about that and has no problems releasing games in English over here, Big N is being an ass because of their "we need to translate this game into 6 languages and who cares that most people still play in English? If this game won't be a big seller, we don't want it over here!" ... can't even start to count the amount of games which didn't make it over here because of such a petty reason. Pokemon Conquest, for example!

Graces was pretty awesome, I really liked the characters and their relationships. W/o spoilers but Asbel and Sophie are so cute together in a not-couple-way!! As for ToX... the main cast wasn't bad... except for Jude and Milla. They were the main reason I didn't start a 2nd playthrough. Somehow I just can't... stand them. But that's my personal taste, of course.

The Symphonia Remakes will be awesome, for sure! Zelos go! Zelos go! And ToS2 was a big eyeopener - what, Lloyd has a brain after all?! No way! O_O

oh cool, may I ask where in Germany? I live in Frankfurt am Main, pretty much in the central of the country.
[MENTION=73007]Langesha[/MENTION]; I used to live in Augsburg, and Darmstadt, when I was growing up my dad was in the U.S. Army so we lived on the military bases in Germany, I miss the Kinder Eggs, and Mezzo Mix! They don't have those in the U.S., and the German Fanta, because the U.S. Fanta is really nasty :deadsad: I have been to Frankfurt, I love it there, I was in a German hospital in Frankfurt when I had salmonella poisoning.

I have Pokemon Conquest, it's good, but way to easy, I didn't lose a single battle. DS games are not region locked, so imported DS games still work on a 3DS. Yeah I heard about how Nintendo never releases any games in Europe, I guess they don't like making money.

I didn't like Milla's voice actress, she did a terrible job with that character. I still haven't beat the game yet. What is your PSN ID? I will add you to my friends list.

[MENTION=27120]DavRoc777[/MENTION]; Yeah if you can try to find out I would appreciate it, I tried looking everywhere online, but no ones when the DLC is coming out.
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Did you try mixing the nasty Fanta with Coke in different amounts? It might work. That or Mirinda... it might work work. Spezi (or Mezzo Mix) is one of the most epic things Germans ever invented. That and Apfelschorle.

Darmstadt, really? cool. That city is very nice, I go there more often than not. For some reason they have shops there the bigger Frankfurt hasn't. But ugh, salmonella... cheap sushi? ;)

That was the main reason I got myself a british version of the game. But I never started it. At least easy is better than too hard, where you have to retry 10 times and rely on luck to get it right. Easy games are always finished faster... but Nintendo can also be an ass on your side as well. Remember the story with Xenoblade, Last Story and Pandoras Tower? We got it and you didn't. Which was just... plain odd.

And the new regionlock for the 3DS is just annoying, I'm close to buying a japanese 3DS, because it is so outraging. At least Ace Attourney 5 and Professor Layton VS Ace Attourney are finally coming out here, otherwise I would have already gotten one.

The ID is Langesha, just like the name here. :)

Yeah, Millas VA could be better. The japanese voice is better, but no voice will save us from her personality.
[MENTION=73007]Langesha[/MENTION]; Yeah I have tried mixing them actually, but it's still not the same. I loved Spezi also, but I think I liked Mezzo Mix a little better, they should bring those to the U.S., along with Kinder Eggs (Kinder Eggs are banned in the U.S. believe it or not) I also miss Doner Kebabs, they actually don't have those here either, they have gyro's here, but they are different from the Doner Kebabs I had in Germany. I also haven't had Schnitzel since I lived in Germany, those were so good :deadsad:

I actually liked Augsburg better then Darmstadt, but Darmstadt was still a really nice city. I think I just liked Augsburg's downtown better then Darmstadt's downtown because it had a lot of history from European culture. Also Augsburg was a lot closer to Munich, and I loved going there. The U.S. Military base in Darmstadt wasn't that big, so we didn't have a American High School there, because of that we had to take a bus ride to the American High School in Wiesbaden everyday. Wiesbaden was really nice also. I miss so much from Germany, I would like to go back one day, I still talk to some of my German friends on Facebook, and PS3/360. My German was never good though, I knew enough to ask for directions, order something to eat, ask how much something cost, or what time it was, but not much more then that, I usually had my friends translate for me when I went downtown. I also miss the German bakeries with fresh baked bread, and croissants, and slices of German Cake. I loved going to the German festivals as well. So much about that country to love! Yeah, I hated having salmonella, the doctor's said they believed I got it from my little brother's pet turtles since they carry bacteria, and disease. Almost forgot, no Mirinda in the U.S. either, or Apfelschorle.

Actually we finally ended up getting all 3 of those games, about 1 year after Europe. Xenoblade Chronicles is impossible to find in the U.S. if you didn't pre-order it since it was a limited release. I have Xenoblade, and Last Story for my Wii. The DS wasn't region locked, so I don't know why they region locked the 3DS, makes no sense to me. Ace Attorney 5 is out here but I haven't bought it yet, been busy with my college homework. I will add you to my PSN, my PSN name is dangarriga. What is your 3DS Friend Code? Also, U.S. Fanta, and U.S. Coke taste different from the German versions so mixing them doesn't have the same effect.
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